The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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2/22/2006 Troy_Costisick: Website Help (part 1)
Heya, I need to upload a pdf file to a website I own.  I have a FTP client software.  I just can't make the two talk to each other.  What…
In Connections
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Joshua BishopRoby, Wolfen, Eero Tuovinen.

2/21/2006 jburneko: [OrcCon][Capes] Eight People!
Hello, This is the second actual play post from my experiences at OrcCon this weekend.  I ran a session of Capes.  When I originally sent in the event I capped…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Joshua BishopRoby, Hans, Sydney Freedberg, TonyLB, epweissengruber.

2/21/2006 cdr: [DitV] Why I like Tower Creek so much
[quote author=lumpley link=topic=18813.msg197855#msg197855 date=1140536860] Why Tower Creek? I think it's awesome that you've played the town so many times [...] what do you dig about that one in particular? [/quote]…
In lumpley games
Participants: cdr, pedyo, lumpley, Technocrat13, ffilz, IMAGinES.

2/21/2006 two_fishes: [DitV] Tower Creek at Pandemonium
I ran Tower Creek at the Pandemonium con in Toronto last weekend Way too many people showed up to play and we ended up splitting some off to play an…
In Actual Play
Participants: two_fishes, Ned, Adam Dray.

2/21/2006 inthisstyle: [Fifth World] Pools Again
I am reading the second edition rules for TSoY for the first time (I know, it's been out for months), and I am very impressed and pleased. They match up…
In Galileo Games
Participants: inthisstyle.

2/21/2006 Joshua BishopRoby: [OrcCon] After Action Report
So Paul Tevis and Jesse Burneko and I went on down to OrcCon in LA this past weekend to run a few indie games and hold down a table in…
In Conventions
Participants: Joshua BishopRoby, jburneko, ptevis, inthisstyle.

2/21/2006 jburneko: [OrcCon][Sorcerer] Winter of Discontent
Hello Everyone, So this weekend was OrcCon here in L.A. and it was the first con I've attended here in about three to four years.  I got to meet Paul…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Joshua BishopRoby.

2/21/2006 talysman: BW website broken?
I just tried using both Firefox and Internet Explorer to access the Burning Wheel site, and it seems that most of the dynamic (PHP) pages return just a blank page.…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: talysman, rafial, abzu, Thor Olavsrud, Iskander.

2/21/2006 Emily Care: game bling
Hello all, I've been noticing more online stores with game related products cropping up. I mean t-shirts, hats etc. Joshua just put a site up for glyphpress. (go J!) Fan…
In Publishing
Participants: Emily Care, Czar Fnord, Blankshield, Andrew Morris, jasonm, Sydney Freedberg, talesien, abzu, inthisstyle, Clay, nikola.

2/21/2006 Emily Care: Breaking the Ice among the Pyramids
My thanks to Matthew Pook for reviewing Breaking the Ice.  His review was published in the Feb. 17 edition of <a href="">Pyramid Magazine</a>. I'm very curious to see what the…
In Black and Green Games
Participants: Emily Care.

2/21/2006 JMendes: [Project Senate] Need feedback on GM guidelines
Hey, all, :) As noted in the central thread, version 4 of the game design document for Project Senate has been posted here. This version now includes Game Master Guidelines.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: JMendes, Troy_Costisick.

2/21/2006 Alephnul: Modern morality and Dogs
I am just starting out my first game of Dogs, and I'm interested in doing it short campaign style (I am totally coming from the perspective of multi-year games, so…
In lumpley games
Participants: Alephnul, Calithena, Vaxalon, nikola, Valamir, Sydney Freedberg.

2/21/2006 Alephnul: Backstory and False Doctrine: How the Ancients have fallen
This comes out of some <a href="">discussion</a> with Vincent in his open house thread at Anyway, but is mostly my own weirdness. I don't think I am actually going to…
In lumpley games
Participants: Alephnul, Emily Care, cdr.

2/21/2006 mistercrapdaddy: [Untitled] The power of Gods
Novice game designer here. I'm writing up a new game about the responsibility of power and I need advice for systems relating to Godlike powers.  I'm basically looking for general…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: mistercrapdaddy, Troy_Costisick, Adam Dray, simon_hibbs, Justin Marx, dindenver.

2/21/2006 GreatWolf: [Polaris] Top Gun in the frozen wastes
Here we go again.  We’ve shuffled the player roster a bit, but we’re back in the game.  That’s right.  We’re playing Polaris again!  Indeed I have three sessions to summarize. …
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, Ben Lehman.

2/20/2006 cdr: [TMW] [DitV] DunDraCon 2006 CA: 6 Ronin + 8 Dogs = Fun!
Fun is running Dogs until 1am and waking up at 6am full of energy wishing I could run again right away. DunDraCon 2006 in northern CA was a lot of…
In Actual Play
Participants: cdr, lumpley, talysman, sirogit, EndGame, Ben Lehman, timfire.

2/20/2006 Blake T. Deakin: [On the Run] Power 19
Questions appearing at the end of this post... * * * 1.) What is your game about? My game is about convicts escaped from a maximum security penitentiary, attempting to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Blake T. Deakin, Andrew Morris, Graham Walmsley, Wolfen, RobNJ, Kevin Allen Jr.

2/20/2006 Czar Fnord: BB code for ordered list?
Anyone know the BB code for an ordered list (i.e. 1, 2, 3; not *, *, *)? I have tried to search the FAQs and the site Help, to no…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Czar Fnord, c, Ron Edwards.

2/20/2006 reaction: [Burn (working title)] - Teamwork and Grief mechanics
Following a suggestion by Marus, I came up with Teamwork and Grief mechanics, basically as follows, At the end of each session where your character fights alongside a teammate, that…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: reaction, Czar Fnord.

2/20/2006 knicknevin: [The Early Hours] Closing the Box
I'm not ready to do a Power 19 on this yet, but here's what's buzzing about in my mind at the moment: What is your game about? It's the early…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: knicknevin, reaction.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

2/22/2006 jburneko: [OrcCon][My Life with Master] Everyone got married so it must have been a comedy
Hello, This is the third and final actual play post from this weekend at OrcCon.  This one had another surprisingly large turn out.  I had a full load of six,…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Sydney Freedberg.

2/22/2006 Nev the Deranged: [MLWM]: Kingdom of the Blind
Managed to get some folks into MLWM last gamenight. We didn't quite get through minion creation, but we did a bang up job on the Master and setting: *** My…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards.

2/22/2006 jburneko: The Supernatural Dial
Hello, I'm very interested in how the supernatural dial generally gets set, in your game, and once set, how it ultimately affects your game.  This weekend I had the opportunity…
In lumpley games
Participants: jburneko, ffilz, cdr, Iskander, Vaxalon, coffeestain, Levi Kornelsen, Supplanter, Ben Lehman, Alephnul, Wolfen, lumpley, ironick.

2/22/2006 Peter Nordstrand: [Sorcerer] Day of Dupes 2
We are playing the Day of Dupes scenario from Sorcerer's Soul. Previous threads: Character Generation, Session 1. Go to our wiki, for complete player character and demon writeups, as well…
In Actual Play
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Jonas Karlsson, Ron Edwards.

2/22/2006 Vaxalon: DC area Forgeites
I'd like to get another Northern Virginia/DC area Forgeite meeting together.
In Conventions
Participants: Vaxalon, Adam Dray, D. Woolsey, Shawn De Arment.

2/22/2006 TonyLB: [PTA] Food, food, food
So we played PTA last night (the penultimate session in our very successful Bountiful season).  But the game, as such, isn't what I want to talk about. Sydney had to…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, jasonm, Eero Tuovinen, Glendower, Sydney Freedberg, jrs, Technocrat13, TheCzech, Noon, Meguey.

2/22/2006 signoftheserpent: CITY - the fight for control
It occurs to me that cities are arguably the best settings for rpg's. It's part of the reason, I believe, the oWoD was so successful. with that in mind I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: signoftheserpent, Adam Dray, Ben Lehman, Certified, anders_larsen, Eric Bennett.

2/22/2006 Levi Kornelsen: [The Pulse] Playtest Kit
Several of my other projects has undergo a kind of recombination, and are becoming a single project. That project is The Pulse. I've got a rough version of the playtest…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, Andrew Morris, Sempiternity, xenopulse.

2/22/2006 Andrew Morris: Flash character generator rocks!
I just noticed that you can switch drives around on the Capes character generator. That was the only thing I thought was lacking, but I realize now that I just…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Andrew Morris.

2/22/2006 clayton_mcfarland: [Canindar: Primordial Saga] A Fresh Power 19
After furthering my developement on this system I have compiled a Power 19, to give people a better feel for my system. <BEGIN> 1.) What is your game about? My…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: clayton_mcfarland, Troy_Costisick.

2/22/2006 Joshua BishopRoby: [Web of Shadows] Rotating GMishness and Judging Address
Okay, so in my current side-project that won't leave me alone, I've run up against an interesting choice. In Web of Shadows, players take turns framing scenes.  The framing player…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Joshua BishopRoby, 1of3, TonyLB, CommonDialog, Noon.

2/23/2006 Emily Care: "most online" spike
Whoa, is it me or did that just double+ today? Wow.
In Site Discussion
Participants: Emily Care, Ron Edwards.

2/23/2006 Eric Bennett: [Mythos] Power 19 and a few questions
Alrighty. Writing is back rolling again, and I've got a stable place to store things. Hence, the development of Mythos begins again. Take a gander at these answers and leave…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Eric Bennett, dindenver.

2/23/2006 mistercrapdaddy: Copyright Issues?
Hey everyone, my name is Sheldon and I'm new to the site. I'm very eager to start discussing my new game ideas here on the Forge.  I've heard excellent things…
In Site Discussion
Participants: mistercrapdaddy, Blankshield, joshua neff.

2/23/2006 sourflower: A few quick questions...
After reading the reviews and play reports PTA sounds like something I could get into. A few questions though... What is the most number of players you would ever play…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: sourflower, Eero Tuovinen, Arturo G., komradebob, John Harper.

2/23/2006 asdfff: Where can I discuss mechanics?
If I'm building a roguelike or trying to enhance the Gamist aspects of my RPG, where can I discuss the proper methods of, say, character advancement, taking inspiration from Diablo…
In Site Discussion
Participants: asdfff, Eero Tuovinen, Tommi Brander, Ben Lehman.

2/23/2006 Ben Lehman: [Polaris] The Unrule
Hey, this is wierd.  Here I am, posting to Indie Game Design about Polaris, a game that has been in print for nearly six months.  What's my deal? Well, I've…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, Kesher, Troy_Costisick, Valamir, Wolfen, Emily Care, cpeterso, Joshua BishopRoby.

2/23/2006 mistercrapdaddy: [Pantheon] General Game Premise
Hey everyone, Sheldon here.  Before I begin, I'd like to thank you all for being so cool to me during my short time here at the Forge.  It's a rough…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: mistercrapdaddy, Sempiternity, WhiteRat, Graham Walmsley, Selene Tan, Halzebier, tygertyger.

2/23/2006 mratomek: Fun with Monster Ruls
Started a new, weekly session of Monster Rules this week, and ran a Big City Heroes game--love the capes and tights. Had a couple of people show up--hope they will…
In Actual Play
Participants: mratomek.

2/23/2006 pfischer: [TSOY] The Shadows and the Light
The Shadow and the Light I have been wanting to play the second edition of TSOY for a while now, and last Saturday I sat down with Joe and Aaron,…
In Actual Play
Participants: pfischer, Joe Murphy (Broin), Clinton R. Nixon.

more subsequent topics >>