Previous Topics 10/23/2006 Frank T: [Spiel Essen] Numbers and impressions Hi everyone!
So, back from Essen. It was a lot of fun and also very exhausting. I am at work right now, so I don’t have time to post extensively.… In Conventions Participants: Frank T, jasonm, Justin D. Jacobson, Eero Tuovinen, Paul Czege, oliof, TheTris, StefanS.
10/23/2006 Gregor Hutton: [It Was A Mutual Decision] Huw and Delphine Tonight we played a game of It Was A Mutual Decision, a game that doesn't get enough AP around here (I found one from Ron here, for comparison). We had… In Actual Play Participants: Gregor Hutton, Shevaun, Ron Edwards, jburneko, Malcolm.
10/22/2006 John A: [tMW] First game... Yesterday a group of us met to play the first half of a game of the Mountain Witch, lasting about 7 hours in all. Myself, Alex F, David, Bjorn and… In Actual Play Participants: John A, timfire.
10/22/2006 Everspinner: [Experimental] The bastard child of Polaris and Shadowrun Some background: Our group has been playing Shadowrun for the longest time (15 years). The latest incarnation is under new management (GM) and is called SRTeens, as we are playing… In Actual Play Participants: Everspinner, Ben Lehman, Steven Stewart.
10/22/2006 andrew_kenrick: [Six Bullets] Making a better bullet I've been tinkering with the rules for conflict resolution in Six Bullets for Vengeance, mostly as a result of the last playtest we did (which is here ).
Over the… In Playtesting Participants: andrew_kenrick.
10/21/2006 Jake Richmond: Theft Is PDF sharing a problem you are concerned about? I wasn't until recently. In the last few weeks sales of the Panty Explosion PDF have dropped from about 3 copies… In Publishing Participants: Jake Richmond, JakeVanDam, Joshua BishopRoby, daMoose_Neo, Wolfen, c, timfire, David Artman, pigames, Yokiboy, Peter_Hollinghurst, Steven Stewart, Ken, Ron Edwards, andrew_kenrick, David C, demiurgeastaroth, GregStolze, greyorm.
10/21/2006 daMoose_Neo: Halloween Upcoming- Anyone doing anything to promote your titles? Last year I did a little something fun: I handed out cards from my dark fantasy game Final Twilights to older trick-or-treaters in my community. Posted about it on the… In Publishing Participants: daMoose_Neo, Jake Richmond, andrew_kenrick.
10/21/2006 jasonm: [Grey Ranks] Incentivizing Play ...which is a fancy way of saying that I'm thinking about bonuses and penalties.
The core mechanic is a die roll that must exceed the current scene number (1 through… In Playtesting Participants: jasonm, Troy_Costisick, Hans.
10/21/2006 Willow: Some More Rules Questions After having actually played the game now:
How much Glory does a PC get for beating an NPC in a simple roll? 1? 1, plus another 1 + NPC's cost… In design Participants: Willow, John Harper.
10/21/2006 Willow: [Agon] First Try Tim, Len, and myself met for a rousing session of killing things (and taking their stuff).
The night started off a little humorously, Tim's computer couldn't be connected to both… In Actual Play Participants: Willow, rafial, John Harper, TJ.
10/20/2006 Zak Arntson: [D&D 3.5] Slaughter in the Plaza Previous plays with this group:
1. Monster fight on the Open Sea!
2. Badger, Goblin, Fight!
Before Play
I discovered a great resource for printing up battle maps called DungeonForge.… In Actual Play Participants: Zak Arntson, Narf the Mouse, r_donato, Noon, Mason, Primordia.
10/20/2006 GreatWolf: New Universalis review...on Boardgamegeek? Weird but true. Here is the link. In Universalis Participants: GreatWolf.
10/20/2006 pells: [Avalanche] - Thoughts on promotion A very late follow-up from this thread, I am now ready to begin the promotion of Avalanche.
At my disposal, I have those tools : an english and a french… In Publishing Participants: pells, Eero Tuovinen.
10/20/2006 Web_Weaver: GM as Facilitator, looking for signposts in the unknown This post falls between Actual Play and First Thoughts. I place it here because primarily I am involved in adaptation of rules, and a radically altered game is likely to… In First Thoughts Participants: Web_Weaver, timfire, TroyLovesRPG.
10/20/2006 Iskander: [TSoY] Harm and success So, Prince Abdul ibn Rahman al'Katab, heir to the Sultanate of the Striped Isles, is this eight-foot tiger guy, and he's in Hell, where he's unwittingly challenged the late Soul… In CRN Games Participants: Iskander, Clinton R. Nixon, Thor Olavsrud.
10/19/2006 timfire: An observation & a thought (AoE & KPfS) I'm not sure where I want this thread to go, but I had an observation from our last playtest and a thought.
During our last playtest---our second actual play session… In Acts of Evil Playtest Board Participants: timfire.
10/19/2006 jasonm: Five players? Hey everybody,
My weekly group wants to go nuts with Agon, but I'm concerned that five players is too many - I've played with three and that seemed perfect. Any… In design Participants: jasonm, demiurgeastaroth, LeSingeSavant, John Harper.
10/19/2006 oliof: [Spiel Essen] The first impressions Hello,
a late night first report from Spiel Essen.
To start with something you all like to hear: We have sold about thirty units, and sold out one game line… In Conventions Participants: oliof, Justin D. Jacobson, inthisstyle, Ron Edwards, ocasta, Ben Lehman, StefanS, Frank T, Matt, Jürgen Mayer, Daniela Nicklas, JasperN., Paul Czege, Eero Tuovinen.
10/19/2006 Melinglor: [PTA] the Penultimate Nightshade Alley This is apparently the week for awesome Actual Play for me. Two days after I had this killer Over the Edge session with my regular group, I played PTA with… In Actual Play Participants: Melinglor, Paul T, hix, Kami-no-Mark, cydmab.
10/19/2006 Hans: [Donjon] Mind Control Hi all:
Here is a quick question; how have you all dealt with people trying out Mind Control type effects. Specifically, when a person makes a casting roll, and has… In CRN Games Participants: Hans, memolith, Markku Tuovinen.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 10/23/2006 Graham Walmsley: Rabbit cartoons I'd like some cartoons of a running rabbit (well, a hare, actually, but the idea's the same). They're for my website, which is at:
As you can see, I've… In Connections Participants: Graham Walmsley, daMoose_Neo.
10/23/2006 GB Steve: Universalis spotted in Forbidden Planet I was browsing in Forbidden Planet on Friday night. It's the largest comic book, DVD and genre fiction outlet in London. They have a selection of RPGs, about 3 IKEA… In Universalis Participants: GB Steve, Salar, Tony Irwin, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Alex Fradera.
10/23/2006 Nephilim: [Wiedergänger] First ideas for a game... Hi there!
I'm one of the Projekt Odyssee authors from Germany and part-time Forge-reader (though not poster). The successful cooperation at the Essen game fair made me think about posting… In First Thoughts Participants: Nephilim, Troy_Costisick, David Artman, dindenver, TroyLovesRPG.
10/23/2006 oliof: [Roach] Rules additions and game handling propositions. Hi,
in some conversations at Spiel Essen I talked to people that played the Roach and complained about it being too random. I gather this is because of some things:… In Bully Pulpit Games Participants: oliof, jasonm.
10/23/2006 Nathan P.: [Carry] NC Gameday AP-ish Jeffrey Collyer, (forlorn1 on these boards) is a fine fellow that I've gamed with at Dreamation and Dex Con. He contacted me a couple of months ago about running carry… In ndp design Participants: Nathan P., Technocrat13.
10/23/2006 Salar: Universalis as creator of worlds Hi all,
I've just bought Universalis and spent my weekend reading through it (instead of working) and I must say I'm really impressed by both its simplicity and it's depth… In Burning Wheel Participants: Salar, fredrikr, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood.
10/23/2006 tonyd: Fun: A Burning Empires Cosmology The other day I was stuck at a coffee shop for an hour with my sketchpad and no book to read, so I made up a little Burning Empires cosmology… In Burning Wheel Participants: tonyd, abzu.
10/24/2006 Tim C Koppang: [Hero's Banner] Gameday 2006 I was recently in Mt Prospect, Illinois for the En World Gameday 2006 -- which I must say was all kinds of fun. During the morning session, I ran an… In Actual Play Participants: Tim C Koppang, WildElf.
10/24/2006 muddlepud: [A Thousand And One Nights] and [InSpectres] Indie Sunday 22/10/06 I'm starting up a regular game day I'm calling Indie Sunday to try our numerous rpgs that Jye and myself brought back from GenCon earlier this year.
This time around… In Actual Play Participants: muddlepud, droog, Emily Care, timfire.
10/24/2006 oliof: [Roach] The Library as A Temple? Today in germany at least, it's the day of the library. On the radio this morning, I heard a report on the IKMZ Cottbus, a new center for information and… In Bully Pulpit Games Participants: oliof, jasonm, Ron Edwards.
10/24/2006 Simon C: Thinking about a Metagame mechanic. So this isn't so much a new game idea as an idea that could be used in otherwise traditional style games, to mix up the game authorship in a way… In First Thoughts Participants: Simon C, Troy_Costisick, crowyhead, Narf the Mouse.
10/24/2006 Malcolm: [Cold City] - Fade To Grey So, character creation was somewhat staggered over a couple of weeks for this game. Some players created their characters when we sat down to discuss stuff a week ago, other… In Actual Play Participants: Malcolm, Shevaun.
10/24/2006 ubergeek2012: [Mortal Coil] A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... Last weekend I ran a one-shot of Mortal Coil for a few of my friends. They’re gamers, but had never played Mortal Coil before. It was my first time running… In Actual Play Participants: ubergeek2012.
10/24/2006 Doyce: Wherefore, other Mortal Coil AP and Theme Documents? Hey all,
Brennan's got a cool sticky up at the top of the forum, collecting some of the AP threads, but I don't think that's all of them (Judd's from… In Galileo Games Participants: Doyce, inthisstyle, cawshis.
10/24/2006 andrew_kenrick: [Dead of Night] Coyote Creek in triplicate [url=]Coyote Creek[/url] is the Dead of Night demo adventure that I’ve run countless times over the past year. I first ran it at Gencon UK, late 2005, and have finally… In Actual Play Participants: andrew_kenrick, Narf the Mouse, Ron Edwards.
10/24/2006 Storn: [PTA] Lions at the Gate ep 4 This last week’s episode, I took pretty extensive notes during play. In a format that I’m just gonna transcribe. To refresh everyone’s memory of the cast, we have:
Producer: Bret… In Actual Play Participants: Storn, Paka, Matt Wilson.
10/24/2006 Mel_White: [Ubercon] “Burning Wheel”
At Ubercon 2006, I had the opportunity to play Burning Wheel for the first time. The game was superb. We played the ‘Inheritance’ scenario, where player character conflict is paramount… In Actual Play Participants: Mel_White.
10/25/2006 Caesar_X: [Touch of Noir] The seedy underbelly I finally got a chance to do a full playtest of the draft rules of 'Touch of Noir' tonight and I got some great information! We broke the rules and… In Playtesting Participants: Caesar_X, cpeterso.
10/25/2006 Filip Luszczyk: Themed roulette sheets Making myself ready for running Fastlane (and I hope to get down to it this week) I've put together some themed roulette sheets, to "soften" the impact of casino imagery… In Twisted Confessions Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Lxndr.
10/25/2006 TonyLB: [Misery Bubblegum] Character before conflict So over on Story Games I had a discussion about the way that conflict structures a character ... more specifically, the pieces of a character which are not dependent upon… In Playtesting Participants: TonyLB, Bill_White, Narf the Mouse, WhiteRat, Danny_K, Dumirik, Steven Stewart.
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