The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

11/2/2006 lokis wrangling: [BtI] The Detective and the Half-Demon
Possibly the most unusual thing about this game of BtI is that it's not a standalone game. It's a spinoff from a larger GURPS campaign in which I am currently…
In Black and Green Games
Participants: lokis wrangling, Emily Care.

11/2/2006 r_donato: [TSoY] Key of the Masochist
Let me begin by quoting the rulebook: Key of the Masochist Your character thrives on personal pain and suffering. Gain 1 XP every time she is bloodied and 3 XP…
In CRN Games
Participants: r_donato, segedy, shadowcourt, Doyce.

11/2/2006 lokis wrangling: [BtI] Question: The Final Attraction Roll
Hi, I was wondering about this rule, After the Third Date has been completed, make a final roll for all the new Attraction Levels, but this time roll all your…
In Black and Green Games
Participants: lokis wrangling, Emily Care.

11/2/2006 Christopher Kubasik: Aiming?
Hey Ron, This may have been covered elsewhere. Now, I think I've finally gotten my head wrapped around the broad concepts of Sorecerer Conflict Resolution. And then I go check…
In Adept Press
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Ron Edwards, James_Nostack.

11/2/2006 pells: Meeting old friends and promoting indie scene
Being in vacations in my native land, I was invited to take part in a game. I wasn't the DM, this wasn't my product, nor my typical group of players,…
In Actual Play
Participants: pells, Miskatonic, Ron Edwards, Noon, Filip Luszczyk.

11/2/2006 Helvetian: Dreamation 2007
As you all know, Double Exposure loves having you guys.  :)  We're plowing forward into Dreamation plans now, so I wanted to post and get this particular ball rolling.  As…
In Conventions
Participants: Helvetian, iago, timfire, TonyLB, M. J. Young, Andrew Morris, Nathan P., c, Michael S. Miller, nystul, Jared A. Sorensen.

11/2/2006 Filip Luszczyk: [DitV] Spiritual opposition only game
(Sorry for flooding the forum with two new topics one after another, but I preferred to keep the ideas separate, for the eventual feedback not to be mixed.) During the…
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk.

11/2/2006 Filip Luszczyk: [DitV] King of Life does not throw dice
So, I've been thinking about a diceless resource bidding mechanic for my planned Mage: the Ascension game, and checking stuff like Sorcerer Diceless - and an idea occured to me…
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Danny_K, Vaxalon, demiurgeastaroth.

11/2/2006 thelostgm: [Giants] Rewards question
After much procrastination and discussion with myself over what exactly I wanted to say, I have finally come up with a post.  So here it is: the first post about…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thelostgm, Ben Lehman, Paka, RobNJ, Caesar_X, contracycle, Manicrack, CommonDialog, Primordia.

11/2/2006 David C: Gameplay terms - safe or dangerous on ground of copyright
As I write my rules, I find myself using terms like 'saving throw' 'DC' and 'skill check.' Then I find myself wondering, with increasing frequency, am I stepping on thin…
In Publishing
Participants: David C, demiurgeastaroth, Ben Lehman, Justin D. Jacobson, jerry, Ron Edwards.

11/1/2006 iago: Agon: Sightings "How do I make my game feel more mythic?" And on the latest Ogrecave audio podcast (Oct 13th, I think?) Mike Sugarbaker talks more about Agon -- both…
In design
Participants: iago, John Harper.

11/1/2006 anders_larsen: [Distant Horizons] Explorations Map - some new thoughts
Distant Horizons is a game about exploring and adventuring. It is about people that leave their home to travel the world, and about how this will change them. The exploration…
In First Thoughts
Participants: anders_larsen, Simon C, Troy_Costisick, Primordia, TroyLovesRPG.

11/1/2006 JMendes: [TSoY] Gift Dice and their numbers
Hey, :) Clinton, I'd like to ask you a question: what was the rationale for setting the amount of Gift Dice given to each player each session? The rules state…
In CRN Games
Participants: JMendes, Clinton R. Nixon, Eero Tuovinen, crowyhead, shadowcourt, Andy Kitkowski.

11/1/2006 Matt Snyder: [D&D 3.5] Wyrd Tales
This past Sunday evening, we got to play D&D using my new Wyrd experience system. The Group In about May, my group of old friends and younger brother started off…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Snyder, Gaerik, Simon C, Aaron, Bankuei, Blake Hutchins, Roger, Ice Cream Emperor, charles ferguson.

11/1/2006 Ward: Where to order HeroQuest from in Europe?
I was wondering if anyone happens to know where I might order HeroQuest in Europe? I know I could order it from Warehouse23, but the shipping will be fairly expensive…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Ward, Mike Holmes, Erik Nolander, Fatespinner, Ron Edwards.

11/1/2006 Supplanter: [DitV] We Need a Montage!
I was recently struck with a hazy notion of a Dogs variant where you can run accomplishment conflicts as part of play. Maybe this would replace fallout-based advancement, maybe it…
In lumpley games
Participants: Supplanter, Ramidel, demiurgeastaroth, Web_Weaver.

11/1/2006 MacTele: [Trollbabe] novice questions, pls help
Hello I role-play for over 15 years but what i discovered at the Forge few days ago it is a revolution. More on that later. So i bought Trollbabe and…
In Adept Press
Participants: MacTele, James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Arturo G., Alan.

10/31/2006 iain: [Peer Pressure] Time and Trouble
Hi guys, I have started talking about this idea over at <a href="">RPG lab</a> and I would like to engage the services of you good fellows. 'Peer Pressure' is a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: iain, TroyLovesRPG, Noon, Primordia.

10/31/2006 WyldKarde: Tabletop Miniatures / Card Game Idea
Hello all, I'm trying to develop a game that combines the strategy and planning of a  tabletop miniature game with the randomness of a collectible card game.  Nothing innovative or…
In First Thoughts
Participants: WyldKarde, Valamir, Hereward The Wake, komradebob, stefoid, sean2099, TroyLovesRPG.

10/31/2006 trifletraxor: rpgdrivethrough HQ pdf
Hi! I'm an old RQ player who loath Greg for making this horrible HeroQuest and abandoning RuneQuest to the hands of Mongoose! ;-) I am however, starting to realize that…
In HeroQuest
Participants: trifletraxor, Mike Holmes, Erik Nolander.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

11/3/2006 jburneko: The PtA Economy Between Episodes
Hello Again, Just a few quick questions to confirm my understanding of what happens to each resource pool between Episodes. 1) Any unspent budget goes away between episodes.  Correct? (Note:…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: jburneko, Matt Wilson.

11/3/2006 Kaare Berg (Old): [Shock:] First time stumbling and relevation
[size=8pt]This has been a long time coming, and writing this right now is therapy for me with regards to some heavy real world issues. Which has nothing to do with…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kaare Berg (Old), nikola.

11/4/2006 r_donato: [TSoY] Confusion about Qek spirit magic
I'm hoping someone can clear up some questions about Qek spirit magic for me. 1) Zamani cannot be contacted. Based on the description of contacting roho and sasha, does that…
In CRN Games
Participants: r_donato, Eero Tuovinen, Clinton R. Nixon.

11/4/2006 JasonPalenske: The Frontier Challenge
The Challenge So begins the First Frontier Biquarterly 24 hour Challenge! That's right boys and girls, Biquartery! Once every 4 months Frontier will sponsor a Challenge based upon the game.…
In Connections
Participants: JasonPalenske.

11/4/2006 JasonPalenske: The Frontier Challenge
The Challenge So begins the First Frontier Biquarterly 24 hour Challenge! That's right boys and girls, Biquartery! Once every 4 months Frontier will sponsor a Challenge based upon the game.…
In Endeavor
Participants: JasonPalenske, Ron Edwards.

11/5/2006 davidberg: [Werewolf] complete the mission! realistically! (GNS ?)
Warning: I've included a lot of preamble to provide proper context.  If you want, skip it and scroll down to "the point" (in bold and caps below).  Then if you're…
In Actual Play
Participants: davidberg, Noon, Frank T, Ron Edwards, Caldis, r_donato.

11/5/2006 bilros02: [GAIA SAGA] Online play testers wanted!
Hi there everyone, in order to spread the good name of our game system, we will be running a instant messenger based adaptation of the game on Yahoo! Messenger for…
In Connections
Participants: bilros02.

11/5/2006 r_donato: [TSoY] Comedy, R-Maps, and Gut-Wrenching Angst
I just played my first session of what will hopefully become a recurring game of TSoY. It is best described as ABSOLUTELY FREAKING AWESOME. The Setup I've been pimping TSoY…
In Actual Play
Participants: r_donato, Frank T, Ron Edwards.

11/6/2006 Primordia: [primordia] The world is shrinking, what to do.
Hey guys. in my primordia project, im thinking about having characters play in a game world, that diminishes constantly, much like michael ende the neverending story. The gods of primordia,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Primordia, King Turnip, Geoff Hall.

11/6/2006 DaveyJJ: Got my PDF ... veteran RPGer returns to RPGing after 20 years
Yeah, it took a great game to get me back into RPGing after this amount of time, but PtA was the catalyst. Got a group of younger RPGers at work…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: DaveyJJ, Matt Wilson.

11/6/2006 GB Steve: Network Visualisation
Does anyone have or know of good software for creating networks with user defined node?. I want to do something along the lines of mindmaps or relationship diagrams. Windows based…
In Connections
Participants: GB Steve, Matt, Graham Walmsley.

11/6/2006 Rich Stokes: Player's screen
Hi Brennan, Just finished reading the book and really looking forward to giving this system a shakedown. In one of the Sons Of Kryos podcasts you mentioned a "Player's Screen"…
In Galileo Games
Participants: Rich Stokes, inthisstyle.

11/6/2006 DaveyJJ: Matt's one paragrapgh take on NBC's Heroes?
I wonder what Matt would write if he had to compose a single paragraph about NBC's new show Heroes, in the same vein as he wrote about Lost and Six…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: DaveyJJ, Matt Wilson, Valamir, Wolfen, John Harper, scififan9009, chrisn.

11/6/2006 kalyptein: Dropping conflicts
Hi, I'm a total Capes newbie looking forward to running/playing for the first time soon.  I have a couple questions about conflicts: 1) Can the player who resolves a conflict…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: kalyptein, Hans, TheCzech.

11/6/2006 Transit: DITV - Which NPC gets to speak first?
I've noticed that the order in which a town is presented to the Dogs can have a big effect on how they react to it  Often, the first person that…
In lumpley games
Participants: Transit, Vaxalon, lumpley, jburneko, Yokiboy, Gugliandalf.

11/6/2006 MacTele: Trollbabe and sex, how to do it ?
Trollbabe is a sexy thing and this is obvious. But my players run away from it, both male and female. And i have to say it, i want to bring…
In Adept Press
Participants: MacTele, Ron Edwards, rycanada, lev_lafayette.

11/6/2006 Warren: Stranger Things?
Quick non-Agon question: What's going on with Stranger Things at the moment? I've been looking forward to it for the best part of a year (or more). Last I heard,…
In design
Participants: Warren, Bailywolf, John Harper, demiurgeastaroth, Valamir.

11/7/2006 scorpio rising: [Agon] A question about armour.
Hi John. Agon rocks.  You have the consistent pimping of Jonathan Walton at SGB to thank for my purchase, and so do I -- I think this is one of…
In design
Participants: scorpio rising, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.

11/7/2006 sean2099: (Heroes/Villains) Looking for an alpha playtest group
hi all, I am working on a new supers game and I am looking for playtesters.  Any help given would be appreciated.  Right now, I am in the prealpha stage…
In Connections
Participants: sean2099, Steven Stewart.

11/7/2006 Yokiboy: [DitV] Bookmarked Version of the PDF
Hello Vincent, I have created a bookmarked version of Dogs in the Vineyard 2nd Edition for my own use. If you are interested I'll gladly share it with you. I…
In lumpley games
Participants: Yokiboy.

more subsequent topics >>