The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

12/14/2006 memolith: Re: Alternate setting: Troubleshooters in Alpha Complex?
This thread is ancient, and I'm bumping it. So sue me. Allow me to think out loud for a moment. I play The Computer, it's peripherals, opposing Secret Societies, and…
In lumpley games
Participants: memolith, Gaerik, lumpley.

12/15/2006 DainXB: New Heroic Trait
Thinking about female PC concepts, I came up with something besides the typical 'Amazon' or 'Warrior Princess', and it's actually historically accurate!  (Not that that's important.)  I built a Heroic…
In design
Participants: DainXB, John Harper.

12/15/2006 DainXB: NPC builds for commentary
Greetings! Here are some ideas I've had for NPCs, but I'm not 100% sure that I'm doing this right.  Comments on both the concepts and the math are welcome.  Once…
In design
Participants: DainXB, John Harper.

12/15/2006 Christopher Kubasik: Indie Explosion @ Orccon 2007 (Los Angeles) Feb 16-19
Hi all, Some of us over at NerdSoCal are putting together the list of games we'll be running. Here's the link for Orccon 2007 Here's the link for NerdSoCal…
In Conventions
Participants: Christopher Kubasik.

12/14/2006 Overdrive: How to fight uncreativity?
Hi all, My name is Antti, and I'm from Finland. I believe it's almost two years since my last post here. This year's been hectic with my flat renovation project…
In Actual Play
Participants: Overdrive, Rampage, Noon, Alan, Ron Edwards, TonyLB, TroyLovesRPG.

12/14/2006 M. J. Young: Theory 101 Third Article Posted
I neglected to mention it last week as I've been pretty preoccupied with other matters, and I apologize because it should have been a priority. The new issue of Places…
In Site Discussion
Participants: M. J. Young.

12/14/2006 GreatWolf: [Dirty Secrets] Liar's Dice as Core Mechanic
I've been putting some work into a noir/detective game that I'm calling Dirty Secrets.  My specific sources of inspiration are the Philip Marlowe novels by Raymond Chandler (particularly The Long…
In First Thoughts
Participants: GreatWolf, Valamir, nystul.

12/14/2006 markus_cz: [Nicotine Girls] - Experimenting with NG
One day, my friend and a co-player David came with a crazy idea. "Remember the RPG called Nicotine Girls? The one by the author of My Life with Master?" he…
In Actual Play
Participants: markus_cz.

12/14/2006 yogshog: Other formats for all these wonderful ideas
So, I'm someone who has trouble reading large amounts of text online, but I am fascinated by the discussions and things here. Is there any way to export all the…
In Site Discussion
Participants: yogshog, Ron Edwards, jerry, David Artman.

12/14/2006 blackpaladin: The Lost Room as a setting...?
Joshua (or whomever) - I've become increasingly intrigued with Indie RPGs, particularly Burning Empires. Having that in my thoughts while watching the The Lost Room gave rise to this story…
In glyphpress
Participants: blackpaladin, nikola, Andrew Morris, Miskatonic.

12/14/2006 FlamingMoose: [DitV] partial sides in a conflict
I stumbled on this way to swing conflicts in my Dogs game last night, and thought it was cool enough to share. I'm pretty sure it wasn't brought up in…
In lumpley games
Participants: FlamingMoose, ffilz, oliof, Web_Weaver, Brian Newman.

12/13/2006 joewolz: [TSOY] Quick Harm Question.
Can a character be Harmed in a situation in which the Pain was not Brought down?
In CRN Games
Participants: joewolz, Technocrat13, Eero Tuovinen, IMAGinES.

12/13/2006 jasonm: [Grey Ranks] Collective Mission rolls
So in Grey Ranks, you've got a collective Mission in each Scene.  It's framed by a Mission Leader, which is a role that rotates from player to player per Scene. …
In Playtesting
Participants: jasonm, Malcolm, two_fishes, Graham Walmsley, redivider.

12/13/2006 JamesDJIII: [DiTV] Is it ok to insert PC family members during town creation?
Or is this something to be negotiated with the players, like, "Pete, you have a brother here, does that sound ok?" Or do you wait until the players want to…
In lumpley games
Participants: JamesDJIII, demiurgeastaroth, greyorm, ffilz, Warren, David Artman.

12/13/2006 WRPIgeek: [Donjon] Looking for feedback on a supplement
Howdy everyone. I've been a fan of Donjon for quite a while, and when I looked back into it recently I found out it was on a Creative Commons license.…
In CRN Games
Participants: WRPIgeek, The Dragon Master, Hans.

12/13/2006 Greymorn: Drifting toward Narrativism
This is my first post, so I'll start with hello all and a big, big thank you to the creators, moderators and posters of this forum. In particular many thanks…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Greymorn, anders_larsen, Eero Tuovinen, Adam Dray.

12/13/2006 jasonm: Indexing
Hey friends, My next game is going to need an index.  Please give me advice on how to make that happen - can we leverage the tools in InDesign to…
In Publishing
Participants: jasonm, Eero Tuovinen, Justin D. Jacobson, nystul, segedy, David Artman, GreatWolf, MatrixGamer, abzu, selvi.

12/13/2006 azrianni: [Costs] playtest reports
If you're playtesting Costs, we can talk about it here! (Interested in playtesting? see the other thread:
In Playtesting
Participants: azrianni, Paul Czege.

12/13/2006 azrianni: Playtesters needed for "Costs"
[i][b]Costs[/b][/i], a roleplaying game of bartering and difficult choices, is now available for initial playtest. At this point, I'm mostly looking for people to try it out and see if…
In Connections
Participants: azrianni.

12/13/2006 thark: [TSOY] Inapplicable Keys
Something that hasn't come up yet in play (three sessions into our first TSOY campaign and lovin' it so far) but which I've realized might and wanted to have an…
In CRN Games
Participants: thark, Twobirds, Eero Tuovinen, r_donato, Alan.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

12/15/2006 Leviathan: Multiple Character Sheets in the Core book of a game
Since joining this site, I have been reading a great deal of the older postings from many of the various areas of the Forum. Many ideas have occurred in these…
In Publishing
Participants: Leviathan, Giacomo, nystul, David Artman, Justin D. Jacobson, btrc.

12/16/2006 Ben Lehman: [Hero's Banner] Convention Play
So Hero's Banner is a seriously, seriously excellent game, and not coincidentally it runs the multi-generational political epics that I've always wanted to play.  Because of its excellence, I'm planning…
In Conventions
Participants: Ben Lehman, Miskatonic, Tim C Koppang.

12/16/2006 mratomek: [Super Force Seven] Heroes vs. Champions
There are three basic types of characters in Super Force Seven: Minions, Heroes and Champions. Minions are grunts and mooks. Cheap to purchase, low power and easy to eiminae. Heroes…
In Playtesting
Participants: mratomek.

12/16/2006 selvi: Help me in index creation for long documents...
Hi.. While creating index for a book, is there any way to create a index for only one chapter and taking all the entries to the remaining chapters like appending.…
In Publishing
Participants: selvi, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

12/16/2006 IMAGinES: [DitV] Trying Again
Hi, everyone, From the looks of things, another long-term break in my gaming will be coming to a close at the beginning of the New Year. Although I’ve been going…
In lumpley games
Participants: IMAGinES, JamesDJIII.

12/16/2006 NathanFrund: Ability: Shield question
Last night I ran the first test demo of Agon and we loved it. A bit of confusion came up about 'Ability: Shield'.  When is that ability die used?  When…
In design
Participants: NathanFrund, Shreyas Sampat.

12/16/2006 Hugin: Multiple opponents
Hi all Stunning game John. And with 300 due out, this is getting me really excited. Anyway... I may have missed this somewhere but can't find it in the rules,…
In design
Participants: Hugin, Shreyas Sampat, John Harper.

12/16/2006 Eero Tuovinen: [Eleanor's Dream] Playtesting with an 8-year old
[url=]Eleanor's Dream[/url] is my game for children and adults. It's totally the ultimate mainstreaming effort based on up-to-date theory and praxis. [url=]My last playtest was here.[/url] This time (a couple…
In Playtesting
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Simon C.

12/16/2006 Shreyas Sampat: Ragnarok: a fan-supplement
So, someone on mentioned how cool a Norse-styled adaptation to Agon would be, and I was like, yeah it would! So I'm going to use this thread for mainly…
In design
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Hugin, John Harper, 1000buffalo, Nev the Deranged.

12/16/2006 Mizukane: Neon Myth
I have recently initiated a new Forum based Role Play named Neon Myth. The story successfully combines fantasy with science fiction. It takes place in the world of Xanthus,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Mizukane.

12/17/2006 Leviathan: Availible for artwork
      Time and again I see postings about artwork on the various boards and decided that maybe I should mention that I might be able to offer services…
In Connections
Participants: Leviathan.

12/17/2006 cydmab: [DitV] BNitH
Ran my first game using DitV system tonight. It was pretty fun, but reactions were mixxed by the end of it. Part of the problem was in order to motivate…
In Actual Play
Participants: cydmab, Noon, Ben Lehman, r_donato, David Artman, Everspinner, Web_Weaver.

12/17/2006 NathanFrund: Ran my first multi-player game (demo) last night
And I gotta say that it went great.  It was a very simple run through with just a bit of scenario to get players into the setting.  I purchased some…
In design
Participants: NathanFrund, John Harper.

12/17/2006 Bailywolf: [Of Men and Monsters] A mechanical extrapolation upon Zak Arston's 'Deplorable'
This design riff is inspired by Zak Arston's lost gem Deplorable... in fact, 'inspired' isn't really a strong enough word.  This is more an extrapolation on what Zak was going…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bailywolf.

12/17/2006 Mizukane: Neon Myth
I have recently initiated a new Forum based Role Play named Neon Myth and would like some Users to participate. The story successfully combines fantasy with science fiction. It…
In Connections
Participants: Mizukane.

12/17/2006 Entsuropi: How does pdf ordering work?
Hi all. I bought the .pdf from the frontpage earlier, but I have not yet recieved it. Does Mr Harper email it out himself, or should I have gotten a…
In design
Participants: Entsuropi, iago, NathanFrund, John Harper.

12/17/2006 Christopher Kubasik: Combinging Demonic Ability to Greater Effect
Hey all, So, I'm ramping up to a Sorcerer game, and right now my one big weakness is the Demonic Abilities. Here's the breakdown: 1) For some reason I've always…
In Adept Press
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, WDFlores, Eero Tuovinen, angelfromanotherpin, jburneko, James_Nostack, Rampage, Valamir.

12/17/2006 Dev: [Crime and Punishment] Freakin' Ivory Tower, man...
We played Moyra Turkington’s C&P at a recent SG Boston night, and it was great - in fact, a perfect fit for the style of these nights, which have mostly…
In Playtesting
Participants: Dev, spaceanddeath.

12/18/2006 Eric Schwenke: [Synergis] Power 19
Hey, I'm new.  I've had this idea for a "Purity-of-System" rules-set for many years that is born from my own frustrations with how many games treat character creation and advancement,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eric Schwenke, Adam Dray, Valamir.

12/18/2006 Simon C: Post counts
Hi Ron, I've been posting to these boards for a little while now, and run the full arc from "this is dumb" through "I don't understand why things are done…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Simon C, Eero Tuovinen, greyorm, David Artman, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, Valamir.

more subsequent topics >>