The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

5/12/2008 Eero Tuovinen: A little question about artist's supplies
I'm making that zombie game, and one component I'm thinking of is a suitably sized (4"x6" or so) canvas panel like this. (I'm using them in making cheap game boards…
In Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Will, preludetotheend.

5/12/2008 Krippler: [Rustbelt] A betrayal & shooting at angry mobs twice
Hello there! This is Wilmer reporting from session three of my Rustbelt campaign. We played draft 2 of the Rustbelt rules plus a new set of psyche dynamics PM'd by…
In Playtesting
Participants: Krippler, Marshall Burns, jag, Wolfen, JoyWriter, xdiox.

5/12/2008 greyorm: [WHS] Seeking Input on Site Design
I've been aware for some time that the Wild Hunt Studios website isn't exactly a stunning piece of visual design (though the coding was a pain in the ass), and…
In Wild Hunt Studios
Participants: greyorm, Eero Tuovinen, Matt.

5/12/2008 baron samedi: (philosophical SF RPG) Help brainstorming Story Tracks
Hello, I've been trying for some time to construct a few "generic" story-design models for creating scenarios in relation to a specific theme, in order to draw a resource-management system…
In First Thoughts
Participants: baron samedi.

5/12/2008 Hawky: New Role play game - Nucleus
If anyone is interested myself and a group of (role playing) friends have been developing our tabletop own role play system for a few years now, and it has got…
In Connections
Participants: Hawky.

5/12/2008 Calithena: How to promote a contest?
So, I've been working on this magazine called Fight On!, which is an old-school fantasy fanzine. All you indie designers who started out in the old days, if you have…
In Publishing
Participants: Calithena, Paul Czege.

5/12/2008 Jesse Hill: Feasibility of Color Art...
Hello friends and countrymen. I've been lurking around here for a while, and I first want to say "Thank you" for all the advise you've given over the years. It…
In Publishing
Participants: Jesse Hill, Eero Tuovinen, guildofblades, Ron Edwards.

5/12/2008 steven807: [WGP] First session
3 of us just gave WGP a whirl.  One long session (almost 7 hours, made longer by the fact that we weren't expecting to play it, so no one knew…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: steven807.

5/12/2008 Meinberg: [The Few] Power 19
I'm Michael Meinberg, and after reading through Socratic Designs' archives, I've decided to go ahead and put forth my first game design for some perusal. As is often the case,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Meinberg.

5/11/2008 Calithena: Announcing a Summer Adventure Contest!
[img][/img] and [IMG][/img] are proud to announce our first joint adventure contest! Our panel of five judges includes the following RPG legends: [list][*]Frank Mentzer [*]S. John Ross [*]James M. Ward[/list]…
In Endeavor
Participants: Calithena.

5/10/2008 Standback: [PTA] Souls of the Damned - Starting Without a Spark
So, after falling in love with PTA, I've finally found the time to run a full campaign. Yay! Problem - it isn't working. I'm not sure why, but from the…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Standback.

5/8/2008 iago: [GenCon 2008] Forge Booth: Recruitment pitching
Hey folks, don't forget that we need to *hear from you* and get your commitment (and cash) before June 1st.  That's a little over three weeks away.  Don't miss out!
In Conventions
Participants: iago, Eero Tuovinen, Justin D. Jacobson, JustinB, Ron Edwards, segedy, Capulet, GreatWolf.

5/10/2008 Limejello: Neutral traits
Can anyone think of traits that don't make a character more or less powerful for example fat makes him uncarismatic and slow but stronger and with more hit points.
In First Thoughts
Participants: Limejello, dindenver, JoyWriter, TempvsMortis, Marshall Burns, Michael Johnson.

5/10/2008 Arturo G.: [Trollbabe] Stakes for a big sea-serpent drawing on the map
Long ago I tried Trollbabe with some friends. One of them playing to role-games for a long-time with me. I show them my map, and told them to choose any…
In Adept Press
Participants: Arturo G., Eero Tuovinen.

5/10/2008 JamesP: When do Demons go into Need?
Hi guys! Currently I'm finishing off a long-running Vampire campaign (last session tonight).  However, for a long time I'm wanted to run a game of Sorcerer.  I've already been bringing…
In Adept Press
Participants: JamesP, Ron Edwards.

5/10/2008 Arturo G.: [It was a mutual decision] Trust enhanced scores?
Hi ! I have been reading "It was a mutual decision", expecting to have an opportunity to play it. I have a couple of small questions about the rules. -…
In Adept Press
Participants: Arturo G., Ron Edwards.

5/10/2008 Peter Nordstrand: [Sorcerer] Mind Games
Måns wanted to play Sorcerer, so I called Johan, and the three of us got together last Tuesday for character generation. Måns had mentioned Philip K. Dick, and I came…
In Adept Press
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, pfischer.

5/10/2008 angelfromanotherpin: [Sorcerer] Fullmetal Alchemist and Modern Necromancy
I've been deep in fantasy and fairy-tale gaming for some time, and I have a hankering for some modern-day stuff, where the players can use contemporary slang and reference television…
In Adept Press
Participants: angelfromanotherpin, Ron Edwards, Frank Tarcikowski.

5/9/2008 Greg 1: [Introduction, Link to the Setting and Power 19] Lineage
INTRODUCTION Place: USA. Time: The modern day. There is no higher purpose for mankind, laid down from above. The mages have always known that. Heaven exists, but it cares nothing…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Greg 1.

5/9/2008 Greg 1: [Introduction, Link to the Setting and Power 19] The Gift
INTRODUCTION The Time: The modern day. The Place: The United States of America. Mages have been the world’s top predators for as long as their history records, secretly enslaving humanity…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Greg 1.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

5/13/2008 Illetizgerg: What do Game Designers want to play?
I'm curious, in a community of RPG game designers and developers, what kinds of games do people really enjoy? What kinds of things get you excited? I'm mostly interested because…
In Publishing
Participants: Illetizgerg, Vulpinoid, lumpley, TonyLB, Marshall Burns, Plognark, madunkieg, guildofblades.

5/13/2008 Marshall Burns: [American Wizards] a new way to handle "difficulty"
[i]American Wizards[/i] is a game idea I've been working on about students at a wizard college called the American Institute of Wizard Arts.  I've posted about it [url=]before[/url], mostly regarding…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marshall Burns, Plognark, davidberg, Spooky Fanboy, Everspinner.

5/13/2008 TempvsMortis: Zie/Hir
I know you can't change this in the current edition, but if there's ever a "Shock: 1.2" then this might be useful to note. I'd like to point out that…
In glyphpress
Participants: TempvsMortis, rafial, Eero Tuovinen, nikola.

5/14/2008 TempvsMortis: Ownership
Maybe someone else has asked this, but I haven't seen it. In the book it says that people can't have an Issue for their character if they own it, but…
In glyphpress
Participants: TempvsMortis, nikola.

5/14/2008 Michael Johnson: Interested in running a forum game :D
Since this is my first topic, I would like to say hello to all the members here *waves* I would like to know if anyone is interested in starting a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Michael Johnson.

5/14/2008 c: [Silence Keeps Me A Victim] First successful playtest.
Last Friday I had the first playtest where I felt like I was starting to get where I want to go with Silence. Again the game has broad changes from…
In Playtesting
Participants: c, ChadDubya, Artanis, Paul Czege.

5/14/2008 wunderllama: [Business Solutions] Playtest at Nerdly
At Camp Nerdly, I was lucky to participate in a playtest of Jason Morningstar’s Business Solutions – a game in which you play hapless photocopier repairpersons. Character creation is a…
In Playtesting
Participants: wunderllama, jasonm, Nathan Herrold, jhosmer1, Solamasa, travisfarber, Valamir.

5/14/2008 MikeF: [Trollbabe] Escaping from a fight
Just picked up my copy of Trollbabe, and firstly let me say how much I love the reroll system. I've been toying a lot with the Token Effort system of…
In Adept Press
Participants: MikeF, Alan, jburneko, Arturo G., Ron Edwards.

5/14/2008 shays: LC RPG first thoughts again
OK first I have to give props to Levi Kornelson for some of the attribute descripts.  Anyhow below is what I have for attributes and an experience/leveling system.  The idea…
In First Thoughts
Participants: shays, Michael Johnson.

5/14/2008 Roadkill: [Power 19] - RPW Role-playing-wargame
Hi there, heres a power 19 for a game which has no name yet. I'd like to know what you guys think? 1.What is your game about? Its about mighty…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Roadkill, dindenver.

5/15/2008 Ghola: Coming of age magic school drama
I got this little seed of an idea in my head, and I can't seem to make it grow. Yet. Here's the pitch: It's Harry Potter meets Saved by the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ghola, Marshall Burns, dindenver, TempvsMortis.

5/15/2008 Regin Smith: Help with ideas for Thera, action adventure in the subconscious.
I have been slowly developping a game for my gaimng group over quite some period of time. Themes and rule structures have been constructed and dismanteled in an ongoing process.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Regin Smith, Illetizgerg.

5/15/2008 TempvsMortis: The Cardinal Emotions
Okay, I'm making a game where the primary division of social group and abilities is based on emotions. (It relates to how they use their powers.) The thing is, I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TempvsMortis, madunkieg, Brendan Day, Michael Johnson, MikeF, dindenver, Vulpinoid.

5/15/2008 pygstasis: [Sorcerer] Contacting/Total Failure - I must have missed a rule somewhere
In Sorcerer, on page 86, the rules for Contacting with the help of hallucinogens state "the sorcerer must roll his will vs dice equal to the number of hits dropped. …
In Adept Press
Participants: pygstasis, Marshall Burns, Ron Edwards.

5/16/2008 TempvsMortis: This is what I'm gunna play with my freinds
I'll be sure to get you a transcript or something afterward. I thought of some awesome stuff and my friends have never heard of Shock:, so we're gunna start out…
In glyphpress
Participants: TempvsMortis, Ben Lehman, Michael Johnson.

5/16/2008 Filip Luszczyk: [IAWA] Action vs Maneuvering
I need a couple of examples that illustrate the practical difference between Action and Maneuvering. Or, a foolproof formula for deciding which of the two should apply.
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, lumpley.

5/16/2008 Miedvied: [TSoY] Elven Sacrifice Question, and Cross-Species Key (AP)
I don't know quite how much detail to go into: I could probably leave a lot out and still ask the question, but it was so damn cool I just…
In Actual Play
Participants: Miedvied, Eero Tuovinen, oliof, Abkajud.

5/16/2008 TempvsMortis: GNS and Tokens
In GNS there's there types of conflict resolution: narrative, by which the conflict is narrated out, with rules making sure arguments don't stall the game (Polaris is the purest example…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TempvsMortis, Eero Tuovinen, Michael Johnson, Ron Edwards.

5/17/2008 Tark: Wu Shu Rengades: Looking for local playtesters.
Tryign to find playtesters for Wu Shu Renegades. Some info about the game can be found here andhere Willing to give an IRC game a shot but certainly not a…
In Connections
Participants: Tark.

5/17/2008 Kynn: DBAs, Business Licenses, LLCs, Corporations, etc...
Those of you who self-publish your games, have you set yourselves up as businesses? Do you have a business license, have you printed a "DBA" in the local paper, do…
In Publishing
Participants: Kynn, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, guildofblades, Valamir.

more subsequent topics >>