The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

1/6/2009 Eero Tuovinen: Early planning for Spiel Essen 2009
I'm thinking that we should prepare to have a Forge booth at Spiel Essen this year to sell and promote independent roleplaying. I have several reasons:I'm quite ready for exhibiting…
In Conventions
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Matt, Daniela Nicklas, Matthias, oliof, fjj, Artanis.

1/6/2009 HiQKid: Talk about Rob's other projects?
On the main forge page it says: Talk about Misspent Youth and Rob's other projects. So, what other projects are there? Anything that can be publicly discussed? Any ideas you'd…
In Robert Bohl Games
Participants: HiQKid, RobNJ, Paka.

1/6/2009 xenopulse: [Sorcerer] Berkeley 1968
I ran Sorcerer for the first time last night with my mostly-regular group consisting of Colin, David, and Matt. This comes on the heels of a whole season of Primetime…
In Actual Play
Participants: xenopulse, Ron Edwards, Christopher Kubasik, jburneko.

1/5/2009 JeremyOR: Starting Ideas for my own RPG
Hello, I've been working on creating an fantasy rpg to play.  Not interested in publishing or anything like that, just want something friends and I can play.  I'm starting with…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JeremyOR, opsneakie, David C.

1/5/2009 btrc: DVD/CD cases
I know a few people use these as an alternate packaging for game products. is having a sale on a few types, if anyone needs to update their stock.…
In Publishing
Participants: btrc.

1/5/2009 lumpley: Error 412 - anti-spam exceptions
Hey everybody. If you get an Error 412 Precondition Failed message, you've triggered the Forge's (actually, the server's) anti-spam measures. I've specifically allowed the word "gambling" through. If you want…
In Site Discussion
Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards.

1/5/2009 Melinglor: Posting test
I've been having trouble sending a post, so Vincent asked me to post this as a test. So here we are, Vincent! This post works fine, and I've posted a…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Melinglor, lumpley.

1/5/2009 preludetotheend: Any plans for Sorcerer
Are there any plans for continued support of sorcerer by Adept Press, or fans? I was just curious if there is anything like an updated edition, new supplements/mini-supplements. I had…
In Adept Press
Participants: preludetotheend, greyorm, Ron Edwards, Finarvyn, 5niper9.

1/5/2009 orklord: Solar System License Question
Eero, I recently purchased the pdf and am awaiting the arrival of the physical copy of Solar System.  I previously thought about using tSoY for a game I'm writing, but…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: orklord, Eero Tuovinen, dindenver, Corvus69, oliof.

10/1/2008 rabindranath72: Supplement V: Carcosa (split)
Slightly related, this might be an interesting campaign for Sorcerer & Sword:
In Adept Press
Participants: rabindranath72, Finarvyn, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Eero Tuovinen, James_Nostack, greyorm, Clinton R. Nixon, robertsconley, Calithena.

1/4/2009 Brother: Absolute Beginner
Hi all I've just read through PTA, and one of the first things that struck me was, 'I never have to buy another roleplaying game again'. No need, PTA covers…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Brother, Matt Wilson, oliof, Ron Edwards, Valamir, BlackSheep, chance.thirteen.

1/4/2009 Catalyst N: Which Creative Agenda for this Game?
I recently studied Ron Edwards' essays on GNS and creative agenda in the Articles, and I think I have a pretty decent understanding of them. Actually, I summarized them on…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Catalyst N, ShallowThoughts, Erudite, Falc, Abkajud, Eero Tuovinen.

1/4/2009 Timespike: Sorcerer & sword - a bibliography question
Would this (and the others in the series) be a reliable source of unblemished Robert E. Howard stories? I already have the Solomon Kane one, but I never really considered…
In Adept Press
Participants: Timespike, Finarvyn, Eliarhiman6.

1/3/2009 Patrice: Is actual RP in MMORPGs another next impossible thing?
I've read Dan's original post upon MMORPGs and P&PRPGs and have set my mind upon posting there in order to give account, and open discussion upon what was a major…
In Actual Play
Participants: Patrice, Noon, gsoylent, Caldis, Rafu, Wolfen, ShallowThoughts, Greymorn, Adam Dray, FredGarber.

1/3/2009 Eliarhiman6: [DitV] Family, conflict, and again family
Hello! Rule question: During a conflict, against a member of the dog's family (let's say it's a cousin, for the sake of the example), the Dog take a new relationship…
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, 5niper9, Brand_Robins.

1/3/2009 etheruk: Scaling a Sci Fi game (Long)
I was considering creating a science fiction game, adapting my superhero game 'High Stakes' which is available below: I wanted to ensure that there were mass combat rules so…
In First Thoughts
Participants: etheruk, dindenver.

1/2/2009 Alex Abate: [AD&D 2e] {Preplay} Preparing a simulationist AD&D game.
Greetings to all! While I am not new here, I might as well be. I simply didn't stick around before. I have, however, finally started to read the many essays…
In Actual Play
Participants: Alex Abate, Chris_Chinn, Rustin.

1/1/2009 Eero Tuovinen: [To Playtest] War in Khale
As a sort of sibling thread for Colonization of Qek, here's another Ammeni campaign framework about the war in Khale. The war is already present in Clinton's treatment of Khale-Ammeni…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, dindenver, Paul T, shadowcourt.

1/1/2009 Wolfen: Low-Prep/No-Prep Play
This thread is continuing a discussion from here First, I'd like to provide a basis for where I'm coming from. My preferred playstyle is long-form closed-form gaming. I want the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Wolfen, manatic, gsoylent, Noon, contracycle.

1/1/2009 Pdquinn: Need web designers
Hola, in the First Thoughts section I posted this: Hi all! My name is Patrick and I am a 27 year old in Tucson, Az. I live with my wife,…
In Connections
Participants: Pdquinn.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

1/6/2009 vgunn: Courage as Currency
I'd like to make courage the currency for doing things within my game. If a character wants to cross a raging river, then they have to summon up enough courage…
In First Thoughts
Participants: vgunn, Castlin, Filip Luszczyk, LordNyax, Noon.

1/6/2009 Marshall Burns: I need your gamer knowledge!
Hey everyone, I need you to help me with some research.  I need to know about all the RPGs out there with post-apocalyptic themes, and I need to know as…
In Beyond the Wire Productions
Participants: Marshall Burns, Eero Tuovinen, greyorm, jasonm, Darcy Burgess, Krippler, JoyWriter.

1/6/2009 Tim C Koppang: The Great Barge of What's His Name
Back in October, I ran a "demo" game of Committee, although it was only a demo in the sense that most of the players had never really heard of the…
In Eric J. Boyd Designs
Participants: Tim C Koppang, Eric J. Boyd.

1/7/2009 Ron Edwards: Color-first character, part 2: Getting this far
Amazing. Thank you so much for all this great work. Here she is again, but … … now we know her name! The Solar System: Eleta the Jungle Girl,…
In Endeavor
Participants: Ron Edwards, jasonm, jrs, Christopher Kubasik, Graham Walmsley, ejh, lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, Clinton R. Nixon, Vulpinoid, Kobayashi, davidberg, greyorm, Wolfen, KCassidy, Antoine F, ghashsnaga, tonyd, Darcy Burgess, Melinglor, Frank Tarcikowski, Jared A. Sorensen, Ben Lehman, sirogit, Paul Czege, Peter Nordstrand.

1/7/2009 Dionysus: Help on collecting my thoughts - new game/setting/system?
Howdy. My group were doing some web browsing and eating pizza before we started our game session the other night, and we came across something that got all of us…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dionysus, lilomar, Vulpinoid, Noon.

1/8/2009 sirogit: [Annalise] Needless Space Violence
So I started first session of playing Annalise. Its a game I looked forward to for quite awhile as 'game-to-play-with-my-girlfriend' as its about vampires and she's into that and I'm…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit, GreatWolf, Nathan P..

1/8/2009 Suna: Wolves of the Four Seas - stuck with rules designing
Hello, this is my first post in this forum, and there is one dire problem I am trying to solve, but with no visible success. I'm going to try and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Suna, Vulpinoid.

1/8/2009 d.anderson: A game for my niece, based on Avatar: the Last Airbender
A couple years ago, I taught my niece to play rock-paper-scissors; since then she and I have had a few good times playing together.  During the holidays, we actually played…
In First Thoughts
Participants: d.anderson, thadrine.

1/9/2009 dindenver: [TSOY] Ritual Question
Hi!   I have a Qek in my group. They have the secret of Wolozi. Do the Rituals cost advances?
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: dindenver, oliof, Eero Tuovinen.

1/9/2009 Noon: Mind viruses and an age of myth
I was thinking of this game world, where there's this sort of mental virus in effect. There might be a government style body, or mega corportation (or just an old…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Noon, Niedfaru, JoyWriter.

1/9/2009 cosmos1138: Hay Lectures Suck - So Lets Game!
This is Dr CJ over in Thailand and I have a great idea of training/teaching MBA and Public Admin PhD student about wicked problems using GURPS as well as training…
In First Thoughts
Participants: cosmos1138, Creatures of Destiny, Noon, davidberg.

1/9/2009 Mantisking: [Mechaton] Game Tomorrow
If anyone in the Massachusetts area is interested, I'll be playing Mechaton tomorrow afternoon over at Pandemonium Books in Cambridge.  Feel free to stop by and say "hi".  I believe…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mantisking, lumpley.

1/10/2009 daemonjax: Rules (Challenge/Interrupt/Tenet/Gimmicks) Clarification Request...
Forgive my ignorance of the rules as written, but just to cement these things in my head...  1) You can challenge another player's introduction of a fact at any time…
In Universalis
Participants: daemonjax, Valamir.

1/10/2009 5niper9: [IAWA] The beginning of the end
Yesterday we played the first chapter of In a wicked Age. There were just the three of us: Jan, whom I've played a lot of indie games with in 2008…
In Actual Play
Participants: 5niper9, lumpley.

1/11/2009 davidberg: play the full lifespan of a short-lived character
You're created fully physically mature.  You open your eyes for the first time and have a ready-for-action body, but no knowledge or context. Setting is undefined before play -- you…
In First Thoughts
Participants: davidberg, ShallowThoughts, David C, Noon.

1/11/2009 Timespike: Sorcerer spies and demon handlers
Another idea for a setting (maybe to be combined with the Terminator one for variety?): sorcerers as spies and demons as handlers. This idea grew out of the movies Body…
In Adept Press
Participants: Timespike.

1/11/2009 Noon: Mechanic: If your wrong enough times, your right
I was thinking of this mechanic for a computer game I’m writing, but its with certain roleplay goals in mind. Okay, first of all its a bit like god of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Noon, Filip Luszczyk, Vulpinoid, otspiii.

1/11/2009 Brother: Zombies, Magic & Mere Mortals
Concerning the important part magic has to play in MC, I was wondering how you would go about playing in a setting where the characters are 'ordinary' folk, trying to…
In Galileo Games
Participants: Brother, inthisstyle.

1/11/2009 Eero Tuovinen: I'm reading about David C's game
David's been starting some rather interesting threads about his fantasy adventure game here during the last several months. Those threads have provided us glimpses at a well-mechanized fantasy adventure game…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, davidberg, David C.

1/11/2009 EricAlexander: Glory award for simple contest vs. NPC?
Hey everyone, have a quick question about Agon here.  Next adventure, my players are going to be involved in a series of contests with some semi-friendly NPC's (they're going to…
In design
Participants: EricAlexander, John Harper.

more subsequent topics >>