The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

4/23/2009 Spooky Fanboy: [Mortal Coil] Revised?
Has MC Revised come to fruition yet? Or is it still on the back burner?
In Galileo Games
Participants: Spooky Fanboy, inthisstyle, Ice Cream Emperor.

4/23/2009 Vordark: Seeking Suggestions For "Mixed Blessing" Powers
I'm brainstorming for ideas of powers that not only provide some benefit, but also create a weakness or otherwise have an at least somewhat nasty trade-off.  As an example... A…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vordark, chronoplasm, Egonblaidd, Brimshack, JoyWriter, GozerTC, phatonin.

4/23/2009 chronoplasm: I'd Like to make a Heartbreaker...
One of the points I keep hearing regarding old OD&D is that the system is so simple and threadbare that it can support any character concept and any situation through…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Vordark, greyorm, Brimshack, whiteknife, MacLeod, Seamus.

4/23/2009 Doyce: [IAWA] Two dice questions and an ONYFD question.
Hi all, let me get right to it. 1. Dice Question One: Player 1 and 2 are about to throw down. Player 1 is rolling a d12 and a d6.…
In lumpley games
Participants: Doyce, jessecoombs, Filip Luszczyk, Paul T.

4/23/2009 Egonblaidd: Attribute/Skill Hierarchy for a Universal System
Vordark's threads about Genesys have gotten me thinking to how I would design a universal system.  I think it would be a good exercise even if I can't/don't make one…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Egonblaidd, Ayyavazi, visioNationstudios, Vordark, Vulpinoid, TheDeadlyPlatypus, Selene Tan.

4/23/2009 e24ohm: 2d6 or 3d6 for simple dice system
Folks: I am new to the forum, and i like what I am seeing; however, i am trying to develop a simple dice system which uses 2d6 or 3d6, which…
In Playtesting
Participants: e24ohm, chance.thirteen.

4/23/2009 Wordmaker: [WGP] A pitch for our game
[u][b]Tarnished:[/b][/u] Everything changed the day Superman died. Metropolis is gone. Nothing remains but a crater and the surrounding ruins. The government calls it a memorial to humanity, a reminder that…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Wordmaker, Paka.

4/23/2009 mjbauer: I Made a Break-Through
Not in the game I'm designing, but in my understanding of game design in general. It's like the light finally came on. I know this is probably just the basics…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mjbauer, Wolfen, ShallowThoughts, Seamus, Noon, TheDeadlyPlatypus, JoyWriter, Selene Tan.

4/22/2009 Seamus: Impressions Advertising and Marketing
Anyone work through them before. Good or bad experience?
In Publishing
Participants: Seamus, preludetotheend, guildofblades.

4/22/2009 cra2: 1001 Nights as a mini-game within another game?
Hi, Any suggestions as to how to bring elements of 1001 Nights into a social (party) scene within a 'traditional' fantasy campaign? We've been playing a d&d type of game…
In Night Sky Games
Participants: cra2, chance.thirteen, Meguey.

4/22/2009 MacLeod: Naming Convention
I have a pretty simple question... I'm working on an easy-to-use yet tabletop tactically robust... and I was wondering if anyone has any idea of what I should name a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MacLeod, whiteknife, Wolfen, Luke, Paul Czege, JoyWriter, DanielM, chance.thirteen.

4/21/2009 Monk: Downward Granularity with dice pools
So the system that we're working on uses dice pools constructed by adding together various characteristics and skills that are being used. So far, everything works beautifully, but I'm working…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Monk, creatfire, Guy Srinivasan, chance.thirteen, Wordman.

4/21/2009 agony: Alternative Poison'd Starting Situations
So I'm working on a Poison'd hack and I'm wondering if anyone has put any thought into alternative starting situations for Poison'd? The default situation is just so perfect I'm…
In lumpley games
Participants: agony, Eero Tuovinen, watergoesred, Graham Walmsley, Marshall Burns.

4/21/2009 Brimshack: Critical Absences
More and more, I am thinking about what I DON'T want in the bag of tricks for my game. And by that I do not mean major points of style…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brimshack, Vordark, chance.thirteen, Luke, Noon, Egonblaidd, phatonin, chronoplasm, ShallowThoughts.

4/21/2009 SaintandSinner: Indie games passport/map?
Will there be an 'Indie Map' or 'Indie Passport' this year?  I'm helping organize the Indie Games Explosion and Games on Demand.  If there is such a thing we would…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, TJ.

4/21/2009 The Dragon Master: Sorcerer and Premise...
After stumbling through creating a setting for a quick one-shot for a new member of our group, and while trying to work out a general setting idea for a mini-campaign…
In Adept Press
Participants: The Dragon Master, jburneko, rabindranath72, greyorm, angelfromanotherpin, Ron Edwards, Christopher Kubasik.

4/20/2009 Marshall Burns: Lunar Notes
Inspired by John Harper's GHOST/ECHO and Lady Blackbird, I made Lunar Notes: Page One PDF Page Two PDF I'm not as hot as John Harper with the layout,…
In Beyond the Wire Productions
Participants: Marshall Burns, Ron Edwards, Noclue, DWeird, JoyWriter.

4/20/2009 Brimshack: Botched Attacks and Botched Dialogues
Okay, I am 2 years into designing this RPG. As part of Game Testing, we have been running a campaign, literally just a campaign that happens to use this system.…
In Playtesting
Participants: Brimshack, ShallowThoughts, chance.thirteen, FredGarber.

4/20/2009 ShallowThoughts: Those imaginary "other kinds" of RPGers
Hello folks, I suppose this is more of an "Actual NOT Played" thread, because I discuss a kind of actual play I've NOT ever found myself in, and I'm curious…
In Actual Play
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Wolfen, greyorm, Greymorn, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Paka, Cranewings, Noclue, chance.thirteen, AzaLiN.

4/20/2009 jessecoombs: Question about Drowning & Falling
I couldn't figure this out from the text, so I'll just ask it here. When a character "explores" a room/location, he has to face a challenge depending on the direction…
In Bully Pulpit Games
Participants: jessecoombs, jasonm, Selene Tan.

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Subsequent Topics

4/24/2009 reason: in search of sword & sorcery b/w ink work
I'm in search of sword & sorcery / general dark and moody olden times artwork for a low budget but hopefully still good looking rpg product. Specifically it all has…
In Connections
Participants: reason.

4/24/2009 tonyd: Need external playtest for Principia
My game Principia is almost ready to go to layout, but I really a bit of external playtesting to validate the rules text. Principia is a game of adventure in…
In Connections
Participants: tonyd, Darcy Burgess, epweissengruber.

4/24/2009 Willow: [Storming...] Vincent, Your Monster Creation Rules are Borked
So, in the errata, we've got these gems: 1) Give monsters more hit points. I haven’t figured out exactly how many more, but more. For 3 players, maybe 1 more…
In Playtesting
Participants: Willow, lumpley.

4/24/2009 Seamus: "you" versus "your character'
So I am designing a few rule books that I am going to publish myself. I am so accustomed to using other peoples' style guides, it is a bit a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Seamus, Vulpinoid, Egonblaidd, ShallowThoughts, Luke, Monk, mjbauer.

4/25/2009 Vulpinoid: Quincunx Public Archive
I just thought I'd share a site I've been working on recently to set the premise for my roleplaying game of supernatural hunters and reality television. The Quincunx Public Archive.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vulpinoid, whiteknife, dauvis, MacLeod, DWeird, Jasper Flick.

4/25/2009 cra2: any audio or transcripts of 1001 Nights actual play?
Is anyone aware of audio recordings of 1001 Nights actual play? Or maybe play reports that are more like a transcript than a summary of events? thanks, Cra2
In Actual Play
Participants: cra2.

4/25/2009 MJGraham: [Defiance] How can I make sabotage fun?
In Defiance players roleplay insurrectionists who have their own fortes. The equivalent in D&D would be players roleplaying adventurers who have their own classes. There are five fortes that players…
In Playtesting
Participants: MJGraham, Noclue, Vordark, DWeird, Noon, LandonSuffered, JoyWriter.

4/25/2009 Elkin: [SHADOWS]: Is a gradually-built dramatic climax possible?
Hi, Last summer, at a local convention, I GMed a four-hour game using a modified version of Shadows ( The game world was along the lines of C.K. Chesterton's "The…
In Actual Play
Participants: Elkin, JoyWriter, Ron Edwards.

4/25/2009 Seamus: Font and Font size for 8x11 book
I know nothing about typography and layout, but I have 6 months to figure it out for our first release (if I can't do it in that time, I guess…
In Publishing
Participants: Seamus, Vulpinoid, Luke, Wolfen, Gregor Hutton, mjbauer, David C, Carnifex, Graham Walmsley, btrc, Eero Tuovinen.

4/25/2009 Thunder_God: [Juiced Rider][Repost] Modular Memory Shuffle Rules.
I really didn't know where to post this, but I guess the default forum is as good a bet as any. Anyhow, I've been on a kick recently to take…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thunder_God, TheDeadlyPlatypus.

4/26/2009 watergoesred: [Dirty Secrets] Two "investigators"
I got a germ of an idea when watching Alfred Hitchcock's "Frenzy", a story about someone wrongly accused of a crime: playing Dirty Secrets with two investigators. One is the…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: watergoesred, GreatWolf, M. J. Young.

4/27/2009 Aegir: dLITE: A setting without humans?
We're working on a sci fantasy setting to go with the release of this dLITE system, and while we're trying to push the envelope with several factors, perhaps the biggest…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aegir, chronoplasm, MacLeod, Vulpinoid, zmobie, Wolfen, visioNationstudios, Lance D. Allen, GozerTC, LandonSuffered.

4/27/2009 cra2: duration of "stories"?
In practical terms, how long is it taking for each courtier to get through their stories?
In Night Sky Games
Participants: cra2, Meguey.

4/27/2009 watergoesred: [Poison'd] Ambitions of longer-term play
Is Poison'd really only good for a session or two? Sure it's fun to play some awful brutes, but when we played it soon started to feel there was nothing…
In lumpley games
Participants: watergoesred, Graham Walmsley, agony.

4/27/2009 Wolfen: Mage Blade: Character Creation
I feel this needs something of an intro. Mage Blade first came to the Forge about 7-8 years ago. It was something of a heartbreaker then, and I've shelved it…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Wolfen, SilasMalkav, MacLeod, lumpley, Egonblaidd, Darcy Burgess, Luke, Lance D. Allen, GozerTC, chance.thirteen, Simon C.

4/27/2009 chronoplasm: Questions regarding character advancement
What do you think of games where characters advance at different rates as a balance mechanism? Let's say that you are playing a game where you are allowed to play…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, jerry, Egonblaidd, chance.thirteen, JoyWriter, whiteknife, LandonSuffered.

4/28/2009 GozerTC: World Books vs. A full RPG for a first project?
Greetings friends, this is my first post here and as always I did a search to see if this has been asked before.  Of course my search criteria could just…
In First Thoughts
Participants: GozerTC, Luke.

4/28/2009 RobNJ: Tied motifs?
So I have to decide something in Misspent Youth. At the end of the series, you are going to count up the number of motifs The Authority owns and the…
In Robert Bohl Games
Participants: RobNJ, Ron Edwards.

4/28/2009 Claudia Cangini: InterNosCon 2009
Hi! I’d like to let you know about a little italian initiative we had this year. It went so awesomely that we hope to be able to have some foreign…
In Conventions
Participants: Claudia Cangini.

4/28/2009 tonyd: Go Play NW - Seattle June 26-28
Go Play NW 2009 will be Friday June 16 - Sunday June 28 this year. There are a few improvements and changes this year: THREE days of gaming: from…
In Conventions
Participants: tonyd.

more subsequent topics >>