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Previous Topics

5/15/2009 Brimshack: World (Re-)Creation
[b]Rambling Background Stuff[/b] Okay, I've been rethinking my game system for a few months now (part of the reason I came back and starting posting here lately), trying to retrace…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brimshack, JoyWriter.

5/15/2009 chronoplasm: Anarchist Fantasy
A quote I've seen in somebody's sig on another site: "D&D is the ultimate right wing wet dream. A bunch of guys who are better than your average joe set…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Abkajud, NN, Vulpinoid, JoyWriter, Evlyn, contracycle, dindenver.

5/15/2009 Stacey Lucht: Simming
Hello, I'm not sure if anyone here remembers me, but I am Stacey Lucht, still President of the IntraGalactic League of Sims.  It's been a few years since I've checked…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Stacey Lucht, JoyWriter, phatonin, Vulpinoid.

5/15/2009 mjbauer: Deciding What a Game is About
How do you decide what your game is about? I know this seems like a really dumb question, but it's turning out to be much harder to do than I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mjbauer, Noon, chronoplasm, Abkajud, JoyWriter, Luke, davidberg, dindenver.

5/15/2009 Eldrad: NOVEL RPG Ideas In a Supers Campaign I am thinking about giving normal people 10 hitpoints Have a basic power level  for the game being played. Teen Supers – Here the players…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eldrad, redalastor, Noclue, Vulpinoid.

5/14/2009 Paul T: What's at Stake in Dogs -- who leads?
I have this intuition, and it's really just a guess, that the game plays better when the players are naming the "What's at Stake" in a conflict. Like, "Does the…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paul T, Filip Luszczyk, lumpley, Eliarhiman6, Noclue, Supplanter.

5/14/2009 Axe4Eye: Power 19 for new [old] game.
[b]1.) What is your game about?[/b] An ancient conspiracy against all life in the universe.  One involving constantly battling occult secret societies, corrupt governments and corporations, extraterrestrial beings, ancient dark…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Axe4Eye, JoyWriter.

5/14/2009 deadlytoque: (Fantastical) Democracy in Action: voting as a mechanic
I've recently written a game that uses a combination of dice and voting to determine outcomes. Most conflict will be between two players (called the Hero and the Shadow in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: deadlytoque, redalastor, Vulpinoid, JoyWriter, Abkajud.

5/13/2009 Silvana: system without stage manager
I'm searching for a system without a stage manager for my game I'm creating (I'm a really beginner in this world). It's a game based on a theatreplay (3 sisters/…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Silvana.

5/13/2009 Simon C: Let's See - Rethinking "Sim"
I've been following with interest Vincent's discussion of "Right to Dream" play on his blog.  I agree with him that "Right to Dream" is a far more useful handle than…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon C, Caldis, whiteknife, contracycle, Gregor Hutton, Frank Tarcikowski, lumpley, JoyWriter, jlarke, Filip Luszczyk.

5/13/2009 whiteknife: GM or no GM?
Having abandoned, rediscovered, tweaked, re-tweaked, and re-re-tweaked my game, I've come to an impasse. The game is Tamers, and after much thinking I've decided that it's theme is exploration. You…
In First Thoughts
Participants: whiteknife, chronoplasm, Jasper Flick.

5/13/2009 AJ_Flowers: A Half-Cooked Narrativist Giant Robo Battle Mechanic
So, though I haven't had one in ages, here is a crackpot design idea from me that may or may not go somewhere.  A lot of my peer group is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: AJ_Flowers, whiteknife, Wordman, Axe4Eye.

5/12/2009 chronoplasm: Interesting Quote
From ENWorld, in a discussion regarding the roles in 4E D&D: The fact is that in any point-based resolution system like D&D combat, there's only two things to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, whiteknife, Noon, Guy Srinivasan, Vulpinoid, ShallowThoughts.

5/12/2009 Gregor Hutton: [Survey] The 2009 Collective Endeavour Survey
As part of the ongoing review of the services provided through The Collective Endeavour (, we would like to gather some information from the people who use our website and…
In Publishing
Participants: Gregor Hutton.

5/12/2009 LandonSuffered: Challenge the Player, not the Stat Block (D&D)
Just one more AP post (hopefully with more AP), since I seem to have a great deal of trouble falling asleep tonight…. Again, regarding AD&D and the “old school” insights…
In Actual Play
Participants: LandonSuffered, Noon, Frank Tarcikowski, Caldis, contracycle, greyorm, JoyWriter, ShallowThoughts, AzaLiN, FredGarber, Vulpinoid, otspiii, Ron Edwards.

5/12/2009 LandonSuffered: "Old School" Endgames, Grognardia
I’ve been waxing seriously nostalgic of late, not the least of which is due to recently discovering James Maliszewski’s wonderfully insightful blog, Grognardia: I’ve been reading his essays the…
In Actual Play
Participants: LandonSuffered, Eero Tuovinen, Brimshack, Darcy Burgess, Noon.

5/11/2009 redalastor: Graphical ways to represent plot development?
I'm working on a LARP management software to make tracking all the huge pile of info that goes into a LARP bearable. It's going to track players, characters, xp, etc.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: redalastor, dauvis, pells.

5/11/2009 jlarke: [Solar System] Oratory & telecommunications
Hello, Forge. I'm running a Battlestar Galactica campaign using the Solar System rules. My PCs are the officers of the Battlestar Actaeon and the civilian ships that gathered around it,…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: jlarke, Eero Tuovinen, oliof.

5/11/2009 jlarke: [DITV] Suggestions for one-shot play
I have plans to spend Memorial Day weekend with several friends, and one of them suggested it might be a good time for a one-shot adventure to introduce people to…
In lumpley games
Participants: jlarke, lumpley, Eliarhiman6.

5/11/2009 EllePepper: Mystic: need character stat sheets...
I'm doing a table top rpg, and I find one thing missing from the stat sheets, I need a sheet with a human figure on them to mark changes, augments…
In Connections
Participants: EllePepper.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

5/16/2009 AzaLiN: [Sorcerer]Sandbox
As I was reading Sorcerer & Sword, I began thinking of authored role playing in terms of sandbox play, similar to GTA or certain D&D campaigns; but as I read…
In Adept Press
Participants: AzaLiN, Ron Edwards, jburneko, Abkajud.

5/16/2009 droog: A small clash of vision
I've written before at greater length about an RQ game I used to run. I'd like to consider one issue here. Out of many years of play it sticks out…
In Actual Play
Participants: droog, Noclue, Ron Edwards, Frank Tarcikowski, Abkajud, Noon, Alex Abate.

5/17/2009 jenskot: [Dogs in the Vineyard] Point Hollow
It’s been a whirlwind week of GMing! I took the week off and ran 3 consecutive Dogs towns then D&D 4E 2 days ago, and another Dogs town for Paul…
In Actual Play
Participants: jenskot, Paul T, davidberg, Lance D. Allen, Jasper Flick, lumpley.

5/17/2009 redalastor: Combat-less RPG
Following a discussion on a once nice-ish medieval fantastic LARP with Roleplay turned into a large game of risk where the only point of the game is to battle other…
In First Thoughts
Participants: redalastor, Jasper Flick, Abkajud, chronoplasm, otspiii, Vulpinoid, chance.thirteen, Eliarhiman6, phatonin.

5/18/2009 Eliarhiman6: [DitV] Cunning and Ferocity
Hi! If a Sorcerer has both powers (Cunning and Ferocity) , he can add his relationship with demons to a conflict that he start as social. If then he turn…
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, lumpley.

5/18/2009 osito: illustrator available for work
hi my name is Piotr Michalczyk and I'm an illustrator and graphic designer from Wroclaw, Poland. I'm still working on my own website, you can check out some of my…
In Connections
Participants: osito.

5/18/2009 Vordark: Scribus?
I've had a fair amount of experience with "free" software and am strongly of the opinion that such software is only free if your time has no value. I'm looking…
In Publishing
Participants: Vordark, Graham Walmsley, Eero Tuovinen, jerry, David Artman, redalastor, dauvis, Selene Tan, greyorm, reason, Clay.

5/18/2009 Channelm: Witch Girls Adventures
I wanted to invite all of you o the site for my companies new RPG site If you have questions post them here or drop me an email.
In First Thoughts
Participants: Channelm, jp_miller, Ashirgo, Eero Tuovinen, chance.thirteen.

5/18/2009 Eliarhiman6: [TABAW] pdf edition?
Hi! Somebody has any news about the promised pdf edition of "Thou Art But A Warrior"? I waited instead of buying the printed edition to save the shipping costs to…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

5/19/2009 thadrine: My Mechanic ; Need some input
Here is the basis: (based heavily off of Houses of the Blooded) You have a simple set list of skills, about 6 of them. They are ranked from 2-5 at…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thadrine, Guy Srinivasan, Vulpinoid, chronoplasm, Wordman.

5/19/2009 Paul Czege: he's the decider
Barack Obama <a href="">plays</a> <a href="">Executive Decision</a>. Love the hack where the game ends with the President dictating on the spot the text of the announcement of his decision. Paul
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Czege.

5/19/2009 Danny: Even Dice - please critique my univeral system
Hello Everyone, I came across a game system I wrote a few years back. After re-reading it I thought it had promise. I'd love to get some feedback on it…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Danny, brianbloodaxe, ShallowThoughts, AJ_Flowers.

5/19/2009 Lxndr: (Fastlane) Recommended Media
This was going to be a 'recommended reading' list for a while, then I started thinking of movies. Books * The Lies of Locke Lamora (Scott Lynch) * Anansi Boys…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, Eero Tuovinen.

5/20/2009 jp_miller: Creating Phantasia - A game that helps you do the world building.
Hi all, I’ve had an idea for an RPG in the pipelines for some time now and am seriously contemplating publishing it. Before I dedicate time and energy into this…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jp_miller, chronoplasm, Luke, whiteknife, MacLeod, Vulpinoid, JoyWriter.

5/20/2009 RevJackson: Looking for a DnD 4E Rules-Lite System for PbP or Table
I'm amazed by this place.  I've been reading and learning a lot here. I love narrativist play.  So I really like PbP games.  I'm very pressed for time.  Running combat,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: RevJackson, Eero Tuovinen, CKNIGHT, Eldrad, Noon, redalastor, Vulpinoid, whiteknife, Wordman.

5/20/2009 Michael Desing: [Mythweaver: Reckoning] Vault of the Goblin
While I was having great fun with my play test for Mount Brim, and I plan to continue building Mount Brim at some point, the last few weeks have been…
In Playtesting
Participants: Michael Desing.

5/21/2009 orklord: [Solar System] Rate of Ascension
I was talking about tSoY tonight with someone and the subject of ascension came up. Has anyone ever ascended in a game you've run/played in? If so, how many game…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: orklord, KCassidy, oliof, Eero Tuovinen.

5/21/2009 Falc: [DitV AP] White Stag
The town of White Stag was founded way back when, when Brother Zacharias went hunting in the woods that existed there and shot a bone-white deer stag. Feeling that this…
In lumpley games
Participants: Falc, Noclue, jburneko, lumpley.

5/21/2009 ShallowThoughts: Funny little anecdote - the players surprised me (GM)
I'm using this anecdote to demonstrate a point I made in the "Challenge the Player, not the Stat Block (D&D)" . I can't circularly link, and since that response already…
In Actual Play
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Caldis, LandonSuffered, wgrzanic, Frank Tarcikowski.

5/22/2009 raidzuo: I made a card game.
I made a CCRPG (collectible card role playing game) for my players as a replacement for DnD and I want to print it en mass and possibly publish it. Should…
In Publishing
Participants: raidzuo, Ron Edwards, guildofblades, Tyler.Tinsley, preludetotheend.

more subsequent topics >>