The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

7/26/2009 Neon White: [Sorcerer] Any groups/players in London?
Hi all, Are there any groups playing Sorcerer actively in London at the moment who could use another player?  Alternatively, are there any players about who would be interested in…
In Adept Press
Participants: Neon White, Ron Edwards, pfischer, Salar, The Magus, Neil the Wimp, GB Steve.

7/26/2009 Paul T: Trollbabe-ish setup lacking drama
About two months ago, I ran a one-session game using a simple homebrew ruleset based on Vincent Baker's Otherkind dice idea, designed specifically for three players. (Here's a link, if…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul T, Ron Edwards, Noclue, jburneko, Arturo G., Andrew Norris, Eszed, Noon.

7/26/2009 Sebastian: First Questions - Should I self publish?
Hello, I'm new to this industry.  I don't plan to make it big, but I love designing games.  I think I've come up with something tasty and, like all the…
In Publishing
Participants: Sebastian, Lance D. Allen, preludetotheend, Ben Lehman, MatrixGamer, HeTeleports, greyorm, Selene Tan.

7/26/2009 Nocker: Schism and left controlled dice
Hello, 1) When you Schism, you take dice you control (i.e. you have Debt under) and place it on a new Side. But what if there is dice you control…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Nocker, Dominic Claveau, TonyLB.

7/26/2009 David C: Other RPG design forums?
I'm basically just trying to find out what other RPG design forums are out there.  The Forge has its own culture and its own group of regulars, but sometimes you're…
In Connections
Participants: David C, Lance D. Allen, Patrice, ShallowThoughts, Frank Tarcikowski, Ron Edwards, Gregor Hutton, M. J. Young, greyorm.

7/25/2009 Christopher Kubasik: Sorcerer + Kids = "YAAAAY!"
I spent this past week in New Hampshire with my family.  Spotty Internet, no tv, a lovely lake, and lots of family gathered up in one house. My sister had…
In Actual Play
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, jburneko, Ron Edwards, Finarvyn, Eszed.

7/25/2009 Lance D. Allen: [Mage Blade]: Spellcasting
It's laughable to call this a first thought. I've taken magic back to formula almost as many times as character generation. So we'll call this a Born-Again First Thought. As…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Lance D. Allen, Simon C, brianbloodaxe, Bill_White, Johnstone.

7/24/2009 Certified: [Fractured Kingdom] Starting a new Play By Post Demo
I've posted several threads regarding Fractured Kingdom. For those interested I'm starting a Demo at Hero Central. This will be my last play test before Dragon*Con. Song of Silence
In Connections
Participants: Certified.

7/24/2009 ShallowThoughts: Distinguishing between good-good/bad-good, and simply boring actions
I realize the topic title is mystifying, so I'll explain. I'm working on a character growth/reward system (mentioned in a recent post Chits and the Void) where the PCs are…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Luke, Patrice, dindenver, Lance D. Allen, anders_larsen.

7/24/2009 Marshall Burns: [Hex Rangers] Strange Fruit revisited
[i]Hex Rangers[/i] is my design that was formerly titled [i]Witch Trails[/i]. It’s a game of investigating and exterminating the paranormal in the American frontier. A couple weeks ago, I ran…
In Playtesting
Participants: Marshall Burns, Patrice, Simon C, DWeird, Mike Sugarbaker, davidberg, Noon, JoyWriter, Emmadexter1970, contracycle, charles ferguson, northerain.

7/24/2009 Mordy: RPGing on the Fly
I'm a long-term lurker (a couple years), but this is my first post. First I want to thank everyone on the forums for turning me onto some remarkable games, and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mordy, Luke, brianbloodaxe, Simon C, Vulpinoid.

7/24/2009 reveal: The ENnies Voting Booth Is Now Open!
The ENnies Voting Booth is now open! We have three exciting announcements! The voting booth is open! Voting for this years ENnie nominees can now commence. The booth will be…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

7/24/2009 AgentJ34: Cover Artist and Layout Designer
Hello everyone, My name is Junior Mclean I'm new here, my sole purpose is to find the contacts interested in new talent or in need of a freelancer for future…
In Connections
Participants: AgentJ34.

7/24/2009 Rod Anderson: S/Lay with Old Gregg
So, for whatever reason my brain made a connection between all the Monsters, Lovers and Monster Lovers in those S/Lay with Me playtest threads and the "Legend of Old Gregg"…
In Adept Press
Participants: Rod Anderson.

7/24/2009 James_Nostack: Humanity in the Maltese Falcon?
I'm doing "Sorcerer exercise" with an eye toward later play.  I'm adapting Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon using the relationship-map method from The Sorcerer's Soul.  I'm having a little bit…
In Adept Press
Participants: James_Nostack, jburneko, Ron Edwards, Marshall Burns.

7/23/2009 RobNJ: [Misspent Youth] I want to credit you
I'm writing up a thank yous and acknowledgments section in the final edition of Misspent Youth. If I played the game with you, or if you played without me and…
In Robert Bohl Games
Participants: RobNJ.

7/23/2009 Darcy Burgess: [Black Cadillacs] Code genius needed
Hi, Are you really smart with web stuff? Can you build me something that will: - let people post content (sort of like a 'blog or a wiki) - let…
In Connections
Participants: Darcy Burgess, lachek.

7/23/2009 derthnada: [DitV] Pullouts mismatch
I'm getting to host my first DitV game tonight, so I went to print the pullouts for easy reference...only to discover that the page numbers don't match the copy of…
In lumpley games
Participants: derthnada, lumpley.

7/23/2009 drkrash: Uploading Material
Allow me to demonstrate my profound internet illiteracy (and perhaps my continued bafflement at deciding the right sub-forum to post in here). I'd like to upload some playtest materials to…
In Site Discussion
Participants: drkrash, Darcy Burgess, Ron Edwards.

7/23/2009 mirrored: Michal Cielecki - professional music composition
Greetings, My name is Michal Cielecki. I am a performer and a freelance composer from Poland, having years of experience in various music genres, both performing and composing. My skills…
In Connections
Participants: mirrored.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

7/27/2009 Simon C: [The Heartbreaker War] Fictional Causes
Here's the pitch for my project "The Hearbreaker War": The Heartbreaker War is a campaign setting and character creation system designed to work with any fantasy RPG system.  You play…
In Playtesting
Participants: Simon C, Noclue, Lance D. Allen.

7/27/2009 Biled Head: Varied Artist, interested in doing cover and interior art
Hi everybody, I've known about this forum for a couple years now, but only recently have I discovered the amount of talented and prestigious game designers who come here regularily.…
In Connections
Participants: Biled Head, greyorm.

7/27/2009 preludetotheend: simple question (I think) on open office
Hey folks so finishing up my digital ashcan and I have decided not to tackle anything like indesign or scribus yet so I had a couple questions on the best…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Patrice.

7/27/2009 cra2: DiTV actual play AUDIO ?
Does anyone know of any audio recordings of DITV actual play? thanks, Cra2
In lumpley games
Participants: cra2, Noclue.

7/27/2009 Melinglor: [Spectre of the Beast] What's a little piracy among peaceful peoples?
You know, I have been very, very stupid. I've been working on game design for a couple of years now, and I have completely ignored the Forge as a mine…
In Playtesting
Participants: Melinglor.

7/27/2009 Seamus: POD Printing and color interior
Does anyone know a POD publisher that lets you have a few color interior pages, without charging color for the whole book?
In Publishing
Participants: Seamus.

7/27/2009 Klaus_Welten: [Solar System] When do rocks fall in the Solar System?
Hi guys, first post, SS rocks, etc. etc. ^_^ I've gout a doubt after reading the PDF: what happens if the Story Guide narrates something like "A slide of rocks…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Klaus_Welten, Eero Tuovinen.

7/27/2009 cra2: DiTV vs. Agon ?
In your expert opinion(s), which is 'easier' to setup & run?  Dogs in the Vineyard or Agon? I have to run a session for 3-4 players in two weeks with…
In Actual Play
Participants: cra2, Simon C, Noclue, Ron Edwards.

7/27/2009 Librabys: Aethera and the kill power 19
Hi, I am designing a game, and reading here since few weeks. I've red all the articles and some posts, and I would like to put my concept on the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Librabys, Noclue, Ron Edwards, markhaselb, Simon C, Ben Lehman.

7/27/2009 7VII7: I can't think of a good subject to go here.
Ok, I've been thinking of making an rpg for awhile now, but so far I only have half-baked ideas and such, however I have several ideas about what I want…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7, lumpley, Luke, Alex Abate, Bill_White, Selene Tan, greyorm, JoyWriter, Paul Czege, Noon, Simon C.

7/28/2009 mjbauer: Game Design Conference
Is there such a conference? Should there be?
In Endeavor
Participants: mjbauer, Vulpinoid, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

7/28/2009 MatrixGamer: "Thunder Hamsters and the Temple of Cheese" at the Hamster Press booth at Gen Co
My big release for this year's Gen Con is Thunder Hamsters. It's a hybrid boardgame/Engle Matrix Game in which hamster heroes run into the temple and steal things. When they…
In Conventions
Participants: MatrixGamer, Emily Care, hoefer.

7/28/2009 MatrixGamer: I'm really liking Adobe Illustrator!
Previously I've done my cover art layout in Photoshop but for my latest game I've been doing it in Illustrator. All I can say is wow! I've always been slow…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, Airafice.

7/28/2009 Ayyavazi: Cyclical World Explosion and Premise
Ok, I'm trying to design a setting so that it encourages premise, that is, encourages narrativist roleplaying and doesn't fall into the "excuse to publish fiction" Ron hates so much.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ayyavazi, jasonm.

7/28/2009 Ayyavazi: What goes into a Genre?
Hello all, I realized that coming up with genres and example movies/books does not help people to craft stories using my game, since Genre is too broad a term. What…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ayyavazi, dindenver, JoyWriter.

7/28/2009 agony: [Solar System] Porting BE's Firefight! Mechanic
I'm looking specifically to run a Mech/Combined Arms Sci-Fi campaign using Solar System.  I recently purchased some Mechwarrior Hero Clix and am looking to use these in the game.  My…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: agony, Eero Tuovinen.

7/28/2009 Nocker: Claiming and treason
Sides are undifferentiated apart from the Characters who are allied to them and the actions that make them becoming allied. When you create a Conflict (e.g. The Villains take over…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Nocker, JMendes, TonyLB.

7/28/2009 Wordman: Designing to constraints (airport games)
I can't tell if this post is really intended to design a real game, or just tripping over beehives. I think it is the former, but given my recent ranting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Wordman, HeTeleports, Librabys, Doplegager, JoyWriter, Vladius, Guy Srinivasan.

7/28/2009 7VII7: TAROT (working title) stuff
Color: Classic fantasy elements with a new take on it, things like magic being a daily part of life, elves being more like aliens, dwarves incased cybernetic suits, etc, for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7, markhaselb, Simon C, Adam Dray.

7/28/2009 jburneko: Basic Contain Mechanic Question
Hello, In the text it says that you can make a series of Lore vs. Stamina tests while constructing a Contain to generate bonus dice that will eventually add to…
In Adept Press
Participants: jburneko, Ron Edwards.

more subsequent topics >>