The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

11/18/2009 andrew_kenrick: [Dead of Night] Grendel, Alaska
At Indiecon at the weekend I ran my first game of Dead of Night II, as I'm affectionately calling the second edition of my horror game. I watched the Host…
In Actual Play
Participants: andrew_kenrick.

11/18/2009 Mythology: Answering the Power 19, 6-10
From 6.) What types of behaviors/styles of play does your game reward (and punish if necessary)? Mythology does not seek to dictate how people should play the game. I…
In First Thoughts

11/18/2009 Mathematics of Combat
Hi all, I'm trying to understand the mathematics of combat to a greater extent. So far, I've taken into consideration:   -- Recalculate damage as the percentage of the opponents…
In First Thoughts
Participants:, dindenver.

11/17/2009 Abkajud: [La Familia] A game of tyranny and family values (long-ish)
Hey, everyone! I've been tinkering with a game design whose mechanics centered around my adaptation of the Otherkind dice system. Play is focused on a) important members of powerful families/organizations…
In Playtesting
Participants: Abkajud.

11/17/2009 RARodger: [DitV] This is a fantastic game
Sorry, not a whole lot of meat here, but I just had to share. I am having a blast with this game. We just finished our 6th setting and 2nd…
In lumpley games
Participants: RARodger, lumpley, Supplanter.

11/17/2009 Le Joueur: GM has a 'character sheet' same as the players
Well, back from the dead...again...I guess. After many trips and travails, I think I've found the last chunk to put Scattershot into working order.  And a flavor to start with…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Le Joueur, Rikiji, Catelf, JoyWriter.

11/16/2009 caul: Lord of the Rings
Anyone do a Lord of the Rings conversion for Agon?
In design
Participants: caul.

11/16/2009 neko ewen: [Slime Story] Needs more encouragement for role-playing
Slime Story is a game I've been working on for entirely too long. The short short tagline is "teenagers hunt cute monsters for spending money." It takes place in a…
In Playtesting
Participants: neko ewen, Catelf, Locke, David C.

11/16/2009 Charlatan: Need playtesters for species role playing game...
I have been role playing for twelve years and have devised my own system and game. It is about clans of humans that have animal attributes and works on a…
In Connections
Participants: Charlatan, Vulpinoid, chance.thirteen.

11/16/2009 Charlatan: Species role playing game needs testers please...
I have been role playing for about twelve years and have designed my own role playing game which is a mixture of dnd and vampire rules. It is simpler though…
In Connections
Participants: Charlatan.

11/16/2009 Sebastian: [Hell for Leather] Tasteless violence needs proofing
[Also posted on Praxis] I've just finished the alpha release of Hell for Leather for Nathan Paoletta's Two Games One Name competition. My playtest group have become contaminated by the…
In Connections
Participants: Sebastian.

11/16/2009 Supplanter: [IAWA] Another We Owe List Q
I can hardly believe I'm asking this one, but the group expressed some interest in the official ruling on the following matter, and I am the designated person who posts…
In lumpley games
Participants: Supplanter, David Artman, lumpley, jessecoombs, Brand_Robins.

11/16/2009 Sam Anderson: [Blowback playtest] JiffyCon 11/14/09
[b]Play report by Sam and Kate[/b] [b]Run by the game's author, Elizabeth Shoemaker[/b] [b]Baseline:[/b] We had great time, and we both would have wanted to continue the campaign if it…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sam Anderson, Elizabeth.

11/14/2009 Dionysus: 3+ characters in a conflict?
Howdy y'all Just had an awesome little pickup game. Been trying to play this forever but only now got some people wanting to play. I'll give the run-down to explain.…
In lumpley games
Participants: Dionysus, Paul T, Paul Czege.

11/14/2009 Philotomy: [The Pool] First Time -- Family Fairy Tale
I ran my first session of The Pool, this evening.  This was also my first session of any game with a large degree of player narrative control over the story…
In Actual Play
Participants: Philotomy, Finarvyn.

11/13/2009 caul: [Dark Aegis] Basic Task Resolution
[b][color=maroon]Basic Task Resolution[/color][/b] The basic system is to roll a dice pool (usually made up of Attribute, Skill, and Modifier dice) against a Target Rank (or difficulty).  Rather than add…
In First Thoughts
Participants: caul, Troy_Costisick, dindenver, Dan Maruschak.

11/12/2009 il mietitore: [MLWM] Hammering Doubt
Hi to everyone, i'm Alex "il mietitore" from Italy ("il mietitore" means "the reaper", in italian. Yeah, it's trash and silly, but I invented it when i was noob, and…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: il mietitore, Eliarhiman6, Noclue, Paul Czege.

11/12/2009 greyorm: [3:16] Killin' Bugs
After a couple weeks of folks being sick, etc. we finally got together to give 3:16 a go. Flat out: it was a blast. I was, in fact, told we…
In Actual Play
Participants: greyorm, Jaakko Koivula, Marshall Burns, Gregor Hutton.

11/11/2009 Klaus_Welten: [MLWM] One-shot rules?
Hi there! I'm going to GM a demo of MLWM and I've got a question: which values for Fear, Love and so on would be appropriate for a one-shot game?…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Klaus_Welten, Artanis, Adam Dray.

11/11/2009 Nathan P.: Veterans Day Promo = 15% of sales for NVVAM
The Info: In recognition of Veterans day, a percentage of all sales made from 11/11/09 to the end of the weekend (11/15/09) will be donated to the National Vietnam Veterans…
In ndp design
Participants: Nathan P..

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

11/19/2009 HeTeleports: Recapping years' worth of growth
I had written a long and eloquent plea to the previous Forge generation of posters, asking for a kind of recap. I decided the long thing was unnecessary. Recently, I've…
In Site Discussion
Participants: HeTeleports, chance.thirteen, Nathan P., Mulrah.

11/19/2009 YEAH: occult horror game one shot?
i had this idea for a game. i think it would work best as a one shot or just a few games. the idea is that  horror movie about an…
In First Thoughts
Participants: YEAH, Rikiji, Catelf, uchimatamaster.

11/19/2009 shaninator: Scoring and Stacking - D6 Core Mechanic
Hey guys. I've been pondering over an original, yet simple mechanic for a classless fantasy system. And, I wanna see you guys' take on it, and be honest. It started…
In First Thoughts
Participants: shaninator, chance.thirteen, CKNIGHT.

11/19/2009 MJGraham: (A Seed of an Idea) An Inter-generational Saga.
I'm writing another game in my spare time. It doesn't have a title yet. I'm using Ancestral Saga as a place holder until the right title comes along. The basic…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MJGraham, chance.thirteen, Catelf, DWeird, Warrior Monk, davidberg, contracycle.

11/20/2009 vellu82: [Solar System] Star Wars - KOTOR: Suggestions for Crunch Landscape
Hi to everyone. I'd like to take the d20 Star Wars Saga in Solar System. Any suggestions for the crunch landscape? Thanks.
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: vellu82, Eero Tuovinen, simonjberger.

11/20/2009 Marshall Burns: [3:16] These players are crazy
I played 3:16 last weekend on a camping trip. The players were: > my cousin James, with whom I’ve roleplayed often, and with whom I’ve played 3:16 once before. >…
In Actual Play
Participants: Marshall Burns, Noon, JoyWriter, Jaakko Koivula, Gregor Hutton, Jasper Flick, contracycle, Ron Edwards.

11/21/2009 Bushido6studios: [Realm of Legend] Artists needed
I am in need of good and reliable artists to throw together some artwork. I have 3 different ways to offer this. 1. I have a google Docs Page, where…
In Connections
Participants: Bushido6studios.

11/21/2009 juliusz: [Apocalypse World] Morgan Enterprise
1. PLAY We played about one and half week ago. It was our first Apocalypse World session, but all players are familiar with some Forge/story/indie-stuff (including DitV, Burning Empires, IaWA,…
In Playtesting
Participants: juliusz, DWeird, Everspinner, lumpley.

11/21/2009 Everspinner: [Apocalypse World] Keg of powder
Here's a session I did not have high hopes for. Two months since we last played and feeling very rusty, not to mention very tired due to work and family…
In Playtesting
Participants: Everspinner, lumpley.

11/21/2009 Anders Gabrielsson: [Storylines] First World Creation Playtest
I apologize in advance if this is a bit disjointed. I need to get to bed soon but I want to post this while I still have everything reasonably fresh…
In Playtesting
Participants: Anders Gabrielsson, JoyWriter.

11/22/2009 Ben Lehman: The Drifter's Escape for sale
After four years in development, the Drifter's Escape is available for purchase. I'm really happy with the book. It's sharp looking,  and has both excellent stories and a good game.…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Ben Lehman.

11/22/2009 northerain: [Dark Days]My core concept is dumb, please help.
Dark Days is the game I'm working on. I'll explain it the way I came up with it, so that it makes sense. Dark Days is a game about people…
In First Thoughts
Participants: northerain, Noon, Falc, DWeird, Certified, Ken, Mike Sugarbaker, dindenver, chance.thirteen.

11/22/2009 Filip Luszczyk: [Misery Bubblegum] First Game Questions
So, we've just finished our first session like half an hour ago. While the rules generally seem clear (I'm really fond of the slick non-linear presentation), and the game feels…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Eero Tuovinen, Graham Walmsley.

11/23/2009 froboi: Need help making system mathematically sound
Hey all, I've been working on a d20 based system and I've reached a point where I feel that it is very close to being playable. The only thing is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: froboi, Rikiji, Noon, Jeff B, chance.thirteen.

11/23/2009 whiteknife: [ABSOLUTE] Over the top of over the top
So last week I tested the RPG I’ve been working on, called ABSOLUTE. It’s a power crazy game that fully embraces everything “Awesome” “Xtreme” “1337” “wicked” “cool” “metal” and “excessive”…
In Playtesting
Participants: whiteknife, Filip Luszczyk, Catelf, MacLeod.

11/23/2009 lumpley: IMPORTANT: Scheduled Downtime
Hey everybody. I'm going to be moving the Forge to its new hosting situation this weekend upcoming. I'll bring it down on Thursday the 26th and bring it back up…
In Site Discussion
Participants: lumpley, Artanis, Eliarhiman6, northerain, Frank Tarcikowski, xenopulse, alef0, Miskatonic.

11/23/2009 drkrash: [Fight FGRPG] Help with Premise
So I asked a while ago about writing an Introduction for my new game, Fight! The Fighting Game RPG.  I received direction about establishing Premise to distinguish the game from…
In First Thoughts
Participants: drkrash, whiteknife, Catelf, MacLeod, davidberg, dindenver.

11/24/2009 Gareth_Lazelle: [DitV]
Not sure if this is the correct forum for this, but I recently purchased Dogs, and I can't download the file (the other two files download with no issues),…
In lumpley games
Participants: Gareth_Lazelle, lumpley.

11/25/2009 amnion: Fantasy stock photos or cheap art for CCGs
Does anyone know of anywhere I could get artwork that doesn't have to be bespoke for an indie CCG?  Having hundreds of cards would get pretty expensive if you had…
In Connections
Participants: amnion.

11/25/2009 Trollkin: Looking for some feed back on world and system
I've been writing my own game for a while now, but besides some friends, and a little test played with my weekly DnD group I've keep this pretty under wraps.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Trollkin, Mike Sugarbaker, dindenver.

more subsequent topics >>