The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

12/29/2009 punkbohemian: action points, by any other name
What I'm using in my system is a sort of an action point system to cover attacking and defense, based on an Agility-type stat which is going to determine how…
In First Thoughts
Participants: punkbohemian, Catelf, Stacktrace, David C, JoyWriter, Solarsaurus.

12/29/2009 David C: [Remos] Betrayal of Design Goals?
I've nearly completed my game. But I'm finding that I've betrayed some of my own design goals. The game I've made is somewhere between tactical decision making and story now.…
In Playtesting
Participants: David C, Catelf, contracycle, Paul Czege, dindenver, JoyWriter, Darcy Burgess, Noon.

12/29/2009 John Guance: apologize, but it is very Important
It doesn't accomplish faculty accustomed the time line, but it looks cool anyhow!
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Guance, Catelf, lumpley.

12/28/2009 migo: Coin flipping mechanic
This thought just came to me. It originally stemmed out of a thought of playing Reversi with coins - one player is heads, the other is tails, and at the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: migo, GregStolze.

12/28/2009 Klaus_Welten: [Sorcerer] How do you play it?
I got my greedy hands on Sorcerer and the first two supplements. I red them. The game looks fantastic, but I found I have problems understaing how exactly you do…
In Adept Press
Participants: Klaus_Welten, Ron Edwards, 5niper9.

12/27/2009 Callisto: Working on a System about Cats [Felis]
Hi there, this is my very first post on this forum, so I try to keep it short. My mothertongue is german so I apologize for bad english. I'm working…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Callisto, Noon, Catelf, chronoplasm, JLFergus.

12/26/2009 Kanosint: Play-Doh and Musicals, oh my!
Lately I can't help but ponder two things and how one could make an interesting RPG with them... Play-Doh and Musicals. Not together, of course, that'd be waaay too silly,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kanosint, Callisto, chronoplasm, FetusCommander.

12/26/2009 reason: taletellers and dreamers, or a game that doesn't exist
Once upon a time there was a writer who wrote a story game that doesn't exist. Those were strange times, and it was an act for a strange time. But…
In First Thoughts
Participants: reason, contracycle, Vulpinoid, Kanosint.

12/26/2009 Filip Luszczyk: [Misery Bubblegum] It hurts!
Last session, I've cut my finger with the box. It hurt. Thusly, it was the first time I experienced actual pain when playing a game. I mean, how silly is…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk.

12/26/2009 Filip Luszczyk: The GM should stop me!
I've found this situation intriguing. The game in question handles character effectiveness primarily via player <-> player permissions. I'm in the middle of running a campaign, and our last session…
In Actual Play
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Eliarhiman6, Noon, contracycle, ShallowThoughts.

12/26/2009 greyorm: ORX: Nasty, Brutish &...SALE!
I've posted this text a couple places and sent out some e-mails to folks who have had the book on their wishlist: ORX: Nasty, Brutish & Short, the RPG about…
In Wild Hunt Studios
Participants: greyorm.

12/25/2009 hannibalisfun: How should attributes apply modifiers to skills
          So, I have been playing in my friend's home-brewed roleplaying system for about a year now.  Over all I have been really impressed with it. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: hannibalisfun, Vulpinoid, Noon.

12/25/2009 noahtrammell: Licenses and other pesky stuff
  So I'm considering using FATE for a game.  Could anyone give me a quick explanation of how the OGL works?  Are there any quirks I should be aware of …
In Publishing
Participants: noahtrammell, Dan Maruschak, Ron Edwards.

12/24/2009 elenius: Where are the articles?
Several post refer to an "articles" link at the top of the site, but I don't see it. I did find this page: which has an "articles" link, but…
In Site Discussion
Participants: elenius, Artanis, Eliarhiman6, lumpley.

12/23/2009 The Grinning Bandit: Belief and Personal Mythology (as Game Mechanics!)
Howdy, indie gamer folks. Dig this concept I'm working on; I stole the idea from an anarchist text on "spellcasting", which is essentially a means of instilling mythology and meaning…
In First Thoughts
Participants: The Grinning Bandit, jefgodesky, Vulpinoid.

12/23/2009 Blue Wizard: (Abeo) Idea
While talking with a friend of mine I brought up an idea I've wanted to see a world built around.  I wanted to bounce the idea off of some people…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Blue Wizard, Catelf, Vulpinoid, davidberg.

12/23/2009 Galadrin: [16-bit] Take Two!
Hello Forgers!  It's been a while.  I'm taking a break from writing some semester papers and thinking about my old concept 16-bit again.  I'm toying with the idea of converting…
In Playtesting
Participants: Galadrin, chronoplasm, Filip Luszczyk, JoyWriter.

12/22/2009 John Blaz: Mechanics for scale: ie mouse, man, dragon
Hey all, working on a sword & sorcery type game right now, and I had a thought. Do my mechanics work with the different scales of creatures? Right now, the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, chance.thirteen, lumpley, Noon, Catelf, David Artman.

12/22/2009 Dan Maruschak: [Final Hour of a Storied Age] Supporting characters' subplots in Epic Fantasy
My game is Final Hour of a Storied Age: A Roleplaying Game of Epic Fantasy. A PDF of the current rules can be downloaded from here. For context, you can…
In Playtesting
Participants: Dan Maruschak, pells, dindenver, Catelf.

12/22/2009 Paolo D.: [Agon] Tricks and Alternate Advantages
As suggested by John in my other topic (, these days I'm using the Tricks and the Alternate Advantages (from the Agon wiki) like semiofficial rules. I've got some questions…
In design
Participants: Paolo D..

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

12/30/2009 Melinglor: [MLwM] First play, with some awkwardness
So I played a one-off game of My Life With Master the other night. It wasn't as fulfilling as a full game (as one might expect), but it did give…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Melinglor, jburneko, Eliarhiman6, Adam Dray.

12/30/2009 mratomek: Superhero Wargame Playtest
Super Force Seven is a fast paced superhero wargame that is full of BOOM-BAM-CRASH action. You can create your own heroes and villains--just about anything you can think of can…
In Connections
Participants: mratomek.

12/30/2009 Nathan P.: [Annalise] The Wake of Zenas Quantum
Hi folks, The Wake of Zenas Quantum is now available! Written by professional good guy Jared Axelrod and featuring a new original illustration by Jennifer Rodgers, this is a superhero-themed…
In ndp design
Participants: Nathan P..

12/31/2009 Abkajud: [yet another LONG Polaris thread] a therapist tries Story Now
Hey, gang! Connor, a friend of mine is visiting from San Francisco; he's in school out there, studying drama therapy. He's played WoW and other video games in the past,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Abkajud, 5niper9.

1/1/2010 Darcy Burgess: [Mars Colony] - Venting, Sex and Failure
On November 2, I got together with Glenn W to try out Mars Colony. I'd taken the nickel tour with Tim Koppang at GenCon'09, and I knew that this game…
In Playtesting
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Ron Edwards, GlennW, JoyWriter, Tim C Koppang.

1/2/2010 Sebastian: [Hell for Leather] Steal the Prime Minister's eyeballs
A twitch. That's what I got from Wednesday's session. Maybe it was the ear being ripped off, or maybe it was the scalpel in the testicles. No matter which, it…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sebastian.

1/2/2010 karl fungus: [Unearth]: a general purpose d6 system.
Hello! First post here, hopefully of many. For a while now I've been working on a game called Unearth, which was pretty much a culmination of all the post-apocalyptic game…
In First Thoughts
Participants: karl fungus, JoyWriter.

1/2/2010 JoyWriter: Posthuman conversion story, structured as allegorical journey
As a bit of a change of pace from all these mechanics-first suggestions, I've got a concept that I'm quite far from implementing mechanically: The character's experience is a posthuman…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JoyWriter, M. Burrell, J Tolson, Brendan Day.

1/3/2010 Darcy Burgess: [Agon] - So-so'ing our way around the Island of Lycophon
Hi, Last week, I got together with Glenn W, Glenn H and Jason S to get muddy, bloody and dusty in the Mediterranean. A few years back, we'd pulled together…
In Actual Play
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Filip Luszczyk, Noclue, Noon, Ron Edwards, lumpley, RedPissLegion, Nathan P..

1/3/2010 5niper9: Framing Scenes for NPCs
Hello Ron, after reading the nice thread about how to play Sorcerer I am wondering about framing scenes for NPCs. You said the GM should frame scenes guided by…
In Adept Press
Participants: 5niper9, Ron Edwards.

1/4/2010 Solarsaurus: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!
The document is very incomplete as of now, but I figured that you folks might be able to help me with my new RPG idea. It's called, very simply, Cowboys…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Solarsaurus, dindenver, Catelf, hix, Mike Sugarbaker.

1/4/2010 ShallowThoughts: I learned about System from Munchkins
My System suddenly grew big. By "big", I do not refer to the number of rules. Instead, I refer to layers of the Big Model. I'm writing this post to…
In Actual Play
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Jasper Flick, lumpley, Melinglor, contracycle, Caldis, Noon.

1/4/2010 AzaLiN: [S&W] Keep on Borderlands- Oldschool experiment
Swords and Wizardry is a "retro clone" RPG, of 0d&d. Tonight I ran my first game using those rules- I used the famous Keep on Borderlands as a test module.…
In Actual Play
Participants: AzaLiN, Roger, Noon, FredGarber, contracycle, Finarvyn.

1/4/2010 J Tolson: Can winning by too much be a bad thing?
I’ve been developing a narrative-focused game for a few years and I think I am finally in the home stretch. Everything seems to be coming together fairly nicely, though there…
In First Thoughts
Participants: J Tolson, lumpley, Noon, Heraldic Game Design, Warrior Monk, NN, Ar Kayon, JoyWriter.

1/5/2010 Willow: Forge Midwest 2010 Planning Thread
Looks like we're getting a late start this year. Tim and I have been going back and forth about when to set it this year, and have yet to come…
In Conventions
Participants: Willow, Ron Edwards, Tim C Koppang, TJ, Nev the Deranged, c, reaction, buzz, Miskatonic, Ben Lehman, KeithBVaughn, greyorm, kate, jerry.

1/5/2010 dindenver: [Steampunk Crescendo] Structure of Play
Hi!   I am posting the initial outline of my Structure of Play section. What I would like to do is ask two questions concerning it: 1) Does it make…
In Playtesting
Participants: dindenver, Locke, David C.

1/5/2010 lumpley: The articles and reviews are back
So that's good. -Vincent
In Site Discussion
Participants: lumpley, Jasper Flick, Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards, Artanis, M. J. Young.

1/5/2010 Warrior Monk: ANIMA d6
Hi everybody! A couple of years ago I found a spanish heartbreaker called Anima. The setting and the character customizing options were really cool, but the system was way too…
In Playtesting
Participants: Warrior Monk.

1/6/2010 canormorum: Elsewhere - A newly created table-top RPG setting and system.
Just looking for a little feedback and critique.  Been lurking the forums awhile now.  Let me know what you think.  I'm still working out some details and filling out the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: canormorum, Vulpinoid, hix, Mike Sugarbaker.

1/6/2010 Frank Tarcikowski: Humanity and Society
Check me on this. I have this understanding of Humanity as something that, within the setting, is generally thought of as something good/right. So when someone does things that warrant…
In Adept Press
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, James_Nostack, jburneko, Ron Edwards, Paka.

more subsequent topics >>