The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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Previous Topics

2/6/2011 GarretTeldt: [d20 Modern] Adding mechanics
I've been reflecting over my (admittedly short) time playing d20 Modern and Mutants and Masterminds and decided some of the mechanics required serious overhaul to reflect the more realistic, fast-paced…
In Game Development
Participants: GarretTeldt, Noon, SteveCooper, Ghostlight Games.

2/4/2011 BunniRabbi: Wargame Testers
(I'm hoping this is in the right section, because the better place for it seems to be under "Connections", but there isn't an apparent way to post there.) I'm looking…
In Publishing
Participants: BunniRabbi, Ron Edwards.

2/4/2011 happysmellyfish: [Secret Hearts] Looking for feedback and play-testers
Hiya Forge! After a whole bunch of grunt work, version 0.3 of Secret Hearts can be downloaded at This is a huge step up from the other versions, largely…
In Game Development
Participants: happysmellyfish.

2/3/2011 Ron Edwards: [RONNIES 2011] February round begins
Submission period: either one week from today at the time of this posting, or 24 hours from when I announce the ninth submission here. 1. Pick two (and only two)…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Gryffudd, Vulpinoid, stefoid.

2/3/2011 GarretTeldt: Relative RPG Newbie
Hello, my name is Richard Rebouche, and I'm fairly new to RPGs. I got my feet wet in d20 Modern and Mutants and Masterminds, and enjoyed both systems greatly. d20…
In Actual Play
Participants: GarretTeldt, Eero Tuovinen, Cliff H, Paladin, Ron Edwards, Natespank.

2/2/2011 Catelf: [CyberCross](Preliminary name)
Ok, here goes ..... Hi, i am trying to make a game that mixes Cyberpunk, Furries, and Goth. Even though the basic parts of the rules are testplayed, and working,…
In Game Development
Participants: Catelf, Ron Edwards.

2/2/2011 .:. Lupo .:.: [DitV] Advice for long-lasting campaign
Hi, I am new here. Hello to everybody, and thanks to Vincent Baker for his wonderful game. It was a privilege to be able to buy it directly from its…
In lumpley games
Participants: .:. Lupo .:., lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, dindenver.

2/2/2011 whduryea: [Danse Macabre] Playtesting
I've playtested my Ronnies entry, Danse Macabre, three times now, twice with three players and once with four. All three sessions mostly went well. Here are a few of my…
In Game Development
Participants: whduryea, Ron Edwards, Dan Maruschak.

2/1/2011 Gregor Hutton: [Swords of the Skull-Takers] 23 Days To Kill
I was at WarpCon in Cork, Ireland over the weekend and I got in some Sword of the Skull-Takers in UCC's Old Bar. Two games, one of 7 days and…
In Game Development
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Dantai.

2/1/2011 Solarsaurus: [A System w/ No Name] Basics
A friend and I have started work on a new system as of recent after he found the New World of Darkness (the Storytelling System) limiting and ultimately uninteresting. Work…
In Game Development
Participants: Solarsaurus, Mike Sugarbaker, Noon, Silverwave, horomancer.

1/31/2011 Paul Czege: some kind of mathematical notation?
My current game design project has resolution mechanics that involve drawing tokens of various types from a bowl, and interpreting the combinations against a menu of possible outcomes. Some of…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

1/31/2011 Catelf: Potential "returning member" would like some advice.
Hi. Catelf here, it was, i assume, more than a year ago since i was even the slightest active here. I saw the changes, and i think they are good.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Catelf, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, hix.

1/31/2011 David Artman: [IAWA] Oracle Generator app for Android
I wanted to play with App Inventor, but I didn't want to, you know, actually INVENT an app. So I lobbed, with this: <a href="">IAWA Oracles for Android</a> Any typos…
In lumpley games
Participants: David Artman, lumpley, Artanis.

1/31/2011 stefoid: [Ingenero] Dramatic conflict resolution- help with definitions.
Hi, Im fleshing out a game that concentrates on the dramatic style of conflict resolution. My def of that is that 'fiction reality' guides the players in what is possible…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, happysmellyfish, SteveCooper.

1/30/2011 happysmellyfish: [Secret Hearts] Second Playtest - Getting Better
Not sure if I need to post this again each time, but here's the version of the rules we used... Of course, those rules are largely obsolete by now.…
In Game Development
Participants: happysmellyfish.

1/29/2011 konratius: Order problems with Adept Press
Ron, I tried to get in touch with the email listed at your site, but kept getting my messages returned, saying that I couldn't reach you. I thought about joining…
In Adept Press
Participants: konratius, Ron Edwards, hardcoremoose.

1/29/2011 Cliff H: What Does Sharing Narrative Control Show?
In another thread I spoke about the odd ways in which my players would use the limited narrative control I handed them to gimp their own characters. Over the past…
In Actual Play
Participants: Cliff H, Eero Tuovinen, Noon, masqueradeball, stefoid, Paul Czege, Jeff B, Anders Gabrielsson.

1/28/2011 RBjakeSpecial: [Lacuna Part I The Mystery and the Girl from Blue City] CONTROL
[b]Spoilers - Please do not read if you don't want any of Lacuna spoiled.  [/b] Lacuna Part I:  The Creation of the Mystery adn the Girl from the Blue City…
In Actual Play
Participants: RBjakeSpecial, Ron Edwards, Yokiboy, Jared A. Sorensen.

1/28/2011 davidberg: [Apocalypse World] uncertainty and immersion
So, my friend Matt has been running an AW for me and 3 other friends.  He's itching to play a character, and mine is nicely poised to retire to safety…
In lumpley games
Participants: davidberg.

1/27/2011 Ghostlight Games: Online Markets
Has anyone around here ever compiled a list of websites that sell indie RPGs? (The emphasis here isn't necessarily as much on "sell" as it is on distribute.)I looked around…
In Publishing
Participants: Ghostlight Games, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Nathan P., Elizabeth.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

2/6/2011 Vanoj: [Old School Hack] Rules-driven Character Investment in B3
We played our first game of Old School Hack tonight. I'm a mid-twenties GM who started out on D&D3.5 and moved from there to indie stuff (e.g., Dogs in the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Vanoj, Noon, Ron Edwards, Gregor Hutton, James_Nostack, timmy2383.

2/6/2011 Natespank: Why do you like to design and run games?
I'm thinking about games with a game master/designer who runs the game for the "players." What do you guys get out of game mastering? What do you like about it?…
In Actual Play
Participants: Natespank, Ron Edwards, Ghostlight Games.

2/6/2011 Natespank: [D&D 4e] Character Death and TPKs
Hey guys! I suspect that PC deaths in many RPGs sometimes hurts the game. In many cases it strongly rewards me to play the same character from the campaign's start…
In Actual Play
Participants: Natespank, Noon, chronoplasm, Ron Edwards, RichD, Ghostlight Games, Chris_Chinn, spindoc.

2/6/2011 Natespank: [D&D 4e] Attrition in RPGs
In D&D 4e you can fight a room full of bears, get mauled, narrowly survive, nap for 6 hours, stretch, and climb out of bed good as new. To me…
In Actual Play
Participants: Natespank, Noon, Nathan P..

2/6/2011 Natespank: [gamist RPGs] Player Driven Games and
Hey guys, Some of my favorite computer games are , , , , , , Left 4…
In Actual Play
Participants: Natespank, Bret Gillan, Cliff H, Ghostlight Games, stefoid, Caldis, Dantai, Noon, contracycle.

2/6/2011 chronoplasm: [AD&D] Second Time DM'ing
As the great blizzard trapped myself and three of my friends in my apartment, I decided to help pass the time by running a game of first edition AD&D. James…
In Actual Play
Participants: chronoplasm.

2/6/2011 Jason Pitre: Setting your own Stakes
I have been pondering a new design which would be focused on supporting adventurer-scientists, from victorian naturalists to pulp archaeologists, modern tenure track scientists or post-apocalyptic holders of knowledge.  In…
In Game Development
Participants: Jason Pitre, walruz, Vanoj, Eliarhiman6, dindenver.

2/7/2011 davidberg: [The Eye in the Pyramid] how to document ad-lib without stalling play?
[url=]The Eye in the Pyramid - latest rules text PDF[/url] And, if anyone's curious, here's the [url=]first playtest report[/url], [url=]Ronnies feedback thread[/url], and the [url=]original rules text[/url]. The first playtest…
In Game Development
Participants: davidberg, happysmellyfish, baxil.

2/8/2011 Demiurges: [Innommable] how to make theme exploration prevalent ?
Hi everyone, Let me introduce myself, my name is Frédéric, I work on a few french independent games influenced by your incredible creations and theories. I participate at the forum…
In Game Development
Participants: Demiurges, Noon, Artanis, Ron Edwards.

2/9/2011 stefoid: [ingenero] creative tension
Hi, I got sidetracked going from wushu -> traits in general -> creative tension at this link Still havent resolved my initial problem but thats by the by. Creative…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, chronoplasm, czipeter, Mike Sugarbaker, Graham Walmsley, contracycle, simon_hibbs.

2/9/2011 Troy_Costisick: The Standard Rants
Heya, There was a tradition in the RPG Theory forum for members to vent their thoughts on game design and game play in what was known as a "Standard Rant."…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Eliarhiman6, Neil the Wimp.

2/9/2011 Parylus: [APEX] Free Universal System Feedback
Hey Forge! I'd like to get some feedback on my new system called the Adaptable Play Engine v10, or APEX for short. It's a free, simple set of universal mechanics…
In Game Development
Participants: Parylus, SteveCooper, Chris_Chinn, Ghostlight Games, Dr. Velocity.

2/9/2011 Gregor Hutton: [Realization Dawning] Questions and Missing Pieces, oh and the Mood Meter
So, I was over seeing Joe Prince on Monday night and after we played some Dragon vs The Gun (another Ronnies entry from 2005) we talked a little about Realization…
In Game Development
Participants: Gregor Hutton, davidberg, Ron Edwards.

2/9/2011 Grimcleaver: Upcoming Playtest Looking for Product in Development
(Hey sorry if this is in the wrong place, I just figured it would get the eyeballs of the folks I need.) Grimcleaver here. We've got a group of three…
In Game Development
Participants: Grimcleaver, Ron Edwards, Parylus, davidberg, Ghostlight Games.

2/10/2011 happysmellyfish: [Gems] Slapstick Heist
Okay, I've got a terrible habit of clashing with The Ronnies, but you can download Gems at... I was thinking tonight about why Secret Hearts hit a design wall.…
In Game Development
Participants: happysmellyfish.

2/10/2011 Ron Edwards: Ronnies 2011, Round two results
This was a particularly difficult set of entries to judge. Games seemed to shift in and out of winning status in my mind as I reviewed them, and whenever I…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Elizabeth, whduryea, Ghostlight Games, Paolo D., Gryffudd, baxil.

2/10/2011 Ron Edwards: [They Became Flesh] Ronnies feedback
[b][url=]They Became Flesh[/url][/b] by Elizabeth Sampat is a Runner-Up, and as is so often the case with that designation, exceeds one or more of the actual Ronnies winners (in all…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Elizabeth, jburneko, whduryea.

2/10/2011 stefoid: Angels in February games
I didnt get the Angels thing at all -- just didnt occur to me, I looked at wings and thought "wtf?  Obviously every 2nd entry is going to be about…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: stefoid, baxil, Nathan P., Kensan_Oni, AyeGill, Ron Edwards, Willow, Elizabeth, whduryea, Ghostlight Games, Gryffudd, Ben Lehman.

2/11/2011 Ron Edwards: [The Secret Lives of Serial Killers] Ronnies feedback
[b][url=]The Secret Lives of Serial Killers[/url][/b] by Willow Palecek wins a Ronny. My notes actually put it this way: "All right, you win the Ronny, you depraved [expletive]." And they…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, jburneko, stefoid, Willow, Ghostlight Games, whduryea, Noon, baxil, davidberg, Ian Charvill, Paolo D., Nathan P., Elizabeth, Miskatonic, Eero Tuovinen, Eliarhiman6, Kensan_Oni, Thunder_God, tzirtzi.

2/11/2011 Gregor Hutton: [Mars Colony] On the Edge of Success
Hey, everybody. As my original thread has now tumbled down page 2 of AP I thought I'd start a new one and link to the old one. So, Mars…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Tim C Koppang.

more subsequent topics >>