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Previous Topics

7/20/2011 Wonga the Bushman: [Game Chef 2011] The shattered Stage
Hi Folks! Long time lurker, first time poster. After hearing about this years Game Chef I thougt, that maybe I should try it too. so here goes nothing :-) …
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Wonga the Bushman, Sp4m.

7/20/2011 flaviuschis: Flavius Chis - Freelance Illustrator
Hello there! My name is Flavius Chis & I'm a freelance illustrator & conceptual designer based in Montreal. If you are looking for fantasy or science-fiction work, for personal or…
In Game Development
Participants: flaviuschis.

7/20/2011 F. Porcelli: [Game Chef 2011] Anastasia - Legacy of Romanovs
Premise: Sorry for my english, but isn't my native language When I saw the Game Chef 2011 I immediately wanted to participate in the last year, I gave up because…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: F. Porcelli, jasonm, fjj.

7/20/2011 WickedSquid: Project Tempest
This is currently a placeholder. It will be filled before the 25th. Huzzah. :)
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: WickedSquid, Vulpinoid.

7/19/2011 Shadow Cabinet: [Shadow Cabinet Speaks] The Kitchen is Hot!
[i]A group of shadowy cowled figures prowls at the outskirts of Kitchen Stadium, peering over shoulders, sampling scraps, noting fragrances. They begin to speak to each other in hushed voices,…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Shadow Cabinet.

7/19/2011 xenopulse: [Game Chef 2011] Full Fathom Five
Full fathom five thy father lies Of his bones are coral made those are pearls that were his eyes Nothing of him that doth fade, But doth suffer a sea-change…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: xenopulse, Hailen, Wilper, jasonm, hansel.

7/19/2011 MrWillis: Need Opinion on Setting
I need some opinions of this concept setting I've been thinking of: I'm just wonering about a few specific things: -Is it a good settign idea. -Does it sound…
In Game Development
Participants: MrWillis, Ron Edwards, Hailen, Mike Sugarbaker.

7/19/2011 friendOfAgnes: [Game Chef 2011] Shakespeare's Secret Service/Castaway Characters
Okay, so this is my first time at GameChef, but I've been curious about it for quite a while, and maybe this will finally get me to actually write out…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: friendOfAgnes, Wilper, devlin1.

7/18/2011 sirogit: [Game Chef 2011] Sean's whacky game thread
Not sure if I'll finish this because I have a lot of other stuff going on, but I'll give a shot at it. The game is about polyamory in monogamous…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: sirogit, Jason Petrasko.

7/18/2011 olivertgn: How to build a better indie game in 9 easy steps...
I realize that most, if not all, of the stuff in here is somewhat obvious – it’s not like I’m the first to have these ideas. However, I believe that…
In Game Development
Participants: olivertgn, Ron Edwards, ADGBoss, Ghostlight Games, Miskatonic, stefoid, mark2v, Mike Sugarbaker, Hailen.

7/18/2011 Kevin Allen Jr: [Game Chef 2011] The Forest in the Witches Mouth
THEN Two generations past, there was a terrible war in the kingdom. The engines of destruction rampaged across our land, flattening mountains and blighting rivers. It was a conflict without…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Kevin Allen Jr, Jason Petrasko, jasonm.

7/18/2011 Thor: [game chef 2011] Sumerville
Summerville is a game about the overlap of our world with another more interesting/sinester one. To play Summerville the first thing you have to do is decide what Summerville is.…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Thor, devlin1, Jason Petrasko.

7/18/2011 Sp4m: [Game Chef 2011] One Eye Between Us
One Eye Between Us A Role Playing game of Violent Tragedy for 3-6 Storytellers     Players play the role of a coven of witches bent on bringing a tragic…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Sp4m, Paul Czege, Jonathan Walton.

7/18/2011 tinstargames: [Game Chef 2011] As yet untilted
Strange and maddened ravings come forth at my blog: - as yet to no clear result, but others may care to read and follow.
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: tinstargames.

7/18/2011 MrNay: MPA the Ministry for Parahuman Affairs
This is the bare bones of my new game. In my head it is a fusion of the BRPD, E-Branch from Necroscope and Cheiron from Hunter the Vigil. I am…
In Game Development
Participants: MrNay, Ron Edwards.

7/18/2011 Ross Cowman: [Game Chef 2011] A Serpent's Tooth
[img]http://<img src="" width="250px"[/img] Introduction A Serpent’s Tooth is a story game about an old King in the twilight of his life, watching his power give way to the ambitions of…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Ross Cowman, jasonm, OrionCanning.

7/18/2011 Noon: D&D 3E 'Characterisation'
A little while back the D&D encounters game actually finished a small campaign (which was nice to experience) and a new one started. I think these are still modules passed…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, ADGBoss, stefoid.

7/17/2011 horomancer: More thoughts on simple dice mechanics
Have gotten  he game design bug under my skin again. My last incarnation of a simple game mechanic used 2d6+1dX+N vs. DC, where 1dX is the value of a Stat…
In Game Development
Participants: horomancer, Ron Edwards.

7/17/2011 jasonm: Prison Planet
I don't have a better name right now; The Fatal Shore is taken. Here's the background! HERE IS THE WORLD The place is a throwaway planet orbiting a dying K-spectrum…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: jasonm, Jason Petrasko.

7/17/2011 Hailen: [Game Chef 2011] The Play's The Thing
My game will be called "The Play's The Thing."  Here are my answers to the Three Questions to get things started: 1) What is my game about? The Play's…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Hailen, AMuses.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

7/21/2011 Ron Edwards: Hard core Sorcerer talk
Hi everyone, As I talked about a while ago, I'm preparing to publish an anniversary edition of Sorcerer. It's composed of exactly the same internal text as the existing core…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eliarhiman6, Roger, Finarvyn, hix, James_Nostack.

7/22/2011 Melinglor: [A Man's Office]
I think I've got a design direction on my game, but I need to brainstorm some material. Help me fill out these two lists, if you please! First, a list…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Melinglor, Wilper.

7/22/2011 DRosvally: Revenge of the Groundlings!
Due to some unfortunate timing snafus (one of our game developers just moved 300 miles from home on Saturday and the other is wrangling a grueling academic schedule) our process…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: DRosvally, BrianPaul, Vulpinoid, Sp4m.

7/22/2011 ADGBoss: [Sorcerer & Space] A Discussion on Posthumanity
I apologize in advance as I have a feeling this is going to be a bit of a maze in terms of discussion and because currently my own thoughts are…
In Adept Press
Participants: ADGBoss, Ron Edwards.

7/23/2011 Eliarhiman6: [AW] No play in the first session.
Hi! My group is slow in creating characters. I am not talking about a single guy or two, no, every time creating characters take a really long time for all…
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, lumpley.

7/23/2011 sliberty: [Game Chef 2011] Forsooth!
Tidying up and laying out the text for our game chef entry, Forsooth! In our game, players each control a small cast of characters, one of which is their Exile.…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: sliberty.

7/24/2011 John Michael Crovis: The Dual-Core System and Purgatoris
I've starting writing about my new project on the Raven Lake Games blog... The Dual-Core System, and Purgatoris - a setting to go along with that system. You can read…
In Game Development
Participants: John Michael Crovis, Thriff, Mobius, phatonin.

7/24/2011 OrionCanning: [Gamechef 2011] Go Puck Yourself
Here's my third draft, after some playtesting. I'm considering making a deck of cards for the fairy powers in the game, Based on Ross Cowman's suggestion. But for now I'm…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: OrionCanning.

7/24/2011 woodelf: A Midsummer Night's Scheme
Faeries are pranking mortals, so I need to align types of pranks with the 4 elements/humours/temperaments. My idea is that certain sorts of pranks will more align with certain elements,…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: woodelf.

7/25/2011 Four Color: [Game Chef 2011] Miranda's Gambit
This is a four-player game that simulates the struggle for power among four characters in William Shakespeare's The Tempest. Prospero, Miranda, Ariel, and Caliban vie for release from their island…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Four Color.

7/25/2011 Paul: [Game Chef 2011] The Temptress
Hosted here: The Temptress by Paul Lyons The Temptress is a role-playing game about precarious courtship and the proverbial snake in the grass. The players take on the role…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Paul, Jonathan Walton, bafadam, Anarchangel, Mathalus.

7/26/2011 buffaloraven: [GameChef 2011] Stratford-On-Avon: A Midsummer's Nightmare
Well, it's done.  And I'm one of those silently working on a game, so I guess by talking about it I'm lowering our collective badassery.  Sorry guys. ;) Last year…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: buffaloraven, anansi.

7/26/2011 Paul B: [GC11] Prospero Station
So I wrote a very rough alpha draft, which you'll find here if you're interested: I think there's some interesting stuff going on in the game, and it looks…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Paul B, Paul, Wilper.

7/29/2011 Mobius: Extending a System vs Making a New System?
I have been working on a game world/concept for a very long time and one of the biggest issues I have faced is finding or making a system that really…
In Game Development
Participants: Mobius, John Michael Crovis, Noon, contracycle, Ron Edwards.

7/31/2011 juliusz: [Mars Colony] A Game of Thrones, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Sorry it took so long, Tim - I've been adventuring in the cruel world of academia. So, the story is, we spontaneously hacked Mars Colony, and I thought that maybe…
In Actual Play
Participants: juliusz, Tim C Koppang.

7/31/2011 Ghost4079: Alpha
ok i just started making a role playing game and the genre is supposed to post-apocoliptic if anyone has played the fallout series then you know what im talking about…
In Game Development
Participants: Ghost4079, contracycle, Noon, Ron Edwards, hix.

8/1/2011 Ron Edwards: GenCon 2011: at the booth
Hey everyone, It's going to be a little lonely at GenCon for me - not too many indie companies, and Vincent won't be there to share with me either. So…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, JamesDJIII, Paul Czege, Artanis, ejh.

8/1/2011 Ron Edwards: Finishing up this year's Ronnies, and GenCon stuff
Hi, So one of my priorities is actually to play more Ronnies entries, especially winners, but really anything that I like. GenCon seems like a good place for it, so…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Thunder_God.

8/1/2011 Eliarhiman6: [AW] Hocus and insight
I have some doubts about the "Insight" move. The Hocus player make his roll at the beginning of the session, and he get insight. This is a finite resource (like…
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, lumpley.

8/1/2011 Eliarhiman6: [AW] Sex and the Battlebabe
Another question. I think I already did read the answer somewhere, but i don't remember it - it was months ago - and I can't find it now, so I'm…
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, lumpley, Ron Edwards.

more subsequent topics >>