The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

5/31/2012 Eliarhiman6: When you point to the Moon, rpg culture hears only "Brain Damage"
A polemic subject this time. I was not sure about tackling it into a summary thread: this is not the place to add new content or discussions. But I decided…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Karl.

5/30/2012 Gordon C. Landis: The fate of private messages
As the likely-stated end of winter is just a day or two away, it occured to me that it might be worth making sure folks are aware what the fate…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Gordon C. Landis, lumpley.

5/30/2012 [Y]: Working on an RPG For Kicks, But Would Love Feedback
I recently started playing D&D, and after using it for a while and exploring the various odds and ends, I've arrived at the conclusion that there can be better. So…
In Game Development
Participants: [Y], fodazd.

5/30/2012 Eliarhiman6: [Ronnies] Summary Threads
This is another of the summaries that Ron wrote that were left at the archive, this one is HERE and was written in 2006 I am adding at the end…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

5/28/2012 Troy_Costisick: [The Coyote Lode] I need Western Phrases
Heya, Before the end of the Forge, I would like to get some last minute brainstorming in.  I'm using Western phrases as inspiration for feats and abilities in The Coyote…
In Game Development
Participants: Troy_Costisick.

5/28/2012 Eliarhiman6: How it did happen? Why all this theory? And why "Indie"?
When people ask me what is all the fuss about "indie games" at the Forge, I point them to an essay and three threads. The essay is The Nuked Apple…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

5/28/2012 Eliarhiman6: The Infamous Five
This post is easy. Ron already did the work of listing all the links, in 2004... ...and then left that list in the Forge Archive without copying it in this…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

5/27/2012 fodazd: Hidden die rolls and hidden player decisions
Greetings. Since this is my first thread here, I'd like to give some information about myself and my previous experience with roleplaying: My clear name is "Nico", and I'm from…
In Actual Play
Participants: fodazd, Noon, davidberg, way, ShallowThoughts, epweissengruber.

5/27/2012 The_Mormegil: Looking for suggestions
Hi everybody. I'm new. The purpose of this post is to learn new stuff, and understand a bit better how things go in these forums. They seem definitely interesting and…
In Actual Play
Participants: The_Mormegil, Emily Care.

5/27/2012 Grigori: Laws, laws, crap, more crap, and then more laws...
Question:  Do you have to have an EIN, an LLC, and a business license to sell your game (download) on-line? According to my local, county, and state governments, I can't…
In Publishing
Participants: Grigori, Eero Tuovinen, guildofblades.

5/26/2012 richardsharpe: How analog do you find a tabletop game needs to be?
Hey everyone I've decided to make a substantive first post my entrance to the forum, so here goes: Since my party and I are both RPGers (D&d3.5 and Pathfinder) and…
In Actual Play
Participants: richardsharpe, fodazd.

5/25/2012 BunniRabbi: Publishing for existing lines
Does anyone know the legality issues surrounding publishing supplements for existing games?  I was thinking about creating a naval supplement for tabletop wargame.  I'll be trying to sell it to…
In Publishing
Participants: BunniRabbi, Grigori, guildofblades.

5/25/2012 fire_rods: Living in the Alleys
This is what I have so far of my game. Its supposed to have the players be thieves in a land where nobility has taken over and forsaken its people.…
In Game Development
Participants: fire_rods.

5/25/2012 Eliarhiman6: A few threads about... MY LIFE WITH MASTER
Hello! One of my long-standing projects was to write a series of posts with a "best threads compilation" for a indie rpg.  None of these compilation is at this time…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

5/24/2012 Borgius: Aquabob - Beginning of the adventures -Released 1.0!
[b]Description[/b] Aquabob is a 2-D side-scrolling indie game. It features adventures taking place on the territory of the Pacific Ocean, inhabited by hundreds of different and dangerous sea creatures. Kill…
In Game Development
Participants: Borgius.

5/24/2012 Falendor: New dice mechanic
Ok so my goal with this mechanic is to have any dice roll have any number between zero and infinity be roll able, and the average be controlled by the…
In Game Development
Participants: Falendor, fodazd.

5/23/2012 sliberty: Indie RPG reviewers
We're self publishing Forsooth product of Game Chef 2011, the Shakespeare year), and want to get review copies out to a few good reviewers. Who are your go-to…
In Publishing
Participants: sliberty, Emily Care.

5/20/2012 SentientAfro: My Conflict With My GM & One Other Player (And What Should I Do?)
I'm currently engaged (so to speak) in a Pathfinder campaign written by one of my friends (the GM). Now, his setting was extremely cool. I was fully interested in the…
In Actual Play
Participants: SentientAfro, Miskatonic, czipeter, JoyWriter, Chris_Chinn, Noon, mael.rimbault.

5/18/2012 Miskatonic: Five minutes to midnight
Hi, I just ran some math. If the entire existence of The Forge (in its current incarnation) spans but a single day, then today is 11:55 PM. If you prefer…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Miskatonic.

5/17/2012 Joseph: [Untitled RPG] An RPG Based on Simplicity and Complexity, with Wiggle Room
I'm a video gamer, but I love tabletop games. I play them whenever I can. I've just started working on an RPG with what I think is a pretty innovative…
In Game Development
Participants: Joseph, bosky.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

6/1/2012 James_Nostack: thanks for the good play, Forge
Because the Forge is going quiet in a bit, I wanted to express my thanks to Ron, Vincent, Clinton, and everyone else involved in running the Forge, and also in…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack.

6/1/2012 lumpley: The most important thing I've learned
If you want something to exist, create it! Thanks, Ron. Thanks, Clinton. -Vincent
In Site Discussion
Participants: lumpley, epweissengruber, VAgentZero, Chris_Chinn, jessecoombs, Marhault, Pelgrane, hansel, Bret Gillan, Graham Walmsley, Warrior Monk, hix, Simon C, Jonathan Walton, Gregor Hutton, Rafu, jburneko, Nathan P., Miskatonic.

6/1/2012 Calithena: Hey, thanks!
For the friends I made here, on-line and real life both. For the inspiration I derived here for gaming and for fantasy. For letting me contribute to what other people…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Calithena.

6/2/2012 Ron Edwards: And done
Check in over the next week for the activation of the Big Model wiki thing. Plus new stuff at the Adept Press site. So! My last post at the Forge.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards.

more subsequent topics >>