Previous Topics 12/21/2002 Jake Norwood: Going out of town I'll be vacationing (ahh...) until the 2nd, which means I'll be a tad sparse around here. Behave yourselves and have fun.
And enjoy the new stuff at
Jake In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood.
12/19/2002 Jake Norwood: Real Names on the Forge One of the things that really attracted me to the "adultness" of the forge was the use of "real names." Now, there was a firey thread on a while… In Site Discussion Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Jeffrey Miller, Matt Wilson, Sidhain, Seth L. Blumberg, Eric J., xiombarg, Le Joueur, ethan_greer, contracycle, wyrdlyng, M. J. Young, quozl, Christopher Kubasik, Jack Spencer Jr, Blake Hutchins, Mike Holmes, greyorm, Valamir, Maurice Forrester, Steve Dustin, Kester Pelagius, kamikaze, Jared A. Sorensen, Bankuei.
12/14/2002 Jake Norwood: New Review For those of you that read Polish, here's a new (and, as always, positive) review of TROS.
The last paragraph says that the review very strongly reccomends the game… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, prophet118.
12/2/2002 Jake Norwood: Driftwood Project Progress Report Okay, we've got a handful of project currently, and I thought I'd let all you guys know where we're at with each of them.
1) Of Beasts and Men -… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Spooky Fanboy, Irmo, Mokkurkalfe, Rattlehead, Stephen, prophet118, Brian Leybourne, Amy1419, Durgil, Aaron, allahlav, Blake Hutchins, Sneaky Git, Shadeling, Ben, Wolfen, Darth Tang, Nick Pagnucco, Noon, Valamir, Anthony I, Ashren Va'Hale, kakitaryou, kenjib.
11/26/2002 Jake Norwood: Thanksgiving Break and a Poll I'm probably going to be absent for the next 4 days, unless I get onto a computer while at Ron's house over thanksgiving. Play nice, play hard, and post lots.… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Durgil, Jason, Ashren Va'Hale, Brian Leybourne.
11/21/2002 Jake Norwood: The Fey in Actual Play Go to the Actual Play forum to see some details from our last 2 sessions of Siehe-only TROSing.
Jake In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Sneaky Git.
11/21/2002 Jake Norwood: TROS- Legnds of the Fey I don't really want to make this into a long post, so if I leave out something you want to know, then ask.
The last two wednesdays we've been playing… In Actual Play Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Brian Leybourne.
11/17/2002 Jake Norwood: TROS Quickstart Okay, we have the finished but unedited TROS quickstart here on my desk. It looks really good, but I want someone who isn't me to look it over and fine-tooth… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Wolfen.
11/5/2002 Jake Norwood: Getting in touch with our inner gamist Okay, gamism--probably due to the preferences of many Forgites--has the least positive rap around here.
But, let's face it...we all have an inner gamist...something within us that wants to win.… In GNS Model Discussion Participants: Jake Norwood, Alan, Matt, Marco, Valamir, RobMuadib, Seth L. Blumberg, Le Joueur, Bankuei, Ron Edwards, Tim C Koppang, Clinton R. Nixon, Andrew Martin, MK Snyder, Rich Forest, C. Edwards.
11/3/2002 Jake Norwood: Nations of Weyrth Mini-Supplements The discussion in the money thread about Odeon and their "teeth" system got me thinking...I would love to see more information on the various nations of Weyrth--history, peoples, stats, etc.… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Irmo, Brian Leybourne, Valamir, Stephen.
11/1/2002 Jake Norwood: Gearing up for Actual Play: Siehe and the Fey After playing lots of other stuff for a few months, we're getting ready to play TROS once again (it was all the cool stuff in OBAM that inspired me). The… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Ashren Va'Hale, Silanthous, Valamir, Irmo, Spartan.
10/22/2002 Jake Norwood: Of Beasts and Men We're now assembling the art for Of Beasts and Men. We've used a few of the entries sent to us by many of you (I'm not sure which ones currently,… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Ashren Va'Hale, Brian Leybourne.
10/22/2002 Jake Norwood: Looking for Animal Artist As I mentioned in the Connections forum, I'm trying to find an artist that works quick, reliably, inexpensively, and who is good at animal anatomy for the animal section for… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood.
10/22/2002 Jake Norwood: Seeking Animal Artist I need an artist who works fast, has good prices, and is adept at animals and animal anatomy.
Jake Norwood In Connections Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Valamir, greyorm.
10/17/2002 Jake Norwood: THIRST: What do you do? As an introduction I'm working on the mechanics to THIRST, a vampire RPG. I've always loved this stuff (I was a big Anne Rice fan in the day), and I… In Indie Game Design Participants: Jake Norwood, Christoffer Lernö, Matt, Ben Morgan, Jack Spencer Jr, Jared A. Sorensen, lumpley, Le Joueur, Jeremy Cole, Paul Czege, Seth L. Blumberg, Bankuei, Valamir, Bailywolf, C. Edwards, Shreyas Sampat, Walt Freitag, Mike Holmes, Unsane, Blake Hutchins, Brian Leybourne, kevin671.
10/16/2002 Jake Norwood: Lots of folks on the Forge Just thought I'd point it out, but we hit 900 registered forge people today. That's twice what it was in April, when I wandered in here.
Jake In Site Discussion Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Jason L Blair, Christoffer Lernö, Paul Czege, ethan_greer, Eric J..
10/15/2002 Jake Norwood: New Game in the works: "Thirst" Just a heads up but us folks down here at Driftwood have been tinkering with a Vampire game that's tentatively called "Thirst." It won't be too large and we'll probably… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Shadeling, Lyrax.
10/10/2002 Jake Norwood: Driftwood Indie Game Night: FVLMINATA part III We played the final installment in this story ("Fabula," that is) last night. It was a hum-dinger of an ending, with the entire Imperial Palace going up in a cloud… In Actual Play Participants: Jake Norwood, ethan_greer, Bomilkar.
10/6/2002 Jake Norwood: now up, the new and hopefully short-term solution to the Russian Porn folks that store our site is now up and running. Many of the links are broken, which we will… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Nick Pagnucco, Roger Eberhart, Brian Leybourne.
10/3/2002 Jake Norwood: Driftwood Indie Game Night: FVLMINATA part II We played FVLMINATA again tonight. The intrigue is getting very very thick, but I'm handling it smoothly. So far I've pulled this off by trying to constantly tie everything into… In Actual Play Participants: Jake Norwood, contracycle, Paka, Michael S. Miller, Jeffrey Miller, Ron Edwards.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 1/23/2003 Jake Norwood: Driftwood plays Sorcerer! Last night over half of our group wasn't able to come. We hadn't gamed in several weeks on account of school and business, and were dying to get playing.
"So… In Actual Play Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Valamir.
1/28/2003 Jake Norwood: What is a blade slinger Gareth brought up an interesting point in this thread, which I have taken completely out of context as a springboard for this discussion.
The attempt to posit some sort of… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne, Valamir, Spartan, Shadeling, GreatWolf, Ron Edwards, prophet118, allahlav, Ashren Va'Hale, Jim DelRosso, Ville, Bob Richter, Jaif, Vanguard, Ace, Irmo, 655321, Bankuei, spunky.
2/14/2003 Jake Norwood: Life, the Universe, and Everything (con) This weekend at BYU (my local University) there's a Sci-fi/Fantasy Symposium. It's where I ran the second-ever demo of TROS last year with great success. Anyway, our own Seth (Ashren… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Ashren Va'Hale, RN3G8 4E.
2/20/2003 Jake Norwood: La Famiglia: First Draft I would like to turn everyone's attention to the first (and partially incomplete) draft of La Famiglia, a Mafia game that revolves around Reputation. I'm really proud of it, as… In Indie Game Design Participants: Jake Norwood, ThreeGee, Valamir, simon, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Rob MacDougall, Bankuei.
2/28/2003 Jake Norwood: GAMA Trade Show Rooms Okay, so who here is going to GTS? I've got a room with just me and Ron in it and I'd *love* to share the bill with someone else. The… In Connections Participants: Jake Norwood.
3/12/2003 Jake Norwood: Layouts I'm working on OBAM layouts right now, getting things finalized. Some people aren't happy with the core TROS layout, and so I want to know what you all think… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Chris Passeno, sirjaguar, Shadeling, Bankuei, Ashren Va'Hale, Brian Leybourne, arxhon, Noon.
3/14/2003 Jake Norwood: OBAM Press Release [b]Of Beasts and Men,[/b] our first supplement, was officially announced today in a press release that can be found in a way-too-big download (5M MB, for resolution) [url=]here[/url]. The release… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne, Mike Holmes, Wolfen, arxhon, Mainboard, Jürgen Mayer, Sneaky Git, Rattlehead, Furious D, Bladesinger, Draigh, r_callen221, deltadave, Darth Tang, Durgil, Claymore, kanseg, kenjib, Valamir, Shadeling, Morfedel, turgon, Chris Passeno, Salamander.
3/16/2003 Jake Norwood: Away for the week... Okay, I'm off to GTS for the week. Play nice. Brian, you're in charge.
While at GTS I'm going to be really promoting OBAM and finding the best printer I… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne.
3/23/2003 Jake Norwood: Art: B&W Noir-ish for La Famiglia Hey all.
I'm looking for B&W art for La Famiglia. My "vision" is something of a cross between Frank Miller's sin-city and inter-war period noir-style artwork depicting cities and the… In Connections Participants: Jake Norwood, Arashi, Bleys, Allan.
3/23/2003 Jake Norwood: Revisiting Willard Okay, if you haven't seen the movie and care about spoilers, then stop here.
So I saw the new Willard movie last week. I enjoyed it a lot, and it… In Adept Press Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Bailywolf, Mike Holmes.
3/26/2003 Jake Norwood: Free commercial games Interesting...
Both Ars Magica 4th ed and Deadlands are available in their complete forms as downloads from
Jake In Publishing Participants: Jake Norwood, Valamir, Michael Hopcroft, Tim C Koppang, Mike Holmes, Adam, rpghost, Patrick Boutin, Pramas.
4/2/2003 Jake Norwood: Forum Rules (Draft) Okay, guys, here's the draft of the TROS board rules. Any commentary comes *now,* 'cause when they're offical, that's it.
Welcome to the Riddle of Steel Forge Forum… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Ashren Va'Hale, Durgil, Eamon Voss, ethan_greer, Stephen, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, prophet118, Brian Leybourne, arxhon, Shadeling, Nick Pagnucco, Sneaky Git.
4/5/2003 Jake Norwood: La Famiglia: Revisited Okay, so I'm serious about this one. I really want to finish it, and to prove it I'll have copies at GenCon, with art.
You can read the current and… In Indie Game Design Participants: Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne, Mike Holmes, Jaeger, Valamir, Ron Edwards.
4/5/2003 Jake Norwood: La famiglia Please visit the indie game design forum to help me out with this project.
jake In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Mayhem1979, Ashren Va'Hale, Nick Pagnucco, Brian Leybourne.
4/5/2003 Jake Norwood: Non-indie at GenCon Okay, so that non-indie games are you itching to play, particularly at GenCon? I really want to play Adventure! and some superhero game (don't care which, though), and maybe Over… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Jake Norwood, szilard, Rich Forest, joshua neff, Enoch, Mike Holmes, Jürgen Mayer.
4/7/2003 Jake Norwood: La Famiglia: Weapons and Gear My current take on weapons and other notable equipment in La Famiglia is that it all belongs to the family (and therefore comes from their reputations) unless a given weapon… In Indie Game Design Participants: Jake Norwood, Valamir, Mike Holmes.
4/30/2003 Jake Norwood: Brian's CHarGen is up!
Enjoy! In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne, Wolfen, Jason, kanseg, Bob Richter, Ben Lehman, JESTER, Eamon Voss, Salamander, Ashren Va'Hale, SheWolf.
5/5/2003 Jake Norwood: Portrait style charsheet added to web
In MS word format, includes a font for use in the sheet.
Jake In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Nick Pagnucco, Brian Leybourne, Angaros, Michael Tree, Wolfen, gnarf, Enoch.
5/12/2003 Jake Norwood: TROS at Warehouse 23 TROS is the featured game today at SJG's "Warehouse 23." Pretty cool, though--like all retailers--they're "currently out of stock." I find that sooooo dammmmmnnnn frustrating!
Jake In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Wolfen, Eduardoh, Brian Leybourne, Ashren Va'Hale, Mayhem1979, Durgil.
5/14/2003 Jake Norwood: TROS Supers So this came up really briefly at, but it got me going...
TROS converted for super-heroes. Now in truth a lot would have to go--the whole "gritty and real"… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Mayhem1979, Stuart DJ Purdie, szilard, Mortaneus, Ashren Va'Hale, Blake Hutchins, Nick Pagnucco, prophet118.
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