The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

1/4/2004 Wolfen: OMG, what a session!
It started out really slow. I mean.. we wasted half an hour trying to get past my GM's block. The first defining event was when Lx's character got his skull…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Wolfen, Ashren Va'Hale, Caz, Lxndr, Ingenious, Alan.

1/4/2004 Melkor: TROS - First "Read Through" Question
I've had TROS for a while, but I just sat down to read through it this afternoon, after reading about Paka's Midnight campaign over at EN World. I'd like to…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Melkor, Wolfen, Ashren Va'Hale, Draigh, November Kilo, Paka, Brian Leybourne, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood, toli.

1/4/2004 sworn enemy: lotr rpg
hi every1. im new here and this is my first post. im currently working on a lotr rpg using inspiration from Ben Morgan's gaming sessions(we love you Ben... That fucking…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sworn enemy, Andrew Martin, gobi, greyorm, Ben Morgan, Zathreyel, Valamir.

1/3/2004 Paradoxdruid: Using HeroQuest for Exalted- play report and musings
On the advice of Ian Noble from, I'm cross-posting my group's first experience with HeroQuest here. I think it's a neat system, but we did have some problems. I'm…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Paradoxdruid, Brand_Robins.

1/3/2004 abzu: [Burning Wheel] It's a Dirty Job
Last night we wrapped up one of the last loose ends of a long running situation and rivalry in game. Our previous session was described in the Wild Magic post.…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, taepoong.

1/3/2004 James V. West: [Trollbabe comics] Naked Sacrifice story
Excellent work, Colin! The current strip looks really sharp. I love the way digital art lets objects like the bat's eyes just POP right out of the darkness. I wonder…
In Adept Press
Participants: James V. West, Ron Edwards, greyorm, 6inTruder, Lxndr, Valamir, Colin the Riot, jrs, jburneko, Tim Alexander, xiombarg, quozl.

1/3/2004 kidar: all you need is pre-emtive strike
hello, I tried to search for similar topics but did not find good ones.. If I understood correctly, a pre-emptive strike (buying initiative) can be done when: 1) you threw…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: kidar, Ashren Va'Hale, Richard_Strey, Brian Leybourne, Ingenious.

1/3/2004 Half-Baked: Online TROS Game at
As previously discussed here I am starting a Riddle of Steel game at It is based on David Gemmell's books in his Drenai world. They make a good…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Half-Baked.

1/3/2004 Dev: the Consequences of Geography
It all began with my space opera: I didn't like the idea of making galactic maps from scratch, and disliked the book-keeping of determining distances and the like; I preferred…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dev, John Kim, Mark Johnson, Valamir, contracycle, xiombarg.

1/2/2004 Matt Wilson: 9 worlds' design
Hey Matt: Want to share some details regarding the layout for 9 worlds? What fonts are you using (garamond for body text?) and what spacing? I think you really nailed…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Wilson, Matt Snyder.

1/2/2004 urbanpagan: Sacrifice the character or the story?
My apologies if this has been covered before on these boards but I am new here and have not yet had the opportunity to peruse everything here yet. After talking…
In Actual Play
Participants: urbanpagan, Lxndr, abzu, Wolfen, Technocrat13, Gordon C. Landis, jdagna, John Kim, greyorm, clehrich, S'mon.

1/2/2004 Rob MacDougall: Cthulhu's Clues (split)
In the thread from last November on Cthulhu's Clues, b_bankhead wrote: ....and stay tuned for my next essay 'Chtulhubabe and darkest secret of Call of Cthulhu.' Are we ever going…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Rob MacDougall, b_bankhead.

1/2/2004 jphannil: Chaos & Order, first playtest
The first playtest session of Chaos & Order was a quick-possibility one-shot game with my brother and my cousin through IRC. The players are quite min/maxers and diablo freaks so…
In Actual Play
Participants: jphannil.

1/2/2004 James V. West: Random Order Comics and Games #5
The new issue of Random Order Comics and Games is now available. This issue features several comics, including a new Zarp story that takes you into his past for just…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: James V. West, Lxndr, John Harper, Paganini.

1/1/2004 sidhe vicious: The Riddle of Lace & Steel
Hello everybody (first post here and everything). I recently got TROS and am enjoying the read immensely and this forum is helping my understanding of the game a lot. One…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: sidhe vicious, Mike Holmes.

1/1/2004 Lxndr: A Possible Setting for Burning Wheel
I've got a number of homegrown fantasy settings sitting around (who doesn't, right?), and it's occurred to me that Burning Wheel might be the right home for one of them.…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Lxndr, abzu, drozdal, taepoong.

1/1/2004 epweissengruber: 2 Hour Sorceror
I am digging up descriptions of short Sorceror scenarios from conventions. Should I be looking here or in Real Play? Any shortcuts would be appreciated.
In Adept Press
Participants: epweissengruber, Ron Edwards.

1/1/2004 Paganini: Program Problems
So, none of the TROS programs will run because they're hardcoded to look for the installation directory on the "C:" drive, when my main OS is installed on the "D:"…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Paganini, Lxndr.

1/1/2004 Ingenious: Sample character
This being my first sample character, it is also the backup to the one I play now. I made it in anticipation of needing one, as well as wanting to…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ingenious.

1/1/2004 Balbinus: Stahnish atheists
Wolfen posted this on another thread: "Whether or not there are gods is still in doubt, but as their beliefs encompass a stubborn disbelief in anything supernatural, to include sorcerers…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Balbinus, Ashren Va'Hale, Ingenious, Clinton R. Nixon, Wolfen.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

1/4/2004 Paganini: Pag's Dragon Game - Again
More playtesting! This time it was Chris (Jemmen) and Dana (Acidra). We got some rules tweaks: Characters are now limited to a maximum of 8 passions. Starting characters assign 20…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paganini, C. Edwards.

1/4/2004 philreed: Getting Stickers/Labels Printed
Any suggestions on a good place to get B&W 5" x 8" stickers/labels printed? Or something close to that size? I need two different ones (front and back of the…
In Publishing
Participants: philreed, Gordon C. Landis.

1/4/2004 greyorm: What is Bad Roleplaying?
Over in Bad Roleplaying? I blame Tolkien, Taina brought up a new subject, so I'm starting a new thread to exploer the issue. Given all this discussion about what influences…
In RPG Theory
Participants: greyorm, jdagna, xechnao, Jack Spencer Jr, Wolfen, Taina, M. J. Young.

1/4/2004 Durgil: Staff Attack TN's
I was looking over Appendix Two in the main rule book and noticed that the short staff and the quarterstaff had only one Attack TN. Is this type of weapon…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Durgil, Ashren Va'Hale, Jake Norwood.

1/4/2004 Lxndr: Flexible Priorities and Insight
Okay, I've searched and haven't found this - I've seen threads with people talking about making priorities more flexible, but I've yet to see anything concrete. So, here's a short…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Lxndr, kidar, Draigh, Ashren Va'Hale, Ian Charvill, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne, Ingenious, Bob McNamee, Tim Alexander.

1/4/2004 Ashren Va'Hale: Magic tweaking
I am trying to make magic a bit more manageable in my campaigns, basically make it so that the magic using player doesn't end up as the solution to all…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ashren Va'Hale, Jaeger, deltadave, Paka, kenjib, Ingenious, Pyske, Dave Turner.

1/4/2004 6inTruder: Sorcerer in my Pocket
I guess this question is for Ron mosly, but anyone who wants to comment please feel free ^_^ Have you thought of publishing Sorcerer as a pocket sized book (mass-market…
In Adept Press
Participants: 6inTruder, Ron Edwards.

1/4/2004 Zathreyel: help with a conflict resolution mechanic
heya everyone. i've been working on this new game recently and i've got a conceptual question for the system. the game is sci-fi/fantasy that has a setting that emulates european…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zathreyel, Matt Snyder, Loki, failrate, octobernight, Deadboy, Ron Edwards.

1/4/2004 xechnao: Bad roleplaying-> blame fantasy
In the popular thread about bad role-playing and blaming tolkien poster apeiron mentioned: "In D&D it gets harder and harder to make challenges without shattering suspension of disbelief. How do…
In RPG Theory
Participants: xechnao, Ron Edwards, Brian Leybourne.

1/5/2004 cruciel: Ripping the Demon from My Skull - Planning Stage
This is an account of the planning stages for what turned out to be eight sessions of play. The whole group planned out the flow of events and major elements,…
In Actual Play
Participants: cruciel, Ziriel.

1/5/2004 johndehope3: Non-Combat Fortune at the Beginning
Let's say you have a combat system with fortune at the beginning. Something like... each guy rolls, the guy with the higher roll picks a battle result, based on how…
In RPG Theory
Participants: johndehope3, anonymouse, greyorm, Lxndr, Matt Wilson, M. J. Young.

1/5/2004 Paka: New Vagaries
I'm enjoying tinkering with the TROS system lately, just prodding here and there. I tinker because I love. Tonight I'm thinking about new Vagaries, two sets of four under the…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Paka, Ingenious, kenjib, Krammer, AnyaTheBlue.

1/5/2004 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Miniatures photos
We've recently started working on a post-apocalyptic miniatures game that was designed specifically to allow pretty much any 30mm sci-fi type of miniature to be used. This is handled by…
In Publishing
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, anonymouse, Michael S. Miller, Andrew Martin.

1/5/2004 ZazielsRephaim: Simple magic question
Just curious because I'm have not come across the answer yet. I assume that to cause say... Water to boil... or something to burst into flames or heat up a…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: ZazielsRephaim, Ingenious.

1/5/2004 Calithena: Sorcerer Friday!
Okay, so I'm going to sit down with a friend and play Friday. Finally! I'm very jazzed about this. Realization: Relationship Maps and Kickers go together. It's a kind of…
In Adept Press
Participants: Calithena, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

1/5/2004 Paka: Summoning Angels
Ideas just keep coming to me. Summoning Angels There are no tomes on summoning the messengers, warriors and right hands of the gods. Their feathery wings keep them from having…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Paka.

1/5/2004 xiombarg: alternate wound penalties
[url][/url] It appears that Luke thought these important enough to print out and include them, as a seperate sheet, with my copy of [i]The Burning Wheel[/i]. Why is this? Could…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: xiombarg, taepoong, abzu, Kaare Berg, Lxndr, Durgil, rafial.

1/5/2004 John Kim: Writing Style, Detail, and Simulationism
The following are comments from the Bad Roleplaying? I blame Tolkien thread. I think the more general question which comes out of it is important, though. most…
In RPG Theory
Participants: John Kim, Matt Wilson, Ben Lehman, lumpley, Gordon C. Landis, M. J. Young, contracycle, pete_darby, Valamir, cruciel, C. Edwards, Ian Charvill, Emily Care, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes.

1/5/2004 jeffd: alternate reward systems
The reward system in most RPGs is premised around increasing effectiveness in terms of the system (ie, better stats). Usually the currency is experience (or XP or whatever) that is…
In RPG Theory
Participants: jeffd, Jeph, Alan, M. J. Young, Michael S. Miller, Noon, Mike Holmes.

1/6/2004 Overdrive: [MLWM] The Asylum
Phew, we just finished (well, almost) master/minion creation and are to play tomorrow. Wanted to ask for quick last minute tips and share some of the stuff, for if the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Overdrive, ScottM, GB Steve, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, jrs.

more subsequent topics >>