The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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6/15/2006 Zach Walton: [Epiphany] Twenty Pages in Twenty Days
Greetings All, Let me say it is quite a thrill to be posting to the Forge for the first time.  I've been lurking for years, but was always content to watch from the sidelines.  However, I've decided that it is time to get out there and start the design process for a game that has been bouncing around in my…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Zach Walton, matthijs.

Previous Topics

6/15/2006 ocasta: DitV: Advice on town design in a campaign
I've run my first two DitV towns now (Tower Creek and New Gidea). Having run two pre-designed towns I feel it is now time for my first town design. I've…
In lumpley games
Participants: ocasta, Willow, coffeestain, Paka, jburneko.

6/15/2006 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] Available for Preorder!
It's at the printer now, and printed copies will be coming in by the end of June. Go to Indie Press Revolution to preorder now! I will personally sign each…
In Galileo Games
Participants: inthisstyle, Paka, Thunder_God.

6/15/2006 memolith: [Dogs] AP -- Mandrake Hollow
Okay, last night I finally GM'ed my first town: Mandrake Hollow. I based the town around a post found here: I thought it would be a good starter town,…
In lumpley games
Participants: memolith, Glendower, lumpley.

6/15/2006 Thunder_God: [Cranium Rats] Codification of Session-Length?
The following is quoted from the Meta-Chanics post for Cranium Rats on my Blog: Tokens are finite, generation of Tokens is not that easy, at least not for players.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thunder_God, Filip Luszczyk, dindenver.

6/15/2006 John Bromberger: [Affinity] Please playtest or comment on this RPG. ^_^
Hey there. I've just put my RPG, called Affinity, up on the net ... and would love to know what you think! Playtesting, if you are interested, would be even…
In Playtesting
Participants: John Bromberger, Filip Luszczyk, Selene Tan, Adam Dray.

6/15/2006 BabbageCliologic: 3/2 traits instead of 2/1 traits
Hello: I saw in the Changes part of the website that the traits were changed from 3/2 to 2/1 for 2nd Edition (which I own). What is the reasoning for…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: BabbageCliologic, Ben Lehman, Valamir.

6/15/2006 zmook: [AG&G] Cooking for Leviticus
Well, we just tried our second session of the game that was called AG&G (currently officially nameless).  First session is here: A's character John Cooper was at the top…
In Playtesting
Participants: zmook, lumpley, cpeterso, Valamir, Dean Chung, Roger.

6/15/2006 sean2099: [Divinity] Available on wiki
Hi all, Pardon me if this is the wrong sub-forum for this.  I have a pdf of my game available at I have tested it out with people but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sean2099.

6/15/2006 Nev the Deranged: [It Was a Mutual Decision] mechanics question
Quick question which I didn't feel like starting a new thread for: When ticking off scores, are the transformation threshholds the ORIGINAL scores or the Trust-modified scores? I am assuming…
In Adept Press
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards.

6/15/2006 cbussler: [To Rise Again] - Form of Play
My original post asking for setting advice evolved into discussion about form of play, so I thought I would separate the two. To play catch-up, David Berg said: I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: cbussler, sean2099, davidberg.

6/15/2006 davidberg: [Lendrhald] A system to reward players, not characters?
My buddy A and I are co-designing a game.  We've each run campaigns with 4 players, both have been mostly quite enjoyable, but the enjoyment has derived from rather disparate…
In Playtesting
Participants: davidberg, Sydney Freedberg, Noon, r_donato, Paka, anders_larsen, Telarus, KSC, Ron Edwards, Threlicus, zmook, contracycle, charles ferguson, Valamir.

6/15/2006 btrc: Free room & badge for Origins
Rick Loomis at Flying Buffalo is looking for some part-time help with his booth and is offering room and badge for your troubles, so if you were thinking about Origins…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc.

6/14/2006 davidberg: [Lendrhald] Rewards system for dark, realistic fantasy
In a previous thread, I was asked some interesting questions and given some interesting suggestions that I jumped to address, only realizing later that I'd drifted far from my intended…
In First Thoughts
Participants: davidberg, baron samedi, Valamir, Sydney Freedberg, Threlicus, contracycle.

6/14/2006 Badelaire: [LBI] Legends of Blood and Iron - Constructive Comments Requested.
Hello all. I'm a (very) new member to The Forge, although I have looked over various threads and topics from time to time over the last few years.  I will…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Badelaire, davidberg.

6/14/2006 Jasper: Need artist who does cities
I need a cover piece for my game City of Birds. I'm not planning on any figures, so I need an artist who's comfortable with landscapes and ancient cities. I…
In Connections
Participants: Jasper, devilbunny.

6/14/2006 inthisstyle: [Trollbabe] A Tragic Misunderstanding
In my regular Friday night group last week the majority of the players cancelled at the last minute, leaving my friend Bill and spouse Krista as the two players available.…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle, Ron Edwards.

6/14/2006 Justin D. Jacobson: What is the function of the Back Cover?
For purposes of analysis both general and specific, following is the draft of my back cover text for Passages. Lose Yourself in a Good Book! Through the Looking Glass…
In Publishing
Participants: Justin D. Jacobson, devilbunny, jerry, Nathan P., Valamir, Czar Fnord, Joshua BishopRoby, sean2099, joepub, Ron Edwards, Jake Richmond, Editor Drew, nikola, slade the sniper, KeithBVaughn.

6/14/2006 Iskander: [Conspiracy of Shadows] Blood Opera
I don't think anything particularly startling came out of play (just a load of fun), but the Fauxlack's getting his panties in a bunch, and I drifted a teeny bit,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Iskander, Keith Senkowski, phredd, gaylord500.

6/14/2006 Miedvied: [DitV] Introducing Roleplaying
Oh boy. Nerves. So, a few of my friends have expressed an interest in playing DitV. I should point out I've never gamemastered an indie game, haven't really played or…
In lumpley games
Participants: Miedvied, Glendower, Wolfen, Alex Fradera, lumpley, oliof, Willow.

6/14/2006 HOT: [Masks(?)] Just an early premise for a game.
I got an idea for a game after reading a couple of posts about character ownership. This is just an idea that came into my mind and may be on…
In First Thoughts
Participants: HOT.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

6/15/2006 Thunder_God: [Cranium Rats] Shaky Beginnings.
So tonight on IRC we've had the first playtest of Cranium Rats, ever. The complete log can be found here. We've had 3 hours or so, the first hour was…
In Playtesting
Participants: Thunder_God, 7Storyfall, Filip Luszczyk, Selene Tan.

6/15/2006 Jake Richmond: Panty Explosion Test
I've been working on a new game called Panty Explosion. It's a psychic Japanese schoolgirl game. We (my co-writer Matt Schlotte and I) feel like we've gotten to the point…
In Connections
Participants: Jake Richmond, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, Filip Luszczyk, Eero Tuovinen, Grujav, Andy Kitkowski, mudron.

6/15/2006 Dman: Star Charts for Bulldogs!?
Has anyone out there put together a starchart (map) of the Bulldogs! galaxy, or at the very least a chart of the distances for the core worlds from GCP?
In Galileo Games
Participants: Dman, inthisstyle.

6/15/2006 Matthew Glover: [TSOY] Swashbucklers
So last night was our very first TSOY Swashbucklers game.  It was a blast, even though I didn't get to reveal nearly as much of my preparation as I'd hoped. …
In Actual Play
Participants: Matthew Glover, r_donato.

6/15/2006 Nev the Deranged: [UTB] Questions
At the end, once all the face up cards have been used and you're in the endgame, how exactly does the turn structure work? From the manual it sounds like…
In glyphpress
Participants: Nev the Deranged, nikola.

6/15/2006 Skallagrim: Presentation - As important as system? (split)
hello all, a long time lurker here.. Well speaking strictly from a consumer point of view (as most of my ideas continue to die in conceptualization stages)... This may seem…
In Publishing
Participants: Skallagrim, Miedvied, Ron Edwards.

6/15/2006 Skywalker: An Experiment
I am currently running an experiment in which I am using WGP as a learning exercise for the Supers genre before tackling a Modern Age style Supers campaign using Mutants…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Skywalker, inthisstyle, Michael S. Miller.

6/16/2006 emaise: Sorcerer Resolution - How I Use It, Why I Love It
Sorcerer's resolution mechanic provides Karma, Drama, and Fortune mixed in just the right proportions to suit my tastes. I view Karma, Drama, and Fortune as "what would happen, "what should…
In Actual Play
Participants: emaise, zmook.

6/16/2006 boolean: [Kry-Gothic] Questions about the RPG community + feedback on rule system
Hi all A while back I found a ruleset for a table top wargame I started writing about 7 years ago on an old harddrive. After being poked and prodded…
In First Thoughts
Participants: boolean, greyorm, northerain, Rothe.

6/16/2006 jmac: resolution rules provoke player-character struggle
I'm working on resolution rules for my first rpg design. I haven't even decided how to call it yet. To a considerable extent, it is inspired by the "Black Company"…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jmac, LemmingLord.

6/16/2006 lumpley: A funny moment from our Dogs game
J's running. Meg, Julia and I are the players. Meg: So we're agreed, right? We'll all stay back here in this car , get off in a…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Paka, Ben Lehman, Meguey.

6/16/2006 droog: Species keywords--a kludge?
I've been wondering about the species keywords and their ungainly list of separate ability scores. Would there be any obstacle to having them act like all other keywords, ie at…
In HeroQuest
Participants: droog, Vaxalon, soviet, Sydney Freedberg, Mike Holmes, Web_Weaver, Jane.

6/16/2006 lumpley: Mongoose contacted me
Matthew Sprange wrote me a little while back, offering to publish Dogs in the Vineyard under a new imprint that Mongoose is launching (or considering launching). I'd keep intellectual property…
In Publishing
Participants: lumpley, Valamir, Vaxalon, Andy Kitkowski, Pelgrane, Wart, Thunder_God, Adam Dray, abzu, nikola, Paul Czege, komradebob, Jake Richmond, David Chunn, Ron Edwards.

6/16/2006 Johan Granberg: [AG&G] Long chapters?
Hey, got a question concerning chapter length in "the game formerly known as AG&G": I sort of get the feeling that chapters shouldn't run any longer than one session, since…
In lumpley games
Participants: Johan Granberg, lumpley.

6/16/2006 preludetotheend: Need a little help with descriptions.
Hello ladies and gentlemen I have been working on the finer details of my setting working up the 7 major planes of existence but now that a growing demand for…
In Connections
Participants: preludetotheend.

6/16/2006 Eero Tuovinen: Some improvised playtesting
So, a gaming friend of mine was visiting, and we were hot to play lots of indie games. In practice it was rather difficult, with all the local teens in…
In Acts of Evil Playtest Board
Participants: Eero Tuovinen.

6/16/2006 jburneko: [DitV] The Narrative Wall
Hello, First I have to say that Dogs in the Vineyard is by far the easiest game to GM I have ever played.  The town creation rules are pure gold. …
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Bankuei, Noon, Claudia Cangini.

6/16/2006 iain: [What a shambles!] Balancing comedy and horror
So i was sitting watching "Shaun of the Dead" the other day when an idea for a romantic comedy game set in a zombie apocalypse popped into my head, the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: iain, oreso, jasonm, davidberg.

6/16/2006 John Kirk: [Cranium Rats] RPG Design Pattern Analysis
A few weeks ago, Guy Shalev asked me to perform an analysis of his role-playing game Cranium Rats.  This posting is a result of that effort. In performing a detailed…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Kirk, Filip Luszczyk, Thunder_God, dindenver.

6/17/2006 Filip Luszczyk: Jenga - competitive play switching to cooperative mode
This is not a role-playing AP, but the issue is valid, I think. Jenga. I played it at a convention. The game is incredibly simple and incredibly addictive. Players build…
In Actual Play
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Thunder_God, Blankshield.

more subsequent topics >>