The Forge Reference Project: Reading Lists


Index of reading lists

Reading list Religion
Compiled by Ron Edwards

5/14/2002 Jake Norwood: The one true faith
Although the world for TROS, Weyrth, is intentionally broad, we did something special with the religions--something that is pretty uncommon for FRPGs... We left the matter of religion up in the air. Who is the one true god or pantheon? Are they all right? All wrong? There isn't any official "priestly magic," though genuine miracles are very appropriate in a…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Wolfen, Ace, Nick Pagnucco, Bankuei, Jaif, Mike Holmes.

6/11/2002 Nathan: A Christian RPG?
Okay. Warning: What you may encounter below could be life changing, opinion altering, or healthy! :) There - my warning is out of the way. One of my projects that I have been fiddling with for over a year now is THE CROSS. The Cross aims to be a Christian roleplaying game with 3 distinct goals: 1) The Cross RPG…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathan, Ron Edwards, Wolfen, Laurel, Fabrice G., Clinton R. Nixon, Jake Norwood, Walt Freitag, J B Bell, Bankuei, sdemory, Clay, Victor Gijsbers.

11/30/2002 cruciel: Christian Gamers and Self Esteem
All this question of gamer pride when revealing your hobby to non-gamers has brought up a lot of "it's all the fundies falt" comments, and I'm curious about something. So, to those gamers who happen to be christian: Do you feel any apprehension about telling gamers you don't know very well your religious orientation (because of fear of snap judgments)?…
In RPG Theory
Participants: cruciel, Clinton R. Nixon, M. J. Young, Victor Gijsbers, thoth, Ted E. Childers, Bankuei, Uncle Dark, Sidhain, Ron Edwards, Christopher Kubasik, Jonathan Walton, Clay, Kester Pelagius, contracycle, Paganini, Evan Waters, Irmo.

12/4/2002 Jonathan Walton: Religion in Roleplaying
[size=15px][b]The Problem of Religion[/b][/size] So, I was re-reading the current thread on [a href=""]"Christian gaming,"[/a] when I slowly realized that there are very few, if any, roleplaying games that really treat religion in a way that is both mature and respectful. Think about it. How do you normally see religion depicted in roleplaying? -- a priest of the Old Ones…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Jonathan Walton, wyrdlyng, Le Joueur, thoth, C. Edwards, Uncle Dark, contracycle, Clinton R. Nixon, cruciel, lumpley, Clay, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege, Emily Care, Andrew Martin.

12/5/2002 Kester Pelagius: The Mechanic of "Religion" in Role-Playing Games
Greetings All, So I was reading threads. Something about the quote below struck me like a two-by-four upside the head on a bright day when a cold wind blows down your shirt raising goose pimples up and down your too sensitive to the cold front moving in downgrade in temperature. The Problem of Religion So, I was re-reading the…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Kester Pelagius, Eric J., wyrdlyng, simon_hibbs, John Wick, Mike Holmes, Blake Hutchins, Uncle Dark, M. J. Young, contracycle, Alan, Seth L. Blumberg, greyorm, Walt Freitag, lumpley, Andrew Martin, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

1/7/2003 M. J. Young: Unified Truth and Diverse Religions in Game Worlds
Ron twice has attempted to close the thread entitled The Mechanic of "Religion" in Role Playing Games; yet the topic is hot, and there seems much to be said about it. I agree with Reverend Daegmorgan (Greyorm) that Contracycle (Gareth?) has been very offensive; and with Simon that he has also been somewhat rude and even illogical in his…
In RPG Theory
Participants: M. J. Young, Ted E. Childers, Uncle Dark, Kester Pelagius, Eric J., simon_hibbs, contracycle, Jack Spencer Jr, Bob McNamee, Gordon C. Landis, epweissengruber, damion, clehrich, Andrew Martin, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, greyorm, Christopher Kubasik, Walt Freitag, John Kim.

1/12/2003 Christopher Kubasik: Engaging New Worlds with New Imagination
Hi Guys, Taking a cue off of greyorm's great reply in the Unified Truth/Religions thread (, I went back to examine MJ's first post to remember what was at stake. Reading it, I found this: If the Greeks believe that Apollo drives the sun across the sky in a chariot and the Egyptians that a dung beetle rolls it across…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Jack Spencer Jr, clehrich, M. J. Young, Kester Pelagius, contracycle, Le Joueur, Walt Freitag, Marco, Gordon C. Landis, greyorm, erithromycin, damion.

1/13/2003 M. J. Young: A New Spin on the Old Magic/Religion Question
This is yet another thread pursuing the popular topic about whether the referee has to understand the reality of the game world in some sense. I say yet another, because it of these threads: It started when Kester Pelagius inaugurated The Mechanic of "Religion" in Role-Playing Games; actually, that's not true, now that I think of it, as he…
In RPG Theory
Participants: M. J. Young, Jack Spencer Jr, clehrich, Le Joueur, greyorm, Kester Pelagius, contracycle, simon_hibbs, Gordon C. Landis, Ron Edwards, Drew Stevens, Blake Hutchins, RHJunior.

1/18/2003 clehrich: Fantasy Heartbreakers and Religion
In Ron's new article, he raises a fascinating historical issue. I'll quote at length, because I'd like to take it as the starting point for discussion. My biggest criticism concerns some thematic content. I'm really starting to wonder about the god-lists and religion in general in Fantasy Heartbreakers. It's a unique phenomenon; I don't think it's possible to imagine anything…
In RPG Theory
Participants: clehrich, Christopher Kubasik, Maurice Forrester, Jack Spencer Jr, John Kim, Ron Edwards, erithromycin, talysman, M. J. Young, Henry Fitch, Shreyas Sampat, Rob MacDougall, b_bankhead, Johannes, contracycle, Walt Freitag.

2/7/2004 Librisia: Yes, MORE on religion and role playing
Salutations, At the urging of my genius game designer spouse, I recently read Mr. Lehrich's article on RPGs as ritual. I was inspired to post my own article to all of you for perusal. Learning from the criticisms leveled at Mr. Lehrich’s paper, let me make a few clarifications. Bricoleur is the term used for someone who engages in bricollage.…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Librisia, clehrich, Christopher Weeks, cthulahoops, Thuringwaethiel, greyorm, John Kim, james_west, M. J. Young, Mike Holmes, Valamir, contracycle, S'mon, montag, James Holloway, C. Edwards, Rich Forest, pete_darby, Ron Edwards, Bankuei.

9/9/2004 Christopher Weeks: DiTV with Mormons and religiosity in gaming
I'm looking back over what I've written and I'm not sure if any of this is apropos. This is one of those notes that I might just back over and never post, but I'm hesitating because I'd like to see it discussed. I'm hoping that others will address Brand's issues more pointedly than I am able to. this…
In lumpley games
Participants: Christopher Weeks, Ron Edwards, nikola, lumpley, Jonathan Walton, Brand_Robins, Valamir, MajorKiz, Paka, DannyK, inthisstyle.