The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Greetings
Started by: Cynthia Celeste Miller
Started on: 12/28/2001
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/28/2001 at 1:59pm, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:

Believe it or not, I hadn't come to the Forge before last night. Maybe I just never thought to look beyond

So, I figured I'd introduce myself and start getting to know everyone.

I was introduced to gaming in 1986, on my 13th birthday. The new kid in town brought over the red-box version of D&D. After playing an adventure, I read through the books and was immediately turned off to how awkward the rules were.

I thereby took it upon myself to create my own, supposedly better rpg. It was called Inter-Galactic Wars. And let me tell you----it was god-awful. The system was derivative at best and the setting ripped off every movie, novel, comic and television show known to man. From Flash Gordon to Star Wars to The Private Eyes (Wookalar, anyone?).

As bad as IGW was, it sparked a passion in me unlike any I had experienced before.

And that's how it all began (not that anyone probably cares. lol).

Aside from designing a heaping mound of unreleased games, I've only published two games; Broken Earth (a post-apocalyptic wargame, available at and Four Colors (a free Golden Age superhero rpg, available at

A third game (Cartoon Action Hour) will be added to the list hopefully around February or March. Cartoon Action Hour is the retro-toon rpg, dealing with the action-adventure cartoons of the 70's and 80's---Thundarr the Barbarian, Inhumanoids, Centurions, Thundercats, C.O.P.S, etc.

To be honest, I'm currently e-publishing due should I put it?...lack of finances. I'm looking to try my hand at going hard-copy with Cartoon Action Hour, but that may take awhile. I'm slowly saving up my money to do this.

I'm not looking to get rich or anything. Heck, I'm not even worried about making much profit. I just have a passion for designing games and sharing them with others. To me, knowing that other people are enjoying what I create is the ultimate "high".

In closing, I'd like to say that I'm glad I came to this site and I hope I can contribute heartily.

Take care!

Cynthia Celeste Miller
-Spectrum Game Studios

[ This Message was edited by: Cynthia Celeste Miller on 2001-12-28 09:01 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Cynthia Celeste Miller on 2001-12-28 09:01 ]

Message 1090#10168

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...started by Cynthia Celeste Miller which Cynthia Celeste Miller participated Indie Game Design
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On 12/28/2001 at 2:46pm, Joe Murphy (Broin) wrote:
RE: Greetings

On 2001-12-28 08:59, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
Believe it or not, I hadn't come to the Forge before last night. Maybe I just never thought to look beyond

So, I figured I'd introduce myself and start getting to know everyone.

A third game (Cartoon Action Hour) will be added to the list hopefully around February or March. Cartoon Action Hour is the retro-toon rpg, dealing with the action-adventure cartoons of the 70's and 80's---Thundarr the Barbarian, Inhumanoids, Centurions, Thundercats, C.O.P.S, etc.
[ This Message was edited by: Cynthia Celeste Miller on 2001-12-28 09:01 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Cynthia Celeste Miller on 2001-12-28 09:01 ]

Hello, welcome and all that. =)

I was just thinking about that game the other day. I can't think where I might have seen a reference to it... Usenet? I'm *very* much looking forward to it, particularly as I doubt my Centurions-inspired game will ever get off the ground. :wink:

Presumably you're not referring to *actual* cartoons, though, lest you run into copyright issues?


Message 1090#10171

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On 12/28/2001 at 2:55pm, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
RE: Greetings

Thanks, Joe. =0)

You probably heard about it on I'm a regular there and it gets brought up from time to time.

As for your question, there will not be any licensed cartoons appearing in the game. It will feature some ready-to-run series, but all of them are "in the vein of" the retro-toons. In fact, I've done my best to keep them from even resembling existing cartoons.

That said, if the game takes off, we'll be pursuing the license to do sourcebooks for two cartoons in particular, Visionaries and Inhumanoids.

After that, who knows.

Message 1090#10174

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On 12/28/2001 at 3:00pm, James V. West wrote:
RE: Greetings

I'm not the official herald of the site, but I'll give you a great big welcome!

Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:

"I was introduced to gaming in 1986, on my 13th birthday. The new kid in town brought over the red-box version of D&D. After playing an adventure, I read through the books and was immediately turned off to how awkward the rules were."

The red box was my first incursion into gaming too. I was intrigued after overhearing a DnD session on lunch break at school. Took me 6 months to find that game. This was 1985.

"I thereby took it upon myself to create my own, supposedly better rpg. It was called Inter-Galactic Wars. And let me tell you----it was god-awful. The system was derivative at best and the setting ripped off every movie, novel, comic and television show known to man. From Flash Gordon to Star Wars to The Private Eyes (Wookalar, anyone?)."

Coolness. I did a similar thing. While searching for DnD I created a few of my own fantasy games. They sucked, but the innocence and pure delight I poured into them can't be rivalled by anything I'm doing now.

And the fact that you used all these movies and books and comics as inspiration for your game probably made it that much better.

"A third game (Cartoon Action Hour) will be added to the list hopefully around February or March. Cartoon Action Hour is the retro-toon rpg, dealing with the action-adventure cartoons of the 70's and 80's---Thundarr the Barbarian, Inhumanoids, Centurions, Thundercats, C.O.P.S, etc."

You mentioned Thundarr! Now I gotta get a copy of your game as soon as its available. Thundarr was my hero even before Conan and Spider-Man.

"I'm not looking to get rich or anything. Heck, I'm not even worried about making much profit. I just have a passion for designing games and sharing them with others. To me, knowing that other people are enjoying what I create is the ultimate "high"."


I'll check out the links and read up on your games as I'm sure everyone else here will do. Thanks for posting!

James V. West
Random Order Creations

In closing, I'd like to say that I'm glad I came to this site and I hope I can contribute heartily.

Take care!

Cynthia Celeste Miller
-Spectrum Game Studios

[ This Message was edited by: Cynthia Celeste Miller on 2001-12-28 09:01 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Cynthia Celeste Miller on 2001-12-28 09:01 ]

Message 1090#10175

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On 12/28/2001 at 3:10pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Greetings

What's with all the false modesty, guys ("I'm not an oficial whatsis")? A welcome is a welcome.

Hi Celeste, I'm the Official Ubiquitous Poster here at The Forge, and a big welcome!

I loved the Inhumanoids, and I really look forward to seeing what you've got. Hope you can get that license.


Message 1090#10178

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On 12/28/2001 at 3:19pm, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
RE: Greetings

I'm not the official herald of the site, but I'll give you a great big welcome!

Thank you kindly. =0)

Coolness. I did a similar thing. While searching for DnD I created a few of my own fantasy games. They sucked, but the innocence and pure delight I poured into them can't be rivalled by anything I'm doing now.

Yep. I can relate. As horrible as IGW was, I still look fondly upon my time designing it. Lots of memories.

And the fact that you used all these movies and books and comics as inspiration for your game probably made it that much better.

Perhaps. But I still cringe a bit. ;0)

You mentioned Thundarr! Now I gotta get a copy of your game as soon as its available. Thundarr was my hero even before Conan and Spider-Man.

Another Thundarr fan, eh? Glad to hear it. That cartoon was what attracted me to the post-apocalyptic genre....and it's still the measuring stick by which I judge all other P.A. material. And, man, did Thundarr evoke a cool atmosphere.

I'll check out the links and read up on your games as I'm sure everyone else here will do. Thanks for posting!

Again, thanks. Our website is currently being built, but it should be finished by the end of next week. I'll post the URL then.

Message 1090#10180

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On 12/28/2001 at 3:24pm, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
RE: Greetings

On 2001-12-28 10:10, Mike Holmes wrote:
What's with all the false modesty, guys ("I'm not an oficial whatsis")? A welcome is a welcome.

Hi Celeste, I'm the Official Ubiquitous Poster here at The Forge, and a big welcome!

I loved the Inhumanoids, and I really look forward to seeing what you've got. Hope you can get that license.


LOL! Why thank you very much, Mike.

Wow! First a Thundarr fan and now an Inhumanoids fan! This forum must be heaven. =0)

Speaking of Inhumanoids, I recently emailed Flint Dille (writer for the Inhumanoids, Visionaries and G.I. Joe), asking him to write a foreward for the game. No answer yet, but he's quite a busy guy.

Message 1090#10182

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On 12/28/2001 at 3:33pm, joshua neff wrote:
RE: Greetings


Yo, fellow Missourian! Welcome to the Forge!

You should go post on the "Profiling" thread in Actual Play & the "What brought you to the Forge" thread in Site Discussion. And not just so that we can hit 10,000 posts before '02.

Oh, & from your post over on RPGnet--I'm am all in favor of Silver Age superheroes!

Message 1090#10184

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On 12/28/2001 at 3:45pm, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
RE: Greetings

Yo, fellow Missourian! Welcome to the Forge!

Much appreciated. =0)

You should go post on the "Profiling" thread in Actual Play & the "What brought you to the Forge" thread in Site Discussion. And not just so that we can hit 10,000 posts before '02.

Will do.

Oh, & from your post over on RPGnet--I'm am all in favor of Silver Age superheroes!

Hehehe. I'm glad someone agrees with me on that point. I've always had a thing about the 1960's Marvel stuff, so I guess I'm a tad biased.

Message 1090#10188

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On 12/28/2001 at 4:19pm, unodiablo wrote:
RE: Greetings

Welcome Cynthia!

I've read some of your stuff on, and browsed through 4 Colors... You'll find wrestling fans, and Thundarr fans galore here! :smile:

I did a short RPG called SATURDAY MORNING HEROES! that was basically an attempt to write /design a Thundarr RPG for kids 5+ (was dating a woman w/ two boys at the time; 5 and 8 yrs/ old, and they LOVED my Thundarr tapes). I think Zak has a Saturday morning cartoon RPG on his site too? Great to have another Thundarr fan aboard! Looking forward to your new game...


Message 1090#10192

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On 12/28/2001 at 4:51pm, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
RE: Greetings

I've read some of your stuff on, and browsed through 4 Colors... You'll find wrestling fans, and Thundarr fans galore here! :smile:

**does the Happy Dance** It's nice to be known. =0)

Wrestling fans too, eh? That's cool. I've been a wrestling fan since '79 or so and have since become a wrestling historian (specializing in the period between 1895 and 1969).

In fact, I've considered designing a very detailed wrestling strategy game. Not an rpg, but more of a board/card game hybrid with miniatures (it would include paper miniatures...but I'd just use my collection of M.U.S.C.L.E. figures).

But, that's getting off track.

I did a short RPG called SATURDAY MORNING HEROES! that was basically an attempt to write /design a Thundarr RPG for kids 5+ (was dating a woman w/ two boys at the time; 5 and 8 yrs/ old, and they LOVED my Thundarr tapes).

Darn it....I thought I was being original. ;0)

I think Zak has a Saturday morning cartoon RPG on his site too?

I just now checked it out. It's called Superpets, which is a really cool genre within a genre. After reading it, I was impressed.

Great to have another Thundarr fan aboard! Looking forward to your new game...

Thanks, Sean. =0)

Message 1090#10194

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On 12/28/2001 at 5:34pm, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: Greetings

I think Zak has a Saturday morning cartoon RPG on his site too?

I just now checked it out. It's called Superpets, which is a really cool genre within a genre. After reading it, I was impressed.

Heee .. thanks! I've got another one that isn't up at the site. It's at my LiveJournal (which I use to write up half-baked ideas), and it's lamely named Saturday Morning Cartoons:

Saturday Morning Cartoons

It's supposed to facilitate GMless cartoon fun, mostly inspired by those awful Thundercats/Silverhawks type cartoons, with some He-Man thrown in.

Message 1090#10204

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On 12/28/2001 at 5:43pm, Ryan Ary wrote:
RE: Greetings

How strange that we've never met given Springfield's relatively close gaming circles! I live there too. Welcome.

You definatly have some cool ideas. I am working on the foundations of a large product line myself. Unforunately, I'm not able to discuss overmuch. Suffice to say it will make running a wide variety of game easier.

Again welcome


Message 1090#10208

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On 12/28/2001 at 5:50pm, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
RE: Greetings

That's a really spiffy game, Zak. I'm quite fond of the central game mechanic (i.e., the three dice technique).

But, I have to disagree with you about the old 80's toons being bad. Sure there were plenty stinkers, but there were also a great deal of fantastic ones, like Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors (written by J. Michael Straczenski, of B5 fame), Visionaries, Thundarr and Inhumanoids

But, hey, to each their own. =0)

Message 1090#10211

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On 12/28/2001 at 5:57pm, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
RE: Greetings

On 2001-12-28 12:43, Ryan Ary wrote:
How strange that we've never met given Springfield's relatively close gaming circles! I live there too. Welcome.

Wow! It truly is a miniscule world! =0)

You definatly have some cool ideas. I am working on the foundations of a large product line myself. Unforunately, I'm not able to discuss overmuch. Suffice to say it will make running a wide variety of game easier.

Thanks for the kind words. It sounds like you've got a good handle on your game.

Message 1090#10212

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On 12/28/2001 at 6:02pm, unodiablo wrote:
RE: Greetings

I've thought about writing a game for those lil' M.U.S.C.L.E. guys for years now. I have a bag of about 100 of them! Do you use them for your CofG games? I need to get a copy of that one of these days...

There's a narrative wrestling game called Kayfabe that Matt / Eloran wrote, and Scott Knipe/hardcoremoose and a few others are mad about the bumps. There's this thread, about naming Kayfabe:
And this about the game:
and this is a link to Kayfabe:

I'll look through my files and see if I can't find & put SMH! on my website over the weekend too...

Forge Reference Links:
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Topic 527

Message 1090#10215

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On 12/28/2001 at 6:27pm, Ryan Ary wrote:
RE: Greetings

Yes it is a small world!!
But no I don't have a great handle on it yet just an idea. I'm working on the implementation, which is all that really matters with any game right? Its going to be quite a while before its done though.


Message 1090#10221

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On 12/29/2001 at 6:59pm, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
RE: Greetings

I've thought about writing a game for those lil' M.U.S.C.L.E. guys for years now. I have a bag of about 100 of them! Do you use them for your CofG games? I need to get a copy of that one of these days...

M.U.S.C.L.E.s rock! My favorite toys from the 1980's. Anyway, no they can't be used in CotG, as there's no board or map in the game. It's all very abstract, but the BEST representation of wrestling matches I've ever seen. I highly recommend it.

Plus, there's a massive CotG online community. Buy the core set, join a few egroups & ask the fans if anyone has any cool fan-created sets. You'll have a ton of wrestlers within a couple weeks. Best of all, these fan-created sets are free.

There's a narrative wrestling game called Kayfabe that Matt / Eloran wrote, and Scott Knipe/hardcoremoose and a few others are mad about the bumps. There's this thread, about naming Kayfabe:

Very, very impressive! I read through the rules and talked to my gf and a friend. We're going to play this for our next session.

If you're reading this, Matt.....congrats! You created a winner!

Message 1090#10328

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On 12/29/2001 at 7:48pm, Paganini wrote:
RE: Greetings

Hey Cindi! How odd that we would both show up on the same day! Hey, how come you didn't mention the awesome mechanics of Midway City in your intro post? Huh? Huh? How come? :wink:

Message 1090#10338

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On 12/29/2001 at 8:06pm, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
RE: Greetings

Nathan!!! It's great to see ya!

As for not mentioning the Midway City system, it's only because it wasn't published and I really only mentioned those. Which sucks really big time that it got mothballed.

Temporarily mothballed anyway. I plan to self publish it sometime next year *knock on wood*. Email me if ya want more details. I don't wanna bore everyone here. Hehe.

Message 1090#10342

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On 12/31/2001 at 5:53am, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: Greetings

Very, very impressive! I read through the rules and talked to my gf and a friend. We're going to play this for our next session.

If you're reading this, Matt.....congrats! You created a winner!

I'm reading. THanks for the compliment. Let me know how your game goes.

Be sure you have the most recent rules that I just put up a couple days ago. You can download the PDF at

Message 1090#10435

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