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24 Hour Game

Started by philreed, April 08, 2003, 03:01:52 PM

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alright, i've got a newer version of Criminal Element ready.  the words haven't changed much at all, just a brad new layout that i think looks nice and classy.  should i post it on the 24HourRPG group since it's related or should i post it elsewhere?

oh, also created a 24hourRPG logo if anyone wants to use it.  i'll put that up in the group for all to use.  that way, if these do get sold to people for forge-funding, they'll have that uniform logo thingie.

Michael P. O'Sullivan
Criminal Element
Desperate People, Desperate Deeds
available at Fullmotor Productions


Quote from: Zathreyelalright, i've got a newer version of Criminal Element ready.  the words haven't changed much at all, just a brad new layout that i think looks nice and classy.  should i post it on the 24HourRPG group since it's related or should i post it elsewhere?

oh, also created a 24hourRPG logo if anyone wants to use it.  i'll put that up in the group for all to use.  that way, if these do get sold to people for forge-funding, they'll have that uniform logo thingie.


D'you have that logo in a resizable vector format, like EPS, or is that a raster?


Work continues. I first created all of the layout and am now writing my game around the layout and artwork. I tend to do this when I'm rushed since I can often gain inspiration from the layout/art and while working on the easy stuff I can keep my mind thinking on what the hell my game is going to be.


Ick. Clip art doesn't like me. I've taken to finding photographs with a Google picture search, then tinting and darkening them until they have the appearance that I want. The effect is neat.

Brief system summary: You've got your Action Value. You've got your Difficulty. If your AV is higher than the Dif, you automatically succeed. If Dif is equal/greater than AV, roll a number of dice equal to (Dif minus AV) plus one. If all dice are even, you succeed.

Damn, I've only got 6hr 15min left. Bye!
Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other


About 9 hours left and I only have ten pages. And my brain hurts.

I'm even more impressed with the created works now that I'm in the middle of attempting this myself.


Quote from: JephIck. Clip art doesn't like me. I've taken to finding photographs with a Google picture search, then tinting and darkening them until they have the appearance that I want. The effect is neat.

All the more reason to avoid making these games for-pay, since the legalities of such art are ... well. :)

Any port in a storm, during the 24 hours, though!


ok, done.

well, not really... not as much as I planned to do, but 17 pages, at least... and I think the game is more or less playable. I'm just not happy with the results. the setting needs more background material, even though the players are supposed to create a lot of the setting through play.

the game is called The Troubadours of Verticaille. it's less than 200K; if I had known that would happen, I would have figured out how to use the full-color island pictures I created for the game.

I'm basically calling it quits now with four hours left to go because, despite taking a four-hour sleep break, I am completely exhausted and finding it hard to concentrate. plus, I'm hungry. sorry, I'm just too old and cranky for this kind of "pushing to the limits".
John Laviolette
(aka Talysman the Ur-Beatle)
rpg projects:


Quote from: talysmanSorry, I'm just too old and cranky for this kind of "pushing to the limits".

You're selling yourself short.  Good job.  And for what it's worth, with more pics added in, you'd probably bulk out to 24 pages nice and quick.  I'll refrain from deeper commentary on the work, though, 'cause I'm still fuzzy on when and where the appropriate time & place is for that.


Quote from: Zathreyelalright, i've got a newer version of Criminal Element ready.  the words haven't changed much at all, just a brad new layout that i think looks nice and classy.  should i post it on the 24HourRPG group since it's related or should i post it elsewhere?

I failed to respond to this part.  I'd say go ahead and post it, *but*, since it's a revised (post-24 hour) work, it should be posted under a different filename, so people can see both the "pure" 24-hour work and the later refined 24-plus work.


Finished, with one hour and 22 minutes left. I think I've got time to make a quick character sheet, maybe write some design notes. It's sixteen pages (including the cover), with four sections: Introduction, Characters, Rules, and Powers. I'm pretty happy with it.

Okay, to the character sheet, and then I'll post it!
Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other

Mark Johnson

I would like to see some Actual Play reviews of these 24 hour games soon.  Any takers?


I've got a friend who won't be able to make it our regular session next week, so I might be able to do a review of one or two of the completed games on Friday or Saturday.

By the way: I've really liked all the games I've seen so far, but my enjoyment of "Vespertine" is hampered by the fact that I'd never heard of "Little Fears" unitl I read that game. Anyone know where I can pick it up?
John Frazer, Cancer


Sunrise has been posted, 8 minutes before the deadline. =) I didn't have time to make a character sheet, as the application "unexpectedly quit" and I lost about 5 minutes worth of text.

/smashes head against computer desk several times

Okay, better now. Anyway, I did include an advertisement page in the back, with the 24 hour game logo, and the names and authors of the other four games that have been posted so far. (I tried getting pictures of the covers of the other games in, but shrinking them messed up the titling and stuff. Ah well, such is life.)

-Jeff S.
Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other


Quote from: Mark JohnsonI would like to see some Actual Play reviews of these 24 hour games soon.  Any takers?

This raises the overall question of how to move from the 'development' thread to the 'take a look and offer feedback'.  Is now the time to start?  I'd be willing to offer Pace up to the wolves by starting a thread about it in this forum, at the least.  Haven't the locally available time to really playtest the thing, however, so Actual Play may have to wait.


Talysman, I just downloaded The Troubadours of Verticaille, and (like with Mutant Space Cowboys) I can see nothing but the punctuation, tables, and graphics. Maybe it's that I'm using Preview, not Acrobat?
Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other