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[Forge Midwest 2007] Official Event Schedule -- Plan games here!

Started by Matt Snyder, March 14, 2007, 02:19:56 AM

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Clyde L. Rhoer

Hi Thor,

I added a preregistration yes/no line to the wiki. So folks who don't want to have pre-sign-ups can still list games, and they'll work exactly as you suggest.

Hi Doyce,

Google's spreadsheets was the first thing I thought of, but according to their documentation you have to add each person you want to share access with by email address, which would have made it not useful for this situation. If I'm mistaken and you know a way to make a Google spreadsheet public, P.M. me I'd love to know how.

Hi everyone,

I'm going to lock the wiki down on April 19th, around 20:00 central time, so I have time to make multiple print outs to bring with me when we come down Friday for Forge Midwest.

Theory from the Closet , A Netcast/Podcast about RPG theory and design., Clyde's personal blog.


Quote from: Blankshield on March 29, 2007, 11:03:07 PM
I dunno if it's a good idea or a flop, but I've added a slot for a designer roundtable on Sunday morning (not married to that timeslot) to Clyde's sheet.  Will other designers be willing to sit with me and answer stuff?  Who knows!  Will anyone want to ask questions?  Who knows!  Will we all be crawling around like pale, sun-hating slugs if there isn't coffee?  Yes!*


*Or I will, at least.  'Cause I know I'll be getting my ass handed to me in Jungle Speed until at least 3 AM.

Count us in for that!  Gamerchick and Litagemini.


Added a playtest session for Oath of Stars to the 4-7pm slot.

Some folks around here may remember a thread way back where we jazzed about the idea of a game which would feature interesting space dogfights.  Some good "committee-style" brainstorming got done there, and I riffed off a thread of mechanics here.

This is that game.

I've frankly given up on waiting for Driftwood to get back to me on the question of collaboration, given their status; I'll unabashedly (but without infringing shit) say that this game is totally inspired by, and was written to be a sister game to, The Riddle of Steel.  It's a seriously incomplete work at this point, but it's complete enough that I just ended a playtest campaign which ran for several months, to very good results.

I want to run a playtest for a different crowd than my usual, shake things out before I continue writing this.  And, Jake, the last I heard was that you weren't sure if you'd be able to make it.  But if you are, well, there's a spot reserved for you and plenty of folks who'll help me duct-tape you to your chair if necessary.


In separate news, I'd really love to get in on a game of Shock: if someone could be convinced to run one.  That and Agon are my requests, personally.  See you all there!

Matt Wilson

Dev the Neranged:

I'd totally dig being part of that Agon game. I loves me some Agon.

I'll hopefully have something to playtest in the playtest slot. Other than that, I'll probably consider myself part of the wingin' it crew. It'd be fun to game with friends I never see, but that aren't mean I won't rock the house at any table with some ass kicking happening.

Note to other playtesty folks: If there's other slots where you want to run additional playtests, I'd be a willing participant.

Nev the Deranged

Man, I really hope this Agon game I'm putting together doesn't end up sucking, cuz I'm not going to have time to tweak it between weekends.

Heck, I'll be lucky to finish it in time for the first one >.< Figures this'd be the month we're pulling long shifts and working weekends.

On the plus side, if it does suck, I couldn't ask for a better bunch of people to give me advice on how to spruce it up.



I may be late on Saturday.  I have some personal things to take care of in Chicago.  But I totally look foward to meeting all of you guys! :)
This is a really cool opportunity.




The bare bones locale info and R-Map for the ... TSoY... umm... thing... that I'm going to run:

As mentioned in the doc, apologies for the non-period images.  I'm just taking visual notes for my own frame of reference.
Doyce Testerman ~
Someone gets into trouble, then get get out of it again; people love that story -- they never get tired of it.

Paul Czege

Okay, lemme see...

I can easily run My Life with Master, Nicotine Girls, or Hero's Banner.

I want to run an Acts of Evil playtest if can get my shit together in the next couple of days. I'd like to run Dust Devils.

I'd love to play Swansong, Lacuna, Capes, With Great Power. I'd love to do some playtesting as well. Galactic? Bliss Stage? Inuma? Silence Keeps Me A Victim?

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans


Okay.  Here's my consolidated post.

In RPGs:

I will bring Legends of Alyria and Dirty Secrets.

I would like to play It Was A Mutual Decision or Spione.

I am also willing to be talked into other games.

In boardgames:

I will bring my copy of Jungle Speed, plus Polarity and Blue Moon.  Maybe I'll bring Blue Moon City, too.

I would like to play Battlelore.

I am also willing to be talked into other games.

Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown

Nev the Deranged

Quote from: Doyce on April 12, 2007, 06:32:03 AM
The bare bones locale info and R-Map for the ... TSoY... umm... thing... that I'm going to run:

As mentioned in the doc, apologies for the non-period images.  I'm just taking visual notes for my own frame of reference.

Heh. What was his name again... Speartyke? Queerspike? *g*

Where did you get the pic for Diina? Is that Brittany Murphy?


Heh. Steerpike.  And my fiance wanted me to use a picture of the actor from the  Tudors, in which he stars.  She was drooling a little, though, so I didn't. :)
Doyce Testerman ~
Someone gets into trouble, then get get out of it again; people love that story -- they never get tired of it.

Nev the Deranged

Hell, Steerpike was hot.. I had to forgive the magnetism of his abdomen along with Dr. Prunesquallor.  And I'm straight.

Matt Wilson

Quote from: Paul Czege on April 12, 2007, 06:39:44 PM
I want to run an Acts of Evil playtest if can get my shit together in the next couple of days. I'd like to run Dust Devils.

I'd love to play Swansong, Lacuna, Capes, With Great Power. I'd love to do some playtesting as well. Galactic? Bliss Stage? Inuma? Silence Keeps Me A Victim?


Heya Paulster:

I'd like to see what's the latest with AoE, so you are officially required to run a second playtest session if you do your first during the designated slot. Natch I'd dig it if you tried out my schtuff.

It's a bummer that some of these games-in-progress are the ones most interesting to me.