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So, how many Brits?

Started by Matt Machell, April 07, 2004, 10:01:26 PM

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Matt Machell

Following from the Kiwi thread, how many Brits are there hanging around? I've noticed a few, but I'm wondering if there are some lurking...

And, to make it vaguely useful, should we meet up and crash a con at some point?


Rich Stokes

*Raises hand*

Any cons this year?  They seem to have admitted that Gencon Europe was a bad idea and just called this onu Gencon UK like we all have for ages.
The poster previously known as RichKS

Simon W

I'm a Brit.
I was waiting for news of Ambercon UK (I have been most years since it began, but it seems to be all quiet this year, so I am a little concerned)
Simon W


do many scots/mics roleplay?


I'm a Belfastardian......


Jack Aidley

- Jack Aidley, Great Ork Gods, Iron Game Chef (Fantasy): Chanter


Another brit checking in. I live in Cambridge.

I must admit I've never been to a con. I've a natural aversion to most other RPers. (Present company excluded for the most part I think. I've just found that the stereotypes are true unfortunately often.)

Doug Ruff

And another on. Lovely sunny weather here today in Hastings (well, St Leonards, it's right next door.)

Never been to a con either - its always sounded like a very expensive way of turning a hobby into a stressful activity. However, I'm willing to change the habits of a lifetime if I get to meet some cool indie gamers. Especially if I get to play (or run) a game of DiTV.
'Come and see the violence inherent in the System.'

James Holloway

Well, I sound like an American, but I was born in Scotland and I live in England at the moment. GB Steve is also (as the GB suggests) around here somewheres.

As for a con to crash, how about this one?


Given that it's in the same city as me, and so relatively affordable on a poor student budget, I'd be tentatively interested in crashing consternation. Unfortunately I have a sneaking suspicion that it lies within the dates when I'm going to be going to my family reunion... Doh.

I'll need to check dates on that, but put me down as a maybe for the idea.

James Holloway

Quote from: KitGiven that it's in the same city as me, and so relatively affordable on a poor student budget, I'd be tentatively interested in crashing consternation. Unfortunately I have a sneaking suspicion that it lies within the dates when I'm going to be going to my family reunion... Doh.

I'll need to check dates on that, but put me down as a maybe for the idea.
You're in Cambridge, Kit? Me too!


Quote from: James Holloway

You're in Cambridge, Kit? Me too!

Cool. Are you a student here or a resident? (Or both, like me.)

James Holloway

Quote from: Kit
Cool. Are you a student here or a resident? (Or both, like me.)
I'm a grad student and, as such, live here year-round, but I'm from the US (well, more or less). I also did my undergrad study here.


I'm english, but live in Australia.

GB Steve

Quote from: James HollowayGB Steve is also (as the GB suggests) around here somewheres.
Sorry, I was at the bar, here's your pint and pork scratchings. Who's is the Snakebite?

Quote from: James HollowayAs for a con to crash, how about this one?
Eminently crashable. I shall be bringing a LARP and some tabletop games