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POD printer round up

Started by Andrew Morris, August 11, 2005, 10:46:15 PM

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Andrew Morris

Well, I've been trying to put together a comprehensive list of POD printers out there, who has used them, and what their experiences have been.

So far, here's all I've found from searching the Forge:

Lulu -- Donjon, Fastlane, Empire of Satanis
RPGMall -- The Imp Game
Express Media -- Elfs, My Life with Master, Masters and Minions, NPA
RPI -- Bulldogs, The Mountain Witch
Berryville Graphics -- Kayfabe
Lightning Source (website seems to be down) -- Code of Unaris (?)
Booksurge (I don't have the website) -- Kevin and Kell

If you have any information on other POD printers, please post it. Also, if you have first-hand experience with any of these printers, talk about that, whether it was a good or bad experience.
Download: Unistat

Clinton R. Nixon

RPI did the second print run of TSOY. I was very, very happy with them.

RapidPOD is doing TSOY revised. I have the proofs in hand and they're beautiful. Their quality is better than any POD publisher I've used in the past. Their customer service is - well, I found I had to hound them a little, but I was trying to rush a book right before GenCon and they had a printer go down, so take that with a grain of salt.

They're delivering my books to GenCon, so I'll have a more full report after that.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


Keith S used lulu for Conspiracy of Shadows. Tony LB used RPI for Capes.

So far I've been very pleased with RPI, they're printing my books. I also ordered a number of cards from Rapid POD, but that's another story altogether. Without getting into it, their customer service is absolutely horrible, and I doubt I will ever use them again in the future. I plan on writing a thread on that in a little bit, after I receive the books from RPI.
--Timothy Walters Kleinert


RPI does, indeed, rock.  I wrote an ode.  Okay, it's not literally an ode, but I was very pleased.
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum


RapidPOD is actually going the Imp Game (for a fraction of the price I may add).
I'll have to second Clinton's cavet about the customer service, but they ARE a dedicated lot. Difficult to get ahold of, but they are working hard for our books. That, I have to appreciate. And must learn to give them ample time on any order.
Nate Petersen / daMoose
Neo Productions Unlimited! Publisher of Final Twilight card game, Imp Game RPG, and more titles to come!

Matt Wilson

I tried to contact RPI multiple times about printing a run of Primetime Adventures and never got a response. I also tried to contact Express Media, as they did the first printing, and they never responded either. So I decided to go with a local printer in Milwaukee, Coakley Tech, where I could drive 15 minutes and look at a proof. It's more per book than Express Media, but they're doing a bang-up job with a blindingly fast turnaround.


Does somebody know, among those listed above or others, about POD printers that are either settled in or that can ship to Europe? I checked RapidPOD for instance, and there's no mention of shipping rates and details...

Also, maybe such a list of POD printers should be kept updated and mayhaps made a sticky...?


Quote from: Addix on August 12, 2005, 03:45:23 AM
Does somebody know, among those listed above or others, about POD printers that are either settled in or that can ship to Europe? I checked RapidPOD for instance, and there's no mention of shipping rates and details...

Printers can't list shipping rates because shipping rates depend on a number of factors:

a) how big (aka heavy) your order is ;
b) How far the order is being shipped ;
c) how fast you want it delivered ;
d) which carrier you want to use.

I'm sure any printer can ship to Europe, but it'll probably cost you an arm and a leg. I bet you would be better off looking for something local.
--Timothy Walters Kleinert

Andrew Morris

Okay, the revised list is:

Lulu -- Conspiracy of Shadows, Donjon, Fastlane, Empire of Satanis
RapidPOD -- The Imp Game, TSoY Revised
Express Media -- Elfs, My Life with Master, Masters and Minions, NPA
RPI -- Bulldogs, The Mountain Witch, TSoY (2nd print), Capes
Berryville Graphics -- Kayfabe
Lightning Source -- Code of Unaris (?)
Booksurge -- Kevin and Kell

While looking up the URL for Booksurge, I came across this horror story.

For a quick (and not entirely accurate) price comparision, here's what the per-print cost for each would be, assuming a softcover, perfect bound, full color cover, B&W interior, 100-page, 6x9 in. book.

Lulu -- $6.53 (shipping not included)
RapidPOD -- $2.00 (5.375x7.875 size; shipping not included)
RPGMall -- $3.58 (4.25x5.5 size; shipping included)
CafePress -- $10.00 (shipping not included)
Express Media -- no prices online
RPI Print -- no prices online
Berryville Graphics -- no prices online
Lightning Source -- no prices online
Booksurge -- $8.44 (shipping not included)
Download: Unistat

Clinton R. Nixon

That's not really an accurate price for RapidPOD - that book at 6" x 9" would be $3. Minor quibble, though. I priced TSOY Revised through them and RPI and their price was 2/3rd of RPI's.

Like I said, I want to reserve final judgment until the books are in hand, but the ink on the proofs - my art is so much more distinctive than it was with RPI that it's barely a comparison. And RPI's was really good.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games

Veritas Games

It is worth noting that Rapid POD charges A LOT for a single copy or proof copy as they like working with minimum orders of 25+ if memory serves.
Lee Valentine
Veritas Games

Paul Czege

I tried to contact RPI multiple times about printing a run of Primetime Adventures and never got a response.

Likewise, I contacted RPI about printing Bacchanal, and did not receive a response. I realize their profit on printing 125 copies of a twelve page, saddle-stitched book would be pretty thin. However, the measure of a company is not in how they treat their good customers, but how they treat the least of their customers. They need to respond in a timely fashion to inquiries; and if they're too busy, can't work with the deadline, or can't do the job profitably, they need to decline politely with a small explanation.

In contrast, Express Media has consistently bent over backwards to get things done for me by my deadline. Sometimes they don't respond to my email requests for a status report. And a couple of times they wouldn't commit to a deadline. Both of which can be seriously nervewracking. But they've always hit my deadlines anyway, even when they wouldn't commit.

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans


RapidPOD's orders, at least from when I first talked to Ken, have the minimums in place to try and ensure they're dealing with semi-professional folks, not some fifteen year olds who want to run three copies off of their homebrew. Kind of the same principle behind RPGNow using RPGMall's printing: if you're not willing to invest the money into 10 copies of your game, why should anyone else invest in purchasing it? And even RPGM's rates weren't too bad, to the point it would be only $20-$30 for those 10.
24 copies is the minumum for your initial order, as I understand it reprints can come in any quantity, but thats a minor issue as well. I've got 75 coming off their presses for GenCon alone, and another 150 going to Key20~
Nate Petersen / daMoose
Neo Productions Unlimited! Publisher of Final Twilight card game, Imp Game RPG, and more titles to come!


Quote from: Paul Czege on August 12, 2005, 02:38:16 PM
I tried to contact RPI multiple times about printing a run of Primetime Adventures and never got a response.

Likewise, I contacted RPI about printing Bacchanal, and did not receive a response.

Huh. Did you (both Matt & Paul) call them or email them? I usually called them, and always got a response, usually in 2 or 3 three rings. I was very pleased by their service. From the quote, to the proof, to the books, they have consistantly gotten the work done earlier than they said they would. Eight business days after I made the order, the books were shipped out (granted I overnighted the proof).
--Timothy Walters Kleinert

Ron Edwards

Hey guys,

Let's keep this thread focused on who they are and what happened, without any posting whatsoever about defending or attacking any company.
