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WP Update

Started by John Wick, April 03, 2002, 02:21:23 AM

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John Wick

Hi folks.

For those who don't know, will be down for about a week. I'm in the process of moving and the server is in a box. When it gets unpacked and plugged back in, the site will be back up. My e-mail is also down, so if I've ignored you, you know why.

However, don't expect a lot of output from me for a while. A long while.

I've been working at Blizzard for a few months now. Working 12 hour days, six days a week. Warcraft III is due in an hour or two and I really don't have a lot of time for anything else. The little time I have left goes to The Wife, so the lot of you are out of luck.

Also, I've finished a novel and I'm doing edits now. Any spare time between work and wife goes to that.

In short, WP is in limbo right now. I don't know when I'll get to the dozen or so projects I've wanted to do. Besides, each of the games on the website is really a novel in disguise. We all know that.

So, I'll be around on The Forge, but I won't be doing any game design for a long time. Wrote four games. Won awards. Made friends. Made a point. Time to move on for a while. Who knows, I may come back. Never can tell.

Take care,
Carpe Deum,


Wick's working on Warcraft III? I was looking forward to the game before but now it's like adding a big scoop of Cool Whip to a Hot Fudge Brownie Sundae...

What aspect of the game have you been involved in, John?
Alex Hunter
Email | Web


Damn, well, the selfish gamer in me would rather see your talents directed at games than novels, but good luck with those anyway.

What does this mean for Wyrd?

Paul Czege the risk of leaking things in advance of Scott's forthcoming announcement...I can say that he's been exploring the idea of doing WYRD as a d20 project.

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans

Jürgen Mayer

Quote from: John WickSo, I'll be around on The Forge, but I won't be doing any game design for a long time. Wrote four games. Won awards. Made friends. Made a point. Time to move on for a while. Who knows, I may come back.

Well, I wish you all the best and good luck with whatever you'll be going to do. I hope you'll make it back someday.

It was nice to scare you at GenCon =)

Take care,
Jürgen Mayer
Disaster Machine Productions

hardcoremoose the risk of leaking things in advance of Scott's forthcoming announcement...I can say that he's been exploring the idea of doing WYRD as a d20 project

Well, the D20 thing fell through about the same time Ryan Dancey got canned.  Anyway, someone already did D20's called Ragnarok.  Even got nominated for something called an Origins award.

Fortunately, White Wolf was there to pick up the ball.  Expect to see WYRD:The Dwindling on the shelves of your local game store sometime soon.

Seriously, I'll continue to move WYRD forward.  It might be slow going - I tend to work in short bursts punctuated by long periods of non-productivity - but I'm committed to the game more now than ever.  When it's ready for publication, I'll weigh my options.  Self-publishing is certainly a more attractive - and far more realistic - possibility than it was a year ago.




You still owe me a drink.

- Mearls

Matt Snyder

Quote from: mearlsJohn,

You still owe me a drink.

- Mearls

I'll vouch for you on that one, Mearls. I was there, man!
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra


Well, the RPG industry is sure gonna miss you Mr. Wick. Anyway, NOW I´m really looking forward to Warcraft III

BTW, what´s this novel of your about?
"No era el hombre mas honesto ni el mas piadoso, pero era un hombre valiente"

Arturo Perez Reverte, primera linea de "El Capitan Alatriste"



Another falls to the rigors of reality... ;)

Seriously, though, best in all of it.

Drop a line every once in awhile so we can rush about and buy all the stuff you put a hand to... hasn't been wrong so far.

As everyone is echoing, the point was not only made, it was a damn fine one.  Now I just hope we continue to follow through.

Come back anytime.


Akos Szederjei

Good luck at Blizzard John.

While I am not a big fan of real time strategy games I will definitely get a copy Warcraft III, if your name is on the box.
Hmm, on the other hand now I will never what Furuyari's play "The Mask" is about :-)

"For An Honour Greater Than Ourselves"
Silver Legion Insignia

John Wick

Quote from: Hmm, on the other hand now I will never what Furuyari's play "The Mask" is about :-)


As I'm sure the playright herself would reply:

It means what it says.

Take care,
Carpe Deum,

Akos Szederjei

Quote from: As I'm sure the playright herself would reply:

It means what it says.

Take care,

I expected such a reply.  :-)
...but, she is right!

Take care,

"For An Honour Greater Than Ourselves"
Silver Legion Insignia