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GenCon Booth - Awards Banner

Started by lumpley, July 28, 2006, 06:47:56 PM

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Quote from: abzu on July 28, 2006, 03:36:31 PM
Also, I think we* should put a display together similar to what Vincent had last year -- the hanging panels that described Dogs and its accolades. I think it should be for the whole booth and it should list all of our awards: Origins Award Winner, Out of the Box Best Game of the Year, Diana Jones Award Winner, etc. I think our combined pedigree is rather impressive.

Good idea.

If your game's going to be at the Forge booth, post in this thread what awards it's won.




Burning Wheel -- Out of the Box, Best Game of 2003
Monster Burner -- Indie RPG Awards, Best Supplement 2004
Monster Burner -- People's Choice Indie RPG Awards, Best Supplement 2004

Should we post ENnie nominations? The ENnie people are always trying to convince us how prestigious it is just to be nominated.


Clinton R. Nixon

The Shadow of Yesterday - Best Free Game of the Year, runner-up for Indie Game of the Year, 2004 Indie RPG Awards
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games

Justin D. Jacobson

Poisoncraft was nominated for an ENnie in 2004
Operation Quick Launch was nominated for an ENnie in 2005

In the latter case, I'd say it was an honor just to be nominated. I think I was going up against Arcana Evolved and some flavor of M&M.
Facing off against Captain Ahab, Dr. Fu Manchu, and Prof. Moriarty? Sure!

Passages - Victorian era, literary-based high adventure!


Harvey Award Nominee Jennifer Rodgers - Bulldogs!, Mortal Coil, Dictionary of Mu (and more?)

Ron Edwards

Sorcerer: Ken Hite's Outie Award, 2001
Sorcerer + me: Diana Jones, 2002
Ron Edwards, Indie Awards Human of the Year, 2003

I got lots of runners-up and finalists for Trollbabe in 2003 too, but I figured only winners should be listed.

Best, Ron

Malcolm Craig


Best production, 2004 Indie RPG Awards
Best non-D20 game & Best graphic design and layout (nominations), 2004 ENnies
Grog D'or 2005, nomination

Malcolm Craig
Contested Ground Studios

Part of the Indie Press Revolution

Clinton R. Nixon

Quote from: Paka on July 28, 2006, 07:33:44 PM
Harvey Award Nominee Jennifer Rodgers - Bulldogs!, Mortal Coil, Dictionary of Mu (and more?)

The Princes' Kingdom, The Shadow of Yesterday
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games

Keith Senkowski

Untitled - Ronnie's Winner (September 05)
Conspiracy of Shadows: Revised Edition
Everything about the game, from the mechanics, to the artwork, to the layout just screams creepy, creepy, creepy at me. I love it.
~ Paul Tevis, Have Games, Will Travel

Justin D. Jacobson

Quote from: Paka on July 28, 2006, 07:33:44 PM
Harvey Award Nominee Jennifer Rodgers - Bulldogs!, Mortal Coil, Dictionary of Mu (and more?)
Poisoncraft, Tell It To My Axe!, Akashic Nodes
Facing off against Captain Ahab, Dr. Fu Manchu, and Prof. Moriarty? Sure!

Passages - Victorian era, literary-based high adventure!

Matt Snyder

Shit! I don't have Dust Devils for sale this year, but I will be running demos with flyers for a very near release. Powers that be -- decide whether that cuts mustard. I'm cool either way.

Dust Devils
Indie RPG of the Year, 2002

(Would have Nine Worlds: best Production 2004, but secondd place is the first loser ... Bloddy Scotsmen ... )
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Ben Lehman

Have Games Will Travel's RPG of the Year 2005


What's the purpose with this awards display? Are we trying to promote individual games or the booth in general?

For this display, I think it should be the booth in general, individuals can make their own posters or whatnot for their individual games. I think we should just have a list that says something like: "Winner of X Diana Jones Awards, Y Best RPG's of 2003, Z Outie Awards..." etc.

And if we're accepting runners-ups---The Mountain Witch runner-up for Best New RPG of 2005, Out of the Box.
--Timothy Walters Kleinert

Nathan P.

WRT runner-ups - carry was an "Inner Circle" Iron Game Chef 2005 winner.
Nathan P.
Find Annalise
My Games | ndp design
Also | carry. a game about war.
I think Design Matters


Tim: my vision is big text at the top that says, if not in these precise words, "we design award-winning games," and then a long list that says "see what I mean?"
