The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Site Discussion

7/4/2003 Ron Edwards: Ethan's question: censorship & personal attacks
Hello, In the recent thread regarding the Step On Up article, Ethan was intrigued by one of Brian's comments, and wrote: I have no idea what Brian is talking about…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, talysman, Kester Pelagius, Gordon C. Landis, Bankuei.

7/1/2003 Clinton R. Nixon: New article up, and tiny State o' the Forge
Everyone, I've been gone and busy for the last few weeks, and for that, I apologize. Finally relocated, and with a new job, I should be online quite a bit…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Shreyas Sampat, adaen, xiombarg, kregmosier.

6/21/2003 M. J. Young: A question about the function of the forum new posts reset
Well, that's probably a confusing title, but it was the best I could do. (I hate titles--it's always the hardest part in everything I write, and I'm always asking other…
In Site Discussion
Participants: M. J. Young, Jack Spencer Jr, Lxndr.

6/12/2003 Lxndr: New Articles, Reviews, Etc.
Is the only way to know that there are new Articles, Reviews, and so on, to check those pages from time to time, or are they announced in one of…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Lxndr, Ron Edwards.

6/9/2003 quozl: Black Blood
I really enjoyed the Gamism article. However, the Black Blood example game is missing.
In Site Discussion
Participants: quozl, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon.

6/8/2003 Kester Pelagius: Auto E-mail (PM) Deletion?
Greetings, Is there anyway to set up the board so that the members can set their e-mail to be automatically deleted after a specific amount of time? For me I'd…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Kester Pelagius, Clinton R. Nixon.

6/8/2003 szilard: auto login
For some reason, I haven't been automatically logged in to the Forge over the past couple days. I haven't been having this problem with other sites. Is this a server-side…
In Site Discussion
Participants: szilard, Shreyas Sampat.

6/8/2003 Lxndr: quick question
At other message boards I'm on, there is a setting that allows me to choose, while I am logged in, how many messages will be displayed on an individual page.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Lxndr, Clinton R. Nixon.

6/5/2003 BenjaminRogers: A Question or Two...
1) Since BBRACK Productions is an "indie" production company, do we qualify for our own little place here? 2) If we don't, is there a place where we can make…
In Site Discussion
Participants: BenjaminRogers, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, The Minty Fool.

6/5/2003 ethan_greer: New D&D article
Hey Ron, that's a thought-provoking and well-written analysis. Well done. Unfortunately, I can't really comment to the specifics since I wasn't into gaming until mid-90's when 2nd edition AD&D was…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ethan_greer, Cadriel, Ron Edwards, Maurice Forrester, jrients, AmarPK, Gordon C. Landis, Jeff Klein, M. J. Young, Jack Spencer Jr, rafial, efindel.

6/4/2003 Jeph: "Unpublishable" Games: Where to discuss?
The Indie Design forum is a place where we can help each other build games that are, hopefully, going to be eventually published. However, there's a whole class of games…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Jeph, Ron Edwards.

6/4/2003 Wolfen: Artist's site
Hi, I was looking through artist's galleries in the Resource Library, and I remembered that Raven Daegmorgan had a style that might have worked for my purposes. However, the site…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Wolfen.

6/3/2003 Sylus Thane: Does GNS sometimes cloud Indie Design?
Although the Forge is home to both, sometimes I wonder if GNS can cloud over questions brought up in Indie design. Based on reading some of the threads here in…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Sylus Thane, Valamir, Bankuei, Shreyas Sampat, C. Edwards, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, iago, Mike Holmes.

6/3/2003 Wormwood: Proof of Concept Game Design: Where to post?
That's most of the question. But to flesh it out nonetheless: Let's say I'm designing a game which is intended to be a hypotest of some theory, possibly GNS, possible…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Wormwood, J B Bell, Jack Spencer Jr, Clinton R. Nixon.

6/1/2003 cruciel: Where did delete post go?
Where did delete post run off to? Shouldn't you be able to delete during the time you can edit? I had major mouse slippage and ended up repeating myself in…
In Site Discussion
Participants: cruciel, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards.

5/29/2003 brainwipe: women at the Forge (split)
As an aside, I am a moderator at the rpgwritersclub on the yahoo groups and there are very few women. Those that we do have are quite outspoken! A mirror,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: brainwipe, Ron Edwards.

5/28/2003 Dave Panchyk: "Cooling off" period between joining and 1st post?
Let's say you joined the Forge today. Is it possible and/or desireable for the moderators to suspend your ability to post for about 24 hours? That way, you at least…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Dave Panchyk, Fabrice G., Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Heather Manley, Mike Holmes, BenjaminRogers.

5/24/2003 Emmett: I am a Newbie
I started to think I'd done the wrong thing by joining the forge when I started reading this thread. It took an hour to get through, I could agree with…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Emmett, Thomas Tamblyn, Jack Spencer Jr, M. J. Young, Kester Pelagius, Mike Holmes.

5/25/2003 ethan_greer: Iron Game Chef: Sim - A followup
I was thinking about putting this somewhere else, but in the end I decided since it's about our little game design contest it should go here in the game design…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ethan_greer, Mike Holmes, lumpley, Jared A. Sorensen, Walt Freitag.

5/19/2003 M. J. Young: Where to post--or is it off topic?
I've got a bit of a problem, and I don't know whether anyone at the Forge can help at all. It seems that my latest work isn't getting reviews--the people…
In Site Discussion
Participants: M. J. Young, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Site Discussion

7/8/2003 chadu: Have my posts been deleted? How can I tell for sure?
Question: I thought I had posted a few messages recently, yet when I go look in the threads, no dice. I'm assuming that they've been moderated out; is there any…
In Site Discussion
Participants: chadu, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

7/18/2003 Shreyas Sampat: Feature Request or Technical Help
How can I view unread posts in a specific forum category? Is there something I can put into the search function to do this? (Like if I were looking for…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Shreyas Sampat.

7/21/2003 John Wick: Gen-Con Bound!
As most of you know, I've been working at for the last few months, which has kept me very busy and away from designing. However, my bosses have arranged…
In Site Discussion
Participants: John Wick, Jake Norwood, Michael S. Miller, Enoch, Matt, Akos Szederjei.

7/22/2003 Ron Edwards: Moderation issue today
Hello, Some people are questioning my moderation in the RPGmall at GAMA? thread in the Publishing forum. I have a few things to say about that which are not subject…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, xiombarg, iago, permacultureguerilla.

7/28/2003 Matt Gwinn: GENCON 2003 Pics & Video
I have some pics of Gencon on my web site. there are quite a few so be patient when waiting for them to load. There are also so videos (some…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Matt Gwinn, kregmosier, Brian Leybourne, Lxndr, Mike Holmes, Matt Snyder, taepoong, drozdal, Matt Wilson, Jake Norwood, John Harper.

7/28/2003 greyorm: Raven goes to GenCon...
Like Matt, I just put up my pics from GenCon...01. Yes, I finally got around to it, two years after the fact. You can find this historical, pictoral archive of…
In Site Discussion
Participants: greyorm.

7/29/2003 contracycle: new fora?
So we are getting a lot of raw game idea's pitched lately. No problem with that, its just difficult to fiugure out where they go. In RPG theory, as in…
In Site Discussion
Participants: contracycle, iago, Mike Holmes, greyorm, Mark Johnson, Jeffrey Miller, cruciel.

8/1/2003 ethan_greer: GenCon 2004
Okay, lots of folks are talking about how cool GenCon 2003 was, but I haven't seen a reaction from Ron, unless he put it somewhere I missed (entirely possible). So…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ethan_greer, Jake Norwood, Jason L Blair, Mike Holmes, Matt Gwinn, C. Edwards, jdagna, Jeffrey Miller, Ron Edwards, Lxndr, Troy_Costisick, Michael S. Miller, abzu, Valamir.

8/2/2003 Clinton R. Nixon: Forge News Thread
All, I've started this thread to post news about new forums, new reviews, new articles, and whatever else happens at the Forge. I've locked it, solely because it's an announcement…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon.

8/10/2003 Brian Leybourne: Spam postings
We are starting to get more and more of these. Is it perhaps time to consider a stand-down period before you can post after you create an account? It might…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Brian Leybourne, Dave Panchyk, Ron Edwards, Clay, Clinton R. Nixon, Kester Pelagius.

8/12/2003 GB Steve: And it was going so well ...
A big step in my time at the Forge today, Ron and I agreed on something. I'm starting to think that many of the problems I've had here are down…
In Site Discussion
Participants: GB Steve, Gordon C. Landis, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, Jack Spencer Jr.

8/14/2003 WDFlores: Difficulties Advocating Forge Schtuff
Hiya folks, I've just had my first experience introducing other gamers to some Forge terminology (on a mailing list of gamers here in the Philippines). And, man oh man, did…
In Site Discussion
Participants: WDFlores, Valamir, Marco, pete_darby, Bankuei, cruciel, Clay, Kester Pelagius, Jeffrey Miller, iago, Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Jack Spencer Jr, Maurice Forrester, gentrification.

8/19/2003 M. J. Young: Thread Closing Question
There seems to be some confusion about thread closing here at the Forge. On several occasions, I've noted Ron saying that once the person who raised the question in the…
In Site Discussion
Participants: M. J. Young, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, Hunter Logan.

8/20/2003 Rose: Coke Ants
Hey can you do me a favor? I just made a new board called Coke Ants an we are looking for more members to come and post. So will you…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Rose, Ron Edwards.

8/20/2003 abzu: Conventions Forum
I recently posted a thread about starting a Forge East convention-going force in the Publishing thread. Publishing seems like the wrong place for something like this. I formally and…
In Site Discussion
Participants: abzu, iago, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, ross_winn, kwill.

8/21/2003 bcook1971: How do you indicate the author for a quote?
In Site Discussion
Participants: bcook1971, Jack Spencer Jr.

8/21/2003 Halzebier: [Newbie Question re: Search Function]
Hi there! I'm usually quite capable of using a search engine, but the Forge's eludes me. I was trying to read up on some topics such as the Impossible Thing,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Halzebier, WDFlores, Ron Edwards.

8/26/2003 ethan_greer: Suggestion for post subject line
I've noticed that individual post subjects (not thread subjects) are easy to miss or ignore and sometimes this is unfortunate. Is there a way to make post subjects stand out…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ethan_greer, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Lxndr, M. J. Young.

8/27/2003 Nathaniel: Invalid_Session?
I've been having problems post. I seem to always get "Invallid_Session" after I click either Preview or Submit. If this post works, I'll be surprised and I'll go try posting…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Nathaniel, Valamir, Brian Leybourne.

9/13/2003 Ron Edwards: Thank you for volunteering
Over in Internet piracy on documents, Dave Panchyk wrote, it's time to create some "Wisdom of the Forge" threads/stickies/articles/sutras, that encapsulate the "best practices" (in corporate parlance) of experienced Forge…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards.

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