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In Publishing

6/4/2004 Valamir: Games Quarterly Magazine Ads
Hey folks. Issue #2 of GQM is due out in time for GenCon. It is scheduled to include a column by Peter Adkison featuring (at least in part) the Forge…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir, Paul Czege, abzu, Matt Snyder, Christopher Weeks, Tobias.

6/3/2004 John Kirk: Royalties
I was recently contacted by a startup company that is interested in developing a video game based on my game Legendary Quest. They are wanting to use the spells, classes,…
In Publishing
Participants: John Kirk, jdagna, ryand, Valamir.

6/1/2004 xiombarg: layout tips
Two things... 1) Can anyone point me to a good resource, either here or elsewhere, on doing layout? I'm not talking about a free course telling you everything you need…
In Publishing
Participants: xiombarg, Clay, C. Edwards, Bob Goat, Weisshaupt.

6/1/2004 Andy Kitkowski: The 2003 Indie RPG Awards: Now Live!
Hey all- Andy here with the Indie RPG Awards. Before I slap my 9 inches of PR on the table, I just had a few additional comments for the Forge…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, ethan_greer, Jürgen Mayer.

5/31/2004 Bunsen: When is it plagarism
Okay, working on releasing my own RPG system and Campaign World and I was wondering what WOTC had copyright on. My friend is saying they have the rights on using…
In Publishing
Participants: Bunsen, Eero Tuovinen, Sean, timfire, madelf, Jack Spencer Jr, daMoose_Neo, greyorm, Paganini, Space Cowboy, Loki, John Kirk, Erick Wujcik, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, efindel, Tav_Behemoth, Ben Lehman, Ron Edwards.

5/30/2004 abzu: NPA Pricing and Distribution
The No Press RPG Anthology is moving into its final stages. The last bits needed are: Cover design (which I am working on), Introduction by cool/famous person (which I'm not…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu, iambenlehman, Michael S. Miller, xiombarg, Lxndr, Jeph, Matt.

5/28/2004 Dumirik: Lots o' games
Ok. I have a game that when I finish I want to publish commercially. It is fairly short and rules lite, but I plan to have a fair amount of…
In Publishing
Participants: Dumirik, Ron Edwards, abzu, Valamir, smokewolf.

5/27/2004 abzu: Diana Jones Awards The Diana Jones Award is designed to reward any combination of achievement, innovation, and anything that has benefited or advanced the hobby and industry as a whole; or…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu.

5/26/2004 WyldKarde: How do I publish my RPG?
When I joined the Forge, I largely wanted to flesh out the RPG designs that I made while I was bored off my ass at Ft. Huachuca. I considered myself…
In Publishing
Participants: WyldKarde, Matt, abzu, Dev, Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Valamir, Michael S. Miller, Lxndr, Ravien, timfire, LoreTG, Juicetyger.

5/26/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Quark Advice
I recentl redicosvered a copy of Quark XPress 5.0 from my previous installation of Windows. Now that I've loaded it again, I seem to be gradually trying to figure out…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, abzu, jdagna, Bob Goat.

5/24/2004 Astrivian: Supplemental info Online
I was just curious if anyone has either used or desired to use goofy online apendices to an rpg? I suppose (just brainstorming here) there are several categories of what…
In Publishing
Participants: Astrivian.

5/24/2004 Valamir: Games Quarterly Magazine
The premier issue of GQM is out, a companion magazine for the retailer's bible Games Quarterly Catalog. Its primarily full of advertisements aimed at retailers but there are a number…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir, Matt Snyder, daMoose_Neo, Andy Kitkowski.

5/22/2004 Space Cowboy: Changes at
Hey all, Just a quick question- have there been any recent changes over at I'm curious since I can no longer log in without reducing my browser's security level…
In Publishing
Participants: Space Cowboy, Ron Edwards.

5/20/2004 xiombarg: timing of new releases
I'm curious what people think of the ideas in this blog entry: Personally, I think the power of buzz cannot be underestimated, but it's worth noting that buzz is…
In Publishing
Participants: xiombarg.

5/20/2004 daMoose_Neo: Distributor questions - quick answer appreciated
I'm working out an arrangement with a distributor and I'm fairly unfamiliar with the actual, inner workings of it. What kind of arrangements have you had now/in the past? What…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, jdagna, smokewolf.

5/19/2004 Valamir: Full time game designers
In this thread When you underprice your product vs. what the market would pay and is paying for similar works, you're hurting everyone who is making those other works…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir, John Burdick, Dev, daMoose_Neo, wakingjohn, mearls, contracycle, Jack Aidley, abzu, Bankuei, Dav, John Kim, ryand, Ron Edwards, Sean, Olibarro, Andrew Morris.

5/18/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Pricing PDF product (split)
Since we're on the subject of prince, I'm looking at a 24-30 page PDF for my new company in the near ftuture. Would $5 be too much to charge? Also,…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Ron Edwards, Jack Aidley, Roy.

5/18/2004 abzu: The Price was Right (Come Up?)
My aim for this thread is to chronicle some interesting developments in the "product" that is Burning Wheel. Not the game, but the thing sold from websites and stores. The…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu, Trevis Martin, Dev, Jack Aidley, Michael S. Miller, Matt, Valamir, ethan_greer, quozl, Sean, Andrew Morris, taepoong, Bankuei, jdagna, LordSmerf, John Burdick, ryand, greyorm, Zak Arntson, Jack Spencer Jr, madelf, Christopher Weeks, Rorimack, MarktheAnimator, Ron Edwards.

5/16/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Striking Out On My Won -- Again
Well, I've been in a corproate publishing envrionemnt for about four months now since others have taken over Seraphim Guard and there have been a lot of phiolosphical differences betweem…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Simon W, talysman, Ron Edwards, madelf, daMoose_Neo, Bob Goat.

5/16/2004 Simon W: OK, I've published, now how do I sell?
I've published It's a Dog's Life (which I was hoping to get into the NPA, but I was a bit late - hopefully the NPA2) and it's available at RPGNOW.…
In Publishing
Participants: Simon W, Ron Edwards, semprebon, chadu, Malcolm.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

6/5/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Multi-system eBooks: how to market them effectively
I'm going to be making at least one of my upcoming campaign books, Cute Fighters, multi-system. I'm limtiing myself to systems that are either free or that I am on…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Mark Johnson, Valamir, Dev, ethan_greer, jdagna, Halzebier, Ron Edwards, MarktheAnimator.

6/8/2004 Michael Hopcroft: What does DTRPG Mean for the indies?
What does the launch of, the new ePublishing venture backed by at least ten of the major companies, mean for the indpeendent publishers in this field who are locked…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, ethan_greer, Clinton R. Nixon, Adam, Roy, Jack Aidley, btrc, pete_darby, Paul Watson, jrs, Clay, greyorm, C. Edwards, Peter Hollinghurst, Rich Stokes, Moah, urbwar.

6/9/2004 xiombarg: Adventure Trade Organization
[url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] So, does anyone know anything about this? In particular, the man behind it, and how useful it's likely to be in actuality? I'm thinking if any of…
In Publishing
Participants: xiombarg, Shardmaster.

6/12/2004 IanEHewitt: Co-Creating A World For Release
I am currently working on the creation of a game world/campaign setting. I began my project online with a website that comprised the growing content of the Campaign Setting. The…
In Publishing
Participants: IanEHewitt, Tav_Behemoth.

6/12/2004 Tav_Behemoth: Game Publishers Association
Xiombarg asked about the Adventure Trade Organization, which I still haven't heard anything about. I do want to put in a plug for the Game Publishers Association, I've found…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, Firefly Games.

6/12/2004 ethan_greer: The Origins Awards are crap
So, just so everyone knows up front, I'm talking out of my ass here, but I've got some opinions I'd like to share. Anybody who wants to tell me why…
In Publishing
Participants: ethan_greer, MarktheAnimator, Ron Edwards, sirogit, Andy Kitkowski, ADGBoss, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

6/13/2004 Tav_Behemoth: Appeal to scarcity: Hand numbered Burning Wheel print run
[quote]The first printing of the limited edition of 1000 hand-numbered copies of The Burning Wheel is sold out![/quote] Just saw one hell of a press release (full text [url=]from Gaming…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, abzu, AnyaTheBlue, Andrew Morris, Michael S. Miller, Paul Czege, Christopher Weeks, Jack Aidley.

6/14/2004 Michael S. Miller: Treading lightly around a Trademarked term
In the When is it plagarism thread, I quote the following: 2. Trademark protects particular words or phrases, usually those that are descriptive of products or services. As a…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Eero Tuovinen, Matt Snyder, Jack Aidley, jrs, Bob Goat, daMoose_Neo, Alex Johnson.

6/14/2004 oversoul01: For Free or to Sell?
I am not really at a crisis point but I would like to keep my options open. Concerning my game Dice Chucker, I have toyed with selling it, but I…
In Publishing
Participants: oversoul01, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Tav_Behemoth, Christopher Weeks.

6/17/2004 philreed: Joining the ranks of the unemployed . . . (PDF Full-Time)
As of last week, I am no longer an employee of Steve Jackson Games and have devoted myself to running Ronin Arts full-time (with some odd freelance jobs tossed in).…
In Publishing
Participants: philreed, ethan_greer, Tobias, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Tav_Behemoth, Moah, Jürgen Mayer, Matt Snyder, Juicetyger, Clay.

6/17/2004 Christopher Weeks: Non-Print Formats
Why is PDF king? Why don't people sell HTML games instead? (I know, I know...people do, but why not more?) Printability is the only thing that's coming to mind, but…
In Publishing
Participants: Christopher Weeks, Ron Edwards, Jonathan Walton, Bob Goat, quozl, ethan_greer, Michael S. Miller.

6/20/2004 ethan_greer: Mike Mearls: Can you please clarify?
So, Ken Hite interviews Mike Mearls in his latest Out of the Box column, in which Mike waxes thoughtful about the state of the industry. Here's the meat of what…
In Publishing
Participants: ethan_greer, Jonathan Walton, mearls, Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman, Christopher Weeks, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

6/22/2004 ethan_greer: Pollies goes Creative Commons
Hey gang, I've recently decided to make use of a Creative Commons license with Pollies, one of my free products. I recommend checking out the Creative Commons licenses to anyone…
In Publishing
Participants: ethan_greer.

6/23/2004 Bob Goat: Copyright Question
When I send in my work for copyright protection, which form do I send it in with? I noticed that Form TX is for published and unpublished nondramatic literary works…
In Publishing
Participants: Bob Goat, greyorm, ethan_greer, Lxndr, Peter Hollinghurst, Valamir, Ravien, Erick Wujcik, MarktheAnimator.

6/24/2004 StrongBadMun: how do I find out if a company name is original
Epoch Games is already used by a company according to Lycos, and the domain name is already taken according to I've checked Lycos and and in both cases…
In Publishing
Participants: StrongBadMun, MarktheAnimator, jdagna, Matt, Bob Goat, GregS, xiombarg, Lxndr, Erick Wujcik.

6/24/2004 Michael Hopcroft: How to create a screen-format PDF book
I have a technical question: I was psoting on the future of the PDF format on another board (I was not optimistic) and I got this comment. I'm quite happy…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, quozl, Eero Tuovinen, Andrew Martin, jdagna, Peter Hollinghurst, philreed, Bob Goat, Alex Johnson, viktor_haag.

6/25/2004 Jonathan Walton: 1001 Designs: New Site, Screen Test
Hey Folks, So, I've got a new site design for 1001 Designs (and a new effort of mine called "Hundred Flowers") and I'd like some assistance. It used to be…
In Publishing
Participants: Jonathan Walton, ethan_greer, Matt, jrs, Jürgen Mayer, Jasper, John Harper, MarktheAnimator.

6/27/2004 MarktheAnimator: Pay Pal info - Selling PDF's online
Hello, Ok, so I've made an electronic copy of my game and I want to sell a pdf online. I went to Pay Pal, got an account, and dropped the…
In Publishing
Participants: MarktheAnimator, Ron Edwards, Clay, smokewolf, Malak.

6/28/2004 philreed: Personal Victory -- vs. Monsters Deluxe Finished
While it took a long time to do (most of that time was spent distracted on other projects and stress from work) I've finally finished vs. Monsters Deluxe Edition.…
In Publishing
Participants: philreed, John Harper, Ron Edwards.

6/28/2004 StrongBadMun: quick and easy trademark question
If I use my last name for my company like "Smith Roofing" although in this case it'd be "Smith Game Studio" People's names can't be Trademarked right? So I don't…
In Publishing
Participants: StrongBadMun, Ravien, Mark Johnson, jdagna, Space Cowboy.

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