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Previous Topics
In Publishing

9/18/2004 anonymouse: The rules+setting rulebook, the "new edition", and
I was reading the review of the new Paranoia XP game, and someone mentioned that the '5th edition' book basically never happened; there was some mention of "the Crash",…
In Publishing
Participants: anonymouse, Jasper, daMoose_Neo.

9/17/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Final Twilight] Could someone here review please?
Hmmkay- Kinda feelin a bit odd (bad reviews tend to do this)- just heard back from the editor of Scrye, they had wanted to review Twilight and give it some…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

9/16/2004 smokewolf: Got the idea from GenCon this year
Hey guys, GenCon made me think that it is possible for smaller guys to gang up and get together to improve our sales. In that line I gather a few…
In Publishing
Participants: smokewolf, Ed Cha.

9/15/2004 Dreams_of_Cats: (Generic Fantasy City Book PDF) Viable Product?
Hi - The Background: I would like to produce a non-system specific city book, with hundreds of pages of maps, NPC's, and line drawings. It would be crammed with plot…
In Publishing
Participants: Dreams_of_Cats, greedo1379, ethan_greer, timfire, smokewolf, Vaxalon, jdagna, Tav_Behemoth, ffilz, Ben Lehman.

9/14/2004 jerry: Copylefting (split)
[quote="Jack Aidley"]However, because copyleft is a form of public domain...[/quote] Copyleft isn't a form of public domain any more than copyright is. Copyleft is specifically copyright. That's where it gets…
In Publishing
Participants: jerry, Ron Edwards.

9/13/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Final Twilight] PDF File for CCG Review?
Hmmkay, considering something- I'm gearing up for a big push, trying to get some attention on Twilight and an as-of-yet unannounced event for Halloween (looking to having that announced and…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, LordSmerf.

9/8/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Penultimate Final Update on the 2003 Indie RPG Awards
Hey all, as most of you should know, the Indie RPG Awards went down on Wednesday night before GenCon. That was the actual ceremony. The next morning, my lovely wife…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, abzu, Marco, Bob Goat, Ben Lehman, Paul Czege, Ed Cha.

9/8/2004 Ron Edwards: What should White Wolf do? (I'm asked)
Hello, In the White Wolf Discussion thread, John Kim responded to a point of mine: Anyway, back to White Wolf. Its four-game, supplement-heavy treadmill tactic failed in the mid-90s. People…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, ADGBoss, John Kim, DannyK, eyebeams, mearls.

9/7/2004 Ravien: Seriously Ambitious Project Idea
Hey, I'm feeling pretty ambitious and optimistic at the moment, which is kinda out of character for me, but I figure I'll go with it for a while. Here's what's…
In Publishing
Participants: Ravien, mindwanders, Malak, daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, jdagna, Andy Kitkowski, Walt Freitag, Vaxalon.

9/7/2004 Tav_Behemoth: Paranoia XP Design by Wiki and Fans
I've been meaning to post about this Paranoia XP press release for a while now (actually the first release of the two; the second is highly amusing but not as…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth.

9/5/2004 andy: A Bad Review
I hope that this thread is not off topic here, but I have a question/issue. I recently published my game (BONES) on RPGNow. Within a few hours of publication, a…
In Publishing
Participants: andy, Ron Edwards, Andrew Martin, jdagna, John Uckele, GregS.

9/3/2004 eyebeams: Issaries and independence
I for one would be very interested to know how Issaries is considered an independent game company by Forge definitions. Is this entirely because Greg Stafford has final approval over…
In Publishing
Participants: eyebeams, Gordon C. Landis, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir, Ron Edwards, greyorm.

9/1/2004 rafial: NPA (split)
Well, it was being sold at GenCon. Key20 has quietly added it to their product page: I ordered from there, but have not yet received it (it's only been…
In Publishing
Participants: rafial, Ron Edwards.

9/1/2004 it's out?
Hi, I can't find the announcement that it's out, but read of someone who had a copy. Any pointers? Curious, Sandy (who would have contributed, but thought the project had…
In Publishing
Participants:, Rich Forest, Nev the Deranged, abzu.

9/1/2004 Grex: Net Publishing Made Profitable (Slightly OT, perhaps)
"After 13 years of experimenting, veteran Net publisher Adam Engst has finally stumbled on a good business model -- fast-turnaround e-books." Although this has nothing to do with RPG's --…
In Publishing
Participants: Grex, abzu.

8/27/2004 Blankshield: Does anyone have advice for a non-USA gaming company
I realize that's very vague, and I am checking avenues other than the forge, but there's a lot of small press expertise on here that is worth trying to draw…
In Publishing
Participants: Blankshield.

8/27/2004 jdagna: Printing a Trade Paperback
Hey everyone, I have someone who has basically finished a novel for Pax Draconis and I'd like to help him get it published* on a POD basis with small print…
In Publishing
Participants: jdagna, daemonchild, smokewolf.

8/27/2004 daMoose_Neo: Ever seen d20 when it doesn't need to be d20?
Not really a poll, but I want to gauge peoples observations out of curiosity, especially with discussion of OGL and various lisencing schemes around the net. Has anyone encountered games…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, greedo1379, smokewolf, salkaner, Ron Edwards, madelf, inthisstyle, philreed, Vaxalon, JSDiamond, greyorm.

8/25/2004 Ron Edwards: [Adept Press] Explaining and updating mini-supplements
Hello, This topic is split off from Open licenses and indie games. Historical point first: when I started the mini-supplement program for Sorcerer in 1998 or maybe early 1999, the…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, ADGBoss, Bob Goat, Tav_Behemoth, jrs.

8/25/2004 ChrisJ: How to publish when it's not an RPG?
I'm coming out with one of those compendium books like a 'monsters manual' or 'things that cut compendium' or 'shotgun damage encyclopedia'. The problem is that I will have stats…
In Publishing
Participants: ChrisJ, Ron Edwards, btrc, daemonchild.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

9/19/2004 Paganini: Writing for People
I'm putting this in Publishing, because I think it has a lot of general application, even though it originated in an Adept Press thread. Earlier today, Ron, writing about his…
In Publishing
Participants: Paganini, Ben Lehman, Jonathan Walton, Valamir, ChefKyle, LordSmerf, Michael S. Miller, timfire, clehrich, DannyK, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Blankshield, Paul Czege, Andy Kitkowski.

9/21/2004 Grand_Commander13: Lulu vs all challengers
Okie dokie fellas, I'll give you the scoop: I am (obviously) intending on putting out an RPG in a couple months. Current estimates put it at a page count of…
In Publishing
Participants: Grand_Commander13, Ron Edwards, Tav_Behemoth, Michael S. Miller, Matt Wilson, abzu, Matt Gwinn, Paul Czege, jerry, Chris Passeno, GregS, madelf.

9/21/2004 GregS: On-demand and small quantity printers
My best search says this has been a dead topic for a bit, so I hope no one minds me refreshing it. I'm looking for input and suggestions for an…
In Publishing
Participants: GregS, Ron Edwards.

9/22/2004 Grand_Commander13: POD Illustrations
Okie dokie. People should know my story by now, but I'm going to repeat myself anyway! I'm going to be (obviously) publishing an RPG soon. I will probably be going…
In Publishing
Participants: Grand_Commander13, madelf, Ravien, Ron Edwards, Blankshield.

9/22/2004 Ravien: Worldwide Shipping
Hey, This is something that has been on my mind for a while now. As of this moment, I'm planning on printing with lulu, but I have no idea about…
In Publishing
Participants: Ravien, Bob Goat.

9/23/2004 Ron Edwards: [Bones] Publishing feedback
Hello, This is an example of the kind of feedback I tend to give people when they send me a pre-print mockup of their game, for any comments before they…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, andy, Paul Czege, GregS, Bob Goat, jdagna, madelf, jerry.

9/24/2004 Simon W: BAD REVIEW 2 (Lashings of Ginger Beer)
There was recently a thread here about Bones and the worry the author had about a bad review it got at RPGNOW My concern is not my review as…
In Publishing
Participants: Simon W, Jasper, GregS, Andy Kitkowski, jrs, Matt.

9/24/2004 jdagna: The flip side of bad reviews
With all the discussion on bad reviews recently, I thought I'd offer an insight into the flip side of it. Even a bad review isn't all bad. Back in June,…
In Publishing
Participants: jdagna, daMoose_Neo, clehrich, Simon W, andy, Valamir, M Jason Parent, Ron Edwards.

9/25/2004 Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro: Copyright issues
Hi everyone, I have amassed a large volume of literature that is essential for my RPG that I am currently writing. The problem is that it is all copyright. As…
In Publishing
Participants: Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro, Ben Lehman, clehrich, daMoose_Neo, quozl.

9/26/2004 Paganini: A thread about writing
This thread is about applying existing writing skills to RPGs. This is not a thread about writing skills in general. Those are... not exactly easy to come by - you…
In Publishing
Participants: Paganini, clehrich, timfire, Nathan P., ChefKyle, LordSmerf, Green.

9/27/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Bad news from RPGNow
It appears the entry level to the RPG market has closed for good. If these rules hadc been in effect when i got started I would never have…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Jonathan Walton, Jack Aidley, Vaxalon, Valamir, daMoose_Neo, John Uckele, Nathan, Andy Kitkowski, TheLe, greyorm, andy, timfire, Lxndr, ChefKyle, GMSkarka, Clinton R. Nixon, Asrogoth, rpghost, Ron Edwards, M Jason Parent.

9/28/2004 abzu: First Review of the NPA In fact, I’ll go as far to say that this is a book that should belong on any RPG fan’s shelves. It will open your eyes up to what…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu, Ben Lehman, Matt, Ron Edwards.

9/29/2004 Adorame: Going All Out
Ok, You've saved enough money, met the right industry people, have a product that has offerings unique and desirable to a global market and want to take your game to…
In Publishing
Participants: Adorame, GregS, Ron Edwards, Nathan, madelf, Valamir, Matt Wilson.

9/29/2004 abzu: Reviews many of our games
Game Reviews A discussion of our booth this year: And an interview with Alexander Cherry! A review of The Swing: And an interview with Keith Taylor:…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu.

9/29/2004 Nathan: CreationCrash.Com News?
Well, PhilReed posted this over at RPG.Net in a post. I don't know what it means, but I suppose it does mean one less pdf online store. Over the…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, rpghost, madelf, Ron Edwards, philreed.

9/29/2004 GregS: PDF Marketing
So, I'm adapting to the whole PDF infiltration marketing model but I'm stuck on a quandery that, to my knowledge, has really never been addressed on the Forge. What have…
In Publishing
Participants: GregS, Nathan, LordSmerf, rpghost, daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, Blankshield, efindel, Rorimack.

9/30/2004 GregS: PDF Publishing: Borders or no borders?
As I'm laying out my first PDF I'm hit with what might be a significant question: do you include borders (artistic, flashy types) on sellable PDFs? The pro is that…
In Publishing
Participants: GregS, M Jason Parent, Paul Czege, jgbrowning, Andrew Martin, Matt Wilson, TheLe, Edward Kann.

9/30/2004 Dauntless: Reverse OGL: Marketing gimmick
I'm not sure if this belongs in Publishing or not.... Okay, how stupid is this? Instead of getting people to buy into your system by charging for the rules but…
In Publishing
Participants: Dauntless, Nazzi, Ron Edwards, jerry, Valamir, greyorm, madelf.

9/30/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Wanted: an indepeent appraisal
I tend to make my publishing decisions for creative reasons rather than due to cold hard marketing. I don;t have access to any research data at all. And now this…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Ron Edwards.

9/30/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Twilight] New pack concept - "Modular"!
My biggest concern with Twilight has been "With this being a customizable/collectable card game, will I be able to recoup enough costs fast enough to produce the boosters to fuel…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Valamir, Chris Passeno.

more subsequent topics >>