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In Publishing

2/23/2007 MatrixGamer: The curse of being original - popularizing Matrix Games
Okay - I have a few minutes - time to tackle this issue. First the curse. Say you actually have something that is "New". It doesn't easily fit in any…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, komradebob, moonflovver, guildofblades.

2/22/2007 Justin D. Jacobson: Paging Jenn Rodgers
I hate doing these sorts of public pages, but she hasn't responded to my e-mails for a couple of months now. If you know Jenn and given our great working…
In Publishing
Participants: Justin D. Jacobson, iago.

2/22/2007 WyldKarde: Goin' Legit
I and mine are moving forward and making our "good ideas" into a legitimate company with profitable ventures.  Now, no one is looking to topple giants (ah, but wouldn't it…
In Publishing
Participants: WyldKarde, daMoose_Neo, guildofblades, Valamir.

2/20/2007 BabbageCliologic: Where do I post Promotions? I have a little rpg 'zine I'd like to promote.
Hello! Where do I post Promotions? I have a 2 page rpg 'zine that I'd like to promote. Thanks! /BC
In Publishing
Participants: BabbageCliologic, Ron Edwards.

2/15/2007 Adam SBG: Licensing questions
We've been contacted by a company in another country about licensing our card game so they could produce it in their country and print it in their language. We were…
In Publishing
Participants: Adam SBG, guildofblades, Eero Tuovinen, David Artman, daMoose_Neo.

2/14/2007 daMoose_Neo: Card Printing
Earlier this fall I made a couple mentions about some work I was going to be doing, bringing my card game printing "in house" so to speak, and by the…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, JustinB, joepub, guildofblades, Justin D. Jacobson, Thenomain.

2/11/2007 guildofblades: New Publishing & Revenue Model
Hi All, In my time in the hobby game industry I have always paid close attention to all things business related and always tried to examine each unique business model…
In Publishing
Participants: guildofblades, pells, c, JoystickJunkies, David Artman, xenopulse, JustinB, preludetotheend, daMoose_Neo.

2/6/2007 MatrixGamer: Example of a Engle Matrix Game interest building article.
My plan for marketing this year is to send out one new product a month to reviewers and offer the product as a PDF on RPGNow and as a paper…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, Simon C, komradebob.

2/2/2007 JoystickJunkies: Gaming Press List & Services
Whilst a google search brings up a list of gaming press is there anywhere on the web, industry sites etc that list current rpg/gaming press in Europe and the US…
In Publishing
Participants: JoystickJunkies.

2/2/2007 JoystickJunkies: Euro Distributors
Hi there, wonder if anyone can reccomend the best european wide or territory specific distributors in Europe - ie Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Scandinavia? Good / / bad experiences…
In Publishing
Participants: JoystickJunkies.

2/2/2007 Sentience: New to the forums, got some questions :)
Greetings! My name is Zack and I'm an aspiring indy rpg writer. While I've known about this site for a few years now, I haven't had the time to sit…
In Publishing
Participants: Sentience, Valamir.

2/1/2007 sean2099: question
Hi all: Quick question here, is splitting their royalty payment between and or not?  In other words, should I expect payments twice a month or once a…
In Publishing
Participants: sean2099, Justin D. Jacobson, andrew_kenrick.

1/31/2007 Andy Kitkowski: Quick Guides to Incorporation?
Hey all. It's come to my attention that for this RPG project I'm working on, it's better to go for 'incorporation'* so that if troubles occur, it's the "company" at…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, JakeVanDam, Ron Edwards, Justin D. Jacobson, guildofblades.

1/26/2007 Paul Czege: Games Quarterly Catalog 62: The Great Purge
So, I've had Half Meme Press and <i>My Life with Master</i> in Games Quarterly Catalog since late 2004, using just the no-cost mini-listing. And I'm fairly certain that not a…
In Publishing
Participants: Paul Czege, Justin D. Jacobson, Jake Richmond, guildofblades.

1/14/2007 Charrua: "Generic" vs. "Multi-Genre" II (split)
A thought I'd like to contribute: Semantically speaking, if your system is settlingless, it cannot be simultaneously multi-genre.  Something cannot ne everything and nothing at the same time (without cheating,…
In Publishing
Participants: Charrua, Sane, Ron Edwards, guildofblades.

1/17/2007 zoom: Copyright resources / UK
Hi there I'm new to this forum, but I have been playing RPG's for the last 15 years. I have built 3 gaming systems in that time and was very…
In Publishing
Participants: zoom, Ron Edwards.

1/10/2007 preludetotheend: vs. LuLu pros and cons
So I have decided to do a little comparison of <a href="">Cafe Press</a> and <a href="">LuLu</a> to point out some pros and cons I have been pondering and get some…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, iago, Clinton R. Nixon, JoystickJunkies, xenopulse.

1/8/2007 sean2099: Taking the Publishing Plunge (with some questions)
Well Folks, I have actually taken most of the steps to getting Divinity published.  This is probably self-evident to most of you.  It has been an enlightening experience, that's for…
In Publishing
Participants: sean2099, jerry, Troy_Costisick, anders_larsen, Clinton R. Nixon, Jake Richmond, JustinB, xenopulse.

1/6/2007 WyldKarde: E-publishing
I figured I would ask those who had come and gone before me, what steps would I take in setting up PDF downloads for paypal payments?  I'm growing my studio…
In Publishing
Participants: WyldKarde, andrew_kenrick, iago, Ron Edwards, Nathan, Paul Czege, Trevis Martin, Jake Richmond, Mcrow, Adam SBG.

1/2/2007 Troy_Costisick: [Periodical RPG Model] DL-Quarterly initial reflections
Heya, Well the first issue of DL-Quarterly, Cutthroat, went out on December 30th and the PDFs were sent out the next day.  Despite numerous delays from my printer, I was…
In Publishing
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman, jeremycoatney, Sane, pells, Graham Walmsley, preludetotheend.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

2/27/2007 Ampolitor: Oh Boy
OK I 've been writing in leather journals for years now for my campaign world. I have a ton of stuff that I want to edit for print into a…
In Publishing
Participants: Ampolitor, Eero Tuovinen, Mike Sugarbaker, daMoose_Neo.

3/3/2007 Xibalba: Almost Ready to Publish Questions
Playtesting of my game, Heirs to the Lost World, is going well so I am getting ready to start the publishing process, but I need some advice.  I've been looking…
In Publishing
Participants: Xibalba, iago, preludetotheend, Thenomain, Jake Richmond, David Artman, Valamir, guildofblades, MatrixGamer.

3/5/2007 MatrixGamer: [Press Release] Jack the Ripper: Engle Matrix Game
"Jack the Ripper: The game to play before the game" Now available at RPGNow for $5 Laminate paper version available at Hamster Press for $9.95 Players: 2-6 Duration: 1/2 hour…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer.

3/7/2007 tstone: Looking for a game...
I'm new to the world of indie rpgs.  I've been jumping into them wholeheartedly, with their innovative approaches to characters, stories and worldbuilding.  LOVE THEM!  But a question, hope you…
In Publishing
Participants: tstone, andrew_kenrick.

3/16/2007 andrew_kenrick: [Dead of Night] How best to make a pdf version?
So, ever since Dead of Night came out there have been requests for a pdf version of it. But I've long put off the idea for the simple reason that…
In Publishing
Participants: andrew_kenrick, iago.

3/17/2007 moonflovver: Advertising
[color=green][/color] Hello all, I am new to this so I hope I am going about things the right way.  I have written two RPG's at this point a small RPG…
In Publishing
Participants: moonflovver, MatrixGamer, C.W.Richeson, xenopulse.

3/20/2007 sean2099: Reflecting on my first publication
A while back, I posted a thread where I had asked for advice on the publishing game. This is my almost two month followup to releasing my game (Divinity…
In Publishing
Participants: sean2099.

3/24/2007 Frank Tarcikowski: [BARBAREN!] Artwork Preview
Really not much of a discussion issue, but a report on progress. There is now a galery on the BARBAREN! homepage with some of the artwork. The artists name is…
In Publishing
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, abzu, xenopulse.

3/25/2007 QuestKeeper: POD or PDF?
I am finishing up a shorter RPG I have made, and was wondering:What is the general opinion here. Is it better to publish it as a sellable PDF, or as…
In Publishing
Participants: QuestKeeper, xenopulse, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

3/26/2007 RobNJ: Pen Names
I have decided that when I eventually publish my RPG, Misspent Youth, I want to do so under a pen name. My real name is spelled such that it produces…
In Publishing
Participants: RobNJ, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, jdrakeh.

4/3/2007 MatrixGamer: [Engle Matrix Game] Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Dead Duke
Hamster Press has just released “Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Dead Duke” at RPGNow. A paper version of the game is available on the Hamster Press web page. Sherlock…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer.

4/6/2007 jdrakeh: Indie Game Day at Compleat
I've already emailed a few of you about this, but I figured that it is worth posting here, as well. . . The premiere local hobby shop here in Colorado…
In Publishing
Participants: jdrakeh.

4/9/2007 LandonSuffered: Obtain the Rights or Re-Write the Game??
SO…the last week or so I’ve had a full-blown brain storm blasting through my skull with a game concept I am super-excited about.  I am at the point where I’m…
In Publishing
Participants: LandonSuffered, iago, Ron Edwards.

4/11/2007 KeithBVaughn: Marketing Mistakes at a Local Con
In the interest of sharing information and passing on some experience to other members, I want to relate what happened to me at a local convention and some mistakes I…
In Publishing
Participants: KeithBVaughn, iago, JSDiamond, Ron Edwards, sean2099, Michael S. Miller, Jake Richmond, Adam SBG, c.

4/15/2007 Shane: Public Domain (split)
Wow, I am confused.  How does something that is in the public domain qualify as something you can trademark anyhow? I am a longtime rpg and wargame player that only…
In Publishing
Participants: Shane, Ron Edwards.

4/23/2007 David C: How did you come up with your name?
I always figured that coming up with the name for my game would come to me as I worked on the game. Now, its been a year later and I…
In Publishing
Participants: David C, David Artman, RyanMacklin, JustinB, Jake Richmond, Jarx, Ron Edwards, nikola, GregStolze, guildofblades.

4/23/2007 David Artman: POD Pricing: Ethical Issues?
Damned Internal Server errors.... Hi, all; This one's for the POD publishers and ethics pundits in general.... I am hoping to release the full GLASS rules via POD ("shot GLASS"…
In Publishing
Participants: David Artman, xenopulse, Eero Tuovinen.

4/24/2007 Ben Lehman: Half-Baked Games and Design Culture
So we as a design community have a problem, which I think has been sort of flailingly addressed on Story Games, but it is a real problem and I think…
In Publishing
Participants: Ben Lehman, xenopulse, Valamir, Eero Tuovinen, James_Nostack, Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick, LeSingeSavant, Balbinus, Paul Czege, guildofblades, GreatWolf, JSDiamond, iain, signoftheserpent, Pelgrane, jdrakeh, Levi Kornelsen, Marco, eyebeams, Thunder_God, pells, Frank Tarcikowski, Thor Olavsrud, Paka, nikola, Matt Snyder.

4/27/2007 preludetotheend: Diversifying?
So my question is in a nutshell have any developers out there taken the steps to get their game on any platforms other than rpg? I mean obviously this would…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Eero Tuovinen, Jake Richmond, JustinB, pells, David Artman, JSDiamond.

4/27/2007 MatrixGamer: Blast from the past: The longevity of web pages
I've just had a Matrix Gamer in England join my yahoo MG group who has been playing MGs since the late 90's. He came across the rules that were posted…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer.

more subsequent topics >>