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In Actual Play

5/3/2004 jeffd: Shooting Stars - 5/1/04
Ron wanted more actual play. Here's some. background: Shooting stars is run by my friend Jim. The premise of the game is that it's a sci-fi TV show, inspired by…
In Actual Play
Participants: jeffd, Zak Arntson.

5/2/2004 bcook1971: [Sorcerer] First Campaign (SPOILER)
Finished running the first session of my first Sorcerer campaign this night/morning. My group created characters last week at the end of our second TROS campaign, run by Zazielsrephraim. That…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971, Ron Edwards, TonyLB, Bob McNamee, hardcoremoose, Trevis Martin.

4/30/2004 Gaerik: [Alternity] A rambling bit of review... (longish)
Ron expressed a desire on another thread to see a review of the Alternity game done by someone who has or is currently playing the system. My gaming group is…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gaerik, Zak Arntson, rafial, John Burdick, Matt Wilson, ghostwolf, johnzo, Autocrat.

4/30/2004 Eric J.: [D&D: 3E] A game in time plays 9.
You can't get rid of me Anyway- Update: My brother (Ryan) is now allowed to play D&D and I live in Nebraska again. Yay for me. Anyway- Well Ryan and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J., ethan_greer, Andrew Norris.

4/29/2004 Tomas HVM: [Fabula] Test your heroes!
[b]A scene in todays roleplaying game:[/b] The human characters contrived to capture two orc-NPCs. The humans are convinced the orcs were after their great magical ring (actually it is a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tomas HVM, Noon, Loki.

4/29/2004 lumpley: Lines, Veils, Breaking the Ice
(Anybody who happens to not know, "lines and veils" is a way to talk about players' comfort with in-game material. Ron introduced the terms in Sex and Sorcery.) Emily Care…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, cruciel, DannyK, Emily Care, Andrew Norris, Ron Edwards, Doyce, talysman, C. Edwards, bluegargantua, Christopher Weeks, Matt Wilson, Noon, Nev the Deranged, quozl, John Harper.

4/29/2004 arxhon: [Great Orc Gods] Comment on lack of "Character" sh
All this kerfuffle about Great Ork Gods has caused me to download the current .zip (v2) and print it off. It looks great and the actual play sounds like hilarious…
In Actual Play
Participants: arxhon, Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Walt Freitag, Jack Aidley, contracycle, Neylana, Ben Morgan, Valamir.

4/29/2004 cthulahoops: [Great Ork Gods] Eating people.
Hi, So, I gathered four suitably orkish types after scifi yesterday and went off to try this out. Firstly, God breakdown. MM: Slashing and Slaying, Flailing Limbs. J: Obscurer of…
In Actual Play
Participants: cthulahoops, Jack Aidley, Neylana, Ron Edwards.

4/27/2004 GreatWolf: [Inspectres] Fighting Slime (or, Winging InSpectres, Part 3)
And the carnage continues. That’s right! Time for another update on Winger Paranormal Investigations. (The previous actual play threads are here and here.) Somehow, our group seems to have established…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, TonyLB, Bob McNamee, Valamir, Lxndr.

4/27/2004 Matt Wilson: [PTA] Spacehunter: Episode 1, Femme Fatale in Spaaaace!
Some of this is going to be dated, what with my latest and hopefully last major change to the rules. Based on the stumbling blocks of the previous game, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Alan.

4/27/2004 Paka: [Sorcerer] Return to Mu's Bed (Julie and Jeff)
Jeff and Julie are a married couple and we did character generation tonight and will play on Saturday. Jeff runs the local fantasy LARP and Julie has experience gaming there.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, joshua neff, Malechi, Ron Edwards.

4/26/2004 Neylana: A beautiful moment in Rifts Earth
So, a friend of mine is running a Rifts game, where all the characters are in the military of a non-Coalition State that at the beginning of the game was…
In Actual Play
Participants: Neylana, Noon, pete_darby, tigermuppetcut, Mike Holmes.

4/26/2004 Eszed: [Great Ork Gods]
I've been meaning to write this up for the last month; Tom's post here finally tipped the balance. We had a typically outrageous back-stabbing fun time, the tone of which…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eszed, Valamir, Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards, John Harper, Sean, Emily Care.

4/26/2004 bluegargantua: [Great Ork Gods] Oh that poor little goblin!
Hey, So let's see. For players we've got: Vincent, Emily and Corrie. We also had Bryant, but he showed up late and got to watch (I mean, we could've let…
In Actual Play
Participants: bluegargantua, Ron Edwards, Jack Aidley, Eszed.

4/26/2004 Doyce: [Sorcerer] Third Session: Sex, Lies, and Videotape
Our third session of Sorcerer, which normally runs on alternating Friday nights, was preempted by previous commitments. Unwilling to give up the game momentum for another two weeks, I asked…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, Ron Edwards, Paka, redwalker.

4/26/2004 Dotan Dimet: [Empire of Doors] Space Opera/Science Fantasy
Last session, my gaming group destroyed the world. So this week, we started a new campaign. We'd brainstormed last session and in the begining of this session. Sword & Sorcery,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dotan Dimet, Dev, b_bankhead, Alan, FredGarber, ScottM, Nev the Deranged.

4/25/2004 redwalker: [Sorcerer] I'm a clueless newbie with broad questions
Hi there. I'm a clueless newbie. Since I don't see a forum labelled "clueless newbies post here" I'll discuss my cluelessness about the char-gen process in what seems to be…
In Actual Play
Participants: redwalker, DannyK, TonyLB, neelk, Trevis Martin, John Burdick, b_bankhead, Sean, jburneko, Ron Edwards, Bob McNamee, Alan, hardcoremoose, Jaik, greyorm, FredGarber, Andrew Norris.

4/23/2004 RaconteurX: Campaign relaunch, hzzah!
With four new players out of five, two of whom are new to Pendragon, and entirely new characters, my campaign based in Leicester has been accorded a second life. Our…
In Actual Play
Participants: RaconteurX, Sean.

4/23/2004 coxcomb: [Gallant] Hubbub at the Royal Hole (play)
This is a continuation of the character generation post for the latest test of my game, Gallant. So we’re all done with characters and ready to go. Part of the…
In Actual Play
Participants: coxcomb, Zak Arntson, jdagna, trechriron.

4/22/2004 Arashi: Online gaming
Well, it seems as though I have a hard time finding playersAt least the players that want to play what I do...So I was thinking about maybe a nrrative type…
In Actual Play
Participants: Arashi, TonyLB, Christopher Weeks.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

5/3/2004 Bifi: [Sorcerer] Questions on Combat Mechanics
Hi all, we started to play Sorcerer and met the following issues: 1. If a NPC/monster has more total penalties than, let's say, its Stamina, is it allowed to act?…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bifi, Ron Edwards, Rob MacDougall.

5/3/2004 Neylana: [Great Ork Gods] Sci-Fi Mayhem
I posted this on Jack's feedback forum, but I'll post it here for everyone's enjoyment. Yesterday, I ran Great Ork Gods for my usual gaming group. Player lowdown: Donald Edwards:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Neylana, Valamir, Ron Edwards, quozl, Jack Aidley.

5/3/2004 johnzo: [Savage Worlds] X-Com: rattling the characters
While the PTA people in Feng's front room have been working through their feelings, the back room crew has been getting its hands dirty against Martian terrorists. The aliens…
In Actual Play
Participants: johnzo, John Harper, rafial, JamesSterrett, ZenDog, Zak Arntson, Blake Hutchins, Nev the Deranged, contracycle, DannyK.

5/4/2004 beingfrank: [kpfs] A first rampage
Does a kpfs example really need a warning for content or language? Consider yourself warned. so my regular gaming group has been trying to get me to run fucking vampire…
In Actual Play
Participants: beingfrank, ethan_greer, lumpley, Andrew Norris, Ron Edwards.

5/4/2004 Thor Olavsrud: [Sorcerer] Urban Squalor
This past weekend, I played in my first Sorcerer game: Mike M.'s Urban Squalor scenario at A Gazebo of Games. As I expected, we got some nice meaty play out…
In Actual Play
Participants: Thor Olavsrud, urbwar, Andrew Morris, Michael S. Miller.

5/5/2004 TonyLB: [Amber] Jonesing for constraint
So the saga of attempting narrativism in Amber DRPG continues... We're at an interesting phase. The players have gotten past the novelty of being able to take over some of…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Noon, Andrew Martin, Mike Holmes.

5/8/2004 ZenDog: Inserting R-Maps into an already up and running game.
I haven’t got sorcerer yet (too many games, not enough cash, I’m tempted to get Sorcerer & Sword first anyway, but that’s another story), but I have a vague idea…
In Actual Play
Participants: ZenDog, ScottM, Roy, Ron Edwards.

5/10/2004 Doyce: [Sorcerer] Session Four: Lexigrams
No new posts in Actual Play? Lemme rectify that... Our fourth session of Sorcerer ran per normal on Friday. All in all, I was pleased with some of the Humanity…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, Paka.

5/8/2004 ZenDog: [TRoS] Varghoss Redbeard (split/continued)
The Saga of Varghoss - Aftermath Varghoss is awoken by the warms sensation of the wolf cub pissing on his face and the sound of his new Jarl's gleeful laughter.…
In Actual Play
Participants: ZenDog, Sigurth, Ron Edwards.

5/12/2004 Paka: [Sorcerer] Intrigue in Mu's Bed (Paula and Robert)
Using the same Relationship Map as I did for my other game with Jeff, Julie and JJ, I have begun another Mu's Bed Sword and Sorcerer game with two new…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, RobNJ, Ron Edwards, stingray20166.

5/12/2004 chadu: [Dead Inside] Prelim Playtest #3 (Very Long)
ACTUAL PLAY: Prelim Playtest #3 for DEAD INSIDE: THE ROLEPLAYING GAME OF LOSS & REDEMPTION Per Ron's request, I'll attempt to reformulate the third preliminary playtest session for DEAD INSIDE.…
In Actual Play
Participants: chadu, Andrew Norris, Emily Care, Mike Holmes, xiombarg, Ron Edwards, neelk, DannyK.

5/12/2004 Tav_Behemoth: [D&D] Why I Like Metagaming
A disclaimer: I'm not fully up to speed with the Forge theoretical framework yet, and I may omit or misuse the appropriate terms of art. I hope to learn by…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, ethan_greer.

5/12/2004 EGG Fu Young: [L5R] The White Flowers of Spring
This is the first session of our new Legend of the Five Rings campaign. Its entitled “The White Flowers of Spring”. The characters are all starting characters, with the only…
In Actual Play
Participants: EGG Fu Young, rafial.

5/12/2004 quozl: My favorite RPG session
It was in 1991 and I was 18-19 years old. I was at the computer lab at UW chatting on IRC with a few people about RPGs when a stranger…
In Actual Play
Participants: quozl, DannyK, Andy Kitkowski, dyjoots, Jeph, gentrification, Andrew Norris, Ron Edwards, Noon, Mike Holmes, S'mon.

5/13/2004 Paka: [Sorcerer] Write & Run Demons from the Hell-side of Town The Above is the link to the setting I'm going to be putting the finishing touches on and running. Character generation is next Monday and the game is next…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Andrew Norris, ScottM, DannyK, Ron Edwards.

5/13/2004 Ron Edwards: [The Mountain Witch] Playtest comments #1
Hello, Last night we played The Mountain Witch at the campus club meeting. I GM'd with four players. First news? Massive positive response; afterwards, one person pointed out that we'd…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, timfire, Emily Care.

5/13/2004 Jere: [Age of PAranoia] First Session
Last night we did the first session to Age of Paranoia, an espionage game based on Chris Lehrich's Shadows in the Fog. We did the character introductions and ran two…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jere, clehrich, bluegargantua, Bryant, Mike Holmes.

5/13/2004 Bankuei: Trollbabe makes good Streetfighter
Hi folks, A few weeks ago, I picked up Big Eyes, Small Mouth D20, and have been watching tons of Japanese and Korean movies lately. So, my roommate and I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bankuei, Rich Forest, contracycle.

5/14/2004 Lxndr: [Frigid Bitch] First Playtest Ever
Well, it's the first playtest as far as I'm aware. For all I know, someone has played it on the sly and never told me about it. But that's not…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lxndr, Mike Holmes, anonymouse, Valamir, Nev the Deranged, Bob McNamee, talysman, sirogit.

5/15/2004 Alan McVey: [Fudge: Collectors] The first playtest
The Fudge setting, Collectors: The Burning House, has been out for a while now, but I thought it was time for a reminder of just how good it can be.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Alan McVey, ethan_greer.

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