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In Actual Play

6/1/2004 Jacob Ossar: [Donjon] Silly allegory, anyone?
Here are some highlights from a session of Donjon I played with James Sterrett over the phone. I was DM; the name of the adventure is Rendezvous with Rana.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jacob Ossar, Simon W, JamesSterrett, Bob McNamee.

6/1/2004 Doyce: [Sorcerer] Grimm Therapy: Another gradeschool sorcerers riff
(First off, props: the following set up is all a result of Judd's great grade-school sorcerer's idea, which I shamelessly ripped off and used. The events of play are obviously…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, Paka, Ron Edwards.

6/1/2004 wyrm: favorite RPG session (split)
My favourite Session was ... when I met the first girl gamer I've ever met. She's my girlfriend now ;-)
In Actual Play
Participants: wyrm, Ron Edwards, clehrich.

6/1/2004 abzu: [Burning Wheel] Sacrifice
Wow. Wow, wow, wow. We just finished our latest episode of our City on Fire campaign. I think the premise is actually starting to form, to become clear. Sacrifice. What…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, AndyAction.

5/31/2004 pfischer: Introducing adult newbies - what's hot and what's not?
In the good old days I used to grap a Call of Cthulhu scenario to introduce people to roleplaying, but I's like to try something different. I have a couple…
In Actual Play
Participants: pfischer, JamesSterrett, Noon, Bob McNamee, Nev the Deranged, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

5/31/2004 rafial: [Burning Wheel] Poisonous Ambition
Poisonous Ambition (Luke's PvP con scenario, available from the BW website) was run for 4 players at Clinton Con, as part of our "all Orc day" (it was back to…
In Actual Play
Participants: rafial, abzu, joshua neff, Clinton R. Nixon, John Harper, Thor Olavsrud, urbwar.

5/30/2004 Simon W: [It's a Dog's Life] Plague Town
One of our usual players couldn’t make it last night. So in a break from the D&D3E campaign I have been running, we decided to do a one-off ‘rules-lite’ game.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon W, ethan_greer.

5/27/2004 Rich Stokes: Yet another system hunt...
OK, I know there has to be someone here with a good idea for this: I'm getting ready to run a game based on a "Superpunk" setting I've been kicking…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rich Stokes, Negilent, ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, Valamir, rylen dreskin, wyrm.

5/25/2004 Eric J.: Is the difference between D20 and D6 a D14?
This is a follow up to: Alright. I was asked to keep you posted but there were a few problems. First, my internet went out. That's what happens when…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J..

5/25/2004 taalyn: What to do?
I've got a problem, and I have no idea how to handle it. I'm hoping you all could help. I've been playtesting Crux for a while now. My group is…
In Actual Play
Participants: taalyn, ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, quozl, Eric J., Noon, Alan, Low-level thug, MarktheAnimator, DannyK, Mike Holmes.

5/25/2004 Paka: [Sorcerer] Suburban Fairy Tale: Grade-School Sorcerers
The setting and descriptors were hammered out at this thread: Auspicious Beginnings While we made up characters on Matt's porch, kids were running by and playing, Matt's 5 year…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, bcook1971, RobNJ, Old_Scratch, Doyce, Ron Edwards.

5/25/2004 hix: [Nobilis] 2 Stories
We’re three sessions into a new Nobilis game. First time for most of us (including the GM). By the end of session 1, 3 of the 4 players had agreed…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, bluegargantua, DannyK, Minx.

5/24/2004 Mike Holmes: [PTA Playtest] Mistkatonic
We played PTA again last night. The idea was to test the recent changes in the rules. I wasn't sure where your notes on the rules change was, however. Could…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mike Holmes, joshua neff, Matt Wilson, Alan, John Harper, Ian O'Rourke, pete_darby.

5/24/2004 coxcomb: [DD3.5E] Dragon Must Die (light bulb comes on)
Even though I dislike D&D, I played a game this weekend as part of a birthday party for a friend. One shot, pregenerated characters, how bad could it be, right?…
In Actual Play
Participants: coxcomb, John Harper, Zak Arntson, b_bankhead, cognizantchance, Ron Edwards, Sean, Jinx, Tav_Behemoth.

5/24/2004 Albert of Feh: Online improvisation [long]
Hi, I've been lurking around the Forge for the past month or so, but this is my first posting. Name's Albert. I've got some stuff waiting to be typed up…
In Actual Play
Participants: Albert of Feh, C. Edwards.

5/24/2004 Malechi: [Katanapunk] Playtesting the Punk - Edo Calling (long)
Well last week we made characters and constructed the Martial School that the characters belonged to using the system we've devised. Comments from the playtesters were encouraging regarding both elements,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malechi, Jinx, Paka, greedo1379, ascendance, 6inTruder.

5/23/2004 bcook1971: [Sorcerer] First Campaign II (SPOILER)
(See session I here.) Two down, two to go. My group ran the second session of our premier Sorcerer campaign. Things are starting to click a little better. I think…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971.

5/22/2004 Doyce: [Sorcerer] Session Five (Bibliophage): Complex Conflict
Hello folks. We had our fifth session of Sorcerer last night. The whole campaign thing is detailed here, along with previous session logs. This was a really interesting and challenging…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, Sydney Freedberg.

5/20/2004 hanschristianandersen: [Musketeers!] Playtest - Ruffians, Spies, and… Nuns?
With the twin distractions of Iron Game Chef and Big Work Deadline out of the way, I rounded up three friends, Monte, Thea, and Gordon, to test-drive an early version…
In Actual Play
Participants: hanschristianandersen, Jeph, TonyLB, Paul Czege, Matt, Valamir.

5/18/2004 hawklord2112: ... i couldn't resist i'm a Visio Junkie. and a character Sheet junkie. and being at work, i have no 3x5 cards. :(
In Actual Play
Participants: hawklord2112, Ron Edwards, lumpley.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

6/2/2004 Clinton R. Nixon: [The Shadow of Yesterday] The Sea of Teeth
This last weekend, I had a few friends down to New Orleans for ClintonCon 2004, my sometimes-annual home convention. We played a ton of great games - see our Burning…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Matt Wilson, ethan_greer, xiombarg, rafial, joshua neff.

6/3/2004 Old_Scratch: [Sorcerer S&S Charnel Gods] As the hands turn...
I'm currently putting together a S&S setting, but to ease my players into the new game, I'm going to start them off with a Charnel Gods game, which seems to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Old_Scratch, Paul's Girl, John Harper, hardcoremoose, b_bankhead, Matt, Paka, Nev the Deranged, DannyK, TonyLB, Mike Holmes, rafial, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski.

6/4/2004 Lisa Padol: A new look at an old thread
I mentioned the samurai refusing to kneel to his daimyo in the apa Alarums and Excursions. Lee Gold had some interesting thoughts: Well, I make it a practice…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Ron Edwards.

6/7/2004 Loki: [d20] scene framing blues
Hey Folks, I ran the 2nd of two d20 fantasy sessions tonight and had some unexpected behavior from one of my players that I think might be related to scene…
In Actual Play
Participants: Loki, hix, Andrew Norris, ADGBoss, John Kim.

6/7/2004 Doyce: [Sorcerer] Session Five (Bibliophage): The Big Chill
We had our sixth session of the Bibliophage Sorcerer story Friday night. The whole thing is detailed here, along with previous session logs. This was an interesting session, mostly because…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, Ron Edwards.

6/7/2004 hanschristianandersen: [Snow Day!] First actual play report - long
I got a pleasant surprise in my email inbox this afternoon, when my brother sent me emails linking to some accounts of an actual game of Snow Day that his…
In Actual Play
Participants: hanschristianandersen, Mike Holmes.

6/7/2004 humis: [Snow Day!] another actual play report
Seeing the other actual play report about Snow Day! got me to post this report: Last thursday, me and my three friends played a session of Fort Joey Must Fall!…
In Actual Play
Participants: humis, hanschristianandersen, Bob McNamee, Mike Holmes.

6/8/2004 Paka: [Sorcerer] Gun-fu Ghost Story
This game is something of a mess. The concept was written up by a buddy of mine, the Thursday Night 7th Sea GM, who hasn't ever played Sorcerer before. The…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, John Harper.

6/8/2004 urizenhh: What to do with the unhappy gamer? (long)
Hi there! This place being the most interesting self-help group for frustrated gamers and gms I shall present you with my problen, either to get help or just to share...…
In Actual Play
Participants: urizenhh, Loki, Clay, Nicolas Crost, Bankuei, jdagna.

6/8/2004 Mike Holmes: [God Lore] Ambrosia Theft Playtest
Scheduling made doing a one shot a good idea last Saturday, so I suggested that we playtest one of the IGC games that I felt needed playtesting. The group agreed,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mike Holmes, Asrogoth, joshua neff.

6/9/2004 oversoul01: First Dice Chucker Playtest!!!!!
The playtest went very well! To start with the whole playing session lasted about 3 and half to four hours. I had three willing monkeywrenchers, each with a very diffrent…
In Actual Play
Participants: oversoul01.

6/9/2004 bcook1971: [Sorcerer] First Campaign III of IV (SPOILER)
(Session I. Session II.) "This was the best one yet." That's what my players told me. I've been having trouble keeping the group focused, so I switched sites to my…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971, Paka, sirogit, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

6/11/2004 JamesDJIII: We Can Laugh About It Now
Last night I GM'd for our gaming group. We were doin' Fantasy Hero. At one point, the players realized that the game had deviated from a predetermined path (in this…
In Actual Play
Participants: JamesDJIII, ethan_greer, DannyK.

6/12/2004 Mark Johnson: [D&D] Integrating Newbies and Veterans
Greetings, I recently returned to my old stomping grounds (Tucson, AZ) for a short vacation. I was getting together with two couples that I used to hang out with. We…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mark Johnson, Caldis.

6/14/2004 captain_bateson: [Long] GM Refusal to Explain Ruling
Long time lurker, first time poster. I am going to try to present this as objectively as I can, in order to (hopefully) get some useful feedback. I am in…
In Actual Play
Participants: captain_bateson, greedo1379, Ron Edwards, ADGBoss, Valamir, jeffd, Noon, TonyLB, ethan_greer, montag, Loki, Walt Freitag, DannyK, Eszed, MarktheAnimator, Mike Holmes, John Kim, calebros, Miskatonic, Christopher Weeks.

6/14/2004 taepoong: [Burning Wheel] Burning Summer
Last Thursday, my little group got together to create our campaign which is limited to only eight sessions or so. Thus, their characters had to be involved from the get-go…
In Actual Play
Participants: taepoong, Paka, abzu, Thor Olavsrud, Luke Sineath.

6/16/2004 Rob MacDougall: Starchildren setting, HeroQuest rules.
Hi, folks: I'm about to run a game set in the Starchildren world of glam alien rock stars versus a crushing conformist state, but using HeroQuest as the system. This…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rob MacDougall, Scripty, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, RaconteurX, neelk, Bryant.

6/16/2004 Luke Sineath: Early Role-Playing Experiences
I can't remember how I got into roleplaying games. It happened somehow...the earliest games I remember playing are Top Secret, S.I., and MERP. However, these aren't the games I want…
In Actual Play
Participants: Luke Sineath, quozl, greyorm, Andrew Norris, ethan_greer, Paul's Girl, komradebob, Mike Holmes, efindel, Sean, Nev the Deranged, pfischer.

6/16/2004 Green: rehashing character concepts (split from very old thread)
In the thread about introducing N players to S play, Paul Czege linked to a much older thread about making the same character over and over again. Since that particular…
In Actual Play
Participants: Green, Mojo, Tobias, Loki, Paul Czege, DannyK, gregkcubed, Mike Holmes, hanschristianandersen, Albert of Feh, Decurio, Nev the Deranged, neelk.

6/17/2004 urbwar: [Sorcerer] Heavenly Kung Fu!
With much thanks to Paka! So, following Paka's Heavenly Kung Fu thread, He sent me some stuff on his ideas, and I decided to see how well Sorcerer works…
In Actual Play
Participants: urbwar, Paka.

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