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In Actual Play

12/20/2005 Darcy Burgess: Stakes, Con Res and Honesty
I've had a personal epiphany of late.  Or, rather, my academic lobe has had an epiphany and I think that my GM habits lobe is standing in the dust going…
In Actual Play
Participants: Darcy Burgess, TonyLB.

12/20/2005 Lisa Padol: [Sorcerer] Our third session
Sorcerer: Third Session The description of the characters and the write up of the first session are here: The write up of the second session is here: Demons…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, droog, Julian.

12/20/2005 Paka: Creating the Scenario with the Character Sheets in Front of Me
When I first started GMing I had no idea what I had to have prepared in order to have a successful game.  It drove me nuts.  Sometimes I would have…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Bankuei, johnmarron, jburneko, Michael S. Miller, Joshua BishopRoby, Brendan, Emily Care, Danny_K, Jonathan Hastings, Brand_Robins, RDU Neil, David Chunn, mneme, Storn, Adam Dray.

12/19/2005 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] Follow-Up Playtest: Old Gods Get Mean
So we got together again last Friday for another playtest session of Mortal Coil. This was a follow-up session to the one I wrote about last month, and we preserved…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle, gains.

12/19/2005 TonyLB: [Amber] Why won't you let me set stakes?
I'm taking Paka's advice to put the question of "What are stakes?  What is risk?  Does it imply gambling?" into the context of my own experiences with folks who couldn't…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, C. Edwards, Marhault, Supplanter, Joshua BishopRoby, Brand_Robins, Mark Woodhouse, Mikko Lehtinen, Noon, Andy Kitkowski, Bankuei, William Burke, Gaerik, Blankshield, Thor Olavsrud, Unco Lober, Storn.

12/19/2005 gains: [Mage] Cross pollination
My usual DitV game almost wasn't on last night. In fact, I expected it would just be me GMing and one player, so we discussed possible alternates for the evening.…
In Actual Play
Participants: gains, Graham Walmsley, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, Blankshield, Noon.

12/19/2005 Bret Gillan: [Capes] Finally, a campaign
I am pumped. For the first time I will be playing multiple sessions of Capes in a short-term campaign. My friend Jere is home from college from break, so while…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bret Gillan, Sydney Freedberg, Paka, TonyLB, Jeremiah Lahnum, TheCzech.

12/19/2005 Silmenume: [Middle Earth - home brew] - A first, another group with the same play style!
What I had started to despair as the impossible has been demonstrated to me to be utterly possible!  Through a strange and convoluted series of incidents my GM and I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Silmenume, Caldis, Supplanter, Noon, Christopher Kubasik, contracycle, beingfrank, RDU Neil.

12/19/2005 ragnar: [PTA] Somewhere in Newfoundland - population 15.000
We just finished a very successful first session of Prime Time Adventures (thanks Matt for a great game). One of the elements that I think made this work so well…
In Actual Play
Participants: ragnar, ScottM.

12/18/2005 Victor Gijsbers: [The Face of Angels] Playtest - Camera... lights... revolution!
We played our first session of Clinton's new game The Face of Angels yesterday. It rocked. It felt much more like playing a complete game than like playing a playtest…
In Actual Play
Participants: Victor Gijsbers, Clinton R. Nixon, Roger, Remko, Wilco Smits, Aman the Rejected, Paul Bakker.

12/18/2005 KingstonC: [the shadow of yesterday] Rats, Revenge, and Revolution (part 2)
This is the second part of my Rats, Revenge, and Revolution actual play report. It describes the final act in my wonderfully successful The Shadow of Yesterday campaign. When we…
In Actual Play
Participants: KingstonC, Clinton R. Nixon, Kamia.

12/18/2005 Levi Kornelsen: [DitV] The lights go on.
Three of my regular players made Dogs last night. It was easily among my top five game sessions of the year, and we did was make freaking characters. Here's the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, coffeestain, Calithena, Sydney Freedberg, Supplanter.

12/16/2005 matthijs: [Prime Time Adventures] "Renselsen" and the role of Facilitator
We've started the third epoch of our Draug campaign, set in a mythical Norway in the early 1800's. Since the second epoch ended in a local apocalypse - the coastal…
In Actual Play
Participants: matthijs, SabreCat.

12/16/2005 Arpie: [Capes] Party Tricks
Some manga-obsessed friends of mine (I dislike manga and, for the most part, anime, but I don't have many friends) ran a couple games of Capes over at their house…
In Actual Play
Participants: Arpie, contracycle, Sydney Freedberg, Bret Gillan, TonyLB, Grover.

12/16/2005 Lisa Padol: [Sorcerer] Our second session
Write Up of Second Sorcerer Session The description of the characters and the write up of the first session are here: Demons are limited to Passers (in animal form)…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Julian, Trevis Martin, Eero Tuovinen, Victor Gijsbers, Bret Gillan, joshua neff, Valamir, mneme, Calithena, rafial, coffeestain, demiurgeastaroth.

12/15/2005 KingstonC: [The Shadow of Yesterday] Rats, Revenge, and Revolution (part 1)
As the moon begins it’s monthly swallowing of the sun, an army lies on the banks of the Fox river, poised to claim a prize that could tip the balance…
In Actual Play
Participants: KingstonC, Paka, Supplanter, Mike Lucas, Clinton R. Nixon.

12/14/2005 Kaare Berg (Old): [Descent] – Why do we do that?
Thanks to Mike Sand's enthusiasm I just had to speed up the development of this here apprentice game of mine. We had play test number two yesterday and it went…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kaare Berg (Old), GnS.

12/14/2005 jmac: [actual] transition
  There was a game played, live action city-based (a kind of looking-like-human stuff), couple of dozens of players. Concepts of CA were implicitly used in theory and discussion of…
In Actual Play
Participants: jmac, ScottM, Adam Dray.

12/13/2005 pells: [Avalanche] part I - with unprepared players (very long post)
This is my first post in atual play, so I hope I get it right. I've introduced a theory about how I write, you can find here : I…
In Actual Play
Participants: pells, Storn.

12/13/2005 MrUniverse: {Cycle} Mini RPG Actual play experience
My group gathered together at around 7 to give cycle a try.  We're a small group since katrina came, only 3.  I wanted to try cycle my compatriots had no…
In Actual Play
Participants: MrUniverse.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

12/21/2005 demiurgeastaroth: [Polaris] The Fifth Remnant: Southfork
Our group got together on Monday night for the first of a 3-4 session run of Polaris. I have a few questions about the game and our session, which will…
In Actual Play
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Hermes3.

12/21/2005 RDU Neil: (Champions/Hero) Stakes before Sim...
So... been playing Champions/Hero since 1st Edition.  Come a long way over the last 25 years... but still find the core task resolution, combat system to be the most flexible…
In Actual Play
Participants: RDU Neil, Brand_Robins, Ron Edwards, Supplanter, Noon, Storn, Mark Woodhouse, Alan, John Kim, Doug Ruff, Wolfen, Valamir, Paka, Tommi Brander, xenopulse, droog, TonyLB, daHob, Hisho.

12/21/2005 ffilz: [Cold Iron] Applying "know what you're rolling for before you pick up the dice"
We had another session of Cold Iron last night, and I got to apply some new rules I've been hashing out. Cold Iron has a perception attribute, Alertness, which has…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, Bankuei.

12/21/2005 Arturo G.: [DitV] Fun, fun, fun... with no fighting!
Hi,there! We had our first session of DitV last week. I was the GM and only two players. We were mainly learning how the system works. I used the first…
In Actual Play
Participants: Arturo G., Adam Dray.

12/22/2005 jasonm: [Shab-al-Hiri Roach] Dark Goddess Regina
Another game of the Roach last night.  In case you were wondering, there was a wonderful conflict over who, among the 100% Roach-infested PCs, got to sacrifice Regina Sutton to…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, Clinton R. Nixon, Technocrat13, Valamir, Mark Woodhouse, Myrmidon.

12/22/2005 dindenver: [LoL] Custom Talent system
Hi!   Every character in my game has one Talent. The system to design Telents is easily customizable and is an analog system, you can use it to create stuff…
In Actual Play
Participants: dindenver, Nogusielkt, MikeSands.

12/23/2005 matthijs: [Descent] Playtest
[b]Context: The real people.[/b] I’ve been chatting a bit with Kaare (Negligent) about RPG theory. He and I are two of the more theory-interested tabletop gamers in Norway. When I…
In Actual Play
Participants: matthijs, Kaare Berg (Old), Olorin.

12/23/2005 James_Nostack: Request: best "actual advice" on Scenario Prep
I'm asking GM's for their own Actual Play examples of good scenario design, for a project I'm doing.  My own contribution is at the bottom.  Project details follow: I've written…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, TonyLB, Ron Edwards.

12/23/2005 joepub: [Point of Collapse] Of munchkins and min/maxers
So, the reason my d&d group fell apart was a Minotaur Barbarian with Cleave and Power Attack, and a gigantic axe. Or, rather, the player behind said minotaur barbarian. Worst…
In Actual Play
Participants: joepub, Lamorak33, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, Noon, abzu, Marco.

12/24/2005 jasonm: [Shab-al-Hiri Roach] Poisoner's Day
I played the Roach again last night with three non-gamers.  My wife Autumn, who is familiar with the game (she's copy editing it), has played Breaking the Ice once and…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, Technocrat13.

12/25/2005 denagar: Free storytelling rpgs?
Hi, I'm looking for a storytelling rpg, where all the players participate. Are there any good free systems which can give some guidance? Thanks!
In Actual Play
Participants: denagar, tygertyger, Trevis Martin, nilsderondeau, WhiteRat, Joshua BishopRoby, demiurgeastaroth, Arturo G., Paul Czege, Lxndr, Dantai, nikola, Ron Edwards.

12/28/2005 Chris Goodwin: [PTA] Request for assistance (reassurance?).
We pitched a series tonight, though we didn't get to the first episode or even all the way through protagonist creation.  The series title is "The Long Way Home".  It's…
In Actual Play
Participants: Chris Goodwin, Alan, Frank T, nikola, Blankshield, Noon.

12/29/2005 Mark Woodhouse: [Shab al-Hiri Roach] The Joy of Depravity
[i]The Shab al-Hiri Roach[/i] was the inaugural game for my Sunday Short Subjects group (basically a variation of the Stealth Gaming meme - pick a day, see who can come…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mark Woodhouse, jasonm, Miskatonic, Kesher.

12/29/2005 xenopulse: [AD&D] Fun in Preparations
The following is an example of why I initially thought that the group I am currently playing with is Sim oriented (but it turned out that, when push comes to…
In Actual Play
Participants: xenopulse, Mark Woodhouse, ScottM, Noon, Vaxalon, Storn, Joshua BishopRoby, Miskatonic, Chris Geisel.

12/30/2005 Noon: [Rifts] Monster with a past; risking the chance of showing it
I'm not sure I'm being a good forgite writing posting this in a new thread, because I don't have much to add myself. But I dig the request since it…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, TonyLB.

12/30/2005 Darcy Burgess: [Domus] The Colour of Verbal Diarrhea
yeah, yeah.  EWWWWWWWW.....but you clicked on it, didn't you? I'm starting this thread to bat the ball around regarding an interesting behaviour I witnessed during a playtest of Domus. While…
In Actual Play
Participants: Darcy Burgess.

12/30/2005 Storn: Successful Night, but.....
Okay, I just ran one of my more successful eps.  Despite being rusty as a GM.  It was a complicated drug, law enforcement storyline involving political families but with a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Storn, Ron Edwards, Technocrat13, Joshua BishopRoby, Tommi Brander, Jared A. Sorensen, ks13, contracycle.

12/31/2005 John Kim: [Polaris] The Grasping Dark over the holidays
So shortly before Christmas, we were short on players for the Buffy game due to the holidays, and we decided to try out Polaris.  So this was myself, Bill, Cynthia,…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kim, demiurgeastaroth, GreatWolf, Kesher, Ben Lehman.

12/31/2005 Victor Gijsbers: [Shades] The lady and the gardener
Last night, I finally had a chance to playtest the new version of my roleplaying game Shades. What is this game about? The best I can do is probably posting…
In Actual Play
Participants: Victor Gijsbers, Ron Edwards.

1/1/2006 Rustin: [DiTV -Criminal Variant] Thief Guild Enforcers with d20
I managed to incorporate some Dogslike, Forgish elements into an adventure for my gaming group last Friday, and I must say it was quite successful.  I figured I'd report what…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rustin, Storn.

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