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In Actual Play

4/24/2006 JMendes: [TSoY] Rat Moon Coolness
Hello, all, :) Well. My wife blew me away, the other day. We have a regular gaming group for Saturday nights. Used to play L5R. I've posted about it here,…
In Actual Play
Participants: JMendes, James_Nostack, Frank T, tonyd, oliof.

4/22/2006 pfischer: [Shab-Al-Hiri Roach] Fastaval 2006 Demo Game
I was invited to the Danish convention Fastaval over Easter 2006 to demo indie games. Apart from a lot of talk about indie roleplaying games and running 60 minutes demos…
In Actual Play
Participants: pfischer, jasonm, Joe Murphy (Broin), olleolleolle, pedyo.

4/21/2006 dsellars: Could I have some advice on getting my campaign started?
Hello All, This is my first post here so please be gentle I've probably misunderstood things round here, I have tried to read around things though :), I also hope…
In Actual Play
Participants: dsellars, rafial, Sydney Freedberg, ScottM, Wade Lahoda.

4/20/2006 Filip Luszczyk: [InSpectres demo] Solo play
Few weeks ago, while reading InSpectres demo it occured to me that the game could theoretically be played alone. And I tried it. All in all, it was fun and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Jared A. Sorensen, JMendes, greyorm, demiurgeastaroth.

4/20/2006 Zathreyel: [Criminal Element] Buenos Aires: the Mendoza Job
I'd known about it for about a week.  My regular Tuesday night crew had become pretty irregular for a little while, so our regularly scheduled game of Nobilis had sort…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zathreyel, Ron Edwards, CMWeck.

4/19/2006 GB Steve: [PTA] Animal Firm
We had a fine game of Prime Time Adventures this evening so here for your delight is a summary of play: Set in the town of Orville, Animal Firm charts…
In Actual Play
Participants: GB Steve.

4/19/2006 pedyo: (tMW) Demo-games at Fastaval
At this year’s Fastaval -, I demoed two games of The Mountain Witch as part of the Indie-RPG workshop. Both demos went great and at least two of the…
In Actual Play
Participants: pedyo.

4/18/2006 buzz: HERO System, M&M and assessing incoherence
Apologies in advance if this is posted in the wrong forum. I'm still beginning to wrap my brain around the theory discussed here. In Chapter Five: Role-playing Design and Coherence…
In Actual Play
Participants: buzz, Paka, Ron Edwards, Ramidel, jlarke, Gaerik, Storn, Brand_Robins, Caldis.

4/18/2006 matthijs: [Sorcerer] Action-packed first session
So I finally did a proper run of Sorcerer the other night. Three friends came to my house at around 3 o'clock. I'd figured we'd define the setting in one…
In Actual Play
Participants: matthijs, Ron Edwards.

4/18/2006 SpinyUrchin: [PTA] Red Sands Pilot/Real Life Soap Opera
We're for the most part a fairly traditional gaming group. Been playing together for decades. Our favorite RPGs are Champions, D&D3, d6/Star Wars, and Talislanta. Occasionally I've run some of…
In Actual Play
Participants: SpinyUrchin, Matt Wilson, Joe Dizzy, Warren.

4/18/2006 GreatWolf: [Polaris] Battle in the Remnant!
(The previous report can be found here.) Battle is joined in the remnants!  Demon armies attack!  Dragons clash in the air, and below, the Knights of the Order of the…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, Ben Lehman, ScottM, Raquel, Sydney Freedberg, Miskatonic, Valamir.

4/18/2006 Nev the Deranged: [Universalis] - Between the Clouds at Forge Midwest, Part 1
Universalis “Between the Clouds” Forge Indie Gathering ‘06 NARRATIVE VERSION (as opposed to the Component breakdown version): Background: There is a world where mountains thrust upward like islands through a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nev the Deranged.

4/17/2006 sirogit: [Inspectres] Get in the box.
I got to run Inspectres last night and hopefully again sometime soon with a new player. The characters were "snooty filmmaker taking a day job", "big man in highschool... 3…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit, Nathan P., Jared A. Sorensen.

4/16/2006 Frank T: Less Points of Contact for me, thanks
Once again, I owe a big Thank You to Ralph Mazza who, this time quite unintentionally, triggered an important realization for me. He did so by asking the seemingly harmless…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank T, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, rafial, coffeestain, Melinglor, Noon, Silmenume, donbaloo, Paka.

4/15/2006 Artanis: 30 minutes live on radio with audience input!
For those who understand french, you can listen to the 2h show here (Real Audio streaming). Basically what happened was this: as one of the organizers of Orc'Idée, a Swiss…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis, John Harper, Noon, xenopulse.

4/15/2006 Melinglor: [PTA] Nightshade Alley-session 1.5
Nightshade Alley Session 1.5 Concept in brief: Trolls and Faeries and Bogies and Things that go Bump, are all real in a sort-of modern, sort-of Victorian, sort-of-London. Everyone knows they’re…
In Actual Play
Participants: Melinglor, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson.

4/15/2006 greyorm: [The Mountain Witch] At Forge Midwest
I should note right off that the game was not as fun for me as I had hoped it would be. I don't mean to say the game itself wasn't…
In Actual Play
Participants: greyorm, Jason L Blair, timfire.

4/15/2006 donbaloo: [TSoY] Second Attempt
Okay, same group as in my last AP post here, my wife Melani and a good friend, Paul.  We’re still trying to get the hang of conflict resolution and narrative…
In Actual Play
Participants: donbaloo, Gaerik, Noon, Artanis, demiurgeastaroth, rafial, John Harper, anders_larsen, Frank T, Thor Olavsrud, pedyo, epweissengruber.

4/14/2006 John Harper: [Nine Worlds] Forge Midwest
I finally got the chance to play Nine Worlds at Forge Midwest. Matt Snyder ran the session, with Paul Tevis, Paul Czege, Danielle, and myself as players. It was lots…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Harper, Matt Wilson.

4/13/2006 James_Nostack: [Sorcerer] Curse of the Python God!
In addition to an on-line Sorcerer & Sword game, I've started a face-to-face S&S game, set in the same world of crumbling Atlantean empires and resentful barbarian tribes.  This is…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, Jonathan Hastings, Paka.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

4/28/2006 Precious Villain: [Shadowrun] Combat Monsters
I'm playing in a Shadowrun (4th edition) campaign.  Up until last Saturday there were three of us:  Myself (Rob), Sam and Kelsey.  Saturday, we invited an old fellow gamer from…
In Actual Play
Participants: Precious Villain, Tommi Brander, DagdaMor, Zamiel, TonyPace, TonyLB, Noon, Dav, JongWK, Ramidel, Wade Lahoda, Ron Edwards, BearKing, ffilz, Jaik, Web_Weaver.

4/28/2006 Salar: [Inspectres] First game
Hi all, I've been lurking here for a while just getting my head around some of the ongoing discussions. It's certainly been an education! I've been roleplaying on and off…
In Actual Play
Participants: Salar, Ron Edwards.

4/30/2006 Lisa Padol: [Sorcerer] Link to Seventh Session Write Up
I've posted the write up of the seventh session of our Sorcerer campaign here: For any who missed the link and want to read it, the write up of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Paka.

4/30/2006 Artanis: [The Great Journey] Hike Morn's fantastic travels
[b]Intro[/b] Intrigued by the recent discussions about [url=]drills[/url] and having some time to spend with my mother and two brothers, I suggested a "quick" game of [url=]The Great Journey[/url], by…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis.

4/30/2006 Storn: [WotG] A game session that rocked!
Having delved into the HERO System, M&M and assessing incoherence thread here:, which also branched into some really interesting Exalted threads... especially this one,  Exalted: searching for my…
In Actual Play
Participants: Storn, Ron Edwards, Paka, dunlaing, Stickman, Maleficence, ptikachu.

4/30/2006 Graham Walmsley: [Nighttime Animals] Cat Mafia
A night in with the girlfriend tonight. I was meant to buy a Scrabble set over the weekend, but I couldn't find a cheap one. So, instead, I suggested that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Graham Walmsley, jasonm, Bryan Hansel, chris_moore.

5/1/2006 Mason: [d20] Carthage
I'm two sessions in to a new game and already there seem to be some creative disconnects among the group.  I'm the GM and its for my regular group that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mason, Noon, epweissengruber, Wade Lahoda, donbaloo, wgrzanic, Caldis.

5/1/2006 inthisstyle: [Capes] Inuyasha with the Family
My wife and kids are big fans of the Japanese cartoon Inuyasha, featuring a half-demon swordsman and a time-traveling schoolgirl from modern times. The series is about unrequited love and…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle, Matthew Glover.

5/1/2006 Malcolm: [DitV] For the kids!
There's a group in Edinburgh called the Open Roleplaying community which exists to bring new blood into the hobby and give a place where younger gamers can flourish. All ages…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malcolm, Paka, Dumirik.

5/1/2006 GreatWolf: [Polaris] Death, dismemberment, and flowers
(The previous report can be found here.) Once again, we gathered for Polaris.  Raquel is traveling for three weeks, so we wanted to pick up the pieces after our last…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, Artanis, demiurgeastaroth, Ben Lehman, Valamir.

5/1/2006 Montola: Prosopopeia -- Playing on the Edge of Reality
Greetings, I guess Actual Play is the appropriate forum to post this paper discussing a pervasive larp Prosopopeia we staged in Sweden: Montola, Markus & Jonsson, Staffan (2006): Prosopopeia. Playing…
In Actual Play
Participants: Montola.

5/1/2006 sirogit: [Play Right!] Matrix Sequels
I gave Play-Write! a whirl last night. It was a bit more difficult to find a story 4 people were all familiar/invested in than either I thought or the text…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit.

5/2/2006 Ron Edwards: [D&D 3.0/3.5] Skill combat and blood drinking
Hooray! After an intervening family vacation and a couple of other interruptions, Dan and Christopher and I reconvened for our second session of D&D 3.25. (Definition: I have one of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Noon, Eero Tuovinen, James_Nostack, wgrzanic, Sydney Freedberg, Ben Lehman, Miskatonic, JamesDJIII, Melinglor, Bankuei, Valamir, IMAGinES, Blankshield, contracycle, buzz, Gaerik, ffilz, Glendower.

5/2/2006 John Kirk: [Gnostigmata] The Gospel of Michael
You can download the current version of Gnostigmata from here The Social Aspects of our first play-test The players were:  Bill Boucher, Kim Boucher, Ralph Buttner, John Kirk, Melissa Kirk,…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kirk, drnuncheon.

5/2/2006 Technocrat13: [Red Box D&D] Module B4: The Lost City
A few months back I'd acquired a mint condition copy of the ol' Red Box edition of D&D.  After reading through it again for the first time in what must…
In Actual Play
Participants: Technocrat13, James_Nostack, JamesDJIII, Miskatonic, Bryan Hansel, Ron Edwards, Noon, Calithena.

5/4/2006 khelek: [DitV] Temperance and Accountability
[DitV] Temperance and Accountability Executive Summary: A long post, more about our personal discovery of Conflict Resolution during DitV play, than the story that played out. This is the Actual…
In Actual Play
Participants: khelek, lumpley.

5/4/2006 r_donato: [TSoY] Troublesome first session
Hello, folks, I'm pretty new to the Forge, so if I make a faux-pas, please let me know. I'm here to describe my first attempt at running TSoY. It fell…
In Actual Play
Participants: r_donato, Valamir, Glendower, rafial, sirogit, Paka, donbaloo.

5/4/2006 JavaApp: Jared Sorenson’s The Farm – How does it play?
I originally posted this on, and all I got in response was a bunch of people telling me, "Hey, let us know how it turns out." I used the…
In Actual Play
Participants: JavaApp.

5/5/2006 Paka: Burning Wheel: Elf vs. Orc
So, it is the weekly Burning Wheel group.  Excuse me while I kvell a bit. We took time off to playtest Luke's Sooper Seekrit Project but found out that one…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Ron Edwards, Storn, agony, taepoong.

5/5/2006 bluenotebooks: Question - Not sure where to post it.
I have played d&d a bit, and like it for the most part.  But I do not care for how centered it is on combat.  I believe I would prefer…
In Actual Play
Participants: bluenotebooks, Storn, Ron Edwards.

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