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In Actual Play

6/24/2007 GestaltBennie: [TMW]Winter and Spring
[i]In preparing to run the MountainWitch, I drew on elements from my one play experience, an actual play is found here. The graveyard and temple encounters are inspired by…
In Actual Play
Participants: GestaltBennie, Ron Edwards, Sydney Freedberg, Caesar_X.

6/23/2007 Dan Bell: Seeking feeedback of play for new free published Harn adventure
Hello all I want to announce the release of a new free pdf adventure module set in the world of Harn (but easily adaptable to another gaming world). I am…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dan Bell, Ron Edwards.

6/23/2007 JMendes: [June Retreat 2007 – PTA] Redemption - Coolness, with weirdness in the mix
Hello, all, :) As you probably have no way of knowing, last week, a bunch of us picked up and left for an eleven-day RPG retreat. Being the one among…
In Actual Play
Participants: JMendes, REkz.

6/22/2007 5niper9: [Sorcerer] Guarding the scottish homelands
Hello, I played Sorcerer with my Indie-Game-group recently and it was a success. Group & Setting Our game group consists of  Edwin, Anna and René (myself). All of us…
In Actual Play
Participants: 5niper9, The Dragon Master, Jonathan Hastings, Ron Edwards, hix, Simon C.

6/21/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [PTA] Sex, Drugs & No Remorse
We've closed our first successful PTA season. Both our previous attempts to play the game died in the midpoint. The first time one of the players was too strongly rooted…
In Actual Play
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, JackTheOwner.

6/21/2007 sarendt: Text advice for GMs (split)
I really liked where this post was going and was sad to see it die an early death, so I figured I would post some game exp. of my own…
In Actual Play
Participants: sarendt, Ron Edwards, Gaerik.

6/20/2007 wgrzanic: [D&D] I quit DMing.
Hi, guys.  A little over a week ago, I sent out an e-mail to my group telling them I wouldn't continue running my very short-lived pseudo-weekly D&D campaign.  Basically, the…
In Actual Play
Participants: wgrzanic, Filip Luszczyk, Valvorik, Calithena, contracycle, Rob Alexander, Adam Dray, Sydney Freedberg, Gaerik, The Dragon Master, michael lingner, Thenomain, Grex.

6/18/2007 Noon: [D&D 3.x, partly the basic game] Beware: The orcs bite!
I recently tried out my 'try to throw a dice into a distant box to see if a monsters there' idea. Played last weekend with my seven year old son…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, Filip Luszczyk, wgrzanic.

6/17/2007 algi: I Need More Feedback from My Players
Because I hate reading long posts, but love to write them, I make some chapters. Sorry for the long foreword, just skip it if you think it doesn't help. To…
In Actual Play
Participants: algi, TonyLB, Noon, Filip Luszczyk, Frank Tarcikowski, Sydney Freedberg, wgrzanic.

6/17/2007 GDorn: [kpfs] lowercase, right? or: running it for complete strangers
got in a game of kpfs, finally, after having bought the pdf a couple years ago and never finding people to play it with.  it was in the context of…
In Actual Play
Participants: GDorn, lumpley.

6/14/2007 Melinglor: [Dogs] Fire and Hammer, Visions and Faith
Hi! I haven't been around here much lately, but it seemed appropriate to return "home" for this play report. And I certainly do miss me some Forge-style AP. So! I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Melinglor, JC, Noclue.

6/14/2007 AlanDeSmet: [MLwM] Problematic initial sessions, advice? Link to full session summaries.
[url=]The full session notes for this game are online[/url] if anyone is interested. [b]The Situation:[/b] After two sessions, the Minions all have around 6-7 Self-Loathing (SL), 1 Weariness, and 2-4…
In Actual Play
Participants: AlanDeSmet, Adam Dray, Noon, Ron Edwards, Fergus.

6/13/2007 Robert M: Saying No at the Gaming Table
I orginally posted this over at I would knife fight a man. Vincent suggested that I post it here, so here goes! I recently I have been modifying D&D for…
In Actual Play
Participants: Robert M, Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards, Gaerik, Noon, Marco, Noclue.

6/13/2007 hatheg-kla: [Dying earth] Persuasion in play
Hi there. I ran a convention game of the Dying Earth RPG the other day and I thought I'm post my observations.  This is the first time I've run it…
In Actual Play
Participants: hatheg-kla, Tim C Koppang, Pelgrane.

6/13/2007 vertigo25: Looking for a Game
I know this falls outside of the scope of these forums, but I'd like to ask all of you, because you know what I'm talking about here. I apologize beforehand,…
In Actual Play
Participants: vertigo25, Ron Edwards.

6/11/2007 Adam Dray: [Primitive] The Order of the Big Stick
Yesterday, I had a little cook-out for some of my friends this weekend. SarahScott was back in town (she moved away to New Orleans), and she and Lisa and Mike…
In Actual Play
Participants: Adam Dray, Nev the Deranged, Eric J. Boyd, Kevin Allen Jr.

6/10/2007 GB Steve: [Daker] Eating people is bad
My French friend Ben was in town for a night so we assembled some likely faces for a game. Graham W kindly offered to give us a run of Darker,…
In Actual Play
Participants: GB Steve, jasonm, Graham Walmsley.

6/8/2007 boswok: [Mage: The Awakening] Here goes nothing... (split)
I have one suggestion for your mystery subplots.  This references the characters erroneously assuming that spirits were involved.  When they began hunting down info they seemed to be showing real…
In Actual Play
Participants: boswok, Reithan, Ron Edwards, Falc, David Artman, Noon, Precious Villain, The Dragon Master, FredGarber.

6/8/2007 Brimshack: ETC - Big Gun versus Little Grunt
ETC - The Slaughter Okay, so this was the last game we ran before posting the online version of ETC at Crunch-Waffle. It was between myself and a friend, Chris.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Brimshack, Noon.

6/6/2007 hatheg-kla: [The Pool] Looking for a scenario idea for first-time convention play!
Hi. I've been talked into running a game at a mini convention in 2 days time with a bunch of people I don't know.  I've never GM'ed The Pool, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: hatheg-kla.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

6/25/2007 rafial: [Tunnels & Trolls] Vaults of the Skolari
To anyone who thought that Ron might have been hallucinating when he talked up Tunnels & Trolls a couple years back, you need only check in with one of the…
In Actual Play
Participants: rafial, Trevis Martin, Ron Edwards, Simon C, Clinton R. Nixon, John Harper, joepub.

6/25/2007 FredGarber: [D&D 3.5] playing amongst the wargamers - advice wanted
Situation ----------------------- I just discovered that my fellow player is really defined by her past playing wargames (Mechwarrior, Flames of War, Warhammer), so much so that in her mind, the…
In Actual Play
Participants: FredGarber, Gaerik, Sydney Freedberg, Noon, Eldrad, ODDin, contracycle, James_Nostack, Millsy, Vulpinoid, Valvorik, cpeterso.

6/26/2007 Rob Alexander: [TSOY] the Hungry Ones are coming
(Sorry if this post is a monster. Might I recommend a hardcopy and a comfortable armchair?) I've been running TSOY as a fill-in game while our main (Castles and Crusades)…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rob Alexander, oliof.

6/27/2007 rycanada: D&D ran like an indie rpg - almost
This all happened at the York D&D Meetup, about 20 people were in attendance.  I recently got tired of developing my own system so I made sure to come out…
In Actual Play
Participants: rycanada, GregStolze, Narf the Mouse, sarendt, Ben S., Valvorik, James_Nostack, Hans.

6/27/2007 algi: How My Players Surprised Me
Shira: a barbarian from the cold mountains of the distant north, who began a "peaceful" life as a mercenary among the native nador. Amron: a magician from a far eastern…
In Actual Play
Participants: algi.

6/28/2007 Thenomain: [(A)D&D] How I Surprised My DM
I don't know why I didn't do this earlier.  This is a split of the thread " I Quit DMing", specifically the open conversation between myself and Rob Alexander.  The…
In Actual Play
Participants: Thenomain, Noon, wreckage, Web_Weaver, wgrzanic.

6/28/2007 sarendt: [D&D 3.x] looking for ideas for Magic systems
An on going problem I have with D&D and many similar systems is the magic rules. In a recent game in which I was GM''ing one party member was a…
In Actual Play
Participants: sarendt, Gaerik, Michael Huxley, James_Nostack.

6/29/2007 darnest: StrikeForce:2136 short session
Since no one really knows this system yet (its being release at GenCon this year) a short explanation of how the system works is in the thread on the combat…
In Actual Play
Participants: darnest, Noon.

7/2/2007 contracycle: Play prep and NPC's
I was asked to discuss the kind of prep I do and had some thoughts on the prior thread about NPC's which I wanted to mention. I thought I had…
In Actual Play
Participants: contracycle, Sydney Freedberg, Rob Alexander, Noon, FredGarber, Ron Edwards.

7/4/2007 Zathreyel: (Sorcerer) The Family Blood
Man did I just have a great session of Sorcerer and I'm all abuzz to share.  As some of you guys might know, I like dark things.  I like crime…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zathreyel, Ron Edwards, Tobaselly.

7/7/2007 Ron Edwards: [Drowning & Falling] Gamers' id revealed for all to see
Hello, Tim K, Tim A, and I ended up at my place. I grilled beef filets rubbed with black lava salt and peppercorns (both ground up by me with mortar…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Noon, Eliarhiman6, jasonm, Tim C Koppang.

7/10/2007 JC: [DITV] First IRC session
After my first (pretty negative) experience with DITV, I decided I had to learn how to play this game properly before trying it again. Nobody here in Paris seemed interested,…
In Actual Play
Participants: JC, Artanis, Filip Luszczyk.

7/10/2007 jasonm: [PTA] Deep in the Blue, Season Two
We started a second season of our PTA game (first season write-up is here).  That was over a year ago!  In the interim we've played a lot of games, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, LeSingeSavant, Matt Wilson, JoeStanton, Clinton R. Nixon.

7/11/2007 Ron Edwards: [1001 Nights] OK, we ate Cheet-Os and drank beer
About a month and a half ago, the gang gathered to play a game we'd jointly decided upon the previous week, 1001 Nights. Technically we should have waited until Tim…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Nathan P., Caesar_X, lumpley, fjj, Tim C Koppang, Meguey.

7/11/2007 Ron Edwards: [Dust Devils] A brutal morality play in pre-San Francisco
Tim K, Chris, and I convened about two months ago with a very strong desire to play Dust Devils, using the new book. Now, my experience with Dust Devils is…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Artanis.

7/15/2007 dikaiosunh: [Schism] Life During Wartime
I posted for some advice on how to run this, so I figure it's only fair to post to say how it went.  I'm doing my best to keep in…
In Actual Play
Participants: dikaiosunh, Christopher Kubasik, Adam Dray.

7/16/2007 JC: [Freeform] Two questions
hi! played in a pick-up game a couple of days ago it was on IRC, and there were three of us we went with freeform: no setting, no rules, no…
In Actual Play
Participants: JC, Filip Luszczyk, Paganini, Noon, LandonSuffered, David Artman.

7/16/2007 Frank Tarcikowski: [Dread/Jenga] Heartbeat, slow down (long)
Thorsten is playing my character’s ex-wife on the phone and says, “Daniel, you shouldn’t have called me.” My character’s name is Andy, Daniel is the guy whose head got severed…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Noon, fjj, hix, FredGarber.

7/20/2007 abjourne: The Glory of Chaos & Carnage
Mass Combat, A few years ago in the Tales of Durien, The heroes were accompanying a contingent of the Lord’s men (1/2 a dozen mounted guardsmen) tracking down a bowahr…
In Actual Play
Participants: abjourne, LandonSuffered, wreckage.

7/21/2007 Everspinner: [PTA] Edgeway
[b]To start off[/b], and to avoid losing the questions amid the other AP stuff, here are the rules questions that came up during play. Must say the rules are less…
In Actual Play
Participants: Everspinner, Matt Wilson, FredGarber.

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