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In Actual Play

10/20/2003 Jay Turner: [D&D] Actual Play
I ran a game of good ol' (well, it's v3.5... so, "good new"?) D&D last night. All the D&D (all the RPGs in general) I've played in the past few…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jay Turner, Ron Edwards, Valamir, anonymouse, Ben Lehman, eudas.

10/19/2003 Paganini: Logic Puzzles
So, we've been doing some dungeon crawling over in indie net-gaming, and we're gonna be doing more. I'm running some of it - a planned BD&D game, and maybe some…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paganini, anonymouse, jdagna, Marco.

10/18/2003 LordSmerf: [Universalis -> Improv.] Who needs a system anyway?
The night after we starte The Dead Can Dance. We picked it back up. About an hour and a half into the session we realized that we didn't really need…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf.

10/18/2003 LordSmerf: [Creeks and Crawdads] Dawson's Creeks and Crawdads
So we just finished a boredom busting session of Creeks and Crawdads. It was pretty dang interesting, though highly fatal for all involved. I don't know if i'd play it…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf, Lxndr, Dana_mun.

10/17/2003 Matt Wilson: PTA: More Imperivm Confidential
Rome is in turmoil. In episode III, Atticus learns the identity of the murderer. It goes all the way to the top. A Nubian slave was paid to murder Galinius.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson.

10/17/2003 Neil: [Dust Devils] William Munny's honour.
I was considering running of Mr. Snyder’s Nine Worlds playtest last night but I sadly did not have time to get my head straight around the setting details I wanted…
In Actual Play
Participants: Neil, Ron Edwards, Tim Alexander, Matt Snyder.

10/16/2003 LordSmerf: [Universalis - Nominally anyway] The Dead Can Dance
This was ostensibly a game of Universalis. We did generate Components and used traits, but never used Complications or Challenges. It was rather fun. A little background. This game was…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf, Mike Holmes.

10/15/2003 Lxndr: Fastlane: Demigods
[b]Session the Zero[/b] We had a really good Actual Play Setting-and-Character-Generation session last night over on Indie-Netgaming, and I thought it'd be good to share it with y'all. Our players…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lxndr, Bob McNamee.

10/15/2003 Peter Nordstrand: Curse you Rickard! -- Well of Souls 3
This thread is a continuation of Well of Souls 1 and Well of Souls 2. I’m not sure if anybody cares about this except me, but I’ll continue my reports…
In Actual Play
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Russell Hoyle, ScottM, Brand_Robins, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

10/15/2003 Trevis Martin: MLwM: Meat for the Machine
Hey everyone, We've started a game of MLwM over in indie netgaming and have played one setup and one story session so far. I'm the Ref, my first time trying…
In Actual Play
Participants: Trevis Martin, anonymouse, Mike Holmes.

10/14/2003 Dev: [MLwM] Joy Juice
Excellent game of MLwM. The Master was basically a man who used special syringes to paralyzes persons in the throes of "pleasure", so that he could extract components of a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dev.

10/11/2003 Mulciber: [Universalis] LordSmerf was there. . .
. . . and so was I. I am really excited by what I can see ahead in the learning curve, and the feeling that there's more stuff out of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mulciber, LordSmerf, hix, Bob McNamee.

10/11/2003 Paganini: [TQB] Non-anthropomorphic Arthurian
So, after Anonymouse's Donjon game it was still kind of early, so I volunteered to run TQB. The players voted for something on the serious side after our silly Donjon…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paganini, AgentFresh, C. Edwards, Bob McNamee, Dana_mun, suffusionofyellow.

10/11/2003 anonymouse: [Donjon] Adventures in the Ice Cave, part 2.
Previous: * Wildman/AgentFresh was out this session; prior commitments. * This all took about three hours. Donjon takes forever online. Thankfully I've got a dice bot setup to roll…
In Actual Play
Participants: anonymouse.

10/9/2003 BabbageCliologic: In My Game: Super AI Computer interacting with PCs
In My Game: Super AI Computer interacting with PCs Hello: I just started running a game in which the PCs will have some interaction with a Super AI Computer (SAIC).…
In Actual Play
Participants: BabbageCliologic, bluegargantua, Mike Holmes, erithromycin.

10/9/2003 bluegargantua: Things I learned from Nobilis
Hey, So, I've been playing in a Nobilis game which recently went on hiatus. It's my fevered hope that the game revives at some point in the future because the…
In Actual Play
Participants: bluegargantua, xiombarg, Ben Lehman, Paul Czege, pete_darby, GreatWolf, Jere, John Kim.

10/9/2003 Tim Alexander: [Dust Devils] Malt and Tease part II
Hey again, Session two of our Dust Devils game went last night, and things started hoppin'. You can see the original session, and setup, here. We left off with Jeb…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tim Alexander, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder.

10/6/2003 Trevis Martin: Universalis - A twisted farce.
Yesterday, two of our group were extraordinarily late for our game due to a miscommunication about an event that they had. We were waiting to play our game of Donjon.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Trevis Martin, Bob McNamee, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

10/6/2003 Ron Edwards: [My Life with Master] Black ooze oozes forth
Hello, We played our second session of My Life with Master (see Black ooze and babies) yesterday. Julie really found her feet as GM, mainly in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, hardcoremoose, jrs, GB Steve, joshua neff, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, Blake Hutchins, Tim Alexander, Borogove, Lisa Padol.

10/5/2003 garapata: [Cradle] Playtested..
Okay, I got three players to try Cradle. We had a Gundam Wing Zero toy (with WEAPON ACCESSORIES, LIGHT UP EYES, and SOUNDEFFECTS) a Victorian Matron doll (with CLAY PIES,…
In Actual Play
Participants: garapata.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

10/20/2003 John Harper: PTA Bridgewater
[b]Primetime Adventures: Bridgewater[/b] My friend Matt Wilson has written a wonderful roleplaying game called Primetime Adventures. Perhaps you've heard of it around the Forge. It's in the late playtesting stages…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Harper, Meredith, hix, Matt Wilson.

10/20/2003 DaGreatJL: Addiction
Okay, I have this problem. There are some people around here who are under the impression I'm a good GM. Whether or not they are correct is not something I…
In Actual Play
Participants: DaGreatJL, Ron Edwards, Piratecat, Bob McNamee, Mike Holmes, Marco.

10/22/2003 Trevis Martin: MLwM: Meat for the Machine 2: Revenge of the Spider Babies.
Here follows the second session narration log for our MLWM game. Ref: * Ref: * Ref: * Ref: MLWM, Meat for the Machine, Session 2 Ref: * Ref: * Ref:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Trevis Martin, Mike Holmes, AgentFresh, Ron Edwards, Lxndr, anonymouse.

10/23/2003 xiombarg: Pretender: Attack of the Mechanical Dinosaurs
Well, some of the players couldn't make it to Unsung, so we grabbed a free-floating player and played Pretender instead. Though I greatly abbreviated the pregame prep and took a…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg, AgentFresh, Lxndr, Dana_mun, MachMoth.

10/26/2003 Lisa Padol: Interpreting Fumbles
It's late enough at night that I'm forgetting which Sorcerer supplement had the useful suggestion that one not interpret failures / fumbles as failures on the particular action, but rather…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Ron Edwards.

10/26/2003 Jack Spencer Jr: "The Gamers" as actual play, take two
Over a month ago, John Laviolette tried to get discussion going about the Gamers movie from Dead Gentlemen Production as an example of actual play. The resulting thread didn’t go…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, MonkeyWrench, GB Steve, Brian Leybourne, Lxndr, Alan.

10/27/2003 GB Steve: octaNe at SteveCon V
I decided to keep it silly so the game was psychotronic. The characters I made up too, to save time but the players added in the extra skills. We had:…
In Actual Play
Participants: GB Steve.

10/27/2003 Ben Dobyns: The ending
First, a disclaimer: I edited "The Gamers", so I'm working from some degree of insider knowledge. Regarding the ending as discussed by Michael S. Miller in the post immediately preceding,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ben Dobyns, Ron Edwards.

10/28/2003 abzu: I play Burning Wheel
So I'm bored at work and I thought i'd post some actual play for BW -- since there is absolutely none out there. Let me see if I can illustrate…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, joshua neff, Lxndr, A.Neill, rafial, taepoong, drozdal.

10/30/2003 Ron Edwards: [Elfs] Serpent cultists and repressed priestesses
Hello, I've been wanting to play Elfs for lots and lots of people at once for a long time. This time, we had six, and it works great! What a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Anthony I, Valamir.

10/30/2003 mikemunsil: I too...
I too am tryng to start a group, but I'm not as far along as Caitlin as I haven't identified anyone to play with. Also, I'm not overly familiar with…
In Actual Play
Participants: mikemunsil, Ron Edwards, Delta1.

10/31/2003 Ron Edwards: [Arrowflight] Pixies, poison, and duty
Hello, This post is way overdue; we played a single-session game of Arrowflight at a meeting of our campus club almost four weeks ago. I'll start right off by saying…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Matt Wilson.

10/31/2003 Ron Edwards: [Orbit] Rock rock, rock-and-roll future
This game is way fun, both in making characters and setting up a situation. I could make up Orbit characters just to amuse myself, and the cool thing is that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, JSDiamond.

11/3/2003 Jay Turner: [D&D] Actual Play pt. 2: Running off with the game
We played the second game in our D&D campaign, which is featured in this thread. I had this whole adventure planned in which the PCs would travel from the slavers'…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jay Turner, PL3, Ron Edwards.

11/3/2003 abzu: [Burning Wheel] Named vs Black Destroyer
[quote="Betrayal on a Bright Winter's Night"]Three orcs rode breakneck through the winter woods. Two leading orcs reined their wolves in a non-descript clearing. "Here it is, I've found something." Growled…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, JamesDJIII, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Matt Wilson.

11/4/2003 PL3: Why cant I play rpg games now that I signed in?
I came to this site to play games not to read questions and hear about play I want to play!
In Actual Play
Participants: PL3, Valamir, Lxndr.

11/4/2003 brainwipe: [Icar] Scavenger Setting
I thought I'd contribute a few snippets of game from the long-term Icar campaign I am running. Icar is of my own design and as such, many things occur to…
In Actual Play
Participants: brainwipe, Mike Holmes.

11/4/2003 PL3: I got 2 cool rpg websites u can visit it is a multiplayer
If u want to know sent me private messages and tell me your username
In Actual Play
Participants: PL3, greyorm.

11/5/2003 slocum: New Tekumel / EPT rules
Yes, indeed, there is a new Tekumel: The Empire of the Petal Throne rule set coming out from Guardians of Order. It is based on the Tri-Stat system, though modified…
In Actual Play
Participants: slocum, Ron Edwards, Calithena.

11/6/2003 ScottM: MLwM: Irish Mines (game setup, Long)
We managed to coordinate a creation session for My Life with Master. It didn't go exactly as I'd imagined, but it worked out well. It 'stuck' in places; some things…
In Actual Play
Participants: ScottM, Paul Czege.

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