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In Indie Game Design

3/25/2005 Trevis Martin: [Revisionist History] New draft needs critical eyes.
Hi folks. Its me again. I've revised my game Revisionist History and I'd like some feedback on it. Its a game written for online play like Neel Krishnaswami's Lexicon. It…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Trevis Martin, Tobias.

3/24/2005 TonyLB: [Dulcimer Hall] Crypto-romance Character Development
Dulcimer Hall characters are super-spies of some stripe. So as I look at character development (i.e. how the character evolves over time as a result of their choices, successes and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Troy_Costisick, Bill_White, Doug Ruff, Garbanzo, Shreyas Sampat.

3/24/2005 taalyn: [Crux] conflict system - need some help, please
hey all, I've been working diligently on Crux, and have finalized (well, nearly so) the conflict system. It's based on extended combat in HeroQuest (thanks Mike!), with a couple of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: taalyn.

3/24/2005 The_Confessor: [Oath Sworn: An RPG of Mythic Super-Heroes] Early Ideas
So, recently I got body-checked by an idea that came to me as I meandered through my own brain. Let me give you an idea of how it went... I'm…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: The_Confessor, chosen, ironick, Valamir, dysjunct, groundhog.

3/23/2005 Uccisore: [Martial-Arts Horror Game] Task Resolution & Combat
Well, here it is: the backbone of the system. This is a long post. A lot of this was written for my eyes only, so if some bits of it…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Uccisore.

3/22/2005 Shiruba: [Tutorial RPG SYSTEM] -> Wacky Idea
No one never thought of gathering all the thinkin heads of the forum to build a tutorial RPG system? some cheap material with lots of links and references? and people…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Shiruba, klapton.

3/22/2005 Dregg: I Tire of Advantages and Disadvantages
Ok, I have decided to continue work on my Tools of Magick RPG. The concept is simple... The characters are normals who one day have thier true names called by…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dregg, Tobias, Doehring, Shreyas Sampat, Rob Carriere, Ron Edwards, Emily Care, eruditus, Jinx.

3/21/2005 Domhnall: Math (and Death of a System)?
My system requires doing basic math in combat (just + & -), which really means that a basic calculator is needed in play. Does this (on its own) doom my…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Domhnall, Jack Aidley, Stickman, Ron Edwards, J. Tuomas Harviainen, GB Steve, Kielan, groundhog, Bailywolf, zephyr_cirrus, FLEB, Bardsandsages, John Wick, MatrixGamer.

3/20/2005 Marco: Generic Engine for Any Reality [GEAR]
A beta-version of GEAR is up on the site here: I would like: 1. Feedback on clarity--is this comprehensible? 2. Feedback on some of the key ideas for scenario…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Marco, AZKaban, xenopulse, John Burdick.

3/20/2005 bcook1971: [Story Steps] Playtesting Narrative Support Structures
Not sure if this should go here or in actual play. I've been working on design of this game for a while now and do plan to release it into…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: bcook1971, Ron Edwards.

3/19/2005 Garbanzo: Players ALWAYS given narration
Ok, last millenium no matter what happened, the GM did the talking: Player: "Uh, I got a 7!" GM: "Krom's mighty blade arcs through the air, splitting Lucky Pierre's shield…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Garbanzo, daMoose_Neo, TonyLB, hix, Nathan P., GB Steve, Bailywolf, Shreyas Sampat, xiombarg, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

3/19/2005 Shiruba: I so much need help here :P
Hello there guys! My name is Shiruba, and this is my first post! in over 10 years of rpg, is the first time that i gathered courage to talk with…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Shiruba, Shreyas Sampat, Sean, daMoose_Neo, Jasper, LordSmerf, Dev, contracycle.

3/18/2005 neko ewen: [Tokyo Heroes] Dice mechanic for Sentai
I've started in on a new project I've been thinking about for a few months now, an RPG called Tokyo Heroes about sentai (the genre that Power Rangers is an…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: neko ewen.

3/18/2005 AussieJackal: Best Free Online Text Based RPG Game
ABOUT URBAN! Urban is based on the streets of the cities that we live in today. This world is filled with Gangstas who see killing as a sport. They cannot…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: AussieJackal, Ron Edwards.

3/17/2005 Wolfen: Reforging the Mage Blade: Resolution and Combat Mechanics
More rules for the system-monkeys to take a look at.. Basically what I have here is the basic resolution mechanics, and the specific mechanics for Physical Conflict (ie, combat). While…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Wolfen, Lxndr, Mike Holmes, Valamir.

3/16/2005 Bailywolf: [FADE v0.1] First Playest Doc available very soon
My working Doc for FADE (as detailed in the thread linked below) will be more or less complete in the next day or so. I’m giving it a final read…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bailywolf, Doug Ruff, gorckat.

3/16/2005 Mernya: [Please delete this
Please delete this. I posted a design idea and then re-read a Sticky to see that it wasnt appropriate/complete enough to justify a discussion.
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mernya.

3/16/2005 entropy402: [CORE] Design intentions, rough system outline
Hello everyone, this is my introductory post here after a long time of lurking. I have finally decided, like many others, that I would like to put my own system…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: entropy402.

3/16/2005 ChrisJaxn: [whispers] question about settings
Hi. I'm new here, but I've been lurking for a little while, and finally have a question of my own to ask. The game I'm working on, Whispers (working title),…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ChrisJaxn, Jasper, Ron Edwards.

3/16/2005 Zahtevnik: Make Us Cry
That's really the gist of it. We've been pounding on two RPGs for a couple years and finally have the demos for them up on our website. If anyone had…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zahtevnik, TonyLB, contracycle, greyorm, ZeOtter, tadk.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

3/28/2005 Andrew Morris: [Shadows & Light] Question on handling time
I am designing a LARP system, along with a friend. We have been working on this for a while now, and even though our setting and color are pretty well…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Andrew Morris, ironick, TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg.

3/29/2005 heironymous: [Seven Leagues (a fantasy RPG of Faerie)] Please comment
I have posted a working draft of my RPG, Seven Leagues, here: Please feel free to download the file (1.7 MB, 20 pages, includes most of the first third…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: heironymous, Jasper, kenjib, Selene Tan, ironick, Ron Edwards, Bill Masek, Bob the Fighter, James Holloway, berginyon.

3/29/2005 matthijs: [electrified spikes through the soles of your feet] V. 0
[i]The world is hard and cruel. God hates you, and wants to destroy everything you love. When it's your turn to be God, you can get revenge on the world.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: matthijs, Mike Holmes, xenopulse, xiombarg, Valamir, daMoose_Neo, Bill Masek.

3/29/2005 Kilor Di: [Terrae Novae] Latin Lessons
I'm currently converting my notes on Terrae Novae into a manuscript so I can try to get it published. I would like to know if anyone knows of a website…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kilor Di, Andrew Morris, Selene Tan, 1of3.

3/30/2005 MikeSands: Rewarding in-character socialising
Background: I'm writing a game of naval adventure stories, inspired by Hornblower, Aubrey & Maturin, Honor Harrington etc. After the first playtest session, the biggest hole in the game so…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: MikeSands, TonyLB, Bailywolf, Doehring, Valamir, Shreyas Sampat.

3/30/2005 Jerry D. Grayson: GODSEND Agenda (Character progression system)
Hello all, I lurk here a lot but never post but lately I’ve been beating my head against the wall. Some of you may be familiar with my game GODSEND…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jerry D. Grayson, Andy Kitkowski, Sydney Freedberg, gorckat.

3/30/2005 brianhon: [EXPLOSION RPG beta] initial ideas
Hi, I've been lurking on the forge for some time now and I've finally decided to post. The EXPLOSION RPG is my second idea for an rpg, and probably the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: brianhon, Andrew Morris, JMendes.

3/31/2005 Sydney Freedberg: [GroupDesign: Schrodinger's War] Doug's Draft Rules
Doug Ruff has put a pleasantly hefty set of draft rules online. There are some interesting convergences with Tobias's draft -- notably strongly structured collaborative setting design -- and some…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sydney Freedberg, TonyLB, Doug Ruff, Tobias, Andrew Morris.

3/31/2005 Bill_White: [Ganakagok]When Morning Comes
So I've been working on Ganakagok, where people play tribal hunters on a fantastical iceberg-island as a thousand year long night comes to its end. I'm pretty satisfied with how…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bill_White, Andrew Morris, TonyLB, Mike Holmes.

4/1/2005 avidreader: [The Last Word]: An Experiment in Letter-Tile RPG Mechanics
The idea for the mechanics of The Last Word have been percolating at the back of my mind since November 2003. I was working on a collection of word games,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: avidreader, Paul Czege, FzGhouL.

4/1/2005 Domhnall: Harnmaster Review?
I have searched and cannot find anyone from the Forge doing a review of Harnmaster. This game sounds like my own in spirit and I wanted to hear its pros…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Domhnall, klapton, daMoose_Neo, ethan_greer, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, contracycle, Eero Tuovinen.

4/1/2005 Emily Care: rpgs being designed by women
Hey there, I just took a gander at John Kim's bigass list of games and looking back year by year I was struck by how few women's names I saw.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Emily Care, Green, Bardsandsages, Vaxalon, Frank T, daMoose_Neo, Margaret, Zahtevnik, Kat Miller, Paul Czege, Meguey, Paul's Girl, itesser, daemonchild, MatrixGamer, nikola.

4/2/2005 ChrisJaxn: [whispers] resolution mechanic
I've mentioned my game here before, but only briefly, so I'll recap, and then ask my question. Whispers is a game where the players take control of pieces of some…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ChrisJaxn, xenopulse.

4/4/2005 Kilor Di: [Terrae Novae] Minion Classes
Normally, I would post the link for my notes on Terrae Novae, but those notes are so out of date it's almost funny. Almost. Minion classes (classes that either summon,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kilor Di, tj333, Bob the Fighter.

4/5/2005 Shreyas Sampat: Locating Cruft in Mridangam
So, I've been working on this game Mridangam. (Sorry about linking; it's just not the same without the inline images and so forth.) Anyway, I'm looking at the section called…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Shreyas Sampat.

4/6/2005 daemonchild: Idea for a game (Occupation)
Hi, (Thanks to Mike Holmes for recommending me to post here.) I have an idea for a game I'd like to write. Here are the specifics: GAME QUESTION: An alien…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daemonchild, kenjib, Andrew Morris, Emily Care, Mike Holmes.

4/6/2005 Illuminarch: Eternal Empire: The Basics
I've been working on a game/novel setting for about a year now called Eternal Empire. The setting involves humans (and their offshoots) on another world, who, having survived your standard…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Illuminarch.

4/7/2005 dysjunct: [My Life With Bigotry] first look!
[size=18px]My Life With Bigotry[/size] (inspired by the gay-marriage threads in the Birthday forum) [u][b]Introduction[/b][/u] Like MLWM, this game is about the tragic things people do to each other in pursuit…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: dysjunct, Bob the Fighter, Asrogoth, Bill Masek, Frank T, Mike Holmes.

4/7/2005 TonyLB: [TNaRPG] Dibs! I called it!
Inspired by this thread over on, I have thought of a wonderful puff-piece of a game to write: That's Not an RPG!, the RPG I think the way to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Gaerik, daMoose_Neo, Aman the Rejected, Selene Tan, Brendan, Mike Holmes, MatrixGamer, killacozzy.

4/7/2005 Jasper: [Trials Distilled] Describing credibility
I'm still hacking away at the text of Trials of the Grail: Distilled (go to the link in my sig if you want to read about it) and I'd appreciate…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jasper, Garbanzo.

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