Previous Topics In Indie Game Design 9/30/2005 Ron Edwards: [Cutthroat] Ronnies feedback As I read through Cutthroat and kept taking notes, I kept saying to myself, "Another problem here, another here, oh look, another here," and assuming the game was going into… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick, Gregor Hutton, lumpley, tygertyger.
9/30/2005 Kynn: [Wandering Monsters High School] Three Answers, and Request for Advice WMHS is my 24-hour RPG I did earlier this year. I got some great feedback on it, including an "A" from the fellow who reviews the 24-hour games. But I'm… In Indie Game Design Participants: Kynn, Justin Marx, jasonm, c.
9/30/2005 TonyLB: [Misery Bubblegum] What Truths matter? I've been trying to codify the thoughts discussed in Opinion and Truth. The problem I'm hitting is that "Truth" is such a wide category that it's almost impossible to get… In Indie Game Design Participants: TonyLB, 1of3, Joshua BishopRoby.
9/29/2005 Kynn: [WMHS] Mind Over Alma Mater To get myself back in the mindset of writing for Wandering Monsters High School, I spent a couple hours tonight writing up a quick six-page PDF file that adds psionics… In Indie Game Design Participants: Kynn.
9/29/2005 Ron Edwards: [Rats in the Walls] Ronnies feedback Hello,
Time for some feedback for a winner! As games rolled in, Rats in the Walls was the first entry to make me sit up and say "Wins," without any… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, Wolfen, Sydney Freedberg.
9/29/2005 JSDiamond: All's quiet... second draft pdf Here is the second draft with the suggestions by Ron and Callan. I've yet to work out the modifier value tweaks.
In Indie Game Design Participants: JSDiamond, Selene Tan.
9/28/2005 Jediblack: Eloquence Fantasy Roleplaying Game Hi folks,
I wrote this little (one page) rpg. It's a parody, nothing more than a joke, but I think it's amusing. I tried to insert "table mechanics"… In Indie Game Design Participants: Jediblack, Mike Holmes.
9/28/2005 Tobaselly: [Fate Walkers] New Game Concept. Please abuse. :) I was thinking of a basic narrative competative game that i'm calling Fate Walkers right now. There is no storyteller/GM person in the game and the game mechanics are half… In Indie Game Design Participants: Tobaselly, Halzebier, Mike Holmes, Arturo G., Joshua BishopRoby, Troy_Costisick.
9/28/2005 Ron Edwards: [Guilt & Frustration[/url][/b] Ronnies feedback Hello,
Considering that Peter Nordstrand has already started a good thread about Guilt and Frustration in , I figured I'd support that practice and write its feedback up… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, Peter Nordstrand.
9/28/2005 Ron Edwards: [Want] Ronnies feedback Hello,
I'm writing up the games more or less in order of submission, but it might strike me to do otherwise along the way. For instance, sooner or later I… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman.
9/28/2005 Ron Edwards: [Ratpack] Ronnies feedback Hello,
Finally! The first round of the Ronnies had to end during the most frantic two weeks of my year so far. I have tons of notes on every game,… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, Bob Goat, tygertyger, Gregor Hutton, Miskatonic.
9/27/2005 epweissengruber: Equat1on -- any buzz? While at Phantasm, I came across the game Equat1on.
It is a sci-fi game that claims to support both tabletop and LARP play. I saw it playtested and it resolved… In Indie Game Design Participants: epweissengruber, Justin D. Jacobson.
9/27/2005 Smithy: [The Big House] Exapnded Mechanics & The Lockdown Thanks again to everyone who commented on my last thread. I have posted the current draft of The Big House here--although not all filled in yet, I think there's almost… In Indie Game Design Participants: Smithy.
9/27/2005 Savveh: How can i make RPGs? I saw some programs and stuff but whats the best program to download or if i dont even have to id love that. In Indie Game Design Participants: Savveh, Sydney Freedberg, TonyLB.
9/26/2005 TonyLB: [Misery Bubblegum] Opinion and Truth I sum up my concern in the Hogwarts 90210 Actual Play thread. Super-executive summary: It's more fun for someone to have an opinion ("Sydney's a double agent") than for them… In Indie Game Design Participants: TonyLB, LordSmerf, Doug Ruff, 1of3, Sydney Freedberg, Graham Walmsley, Shawn De Arment, Joshua BishopRoby.
9/26/2005 Ben Lehman: [Want] Tuning Hatred This is a thread regarding <i>Want</i>, my entry to Ron's contest. Perhaps not surprisingly, I don't agree with him that the game is half-baked in terms of overall story structure,… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ben Lehman.
9/25/2005 BlU_sKrEEm: 24-Hour Games (split) Howdy My name is Caleb Jensen, and I just submitted my first game. It's called Spazz
When I started I wanted to make a system where people ate… In Indie Game Design Participants: BlU_sKrEEm, Ron Edwards, Kynn.
9/25/2005 Tobaselly: [Fractured Destinies] Hi everyone, I figured I would introduce myself adn the game I'm working on before I start posting alot on the boards.
My name is Kevin Kime and my game… In Indie Game Design Participants: Tobaselly, knicknevin, Troy_Costisick, Joshua BishopRoby, Adam Dray.
9/24/2005 pasoliati: [Coat of Arms] first draft COAT OF ARMS
by Aaron Brown (with ideas stolen from Adam Cerling’s “Ends and Means” and ideas and text stolen from Mark Whithers’s “Anti-Pool Variation”)
The Setting and Situation
There… In Indie Game Design Participants: pasoliati, MikeSands, Joshua BishopRoby, TonyLB, Tobaselly.
9/24/2005 apemantus: A new game, a new member. Realm by Apemantus. Hi!
My name is Apemantus, and I'm new to the Forge, but I've been playing RPG's (mainly D&D) for a while now. I'm in the process of designing my own… In Indie Game Design Participants: apemantus, Jasper, LordSmerf, knicknevin, greyorm, Certified, Kynn, nsruf, MrSandman666.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In Indie Game Design 9/30/2005 Graham Walmsley: [Get Out...] A less lame mechanic I'm revising my Ronnies entry, "Get Out Get Away Get Wise Get Back Get Even". The game is about running for your life, taking its cue from movies like "The… In Indie Game Design Participants: Graham Walmsley, Smithy, Ron Edwards, rbingham2000, Sydney Freedberg.
9/30/2005 chris_moore: [pulp heroes] How will our hero...? Have you ever watched a movie / read a book where you know that the hero is going to win/escape/whatever, but there's a moment in there where you think, "HOW… In Indie Game Design Participants: chris_moore, Tobaselly, Joshua BishopRoby, Noon, TonyLB.
10/1/2005 sean2099: Divinity: Asking for critique I have a website at
I am developing a game with a universal setting where players take on the role of minor deities or other beings with a similar… In Indie Game Design Participants: sean2099, Kynn.
10/1/2005 JSDiamond: Alls quiet... 3rd draft I've high-lighted the new bits in green shadow boxes. The GM's use of special cards is finally set, as is the definitions of "types" of actions. In Indie Game Design Participants: JSDiamond.
10/1/2005 mutex: Dice Mechanics: Printable Paper Teetotums... really. So, I was reading Greg Costikyan's blog, and he was referring to some (I think) 19th century games that were played using a teetotum instead of dice. A teetotum is… In Indie Game Design Participants: mutex, JSDiamond, JakeVanDam, Graham Walmsley, Vaxalon, Joshua BishopRoby, Shreyas Sampat.
10/1/2005 Matt Gwinn: [Fragile Minds] My new Game Well, I finally motivated myself to start working on a new game. It's called Fragile Minds and it's a 2 player game about obsession. One player plays a Serial Killer… In Indie Game Design Participants: Matt Gwinn, Ben Lehman, WhiteRat, lumpley, Paul Czege.
10/2/2005 Ron Edwards: [The End of the World] Ronnies feedback Hello,
Wow - Nick Wedig's The End of the World is a fantastic blend of Dead Meat, Otherkind, and The Mountain Witch - neat! It speaks directly to a lot… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, mrteapot, majcher, Jason Petrasko.
10/2/2005 Ron Edwards: [Get Out Get Away Get Wise Get Back Get Even] Ronnies feedback Hello,
Unfortunately, both "suburb" and "hatred" are the weakest elements of Graham Walmsley's Get Out Get Away Get Wise Get Back Get Even - otherwise, it'd be a winner.
Fixing… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, Graham Walmsley, Sydney Freedberg.
10/2/2005 Kynn: [Wandering Monsters HS] Generalizing Conflict As currently written, the Wandering Monsters High School rules allow students to attack each other physically, or with spells.
These are resolved as opposed checks of the relevant "grade" (WMHS-speak… In Indie Game Design Participants: Kynn, 1of3.
10/2/2005 Frank T: [BARBAREN!] The Attribute Thread Alright, better late than never. This ist he BARBAREN! Attribute Thread. In this playtest report, Ron suggested that the Attribtes existence is forfeit. Ben said as much when he visited… In Indie Game Design Participants: Frank T, Ron Edwards, 1of3, Sean.
10/2/2005 Ron Edwards: [One Can Have Her] Ronnies feedback Hello,
I've always wanted to see a role-playing game wrapped around a pure example of the Prisoner's Dilemma. Jonas Karlsson's One Can Have Her nails it, specifically the iterated version,… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, Graham Walmsley, Jonas Karlsson.
10/2/2005 Ron Edwards: [Darling Grove] Ronnies feedback Hello,
John Laviolette's Darling Grove was a very strong candidate, one of the best examples of using the stated key terms. It also offers the only positive version of this… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, talysman.
10/2/2005 Ron Edwards: [Sloat & Larkin] Ronnies feedback Hello,
Nick Moffitt's Sloat and Larkin was one of the few entries that make me go, "Hey, that's a really neat and unexpected use of the terms." It starts with… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, tygertyger.
10/2/2005 Ron Edwards: [Attack of the Giant Rats] Ronnies feedback Hello,
Moving right along! Here are my comments on Attack of the Giant Rats by Manu Saxena, again, pretty much just my notes.
This is Planet of the Rats, Simulationist-style,… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards.
10/2/2005 Ron Edwards: [I Think My Girlfriend Hates Me] Ronnies feedback Hello,
Look, it's Nicotine Girls II, evil version! Which is to say, Sean Musgrave's I Think My Girlfriend Hates Me. It reminds me a lot of the movie Hexed, and… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, sirogit.
10/3/2005 Ron Edwards: [Space Rat] Ronnies feedback Hello,
Yaaaayy! This was another of the very few games which, upon reading, I sat right up and said "Winner, winner!" It was also the only Ronnies entry which had… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, tygertyger, Dantai, Miskatonic, Graham Walmsley, Rusty.
10/3/2005 Ribonucleic: FUDGE-y Action Resolution using 3d6 : thoughts? Apologies in advance if this has been covered before, but I didn't find anything when doing a forum search...
I'm considering using FUDGE as the foundation for a new project.… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ribonucleic, Rob Carriere.
10/3/2005 Ron Edwards: [All Growed Up] Ronnies feedback ALL GROWED UP, STEVE HICKEY
Steve Hickey's All Growed Up is probably the strongest hate/alienation game regarding the suburbs among the entries. It reminds me of the films To… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, Graham Walmsley, hix, GreatWolf.
10/3/2005 Ron Edwards: [The Great Rat Raid] Ronnies feedback Hello,
Seth Ben-Ezra's The Great Rat Raid has a lot in common with Ratpack, in terms of rats roaming about and having adventures. Play seems like an interesting cross between… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, tygertyger.
10/3/2005 Jake Boone: [Pentarch] Boffer LARP design I began trying to create a reasonable ruleset some time before discovering the Forge (and I wish I'd run across it sooner), however, I had a few preexisting rules-of-thumb to… In Indie Game Design Participants: Jake Boone, JonasB, John Burdick, Andrew Morris, Shreyas Sampat, rrr, Graham Walmsley, Sven, Matt, Simon Marks, Lig, Merten, daHob.
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