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In Indie Game Design

4/23/2002 mallninja0088: An RPG in development.
Right now I am working on creating an RPG. I want it to be flexible enough to play about any genre of games(not fantasy though.), but have a specific setting.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: mallninja0088, Valamir.

4/23/2002 Paganini: Break Time - How to Cheat Death without really trying
GRR. Just hit the wrong button on my keyboard and caused the Forge to eat my post. Oh well... text reconstruction commences. So, I was beating my brains out last…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Henry Fitch, Wolfen.

4/22/2002 Paganini: Cornerstone Beta
Hi all... it's been a while, but I've finally had some more time to work on my game. I've got a "finished" version of Cornerstone ready for folks to look…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini.

4/22/2002 Bailey: Weapon Damage in Men of Teak
I'm stumped for how to handle the damage of a weapon in my Men of Teak game due to a contradiction that exists in my aims. 1. The game is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bailey, Paganini, Ron Edwards.

4/22/2002 Daredevil: Gothic
Heya, Gothic is my very tentative name for a fairly narrativist game of -- well -- gothic horror. The name itself is a loaded one and I think wrongly suspect…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Daredevil, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Fabrice G., Mike Holmes, Blake Hutchins.

4/19/2002 Brian Hose: defining the game and goals
Hi everybody (all chorus: Hi doctor Nick) I don't want to steal Wolfen's thunder but I've maybe hit a snag which has something to do with some things in this…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Brian Hose, Ron Edwards, Matt, Mike Holmes.

4/19/2002 J B Bell: Apocalypse Whenever
OK, here I finally go. I've stayed away form discussing this because this particular baby of mine has a lot of (unnecessary) emotional freight associated with it. But maybe it's…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: J B Bell, Henry Fitch.

4/19/2002 xiombarg: Faster, Better, Cheaper: Pick Two
Yes, I finally have a beta of this game out. Please check it out and let me know what you think. Note that I've stolen a mechanic from Donjon…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg, Walt Freitag, Valamir, Clinton R. Nixon.

4/19/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Ygg take 3
Ok, I tried to make up a little better game example to be able to do something like Roy suggested in his thread. Tell me if you think I'm heading…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Fabrice G., Andrew Martin, Ron Edwards, contracycle, Valamir, Le Joueur, Wolfen, Walt Freitag.

4/18/2002 Andy Kitkowski: Why do my best ideas come when I'm busiest?
This is a topic not on the mechanics/structure etc of a game, but the game design process itself. I just had a question out there, looking for other people with…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, greyorm, Andrew Martin, Tyrant.

4/18/2002 Tyrant: Damage Ratings
Random or Set? This is the main point of contention in the rules system I am writing at the moment.. Should a Large Handgun do 4-5 points of damage or…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tyrant, Jared A. Sorensen, Zak Arntson, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Wolfen.

4/18/2002 Ron Edwards: Beef injection: Bob McNamee's Tarot Story Game
Hi there, The Beef Injection series of threads is my bid to focus our attention and effort on some game presentations that got swamped in the recent wave of posts…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Bob McNamee.

4/18/2002 Ron Edwards: Beef injection: Sean Demory's Le Mon Mouri
Hello, The Beef Injection series of threads is my bid to focus our attention and effort on some game presentations that got swamped in the recent wave of posts at…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, sdemory, Mike Holmes, rafael, Buddha Nature, Paganini.

4/17/2002 Ron Edwards: Beef Injection: Tim Denee's Punk
Hello, The Beef Injection series of threads is my bid to focus our attention and effort on some game presentations that got swamped in the recent wave of posts at…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Henry Fitch, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Tim Denee, Laurel, J B Bell, Ben Morgan, Bankuei, contracycle, Jürgen Mayer, Jared A. Sorensen, gizem, unodiablo, Bailey.

4/16/2002 angelfromanotherpin: Realistic Treatment of High-Powered Magic
Hello, this is my first post to this forum. First up, as a newbod, I may unknowingly violate unwritten posting conventions. If there's a more appropriate place for this post,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: angelfromanotherpin, Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins, Valamir, Mike Holmes, contracycle, Laurel, Walt Freitag.

4/16/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Ygg setting - rebooting the thread
Ok, second attempt here. I'm starting a new thread instead of reviving the old one. I've recieved some heavy flak because of my use of the concept of "standard fantasy"…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir, Ron Edwards, contracycle, Walt Freitag, Ace.

4/16/2002 Tim Denee: Punk, coming at ya.
[url=]Check this out man[/url] I changed stuff. Too much to list here, really, but I've tried to incorporate all your wonderful suggestions. So, does it work?
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tim Denee, contracycle, Ben Morgan, amiel, Ferry Bazelmans, Ron Edwards, rafael, hardcoremoose.

4/16/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Ygg Combat Mechanics
Combat Hand-to-hand combat: Ok, I snip this from the old thread: 1. Combat is run according to initiative order. Initiative is 1D6+Movement 2. Attacking in close combat is resolved by…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Le Joueur, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

4/16/2002 Roy: Structured Game Design (Warning: Long Post)
While responding to another post, I mentioned the way I start designing RPGs. Ron thought it would be interesting to develop the idea further, so I'm starting a new thread…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Roy, Michael S. Miller, Laurel, RobMuadib, Andrew Martin, Black-Finn, lev_lafayette, Samael, Ron Edwards, Tomas HVM, jc_madden.

4/15/2002 RobMuadib: Comments wanted on Initiative System ideas.
Hi all I originally posted this on the rpg-create list at yahoo but didn't get any response, it was after the thread that had inspired it had wound down. It…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: RobMuadib, Henry Fitch, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Zak Arntson.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

4/24/2002 Paul Czege: how I made dice for The World, the Flesh, and the Devil
Hey, Some of you are aware that I'm prepping to run The World, the Flesh, and the Devil in a few weeks. Well, I made some dice and they…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paul Czege, Wolfen.

4/24/2002 Matt Snyder: Wake up!
A few Forgers already know that I’ve been working on a game called Dreamspire. After putting it off for a number of reasons -- real life issues, day job, freelance…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Snyder, Jason L Blair, hardcoremoose, Matt, Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins, Jürgen Mayer, Wolfen, Mike Holmes.

4/24/2002 Petter Sandelin: massmurder -a stg with real people
[b]Massmurderer[/b] “a storytelling game with [i]real[/i] people” You'll need a place to play at, where you can look out over people passing by. A bunch of sick friends also helps.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Petter Sandelin, Henry Fitch.

4/24/2002 RobMuadib: TMW:COTEC - Rewards and The Thrust of the System
Hi all My claim is that such a system will do best if the key value of play (and there will be one) is its core, rather than…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: RobMuadib, Andrew Martin, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, Le Joueur.

4/25/2002 Matt Snyder: Black Pawn, White Pawn
After some excellent discussion in the Wake up! thread, I've really been working to focus and fine-tune Dreamspire, its "aboutness," what The Wake up! thread had many good points, and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Snyder, hardcoremoose, Mike Holmes, Matt, Blake Hutchins, Walt Freitag, Zak Arntson, Wolfen, Jon H, Ron Edwards, wyrdlyng, Valamir, Nick Pagnucco.

4/25/2002 wyrdlyng: Need help evaluating dice mechanics
Here's the link to my previous post about this project. Now on the post... I've refocused on "Fulcrum" (working title) and am considering dice mechanics but quite honestly, I'm…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: wyrdlyng, Jack Spencer Jr, Jake Norwood, Mike Holmes, Andrew Martin.

4/26/2002 Kenway: The Salem Broomstickriders
Here's just a little something I'm working on. It's 1692. The PCs are all witches. They have a "secret identity" for the day, but at night they can choose to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kenway, Ron Edwards.

4/26/2002 Ferry Bazelmans: The Path of Doom - fledgeling S&S game needs input
I was reading through an article about heroes in Sword & Sorcery style fantasy and I got the game design jitters. What I have at the moment is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ferry Bazelmans, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, Zak Arntson, Blake Hutchins, Walt Freitag.

4/26/2002 Galfraxas: Two Little Dice, So Much Time
Howdy Forge Folks, I've just uploaded a new system to my website. It's called Two Little Dice, So Much Time (2LDSMT for short). It's available as a rather small .pdf…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Galfraxas, Laurel, Matt Snyder, Henry Fitch, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr.

4/26/2002 Henry Fitch: Music Thing
Yeah. Here's a plug-in type thing that occured to me a few minutes ago. I hope it belongs in this forum, I wasn't sure where to put it... Anyway, here's…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Henry Fitch, Tim Denee.

4/28/2002 Le Joueur: Should I Make This as an Announcement?
I've put up a number of new things down in the Scattershot forum that I would like help 'working through.' All are invited to participate in the development of our…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Le Joueur, Ron Edwards.

4/29/2002 Michael S. Miller: They called me mad at the university!
Did you ever have an idea that was meant for someone else's brain? Y'know, the Muse got too tired to complete the delivery to the right person, and just dropped…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Michael S. Miller, rafael, Ferry Bazelmans, Ron Edwards, Matt, Mike Holmes.

4/29/2002 Nathan: You Are A Maggot-Infested Sewer Goat! (Initiative?)
Hoping beyond hopes that my topic thread is not force-changed by Clinton R. Nixon (aka ForumGod), I have a colorful strange idea for initiative in EAK. Right now, you see,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathan, Ron Edwards, Laurel, Walt Freitag, Paul Czege, Matt Gwinn, contracycle, Bob McNamee.

4/29/2002 Nathan: Initiative - No This Time It's A GAME!
Hi again, I am about to leave town, so I better post this. Initiative: A Game Controlled By Those Who Are the Most Speedy Game concept: a multi-genre system…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathan.

4/30/2002 xiombarg: From the Vaults: SOPLARP
Okay, here's a really old design of mine: The idea here was to create a LARP system that was simple enough to fit on one page, yet capable of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg, Mike Holmes, Nathan, Walt Freitag, Buddha Nature.

5/1/2002 Matt Steflik: Beer and Pretzels RPG (literally)
Hey there - Still messing about with Cola Wars, but a comment at the tail end of the CW thread regarding an "RPG drinking game" got me thinking. This is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Steflik.

5/2/2002 Rasmus: My fantasy RPG
Hi there My name is Rasmus and I have been working tirelessly for the last... 11 years on a role-playing game, game-motor and world which is now nearing competion. All…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Rasmus, Ferry Bazelmans, Ron Edwards, Paganini, Jack Spencer Jr, Bankuei.

5/4/2002 James V. West: Sneak Peep at Trollbabe Art
I just added a couple of drawings from Ron's Trollbabe to my website. Feel free to take a look when you get the itch... Thanks and have a better…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: James V. West, Jared A. Sorensen, Ben Morgan, Joe Murphy (Broin), Ron Edwards.

5/6/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Ygg sum
Ok, things evolving I feel. I started out thinking in terms of rather conventional terms but once here things started to transform into something different but better. I have some…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Le Joueur, Valamir.

5/6/2002 Jack Spencer Jr: The Impractical Wheel
This is linked to my Practicality thread over in RPG Theory. Basically, I took a step back from my game and noticed a serious flaw, or I think it is.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, jjkahrs.

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