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In Indie Game Design

12/16/2003 Sindyr: oops
bad post
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sindyr.

12/16/2003 Sindyr: Has this way of doing initiative been thought of before?
I present this as in idea for people to comment on, tweak, use in whole or in part, etc - with the understanding that I retain any and all rights…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sindyr, Zathreyel, Andrew Martin, qxjit, Darcy Burgess.

12/14/2003 Amomentarylapseofsanity: Ritual magic system - need some advice
Hi everyone, this is my first post and I tend to ramble, so you'll have to bear with me. I'm working on a fantasy game, where magic is an important…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Amomentarylapseofsanity, greyorm, anonymouse, M. J. Young, Andrew Martin, Mike Holmes.

12/14/2003 anonymouse: MARKED: You vs. the Universe
(Playtest will be in next few days, come hell or high water, so look for something in Actual Play! This is the first thing I've managed to finish that I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: anonymouse, bifevo, Demada, qxjit.

12/12/2003 Kilor Di: Magic-Techno RPGs
(From my post on the Planet AD&D Forums, under the name Kilor Di) I'm currently in the process of making a PnP game that takes place in a world of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kilor Di, Andrew Martin, M. J. Young, Knarf, b_bankhead, anonymouse, bifevo, Urandal.

12/11/2003 anonymouse: Hero-Adventurer Correspondence School
So I'm killing time here in the jury assembly room. I've had this little concept (based directly off the old Quest for Glory series of PC games) in my head…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: anonymouse.

12/11/2003 bifevo: Modern-Day Divinities RPG - Develop or Discard?
Greetings. Please forgive this being my first post - I rack up many views of threads but few posts. For some time I have had the idea of a divine…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: bifevo, Marhault, greyorm, bluegargantua, Christopher Weeks, Mike Holmes, Erick Wujcik.

12/11/2003 Dev: [Active Exploits] Scene-framing and resource-management
This post is mainly to ask for recommendations about modifying this system, but it may prove some greater value. To quickly summarize the system (while leaving out Extraneous System Detail):…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dev.

12/11/2003 redivider: 26 Ways: the Game of Alphabetic Action (looking for feedback
Hi, I’m posting a 2 page summary of a game I’m working on. The 12 page pdf with all the rules and more examples is available on line at…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: redivider, Emily Care, MachMoth, Paul Czege.

12/10/2003 Nathan: Barbarians And Alien Invaders From the Stars?!?
Greets folks, It has been a while since my last post, but I just finished a six page game that is light, fun, and cool. I like it -- I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathan.

12/10/2003 Space Cowboy: Level of Detail of Corebook (v. Supplement)?
Hey all, How's it going? I hope that everything is well with you. The writing for Wild Sphere is in the final phase. As a result, an interesting issue has…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Space Cowboy, M. J. Young, Roy, Andrew Martin, Ron Edwards.

12/9/2003 Harlequin: Space Dogfights - TROS mechanic (split)
I'm starting a fresh thread here because there's some really interesting worldbuilding going on in the original Space Dogfights thread and I'd like to somewhat divorce the mechanical discussion from…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Harlequin, MachMoth, Brian Leybourne, Wolfen, Jake Norwood, LordSmerf, Mike Holmes, contracycle, Overdrive.

12/9/2003 signoftheserpent: roll lowest sweet chariot
From a review for a boardgame the name of which escapes me now on comes this idea which strikes me as very simple and very effective. Ilike simple idaas.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: signoftheserpent, Christopher Weeks, Mike Holmes, SarimRune, Andrew Martin.

12/5/2003 Green: X-mas: a game of mischief, mayhem, and holiday cheer
I gave myself a Yuletide project this year, and that is to design a game based around Christmas. Although I've been working on it off and on since spring, since…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Green, Nathan, Andrew Martin, James V. West, Doctor Xero.

12/4/2003 lictor: Action Tales! System Mechanic
Hello All, I have working on a Pulp themed game 'Action Tales', and due to creative issues have moved from using an open licence System to an in house system…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: lictor, Jeph, Matt Wilson, MachMoth, Mike Holmes, kenjib.

12/4/2003 Matt Wilson: [Primetime Adventures] Share the Love!
I just posted the latest draft of rules for Primetime Adventures for free public consumption. The pdf is nothing pretty, but I felt like sharing. You can get it here:…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Wilson, Alan.

12/2/2003 Dregg: [Bad Muthas] Car chase mechanics & 3D
Hello, I'm fairly new to the list and wanted to say hello before I toss out my thoughts and question. I am currently working on a Blaxploitaion/70 Action RPG, and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dregg, contracycle, Mike Holmes, gobi, abzu, Malechi.

12/1/2003 Valamir: Robots & Rapiers: Design Change ideas
Had an opportunity to do some more playtesting this weekend. Conceptually the game is pretty tight, and I'm mostly happy with the mechanics except for two areas. 1) Handling time.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Valamir, GreatWolf, Mike Holmes, LordSmerf, montag, hix, gobi.

12/1/2003 Jeph: Sci Fi Action Theater
(This is, as usual for me, cross posted with RPG.Net's tAoGD forum. An attempt to create a rules-light scifi game emulating various TV serials, mostly Sim-oriented with a few quirks.)…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jeph, MachMoth.

11/30/2003 Dumirik: Nightscape: Nightmares and Barbarity in the Wastelands
Ok. I think I have it now. The second official draft copy of Nightscape is now finished. Sorry it took so long, but it's not as if anyone was on…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dumirik, Clinton R. Nixon.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

12/17/2003 Dev: Heavy on the Metarules: Good thing?
The way my project has been involving (the Great American Space-Western, at this point), much of the rules I'm considing are "metarules" compared to what most would consider the fundamental…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dev, Andrew Martin, Mike Holmes.

12/17/2003 Kilor Di: Handbooks
Never mind...too distasteful even for me.
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kilor Di.

12/17/2003 Kilor Di: Vampires in PnP
How many PnP games that people are working on feature vampires? Mine kind of does, in a half-***ed way.
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kilor Di, greyorm, Mike Holmes, C. Edwards, Belac, anonymouse, Rich Stokes.

12/17/2003 Ben Lehman: Tactics: Mechanics
For a discussion of responsibility management and group challenge, as well as an introduction to the game design goals, please see the previous thread for Tactics: In this thread…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, Dev, LordSmerf.

12/18/2003 joao.mariano: New Game Dice Convention : Could you review it please?
I'm working in a dice pool system with what I think is a fairly original dice convention: Random action resolution requires the usage of a variable number of 6-sided dice…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: joao.mariano, Jeph, Valamir, Sindyr, MachMoth, Darcy Burgess, Walt Freitag, Mike Holmes, Andrew Martin, Paganini.

12/18/2003 Calithena: [Shifter]
OK - preface - I have no intention to actually publish this game, it's a system to facilitate something I'm doing with a friend. You can find a discussion of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Calithena, Ben Lehman, RaconteurX, Valamir.

12/18/2003 MachMoth: Personal Embarressment and Self Deprecation at it's best.
Well, being as I'm getting close to actually releasing a beta worthy game, fate decided to slap me one. In a routine search of some old hard disks, I found…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: MachMoth, xiombarg.

12/18/2003 halohand: Pagoda Armor and other questions
Just some questions concerning Pagoda. My group and I plan on testing it out this weekend but started wondering about certain elements of the game. 1. On the Character Sheet…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: halohand, Jeph.

12/19/2003 b_bankhead: Ship and the Stars: Design Notes ,Premise and Characters
The Ship and the Stars: Notes for a new kind of SF game Part 1 : Defining the Premises Introduction This material grew almost against my own will from a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: b_bankhead, Dev, Matt Wilson, John Harper.

12/19/2003 b4d0m3n: [Dice Mechanics] Could you help?
Hello. I haven't really posted here before, but I have recently learned of the juicy goodness of this site and now have a few questions. I posted this on RPGNet…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: b4d0m3n, anonymouse, Andrew Martin.

12/21/2003 Nawara: The Perfect Skill List?
Hi, my name's Jeff and I'm new to this forum. Anyway, I need some help designing a versatile skill list for a modern-day, comedy/drama political RPG (think of a cross…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nawara, Jeph, Jack Spencer Jr, Christopher Weeks, Andrew Martin, M. J. Young.

12/21/2003 AdAstraGames: RPGs without Kewl Powerz
I'm at a bit of a conundrum here. I have a setting in development (The Ten Worlds), as the backdrop for Attack Vector: Tactical. The setting is non-gritty hard science…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: AdAstraGames, xiombarg, Andrew Martin, M. J. Young, Zathreyel, ethan_greer, Bankuei, Doctor Xero.

12/22/2003 Gwen: Forum Based Sapce Game
A lot my friends have moved away and so we don't get to roleplay like we used to- some have even moved to other parts of the world which makes…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gwen, anonymouse, Dev.

12/22/2003 b4d0m3n: Ultimate Attributes List?
Alright, homeboys. This is what I've got it down to: Killin’ (an’ doin’) STRength DEXterity STAmina Thunkin’ (an’ clevers) PERception INTelligence WITs Talkin’ (an’ plottin’, an’ lookin’) CHARisma MANipulation APPearance…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: b4d0m3n, Valamir, Anthony I, Endoperez, Ben Lehman, failrate, gobi, Nawara, CthulhuPriest, Scourge108, M. J. Young, J B Bell, Autocrat, Shreyas Sampat, Deadboy, Sean, Dav, Ron Edwards, Zoetrope10, artofmagic, WyldKarde.

12/23/2003 Dilly Green Bean Games: The Basic System, thoughts and why
Recently our company put to use a set of rules that originally was just supposed to be a gag. But we are finding people are taking to it. It was…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dilly Green Bean Games, Mike Holmes, Andrew Martin, Dregg, Spooky Fanboy, jeffjones, steelcaress, Jasper, Jack Aidley.

12/25/2003 b_bankhead: Ship and the Stars: Sol's Children ,a small ship series
To show that Ship and the Stars can deal with different space westerns I have developed this series background for a concept I develped long ago, a sciene fiction game…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: b_bankhead.

12/25/2003 b_bankhead: Ship and the Stars pt2 Worlds and Adventures
The Ship and the Stars part 2. Worlds and adventures In a space-western what is the reason for a world? The reason for a world is to be a place…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: b_bankhead, Matt Wilson, Zathreyel, Doctor Xero.

12/25/2003 b4d0m3n: Percentile Mechanic - Proposal and Questions
I was wondering if you could help me with a percentile system. I need something snappy... simple which will not get in the way of anything. It's kind of like…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: b4d0m3n, Andrew Martin, Valamir.

12/26/2003 Jediblack: Vice City RPG
Do you know GTA Vice CIty? I've had so much fun playing with it that I'd like make a rpg. Basic Ideas 1. No attribute at all. We don't need…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jediblack, Phillip, Mike Holmes, failrate.

12/27/2003 apeiron: Opposed/Split Traits Suggestions
@ Will you help me come up with some more of these opposed traits? @ The idea is to have two traits (attributes/qualities etc) that are in opposition. You have…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: apeiron, Shreyas Sampat, Troy_Costisick, Andrew Martin.

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