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In Universalis

4/4/2010 wburdick: Good Characters, Evil Players
Here's my attempt to make an adventure-party style RPG based on Blood Red Sands.  The players each have their own PC, along with story components.  Overall play follows BRS' model:…
In Universalis
Participants: wburdick.

3/30/2010 wburdick: The mechanics of betrayal, selfishness, and heroic death
One of the things I find most intriguing is that the "GM" player is supposed to use story telling to actively improve his position as a player and nerf the…
In Universalis
Participants: wburdick, Valamir.

3/28/2010 wburdick: Other Games Like Blood Red Sands
Remember I posted about premade settings for Universalis a few years back?  I think you did a really good one with Blood Red Sands!  I'm sure you've thought a lot…
In Universalis
Participants: wburdick.

3/7/2010 davout1805: Worldbuilding: Looking for samples
Hello, I'd like to use Universalis to create my campaign setting. I'm looking for any demos, samples, game logs, etc of game sessions of Universalis used for setting creation. Does…
In Universalis
Participants: davout1805, Valamir.

12/7/2009 Robotech_Master: Wishing for Universalis E-book
I would really like to have an e-book version of Universalis. And by e-book, I don't mean PDF (although a PDF would be better than nothing). Since there aren't a…
In Universalis
Participants: Robotech_Master.

11/10/2009 folderol: Thanks and some questions :)
First of all, a big thanks to Ralph & Mike for this fabulous game! Being an former D&D player (many many years ago), the freedom experienced while playing Universalis is…
In Universalis
Participants: folderol, EvilCat, JoyWriter, Valamir, David Artman.

11/5/2009 wolfgray: Wiki, Email, or Wave Game?
Anyone doing a online universalis game in Wiki, Email, or google wave?
In Universalis
Participants: wolfgray, EvilCat, David Artman, exedore6, Robotech_Master.

9/7/2009 fealoro: Universalis by Forum
Hi all Has anyone tried to run some Universalis game by forum? How does it run? There is some gimmick that could be useful? Thanks
In Universalis
Participants: fealoro, EvilCat.

7/31/2009 Jedyte: How do you record?
Hi guys, Just played my first Universalis game. The thing my group had some difficulty with doing in a clear way, is keep the Record. How do you guys do…
In Universalis
Participants: Jedyte, EvilCat, Valamir.

5/22/2009 EvilCat: Trait questions
After several games, there is one thing that bothers me. Traits. They describe components, pump their importance, and can be drawn upon for dice in complications. Other facts cannot be…
In Universalis
Participants: EvilCat, Valamir, David Artman.

5/7/2009 Valamir: Blood Red Sands Beta V3.0 is now available.
A competitive, in your face, testosterone fueled role playing experience in a brutal, over the top, heavy metal world of savagery and dark sorcery. Download the playtest rules and play…
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir, Troy_Costisick.

3/27/2009 EvilCat: A game of naval horror looking for more players!
Game is already in process, but just began. You can read it here. Tenets: Story elements - Naval adventure. Lovecraft-esque horror. Pseudo-historic setting of Elizabethan time. Moral choice between…
In Universalis
Participants: EvilCat.

1/23/2009 Robotech_Master: Universalis + Ficlets
You know, I wish I had thought to propose this while was still alive. Up until earlier this month, there was a website run under the auspices of AOL…
In Universalis
Participants: Robotech_Master, snej.

1/23/2009 Robotech_Master: Universalis @ VisionCon, Springfield MO, this weekend (maybe)
I'm going to be at VisionCon at the Clarion in Springfield, Missouri with a copy of Universalis, a bag of D10s, and a box of poker chips. I'll be staffing…
In Universalis
Participants: Robotech_Master.

1/10/2009 daemonjax: Rules (Challenge/Interrupt/Tenet/Gimmicks) Clarification Request...
Forgive my ignorance of the rules as written, but just to cement these things in my head...  1) You can challenge another player's introduction of a fact at any time…
In Universalis
Participants: daemonjax, Valamir.

11/22/2008 deinol: Universalis Review
Just posted my Universalis Review:
In Universalis
Participants: deinol, Valamir.

11/10/2008 fuxoft: "My Queen,the fire was set as per your orders" - Confused about Rulebook example
Hello there. I am fascinated by Universalis and I just tried our first game (after translating the main game terms into Czech for my fellow players). We made many mistakes…
In Universalis
Participants: fuxoft, Eero Tuovinen, Valamir.

11/2/2008 EvilCat: Are there any Universalis gaming communities online?
I got to know this wonderful system during an RPG event in my city, but currently I reside in other, smaller town with no RPG community. Suffice to say, I…
In Universalis
Participants: EvilCat, Lord Goon, Trevis Martin.

10/14/2008 LemmingLord: Zero or Less on One Side of a Complication
The question came up recently - what happens if one side of the complication is at 0 or less dice at the time everyone decides to resolve? Is it just…
In Universalis
Participants: LemmingLord, Valamir.

7/27/2008 Jumanji83: Advice sought for introducing Universalis in a con
This fall, I will be running games for the first time at a con (Draconis, in Montreal), and one of the game I'm thinking of maybe running is Universalis. Now,…
In Universalis
Participants: Jumanji83, David Artman.

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Subsequent Topics
In Universalis

10/14/2010 Valamir: Universalis monthly sales since 2002
[url=][/url] Having just completed my semi annual update to my inventory and sales numbers I though I'd put the number up on my website as an item of general publishing…
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir, Artanis, mreuther.

12/31/2010 jb.teller4: Universalis with kids?
So this actual play post got me thinking about using Universalis with kids. I have five kids, though only three are old enough to want to play (9 yo boy,…
In Universalis
Participants: jb.teller4.

3/16/2011 thousandlegs: Wanting to buy Universalis; waiting list?
I first wrote down "buy Universalis" several years ago, and then life intervened. Now a friend and I really both want to buy the book, but it's out of stock…
In Universalis
Participants: thousandlegs, juliusz, Eero Tuovinen, jjafuller.

more subsequent topics >>