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In Universalis

9/13/2002 Tony Irwin: Tony's first game
Greetings from Scotland folks. You'll be pleased to know that you now have 6 "Universalis Otaku" on the other side of the world. Nice (and perhaps a little weird) to…
In Universalis
Participants: Tony Irwin, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

9/12/2002 J B Bell: Role vagueness & cost to change
My last (and first) game of Universalis had me coming up with the excruciatingly boring Roles of "Man #1" and "Man #2". I characterized them with dialogue (talking for two…
In Universalis
Participants: J B Bell, Bob McNamee, Roy, Mike Holmes, Valamir.

9/9/2002 Bob McNamee: Bob's First Game (2 player)
Hi all! I finally got the chance to play Universalis. It was a two player game with just myself and my wife (who is fairly a novice to roleplaying, but…
In Universalis
Participants: Bob McNamee, Valamir.

9/9/2002 J B Bell: IRC add-on
Just a few minutes ago I wrapped up a nice session of online Universalis. An invisible world, laid over our own, with inhabitants bound to unbreakable laws and vows; 1920s…
In Universalis
Participants: J B Bell, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Paganini.

9/7/2002 Matt Gwinn: Universalis, D20 and The Wheel of Time
For the last month or so my Friday gaming group has been playing The Wheel of Time. Things where not very exciting and we didn't accomplish very much in the…
In Universalis
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Tony Irwin.

9/6/2002 Valamir: Universalis Art Contest
Due to certain logistics issues, we are extending the "Universe Alice" Art Contest. Ron Edwards of Adept Press has graciously offered a $50.00 prize to the winner. The rules are…
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir, Jason L Blair, Bob McNamee.

9/6/2002 Noah Wan: Universalis "Starter Box"
[color=darkred] Hello All, I'm either cracked or I like this game very very much. I went out today and bought index cards and an Index Card Box (hence 'Starter Box').…
In Universalis
Participants: Noah Wan, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Ayrizale, Bob McNamee.

9/4/2002 Noah Wan: Another Alternate Idea
[color=darkred]Good Morrow, If I remember correctly I have brought this up with Lael durring one of our Universalis sessions. I'd like any comments I can get on the idea. I…
In Universalis
Participants: Noah Wan, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Ayrizale.

9/4/2002 Roy: Roy's First Game -- The End
Well, we ended up finishing the game tonight instead of last night. We just got finished and it was a blast! I'm just going to post the scenes we created…
In Universalis
Participants: Roy, J B Bell, Mike Holmes.

9/3/2002 jburneko: What Impresses Me Most
Hello All, I'd just like to note that what impresses me most about Universalis is that it finally gives us a "storytelling" game that: A) Really IS a storytelling game.…
In Universalis
Participants: jburneko, Mike Holmes, Roy.

9/2/2002 Ayrizale: Alternate Startup Idea that we were kicking around
Hi, A friend and I were talking about an alternative way to get the game started and one idea that we came up with that sounded like it might be…
In Universalis
Participants: Ayrizale, J B Bell, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Noah Wan.

9/2/2002 Ayrizale: Men-In-Black
Ok, let me see what I can make of this past weekend’s game. I’ve got a half-inch thick stack of index cards that I need to go through and see…
In Universalis
Participants: Ayrizale, Roy, Mike Holmes, Noah Wan.

9/2/2002 Roy: Roy's First Game
Wow! That's the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of Universalis. Ralph and Mike, Universalis just takes my breath away! I can honestly say I've never…
In Universalis
Participants: Roy, Valamir, J B Bell, Bob McNamee, Mike Holmes.

9/1/2002 Ayrizale: Does this sound about right? :)
Just a doodle I worked up while playing a game tonight. Will post some more details of the game once I can sort it all out and make some sense…
In Universalis
Participants: Ayrizale, Mike Holmes.

8/29/2002 Jürgen Mayer: Universalis Review at
Look what I found:
In Universalis
Participants: Jürgen Mayer, Andrew Martin, Ayrizale, Mike Holmes.

8/23/2002 Ayrizale: Lael's Game
[quote="Mike Holmes"]Lael, I hope you get your play in. Looking forward very much to your review. [/quote] Actually, I'm planning to shanghai a small group of players (me and two…
In Universalis
Participants: Ayrizale, Mike Holmes, Valamir.

8/21/2002 Mike Holmes: Web Site
Ralph and I continue to try and improve our web site for Universalis, and already we have quite a bit of support up. Check out Ralph's essays that didn't make…
In Universalis
Participants: Mike Holmes, Roy, Valamir, Ayrizale, Matt, Fabrice G., Tony Irwin, Jason L Blair, Bob McNamee.

8/19/2002 Valamir: Universalis is now available
Universalis is now in print and available for purchase. After a successful Gen Con launch, the full print version is available from The price is $15 plus $2 S/H.…
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir, sben, Blake Hutchins, Mike Holmes, quozl, James V. West.

8/13/2002 Ron Edwards: Universe Alice art contest
Ha! My first post in the new public forum. Here's my deal: Adept Press will pay (Dr. Evil moment) $50.00 to the artist who delivers the best portrayal of ...…
In Universalis
Participants: Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

7/9/2002 Ron Edwards: Universalis play at Origins
Hi there, So I finally lost my Universalis cherry, thanks to Mike's "No means Yes" approach to running a demo. Here are some of my thoughts and questions, and bear…
In Universalis
Participants: Ron Edwards, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

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In Universalis

9/16/2002 Paganini: Universalis
Okay guys, I'm going to have to demand a refund. The occaisoinal missing apostrophe I can put up with, but when you start misquoting Star Wars dire things must happen.…
In Universalis
Participants: Paganini, Valamir, Bob McNamee, Tony Irwin, Roy, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, Jason L Blair.

9/17/2002 Paka: After-School Universalis
Bought Universalis about an hour ago. I run an after-school program for grades 7-12 and I just bought Universalis in hopes of putting it out there and seeing if they'll…
In Universalis
Participants: Paka, Mike Holmes.

9/17/2002 Roy: Chateau de Sorcerie -- First Session of Universalis Serial
Hey, everyone! Here's the first session of our Universalis serial, "Château de Sorcerie". This is our first attempt at a campaign game of Universalis. Has anyone else been playing one?…
In Universalis
Participants: Roy, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Tony Irwin, Valamir.

9/26/2002 Jason L Blair: Just in case you missed it (Out of the Box) Nothing too supercool, yet, but check out the very last paragraph.
In Universalis
Participants: Jason L Blair, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

9/26/2002 Bob McNamee: Add-on idea
Its Better to Create than Destroy This is an add-on similar to "PC Plot Protection", but with more far reaching effects. All aspects of the game require double the number…
In Universalis
Participants: Bob McNamee, Mike Holmes.

9/30/2002 Bob McNamee: Temple of Bast - Session 2 - Narrative
Temple of Bast – Universalis Game – Session 2 Players: Bob, Pat, Sue (visiting player) Scene 4 Location: The Temple of Bast Time: immediately following Scene 2/3 Characters present from…
In Universalis
Participants: Bob McNamee, Valamir.

10/1/2002 Bob McNamee: Temple of Bast - Session 1- Narrative Revised
Rewrite of Session 1 Temple of Bast – Universalis Game – Session 1- (2hrs approx) Players: Bob, Pat Scene 1 Location: The Temple of Bast Time: Midnight Characters: Pi Wa…
In Universalis
Participants: Bob McNamee.

10/6/2002 Bankuei: Enigma Trait Add-on idea
This rule allows players to simulate the hidden fact about a character. You can buy traits for characters that you create, or other character's that the creator agrees to, that…
In Universalis
Participants: Bankuei, Bob McNamee, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

10/8/2002 Mike Holmes: Plot Components
Just thinking a bit today, and I realized that there is a simple and effective way of introducing a lot of plot and pacing to a game that uses the…
In Universalis
Participants: Mike Holmes, Bankuei, Tony Irwin, Valamir.

10/9/2002 Alan: Questions: Scene Framing & Event Complications
Hi, I was reading over the rules and discovered some things I'm not clear on. 1) The rules say that "the framer can't be interrupted until at least one character…
In Universalis
Participants: Alan, Paganini, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Tony Irwin.

10/10/2002 Valamir: Need your help and your thoughts
Ok...I'm happy to report that we are officially running low on copies of Universalis. That means Mike and I are actually pretty close (haven't crunched the numbers yet) to break…
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir, quozl, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Tony Durham, ethan_greer, Bankuei, Paganini, ejh, Tony Irwin.

10/10/2002 Valamir: RPG Net Review
Just noticed JB has review of Universalis up at RPG.Net today. Check it out here. Thanks JB. Much appreciated
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir, J B Bell, Mike Holmes, Tony Irwin.

10/12/2002 thoth: "Intellectual Property" ownership?
Here's a probably strange question... If someone actually came up with adventures or even settings with this system, and acknowledged it, would or could you claim any level of "intellectual…
In Universalis
Participants: thoth, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

10/13/2002 Alan: 3x5 Index Cards for Components
Hi, Had my first game of Universalis yesterday ("The Ghost of Haunted Gulch"). It went really well and the new players had no problem picking up the rules. We used…
In Universalis
Participants: Alan, Bob McNamee, Ron Edwards.

10/21/2002 Valamir: Support Issues
Just wanted to announce that my home PC has officially died in a most heinous and unrecoverable way. Spent a week with several different tech friends of mine and it…
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir.

10/26/2002 ejh: first uni game
Just finished playing my first (very short) game of Universalis. Really just did the background design and one scene. Even just doing the background design was a lot of fun…
In Universalis
Participants: ejh, Bob McNamee, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

11/8/2002 ejh: Quick Complication question
OK, trying to understand the rules here... Basic rules: 1. Complication with two Targets, therefore a total of three Dice Pools. The Targets win, the Complication does not succeed in…
In Universalis
Participants: ejh, J B Bell, Valamir, Bob McNamee, Paganini.

11/18/2002 Tony Irwin: Uncontested Complications
Guys what happens when I initiate an event targetting a pc (or in fact any component controlled by another player) and they've no interest in contesting it? Its never actually…
In Universalis
Participants: Tony Irwin, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

11/25/2002 Ron Edwards: Universalis review at the Forge
Review's up!! Best, Ron
In Universalis
Participants: Ron Edwards, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Alan.

11/30/2002 Valamir: Thanksgiving 2002 Actual Play – The Pregnant Pope.
Over the Thanksgiving holiday I had the opportunity to play a game of Universalis with Ron Edwards of Adept Press, Jake Norwood of Driftwood Publishing and Jake’s wife Earta. Unfortunately…
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood.

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