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In Chimera Creative

9/26/2005 Trevis Martin: Site Offline? [BACK ONLINE, THANKS FOR PATIENCE! - Matt]
Hey Matt, I seem to be unable to reach Chimera Creative's site.  You tweaking or is this a server thing? best Trevis
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Trevis Martin, Bob Goat, Matt Snyder, smokewolf.

9/14/2005 Matt Snyder: Nine Worlds: Aristeia Edition PDF now available!
The upgraded Nine Worlds PDF is finally available! The "Aristeia Edition" includes: 1) A completely rewritten, easier to understand rules chapter 2) Expanded rules, including "end game" mechanics called Aristeia…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder, Pilgrim, Rob Donoghue.

8/23/2005 apfergus: [Nine Worlds] Having fun with it!
The group I game with picked up a few copies of Nine Worlds at Gen Con. We're pretty excited about playing it more, but as "payment" for giving someone a…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: apfergus, Thor Olavsrud.

8/22/2005 Pilgrim: And the word from Gen Con is....?
Just checking in and hoping it was a fun and productive trip for you Matt.
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Pilgrim, Matt Snyder.

7/23/2005 demiurgeastaroth: [Dust Devils] The Hanged Man
I'll be running the Hanged Man adventure from Dust Devils this week or the next. This adventure has four PCs - I have five and one of them is female.…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Matt Snyder, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Yokiboy.

7/18/2005 Matt Snyder: Nine Worlds supporting cast
Back in action, after a fantastic vacation followed immediately by a hellish week. The house saga continues. Our realtor royally screwed us, and we've ended up wasting two precious months.…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder, Bob Goat, Thor Olavsrud, Pilgrim, Valamir.

7/9/2005 Eero Tuovinen: Dust Devils got translated
For those of you who've been wondering what I've been up to lately, here's the scoop: with gracious cooperation from Matt (who's apparently on a trip somewhere right now), Arkenstone…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, joshua neff.

6/9/2005 Paka: Eero's Ronin Difficulties
[quote="Eero Tuovinen"] By the by: I'm not too impressed with RONIN. Suggest considering sticking with the basic Dust Devils system. The ability definitions are awkward in RONIN, which makes it…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Paka, Eero Tuovinen.

5/9/2005 Yokiboy: [Dust Devils] Stud or Draw?
Hello, I know the rules refer to 5-Card Stud, but I get the feeling we're talking 5-Card Draw poker, which is correct? Has anyone experimented with playing Stud rather than…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Yokiboy, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Hans.

4/27/2005 Matt Snyder: Nine Worlds Revised for GenCon 2005!
I'm in the middle of revising Nine Worlds. It is a very strange feeling to return to the text and find a distant voice, as well as a muddied tutorital…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder, Thor Olavsrud, Andy Kitkowski, Rob Donoghue, Pilgrim.

4/12/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [Dust Devils] Narration results question
I've just re-read the Dust Devils rules, as I might be running it soon. One question: does only one player need to win the deal for all the players to…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Matt Snyder, jburneko.

3/14/2005 Ron Edwards: [Nine Worlds] "Trick" as a term
Hello, Back in Slow and careful rules and examples, this point of mine got lost in the discussion. Side point: "Trick" is a terrible term. The act it…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, 1of3.

3/14/2005 jrs: [Nine Worlds] Challenging a Primarch
Hi Matt, We have another question for you, and Ron neglected to bring the Nine Worlds Help Desk number with him to the gaming session. When an Archon challenges a…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: jrs, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder.

2/14/2005 jrs: [Nine Worlds] More on conflicts
Matt, I thought I understood conflicts in Nine Worlds, but after our last gaming session and after reviewing the recent topic, Reading 9W, initiated by Eero, I am no…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: jrs, Matt Snyder, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Eero Tuovinen.

2/11/2005 Eero Tuovinen: Reading 9W
So, Nine Worlds found it's way to my northern hermitage. I think I'll ask a question about the rules... but first I'll spout some nonesense. First, let me say that…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Matt Snyder.

12/27/2004 Nick Pagnucco: Images of Jupiter Dancing in My Head
I'm writing in the hope of getting something out of my head. You see, as soon as I read through Nine Worlds, an image started shaping in my head. The…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Nick Pagnucco, Matt Snyder.

12/7/2004 Andy Kitkowski: A small victory for a Dust Devils Demo!
Just got this from a buddy over AIM (Guy from White Wolf): Andy my man (Guy from White Wolf): Dunno if you remember Matt from your Dust Devils game -…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Matt Snyder.

12/7/2004 Nick Pagnucco: [9W] Problems with certain actions
Hey, I just bough Nine Worlds a few weeks back, and I really enjoy it. I do have a few questions about its mechanics, though. Basically, I don't know how…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Nick Pagnucco, Matt Snyder.

11/23/2004 Matt Snyder: FREE Nine Worlds Player's Kit PDF
The Nine Worlds Player's Kit is now available. This helpful resource provides a clear and simple guide to running conflicts in Nine Worlds. Also included in the three-page PDF are…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder.

11/2/2004 Pilgrim: 2 New Organization Ideas for 9 Worlds
Argus: Where Zeus has Aegis, Hera has Argus, its slightly nicer more public cousin agency. Named for the legendary watchmen, Argus is a public police and safety agency, with a…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Pilgrim, Matt Snyder, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Chimera Creative

11/18/2005 Matt Snyder: Nine Worlds print edition for sale!
I hold in my hand the first copy of Nine Worlds out of the box from the printer. This is very exciting. I'm pleased to offer the Nine Worlds Aristeia…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder, Trevis Martin.

12/5/2005 Spooky Fanboy: Orphans of Chaos
Hey, kiddoes, looking for a little twist to your 9W games? Check out the interesting new book by Jon C. Wright, Orphans of Chaos. It has lovely little non-traditional nuggets…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Spooky Fanboy, Thor Olavsrud.

12/28/2005 Ben Lehman: Amber (the setting) for Nine Worlds (the system)
The themes of Amber and Nine Worlds are so painfully close it is a damned shame if they were not brought together.  Plus, it seems traditional to try to amber-mod…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Ben Lehman, Vaxalon, Brand_Robins, Lee Short, Andrew Norris.

1/3/2006 Matt Snyder: Native Americans in Dust Devils revised
I am starting work on revising Dust Devils for an expanded paperback edition. As part of that revision, I will include more Old West setting-type information. I do not aim…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder, Valamir, Brand_Robins, rafial, Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman.

2/2/2006 Vaxalon: Arete and Hubris... can the immortals tell?
As evidenced by the valor and pride stats, use of Arete and Hubris has an ongoing effect on a person. Can the immortals (that is, the Gods and the Titans)…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Vaxalon, Brand_Robins, Matt Snyder.

2/15/2006 Vaxalon: Initiation
It just struck me that Nine Worlds seems to be missing something... Initiation.... I mean, people arent' BORN Archons, right?  It seems to me that since PC's don't start play…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Vaxalon, Eero Tuovinen, Matt Snyder, Valamir.

3/2/2006 chris_moore: [Nine Worlds] Want some story to go with that?
I have a question about spending Urge points on other you just say, like the examples in the book, how you're spending those points, or does there have to…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: chris_moore, Vaxalon, Matt Snyder.

3/13/2006 Matt Snyder: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads
If you haven't heard, I've been recording an online game of Nine Worlds, involving me, Thomas Robertson, Fred Wolke and Ben Lehman. Download the sessions: Session 1 Scene 1,…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder, Nicolas Crost, hive_mind, ivan23, Iskander, Yokiboy.

3/16/2006 Hans: {Dust Devils] Ack!! More than I can chew!
Hi all: Well, I've gone and done it.  I've signed up to run Dust Devils at Gen Con.  I hope to high heaven I can get a chance to run…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Hans, Eero Tuovinen.

3/16/2006 Superstar: Delivery time for PDF?
Anyone who have ordered anything in PDF from Chimera? How long until Matt contacted you with d/l info? Been waiting 24 hours now and was planning to have 9 Worlds…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Superstar, Matt Snyder.

3/24/2006 clayton_mcfarland: [Dust Devils] When can we expect the new print version?
I guess the title explains it all.  I am very interested in playing this game!!!
In Chimera Creative
Participants: clayton_mcfarland, Thunder_God, Matt Snyder, sgiovann.

4/11/2006 Vaxalon: Neel on Nine Worlds
Here's the link: Here's the part that caught my eye: However, the way conflicts work means that it's very difficult to get an interplay going between the players --…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Vaxalon, Matt Snyder, Valamir, ivan23, hive_mind, Ben Lehman, doogs19.

4/11/2006 neelk: Do extra cards drawn to break ties count for Points?
Quick rules question: suppose that Alice and Bob are in a conflict, and put down hands that tie. To break the tie, they each play the highest card in their…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: neelk, Matt Snyder.

4/12/2006 John Harper: Nine Worlds NPC tracker sheet
I may be running Nine Worlds soon, so I made myself an NPC tracker sheet. I figured you folks might find a use for it, too. (105KB) It has…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: John Harper, Matt Snyder.

4/17/2006 John Harper: Thinking about Metamorphosis
So, I'm thinking about Nine Worlds in preparation for starting a series this Sunday, and I think Metamorphosis is kind of a problem. When I played 9W at Forge Midwest,…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: John Harper, Vaxalon, coffeestain, Matt Snyder, Paul Czege, Ben Lehman, Iskander, Ron Edwards.

4/19/2006 John Harper: Greek Names PDF
Here's another resource I put together for my upcoming Nine Worlds game: a large collection of Greek names, male and female. You can grab the PDF here:
In Chimera Creative
Participants: John Harper, jporrett.

4/21/2006 John Harper: Timing actions: Burning Muse points and restoring Arete/Hubris
This is a question of action sequence. I don't think the rules specify anything here, so I'll throw it out for general discussion. Let's say my Archon gets womped by…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: John Harper, Vaxalon.

4/24/2006 ocasta: [Dust Devils] Sub-genres
In preparation for running my first Dust Devils I read Ron's review here on the Forge. One of the things that Ron mentions is that everyone should agree on which…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: ocasta, Matt Snyder.

5/1/2006 Mike Holmes: That Other Game
So I was just traipsing through all of the independent company fora, and for some reason the tag line for Chimera Creative caught my eye - it says that Chimera…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Mike Holmes, Wolfen, Matt Snyder.

5/13/2006 maddrjeffe: Interested enough to burst, though that may be the coffee
So, I took the plunge and ordered Nine Worlds from IPR (they had a sale). Im curious about a few things, but most of it will have to wait untill…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: maddrjeffe, Vaxalon, Matt Snyder, Valamir.

more subsequent topics >>