Previous Topics In Forge Birthday Forum 4/6/2005 xenopulse: Will the Forum Still Be Accessible ... once it closes down?
For reading, I mean. There's a whole bunch of stuff in here that I'd love to keep reading over time.
Thanks. In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: xenopulse, Andy Kitkowski.
4/6/2005 lumpley: The Whole Point The whole point for me, at least.
Over on my blog, me and my friends and readers compiled a great list of things. It's still open, please feel free to… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: lumpley, Gordon C. Landis.
4/6/2005 Christopher Weeks: Explain the presense of your faith... Spawning again from this thread (and from a thread on Vincent's blog a while back), I don't think I've ever asked people to analyze the source of their Faith. I… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Christopher Weeks, Bankuei, Frank T, TonyLB, inthisstyle, xenopulse, Anonymous, John Wick, Sydney Freedberg, Jason L Blair, joshua neff, Eero Tuovinen, Green, Ben Lehman, GB Steve, nikola, daMoose_Neo, Meguey, ScottM, greyorm, James Holloway, contracycle, pete_darby, Clinton R. Nixon, Andy Kitkowski, Lxndr, Miskatonic.
4/6/2005 Christopher Weeks: Why is marriage between two people? Right, so last year we had this thread that's been continued. In it and elsewhere, I see lots of people supporting gay marriage but unabashedly assuming that marriage is still… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Christopher Weeks, Lxndr, Bob Goat, Sean, timfire, xenopulse, lumpley, Harlequin, Andrew Morris, Brand_Robins, joshua neff, Valamir, Miskatonic, Eero Tuovinen, inthisstyle, Meguey, Matt Wilson, daMoose_Neo.
4/6/2005 Sydney Freedberg: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons? Real purpose of this thread: Sheer cussed curiousity.
High-minded purpose of this thread: Break down the stereotype of gamers as alienated isolated misfits or at least college kids with nothin'… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Sydney Freedberg, joshua neff, Victor Gijsbers, Gaerik, Ron Edwards, Fabrice G., Bob Goat, Emily Care, inthisstyle, Andrew Norris, xenopulse, Brand_Robins, lumpley, Sean, Lxndr, ScottM, jrs, Harlequin, Christopher Weeks, Trevis Martin, Rich Forest, Clinton R. Nixon, Andy Kitkowski, Frank T, Jason L Blair, Chris Goodwin, Andrew Morris, Ben Lehman, Vaxalon, Meguey, nellist, Matt Wilson, John Kim, Bryan_T, daMoose_Neo, greyorm, Yokiboy, Domhnall, droog, pete_darby, Walt Freitag, J B Bell, Blake Hutchins, bcook1971, Kesher, Asrogoth, Doug Ruff, Doyce, Jason13, Thor Olavsrud, komradebob, abzu, devilbunny, jburneko, Eric J-D, Peter Nordstrand, pells, ( o Y o ), jasonm, Mark D. Eddy, Marhault, Mike Holmes, ErrathofKosh, Chris Gardiner, chris_moore, Iskander, Bryan Hansel, dindenver.
4/6/2005 Dev: Your Mom - Gamist, Simulationist or Narrativist? Answers must be in the form of a yomama joke that is not affected at anyone's mother, but rather at the 2nd-person "mom".
Go! In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Dev, Doug Ruff, pete_darby, Victor Gijsbers, Matt Snyder, joshua neff, Jason L Blair, Ben Lehman, C. Edwards, Ron Edwards, Rob MacDougall, gobi, Frank T, daMoose_Neo, Gordon C. Landis, bluegargantua, Piers Brown, bcook1971, Walt Freitag, Andrew Morris, Zathreyel, Bankuei, droog, groundhog, beingfrank, Miskatonic.
4/6/2005 Jonathan Walton: The View From Here: 3 Years Hence Time to wish and prophesai :)
1. Where do you see low-tech* roleplaying in 3 years?
2. Where do you see indie roleplaying in 3 years?
*I know that technological… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Jonathan Walton, Andy Kitkowski, Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman, Doug Ruff, Scripty, timfire, Shreyas Sampat, xenopulse, Bankuei, komradebob.
4/6/2005 Bankuei: The Dysfunctional Trend- let's talk about it So, a big issue for a lot of groups is dysfunctional play. One or more people are NOT having fun. Ok, that happens. But what's the deal where that's not… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Bankuei, Domhnall, James Holloway, pete_darby, Matt Wilson, Brand_Robins, xenopulse, Noon.
4/6/2005 Domhnall: Memorable Gaming Moments Here's one... The player wrote a note to the GM. The GM graded it for grammar/spelling (a C-) and handed it back. Top that! In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Domhnall, Andy Kitkowski, Andrew Morris, Valamir, Frank T, Andrew Norris, Meguey, xenopulse, Nev the Deranged, Halzebier, TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg, Anonymous, groundhog, jerry, James Holloway, Danny_K, JamesNostack.
4/6/2005 Paka: What's changed for me since the Forge. I always knew I could run a great game but I wasn't sure what it took to make them consistently great. The greatness just happened, like mana from heaven.
Some… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Paka, bcook1971, Brand_Robins, Frank T, Nicolas Crost, Victor Gijsbers, James Holloway, hix, Jonathan Walton, Gaerik, Andrew Norris, Ben Lehman, Eero Tuovinen, Andrew Morris, Marhault, pfischer, Tony Irwin, Wolfen, xenopulse, Brendan, Meguey, Jason13, neko ewen, Melinglor, J. Tuomas Harviainen, demiurgeastaroth, Thunder_God.
4/6/2005 Andrew Morris: Most overdone concepts in RPGs? What have you seen a million times in different RPGs? What makes you want to scream/sigh/smack the designer every time you see it?
Personally, I can't think of any, since… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Andrew Morris, Bankuei, Ben Lehman, beingfrank, Frank T, herrmess, Victor Gijsbers, joshua neff, pete_darby, Lxndr, Andy Kitkowski, Jason L Blair, timfire, Shreyas Sampat, Ron Edwards, Chris Goodwin.
4/6/2005 Andrew Morris: Sin City -- Gamist, Narrativist, or Simulationist? Okay, so since it seems that many of us here have seen Sin City, what did you think? Yeah, the GNS comment was a joke, but as I'm sick and… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Andrew Morris, Bankuei, Paka, hardcoremoose, Marhault, abzu, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, Emily Care, Bob Goat, Andrew Norris, James Holloway, Brendan.
4/5/2005 Danny_K: GNS Pokemon! You know, I never realized until I watched my son play "Fire Red Pokemon" on the Gameboy that Pokemon is like D&D for kids -- well-done, cute gamism with a… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Danny_K, Noon, Wolfen, Anonymous, Ron Edwards, daMoose_Neo.
4/5/2005 Ben Lehman: The Official "Bug Seth about Alyria" thread* Seth! Finish Alyria already. What's your problem, man?
*Can also be used for Otherkind, Sorcerer in Space, or any other delayed game you want to have right now. In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Ben Lehman, hix, coxcomb, Gaerik, Marhault, shreyas, login < lazy, GreatWolf, Jason L Blair, Valamir, joshua neff, lumpley, Gordon C. Landis, xenopulse, Jonathan Walton.
4/5/2005 Sean aka Calithena: RPGs for Kids I want to see more of them. Roleplaying is easy. I'm convinced that rpgs, maybe not called that, with straightforward mechanics, very cool art, etc., marketed directly to children's stores,… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Sean aka Calithena, Shreyas Sampat, xenopulse, Danny_K, komradebob, Ben Lehman, Tony Irwin.
4/5/2005 Andy Kitkowski: So... Whatcha Workin' On? What kinds of projects you got going on?
Indie RPG Awards- ramping it up, getting ready to put it into sustaining mode so that I don't have to touch… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Paka, xenopulse, Jeph, Mark Johnson, Wolfen, Jonathan Walton, Lxndr.
4/5/2005 Ben Lehman: Poetry Thread This is a thread to post favorite poems in. Why? Because my very favorite is:
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Ben Lehman, ethan_greer, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir, Shreyas Sampat, Anonymous, Wolfen, lumpley, Meguey, Jeph, TonyLB, efindel, greyorm, joshua neff, Doug Ruff, pete_darby, James Holloway, Shawn De Arment, Emily Care, Gordon C. Landis, Harlequin, Sean, beingfrank, Jonathan Walton, jrs, droog, Thierry Michel, cthulahoops.
4/5/2005 Ben Lehman: Public Service Announcement People who draw, paint, sculpt, etc:
You never know when they'll be a game designer trawling for artists.
--Ben In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Ben Lehman, daMoose_Neo, Trevis Martin.
4/5/2005 coxcomb: Old, dead games you love Many games that had coolness are dead and gone (but often aavailable on e-Bay). Let's talk about some of the ones close to our hearts, and tell those who never… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: coxcomb, Ben Lehman, xenopulse, Wolfen, timfire, Mike Holmes, Kesher, Anonymous, John Kim, Asrogoth.
4/5/2005 Dev: Websnark vs. In Nomine vs. Dead Inside vs. Nobilis Check it out:
WebSnark (guy who's popular netwise for snarking on webcomics, occaisionally RPGs and other stuff) has this crazy idea of fusing Nobilis, In Nomine and Dead Inside… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Dev, Ben Lehman, Miskatonic.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In Forge Birthday Forum 4/6/2005 Rob MacDougall: Ontari-ari-ari-o! (politely seeking Central Canadian gamers) In about three months I'm going to be moving from Boston, Massachusetts to London, Ontario, Canada.
I'm looking forward to the move, but I fear my gaming choices will suffer.… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Rob MacDougall, Bryan_T, greyorm, Tymen, Piers Brown, CCW.
4/6/2005 John Wick: Join My Church! (from my LJ, last month or so)
I'm starting my own church. This is what we believe.
We believe in a reality that is very close to our own, a… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: John Wick, Andy Kitkowski, inthisstyle, TonyLB, Lxndr, Bob Goat, Ben Lehman, greyorm, Miskatonic, Asrogoth, pete_darby.
4/6/2005 Walt Freitag: Am I antisocial if I dislike sound-off threads? What movie did I last see?
What do I read? What book did I last read?
What am I working on? Why does it rock? Which of my game moments… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Walt Freitag, Shreyas Sampat, lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, Andy Kitkowski, Frank T, nikola, Gordon C. Landis, Jason13, greyorm, Ron Edwards, Thunder_God.
4/6/2005 Shreyas Sampat: 'Nother Swap Meet: Game Concepts I know that a bunch of us have some idea for games that they just don't want to write. Throw it up here, see if someone wants to claim it… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Jonathan Walton, Sean.
4/6/2005 Doug Ruff: Iron Game Chef Parlour Game! With 100% Less Game Design! Important - This is not a real Iron Game Chef thread! That's verboten.
Here's the game. I'm going to post a couple of Keywords at the end of this post.… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Doug Ruff, Dev, Lxndr, Harlequin, Christopher Weeks, Ben Lehman, Tobias.
4/6/2005 Gordon C. Landis: So, I watched House of Sand and Fog a while back I was impressed by it. I was depressed by it. I was glad to have seen it, even though I can't honestly say I enjoyed it all that much. A… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Gordon C. Landis, xenopulse, Domhnall.
4/7/2005 GreatWolf: Sin City--I don't get it. Please help! With the movie coming out, I thought that I'd check out the graphic novels by Frank Miller. I only read the first one (The Long Goodbye, I believe) with Marv.… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: GreatWolf, Bankuei, Sean, Ron Edwards, Jason L Blair, John Harper, Marhault, rafial, Blake Hutchins, Nev the Deranged.
4/7/2005 Shreyas Sampat: Wishlist III [quote="Paul Czege"]One of the common thread-starts in online game forums is someone describing a concept they wish had been made into a game. Often the idea is for the game… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Frank T, Jonathan Walton, lumpley, Harlequin.
4/7/2005 John Kim: Since I Came to the Forge... So, first of all, faux pas on Clinton's part:
Welcome back! We're live and we thrive after three long years.
Er, that's four long years for the Forge,… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: John Kim.
4/7/2005 Thierry Michel: About that mechanics/mechanisms thing It always bothered me, as a second-language speaker.
Am I correct in believing that mechanism is the word I want when I mean 'process' and mechanic is the guy that… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Thierry Michel, contracycle, Rich Forest, Walt Freitag, Selene Tan, Emily Care.
4/7/2005 Jack Aidley: I don't believe in evil Today, I will mostly be taking a philosophical outlook.
I've been thinking about evil - kind of inspired by reading some people talking about the Pope having being a great… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Jack Aidley, contracycle, Domhnall, GB Steve, Victor Gijsbers, Ben Lehman, Christopher Weeks, pete_darby, Sean, Wolfen, groundhog, Anonymous, Miskatonic, Nev the Deranged, Gordon C. Landis.
4/7/2005 GB Steve: After the Forge? A wiki? Is this a suitable place to ask about future plans for the Forge?
I know it's been said somewhere that it's not going to be around forever as a live… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: GB Steve, Andy Kitkowski, Vaxalon, Shreyas Sampat, John Kim, Trevis Martin.
4/7/2005 Ben Lehman: Talk About Your Religious Beliefs Hi. An attempt to make a cooler religion thread. Better. Faster. Stronger.
We have the technology.
Instead of just sounding off about why we believe in God, a thing which… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Ben Lehman, Christopher Weeks, pete_darby, Danny_K, Eero Tuovinen, Clinton R. Nixon, Anonymous, xenopulse, Lxndr, Green, joshua neff, lumpley, Ron Edwards, greyorm, Harlequin, Shreyas Sampat, J B Bell, Bankuei, groundhog, Meguey, Leningrad, Dumirik, Domhnall, James Holloway, nikola, Yasha, LordSmerf, Chris Goodwin, Silmenume, taalyn, ADGConscience.
4/7/2005 Sean: A Couple of Miscellaneous Notes These are just a couple things I've been thinking about.
1) On a while back I started a thread on Fantasy Heartbreakers:
I said there that I thought… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Sean, Ben Lehman, lumpley, Brendan.
4/7/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Twelve Kingdoms: A MUST WATCH Anime... [b]Twelve Kingdoms[/b]
So, for the Forge Birthday folks, I give to you this gift: If you can enjoy anime, check it out. The chance that it doesn't resonate with you… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Ben Lehman, Bankuei, Green.
4/7/2005 Sean: The Booze Thread Not as much discussion of drinking at this year's party!
What are your favorite drinks these days?
I have a passion for all things grape-derived. I'm a big wine guy,… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Sean, Christopher Weeks, Dev, Andy Kitkowski, timfire, Ben Lehman, Paul Czege, Lee Short, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Andrew Morris, Danny_K, C. Edwards, Frank T, Jason L Blair, xenopulse, James Holloway, Yokiboy, Doug Ruff, joshua neff, Gordon C. Landis, John Harper, groundhog, Kesher, Jack Aidley, Matt, Thor Olavsrud, Shawn De Arment, Matt Wilson, Asrogoth.
4/7/2005 Christopher Weeks: Socialist? What are you doing about it? Right, so there are a bunch of people here who are socialist-communist to some extent. I spent most of my life as an anarcho-capitalist, even before I knew those words.… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Christopher Weeks, Andy Kitkowski, lumpley, greyorm, J B Bell, Alan, Ben Lehman, Matt Snyder, Emily Care, Victor Gijsbers, pfischer, Yokiboy, joshua neff, C. Edwards, bastion-b, kenjib, Anonymous, Dave Panchyk.
4/7/2005 Miskatonic: Pancakes! I'm gonna make pancakes!
Aren't pancakes awesome? In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Miskatonic, joshua neff, xenopulse, C. Edwards, Lxndr, lumpley, Ben Lehman, Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller, Christopher Weeks, rafial, Rob MacDougall, Danny_K.
4/7/2005 Paul Czege: New Games Journalism So, there's a bunch of computer games guys writing what they call "New Games Journalism."
Here's an example.
It's a reference to the "New Journalism" of Hunter S. Thompson… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Paul Czege, Bankuei, Andy Kitkowski, Dave Panchyk, Sean, Rob MacDougall.
4/7/2005 C. Edwards: The Sights/Sounds/Words of Your Life What would the film, soundtrack, and book about your life be called? Tell us a little about them. Wishful thinking and artistic license is allowed.
Film: Dark Mnemonic Cybernoir a… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: C. Edwards.
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