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In Forge Birthday Forum

4/7/2005 Paul Czege: New Games Journalism
So, there's a bunch of computer games guys writing what they call "New Games Journalism." Here's an example. It's a reference to the "New Journalism" of Hunter S. Thompson…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Paul Czege, Bankuei, Andy Kitkowski, Dave Panchyk, Sean, Rob MacDougall.

4/7/2005 Miskatonic: Pancakes!
I'm gonna make pancakes! Aren't pancakes awesome?
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Miskatonic, joshua neff, xenopulse, C. Edwards, Lxndr, lumpley, Ben Lehman, Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller, Christopher Weeks, rafial, Rob MacDougall, Danny_K.

4/7/2005 Christopher Weeks: Socialist? What are you doing about it?
Right, so there are a bunch of people here who are socialist-communist to some extent. I spent most of my life as an anarcho-capitalist, even before I knew those words.…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Christopher Weeks, Andy Kitkowski, lumpley, greyorm, J B Bell, Alan, Ben Lehman, Matt Snyder, Emily Care, Victor Gijsbers, pfischer, Yokiboy, joshua neff, C. Edwards, bastion-b, kenjib, Anonymous, Dave Panchyk.

4/7/2005 Sean: The Booze Thread
Not as much discussion of drinking at this year's party! What are your favorite drinks these days? I have a passion for all things grape-derived. I'm a big wine guy,…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Sean, Christopher Weeks, Dev, Andy Kitkowski, timfire, Ben Lehman, Paul Czege, Lee Short, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Andrew Morris, Danny_K, C. Edwards, Frank T, Jason L Blair, xenopulse, James Holloway, Yokiboy, Doug Ruff, joshua neff, Gordon C. Landis, John Harper, groundhog, Kesher, Jack Aidley, Matt, Thor Olavsrud, Shawn De Arment, Matt Wilson, Asrogoth.

4/7/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Twelve Kingdoms: A MUST WATCH Anime...
[b]Twelve Kingdoms[/b] So, for the Forge Birthday folks, I give to you this gift: If you can enjoy anime, check it out. The chance that it doesn't resonate with you…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Ben Lehman, Bankuei, Green.

4/7/2005 Sean: A Couple of Miscellaneous Notes
These are just a couple things I've been thinking about. 1) On a while back I started a thread on Fantasy Heartbreakers: I said there that I thought…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Sean, Ben Lehman, lumpley, Brendan.

4/7/2005 Ben Lehman: Talk About Your Religious Beliefs
Hi. An attempt to make a cooler religion thread. Better. Faster. Stronger. We have the technology. Instead of just sounding off about why we believe in God, a thing which…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Ben Lehman, Christopher Weeks, pete_darby, Danny_K, Eero Tuovinen, Clinton R. Nixon, Anonymous, xenopulse, Lxndr, Green, joshua neff, lumpley, Ron Edwards, greyorm, Harlequin, Shreyas Sampat, J B Bell, Bankuei, groundhog, Meguey, Leningrad, Dumirik, Domhnall, James Holloway, nikola, Yasha, LordSmerf, Chris Goodwin, Silmenume, taalyn, ADGConscience.

4/7/2005 GB Steve: After the Forge? A wiki?
Is this a suitable place to ask about future plans for the Forge? I know it's been said somewhere that it's not going to be around forever as a live…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: GB Steve, Andy Kitkowski, Vaxalon, Shreyas Sampat, John Kim, Trevis Martin.

4/7/2005 Jack Aidley: I don't believe in evil
Today, I will mostly be taking a philosophical outlook. I've been thinking about evil - kind of inspired by reading some people talking about the Pope having being a great…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Jack Aidley, contracycle, Domhnall, GB Steve, Victor Gijsbers, Ben Lehman, Christopher Weeks, pete_darby, Sean, Wolfen, groundhog, Anonymous, Miskatonic, Nev the Deranged, Gordon C. Landis.

4/7/2005 Thierry Michel: About that mechanics/mechanisms thing
It always bothered me, as a second-language speaker. Am I correct in believing that mechanism is the word I want when I mean 'process' and mechanic is the guy that…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Thierry Michel, contracycle, Rich Forest, Walt Freitag, Selene Tan, Emily Care.

4/7/2005 John Kim: Since I Came to the Forge...
So, first of all, faux pas on Clinton's part: Welcome back! We're live and we thrive after three long years. Er, that's four long years for the Forge,…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: John Kim.

4/7/2005 Shreyas Sampat: Wishlist III
[quote="Paul Czege"]One of the common thread-starts in online game forums is someone describing a concept they wish had been made into a game. Often the idea is for the game…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Frank T, Jonathan Walton, lumpley, Harlequin.

4/7/2005 GreatWolf: Sin City--I don't get it. Please help!
With the movie coming out, I thought that I'd check out the graphic novels by Frank Miller. I only read the first one (The Long Goodbye, I believe) with Marv.…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: GreatWolf, Bankuei, Sean, Ron Edwards, Jason L Blair, John Harper, Marhault, rafial, Blake Hutchins, Nev the Deranged.

4/6/2005 Gordon C. Landis: So, I watched House of Sand and Fog a while back
I was impressed by it. I was depressed by it. I was glad to have seen it, even though I can't honestly say I enjoyed it all that much. A…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Gordon C. Landis, xenopulse, Domhnall.

4/6/2005 Doug Ruff: Iron Game Chef Parlour Game! With 100% Less Game Design!
Important - This is not a real Iron Game Chef thread! That's verboten. Here's the game. I'm going to post a couple of Keywords at the end of this post.…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Doug Ruff, Dev, Lxndr, Harlequin, Christopher Weeks, Ben Lehman, Tobias.

4/6/2005 Shreyas Sampat: 'Nother Swap Meet: Game Concepts
I know that a bunch of us have some idea for games that they just don't want to write. Throw it up here, see if someone wants to claim it…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Jonathan Walton, Sean.

4/6/2005 Walt Freitag: Am I antisocial if I dislike sound-off threads?
What movie did I last see? What do I read? What book did I last read? What am I working on? Why does it rock? Which of my game moments…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Walt Freitag, Shreyas Sampat, lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, Andy Kitkowski, Frank T, nikola, Gordon C. Landis, Jason13, greyorm, Ron Edwards, Thunder_God.

4/6/2005 John Wick: Join My Church!
(from my LJ, last month or so) I'm starting my own church. This is what we believe. We believe in a reality that is very close to our own, a…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: John Wick, Andy Kitkowski, inthisstyle, TonyLB, Lxndr, Bob Goat, Ben Lehman, greyorm, Miskatonic, Asrogoth, pete_darby.

4/6/2005 Rob MacDougall: Ontari-ari-ari-o! (politely seeking Central Canadian gamers)
In about three months I'm going to be moving from Boston, Massachusetts to London, Ontario, Canada. I'm looking forward to the move, but I fear my gaming choices will suffer.…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Rob MacDougall, Bryan_T, greyorm, Tymen, Piers Brown, CCW.

4/6/2005 Christopher Weeks: Peak Oil
Someone referred to this issue in one of the other threads -- maybe the what do I hate thread. It's something that I've just recently been researching. What do you…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Christopher Weeks, Eero Tuovinen, Bob Goat, Ben Lehman, Valamir, Andy Kitkowski, kenjib, Vaxalon, Walt Freitag, Harlequin.

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Subsequent Topics
In Forge Birthday Forum

4/7/2005 Dev: [cracked idea] SharePlay Magazine Manifesto
I had a silly idea, but I want to share it before we go back to NormalForge and I'm forced to back up my arguements with facts. Quickly! ==== SharePlay…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Dev, Brendan.

4/7/2005 timfire: This is getting out of hand...
OK, maybe its just me, but everyone and their mother is abreivating their game titles now. I know I do it, but it annoys me sometimes 'cause I can't keep…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: timfire, TonyLB, Jason L Blair, greyorm, Domhnall, Paganini, Andrew Morris, Emily Care, joshua neff, Ben Lehman, inthisstyle, Meguey.

4/8/2005 Danny_K: Greg Stolze article on
Greg Stolze, who I hold in great esteem as a fine writer and mechanics monkey, had a recent thread on posting the results of a poll he did about…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Danny_K, Rob MacDougall, Andrew Norris, Brand_Robins, Emily Care, Valamir.

4/8/2005 Jonathan Walton: What Should I Do With These?
So, I have these amazing pictures that I did for a game concept called We Regret to Inform You the Gamemaster is Dead, which was going to be a kind…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Paka, daMoose_Neo.

4/8/2005 Valamir: Sneak Peak at new Robots & Rapiers art
Its a map...its an illustration...its REALLY cool Check it out (scroll down)
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Valamir, Paka, abzu, James Holloway, Emily Care, Gaerik, Rob MacDougall, GreatWolf, quozl, TonyLB.

4/8/2005 Gordon C. Landis: A quote for discussion
OK, it's kinda serious stuff, and can be seen as Nar/RPG related, so maybe it doesn't have to be in the Birthday forum. But I'm interested in some free-wheeling reponses,…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Gordon C. Landis, xenopulse, pete_darby, Brendan, Wolfen.

4/8/2005 sirogit: Definition of "Porn"
I noticed Ron Edwards mentioning this in the Sin City thread, and I was wondering if most people's definitions synced up to mine, which is, anything in a story-medium which…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: sirogit, Vaxalon, James Holloway, Christopher Weeks, pete_darby, Ben Lehman, Miskatonic, Ron Edwards, Brendan, Meguey, Adam Dray.

4/8/2005 Ben Lehman: Best Threads of the Year
Hey, guys. Not a lot of time left in the Birthday forum. I want some nominations for Best Thread of the Year. Here are mine, and why: Writing for…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Ben Lehman, Kit, Emily Care, C. Edwards, John Kim, timfire.

4/8/2005 nikola: Narrativist wargaming
Here's something I've been wrestling with for a long time: In Henry V, Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, and many, many others, the protagonists are involved in substantial battles. Part…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: nikola, TonyLB, Paul Czege, Bankuei, Gaerik, Michael S. Miller, Thierry Michel, James Holloway, Sydney Freedberg, Wolfen, Paka.

4/8/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Wow, now THAT takes me back...
Just found this on Tony's RPG archive: Age of Heroes v4.0 by Brian Gleichman, Bryan Harsh, Terri Gleichman Old URL "" Keywords: genre fantasy long A detailed fantasy-genre system. It…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Jason L Blair, inthisstyle, Gordon C. Landis, C. Edwards, Asrogoth, John Kim, GB Steve.

4/8/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Where is that general online design chat on irc?
I can't find it- I could have sworn it was at Magicstar... but I can only find the Indie Netgaming stuff there. Wasn't there another online server/irc channel that people…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, LordSmerf, Doug Ruff, Jeffrey Straszheim.

4/8/2005 Doug Ruff: Good night, and thanks...
It's already 9th April here, and when I wake up in the morning this forum will be closed for another year. It's been a real privilege to be able to…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Doug Ruff, joshua neff, Shreyas Sampat, nikola, TonyLB, Chris Goodwin.

4/9/2005 Dave Panchyk: If Ralph can do it, so can I!
Kick-ass art by Eric Lofgren for the cover of my Souls of Ice & Steel player's book:
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Dave Panchyk.

4/9/2005 Silmenume: Humble thank you
This is a humble thank you for all those who helped me in myriads of ways beyond the understanding role-play. I have learned think more analytically. I have learned to…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Silmenume.

4/4/2006 Thunder_God: Oooh! Ooooh!
I'm first this year! :) I'm Guy, and I'm all about self-pimping :D
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Thunder_God, GreatWolf, Eric Bennett.

4/4/2006 Troy_Costisick: This one snuck up on me
Heya, Is it birthday time again already?!?!?  Wow, these years are starting to go by fast.  Well, happy birthday Forge!  There's been a lot of changes in the last 5…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Brand_Robins, Emily Care, Paka, jasonm, JMendes, Kesher, Graham Walmsley, nikola, John Harper, Anders, Thunder_God, Alex Fradera, Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

4/4/2006 Matt Snyder: Forge Midwest
MAN, I had no idea the Midwest gig and the Forge birthday coincided. Awesome. I hereby declare this the thread to go nutso planning and spooing oneself for this weekend.…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Matt Snyder, Thunder_God, Ron Edwards, Keith Senkowski, Kesher, chris_moore, Thor Olavsrud, greyorm, John Harper, mtiru, Andy Kitkowski, Blankshield, Ben Lehman, Matt Wilson.

4/4/2006 Paka: DIaspora Birthday Fall-Out (but not in a bad way)
Between Story Games and RPGtalk, it feels like I have access to the birthday forum kind of communication with Forge-i-zens every day. In the last year we've see the diaspora…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Paka, ffilz, Anders, Keith Senkowski, Thunder_God, xenopulse, Andy Kitkowski.

4/4/2006 Kesher: rpgs and poetic tradition...
Okay, this is nowhere near as pretentious as that title makes it sound... So, I've been reading a lot of mid-20th century poetry lately, and the gigantic book The Pound…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Kesher, Lisa Padol, 1of3, Ben Lehman, Peter Nordstrand, talysman, droog, Emily Care, Miskatonic, jerry, Mark D. Eddy, Michael S. Miller.

4/4/2006 Valamir: Single Best Gaming Moment since last year
Ok, so what was you single best moment (scene, part of a scene, line) RPGing since B-day 2005.  And I mean single best...if you wanna list more than one start…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Valamir, inthisstyle, GreatWolf, Alex Fradera, jasonm, Andy Kitkowski, Graham Walmsley, Troy_Costisick, Nathan P., Eric Bennett, MikeSands, Ben Lehman, Paka, matthijs, GB Steve, Arturo G., Gaerik, Glendower, ScottM, LeSingeSavant, Frank T, Lisa Padol, James_Nostack, dindenver.

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