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In Burning Wheel

8/15/2003 Durgil: The Riddle of Steel Combat
It's much too long to post here (pdf of over 4 pages), but I've made some house rules that make some changes to The Riddle of Steel combat rules using…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Durgil.

8/12/2003 abzu: Deflection vs Failure
Personally, I love failure in rpgs. Failure breeds drama, in my opinion. And it is the act of not failing that makes heroes and tells stories. Success has little to…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, Jake Norwood, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Gordon C. Landis, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, Matt Wilson.

8/1/2003 abzu: Returned from the Big One
So we are back and settled from GenCon. you can read my thoughts on the matter here: -L
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, Valamir, Jake Norwood.

7/19/2003 ks13: Just picked up a copy of BW
I managed to find a copy at my local game store (Pandemonium Books is a great little shop). First off, I really liked the packaging and presentation. The two smaller…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: ks13, abzu, Ron Edwards.

7/16/2003 abzu: Convention Appearances for July-Dec 2003
[b]Gencon, July 25th to July 27th:[/b] At the Forge Booth from Friday Morning To Sunday Afternoon. Booth 1841 on the Upperdeck side. Indianapolis, In [a href=][/a] [b]Dragoncon, August 29th to…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu.

7/9/2003 abzu: Orcs Hate
I've just posted a short chapter that discusses Orc Hatred, a new attribute for Orcs that is similar to Elves' Grief or Wolves' Taint. Also included are revised Servant lifepaths…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, rafial.

7/7/2003 abzu: Pirates and Mass Combat
We had the occasion to push the Bandenkrieg rules to their limits this weekend. The players were raiding a naval blockade in the mouth of a river with a…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu.

7/3/2003 Claymore: New Feudal Lifepaths posted
I have just completed 7 new lifepaths appropriate for a Feudal setting. They were designed using Luke's excellent Lifepath Creation guidelines. I'd love to hear any comments anyone might have.…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Claymore, Bracken, abzu.

7/2/2003 rafial: Re: Revised Artha Rules
[quote="abzu"] also, a revised character sheet to accomodate the new info: [/quote] Hey, a quick note on the single page character sheet. Under armor, it has separate spaces for upper…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: rafial, abzu.

7/2/2003 abzu: Revised Artha Rules
Here are revised artha rules for use with Burning Wheel. The original system works just fine. These work better. also, a revised character sheet to accomodate the new info:…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, Claymore.

7/2/2003 Claymore: Starting a Burning Wheel Campaign
Abzu asked me to post some notes as how I converted my existing 4 year campaign to Burning Wheel. The most recent system used was The Riddle of Steel (the…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Claymore, abzu.

7/1/2003 Janne Halmetoja: Ordering Burning Wheel
Luke, I would like to ask you couple of questions. Do you send books to Europe? How much is the shipping fee then? I don't own credit card but I…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Janne Halmetoja, Claymore, abzu.

6/27/2003 abzu: The Web of Great Spiders
Hello! Great Spiders, Chapter 2 of the Burning Wheel Monster Burning, has been released. The chapter is available for free for download here The chapter describes how to play a…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, Claymore, taepoong, Lxndr.

6/26/2003 taepoong: Stunning Blows!
Now this is cool! Stuning Blows Special Move Talk about your subduing techniques! This adds some great realism to brawling!
In Burning Wheel
Participants: taepoong.

6/24/2003 rafial: A question of Faith
This is a followup from my game report in Actual Play. One of the players in the demo used the Priest, and in play we found that it was almost…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: rafial, taepoong.

6/24/2003 rafial: Burning Wheel in Actual Play
I report on my first experience running BW in the Actual Play forum.
In Burning Wheel
Participants: rafial.

6/21/2003 Claymore: Adapting TRoS Combat to Burning Wheel
I realize that my words may (and probably will) be considered blasphemy, but has anyone considered adapting Riddle of Steel's combat mechanics to Burning Wheel. I happen to like most…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Claymore, Valamir, abzu, Bankuei, Mike Holmes, Anton_Duelant, Ron Edwards, Durgil, rafial, Bracken, Poleaxe, Baron Guthwulf.

6/20/2003 abzu: Unlisted Skills
Lately, couple of folks have mentioned missing skill descriptions. Frankly, there are just too many skills to describe. Skills that I felt needed no further description aside from their name…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, rafial.

6/19/2003 rafial: FoRKs in Melee
So I've noticed that all the melee weapons skills list brawling, martial arts and each other as FoRKs. Does this mean that if I have both Sword skill and Brawling…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: rafial, taepoong, nebulous menace, abzu.

6/18/2003 rafial: Why script Block?
Here's my latest head scratcher. Why would you ever want to script Block, as opposed to Counterstrike? Counterstrike works against all the things that Block works against, and a lot…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: rafial, taepoong, abzu, nebulous menace, inthisstyle.

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In Burning Wheel

9/2/2003 Catalyst: BW scripted combat
Hi, all. I think I'm a new BW convert and I wanted to babble about it. There's a lot to digest in BW. I've been taking my time since the…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Catalyst, drozdal, taepoong.

9/5/2003 abzu: Ken Hite Reviews Burning Wheel
Scroll down to "Wheels on Fire." whoa.
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, Clinton R. Nixon, ethan_greer, Tony Irwin, Valamir.

9/5/2003 Garbanzo: Shades?
Hey, all. Over in the thread called Ken Hite Reviews Burning Wheel, I was really surprised there was no mention of how Shades contribute to character building and advancement.…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Garbanzo, Valamir, Tony Irwin, taepoong, abzu, Lxndr.

9/19/2003 AnyaTheBlue: Groan...
I have been eagerly consuming my copy of BW piecemeal since I got it a couple of weeks ago. Fantastic stuff. But. But....but....but.... Fiber ball? Geez.
In Burning Wheel
Participants: AnyaTheBlue, abzu.

9/23/2003 bcook1971: Preliminary Thoughts
I bought 3 Forge games a few weeks back: Sorcerer, The Riddle of Steel and The Burning Wheel. Can't remember why BW made the list . . . I'm pretty…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: bcook1971, abzu, AnyaTheBlue, Kaare Berg, taepoong, drozdal.

9/29/2003 abzu: Beliefs and "Reality"
So we watched Big Trouble in Little China last night. The entire movie can be really (really) nicely explained in BW terms. But one of the foremost aspects of the…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, bcook1971, rafial.

10/28/2003 bcook1971: The Burning Wheel: First Pass
I was skipping around, reading each part within the book that pertained to the idea I was interested in, not really making good progress. Then I had a chat with…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: bcook1971, abzu.

10/28/2003 Matt Wilson: Lifepath question
Hey Luke: Wilhelm "rafial" is talking about running a game of BW coming up in the rotation, so I've been trying out a couple lifepaths to see how things work.…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Matt Wilson, abzu, rafial.

10/31/2003 abzu: 1 Year Old!
So today, Halloween, is Burning Wheel's first birthday. After a year of hustling we've moved hundreds of copies of the game, been to eight conventions: Ucon, Ubercon 1, Gazebo of…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, Matt Wilson, rafial, drozdal.

11/15/2003 LordSmerf: Kudos for Burning Wheel
I got my copy in last night, i spent this morning reading the Burning Wheel itself, the Character Burner will have to wait until i get done with this... Here's…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: LordSmerf, abzu.

11/19/2003 abzu: A Question of Faith and Timing
So my roommate Rik, Dro and I were we up late watching some bad sci-fi the other night and brainstorming some notes for BW. One thing that Rik and I…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, taepoong, LordSmerf.

12/15/2003 rafial: BW and No Myth
In my Tarshish game, I've been seeking to follow the "No Myth" style of GMing, in so far as I understand that concept as it has been presented at the…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: rafial, joshua neff, abzu.

12/18/2003 Calithena: Can I see a sample monster? A sample NPC?
I'm curious about what these things look like in Burning Wheel and how long they take to whip up.
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Calithena, rafial, taepoong, abzu.

12/21/2003 Lxndr: Random BW Questions
I've poked through here, and I've poked through the forums on your site, as well as looking through the book. Here are questions I couldn't find answered. If they were,…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Lxndr, abzu, rafial.

12/25/2003 Lxndr: A funny thing happened on my way to my character...
Well, not really funny. But I decided I'd try to make myself a character, and then I realized - you know, I really don't like doing stuff by hand. Years…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Lxndr, Kaare Berg, abzu.

1/1/2004 Lxndr: Called Shots
Okay, on page 150, Burning Wheel has a rather nice, simple set of Called Shots rules. But there seems to be too little reward - is the only benefit of…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Lxndr, abzu, taepoong.

1/1/2004 Lxndr: A Possible Setting for Burning Wheel
I've got a number of homegrown fantasy settings sitting around (who doesn't, right?), and it's occurred to me that Burning Wheel might be the right home for one of them.…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Lxndr, abzu, drozdal, taepoong.

1/5/2004 xiombarg: alternate wound penalties
[url][/url] It appears that Luke thought these important enough to print out and include them, as a seperate sheet, with my copy of [i]The Burning Wheel[/i]. Why is this? Could…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: xiombarg, taepoong, abzu, Kaare Berg, Lxndr, Durgil, rafial.

1/6/2004 ethan_greer: Best New RPG 2003
Wow, Ken Hite gives Burning Wheel "the nod." Congrats, Luke! Read all about it here.
In Burning Wheel
Participants: ethan_greer, abzu, Lxndr, Mike Holmes.

1/6/2004 Calithena: PBeM?
Has anyone tried Burning Wheel for PBeM play? The thing that makes me think it might be a cut above the norm is the 'combat scripting' approach, though I only…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Calithena, Lxndr.

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