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In Conventions

5/25/2001 Dav: Cybercon response to indy rpg question
I'm very tired, but I wanted to post this, as I think it is a good sign that and Cybercon want to try to make things work: from email…
In Conventions
Participants: Dav, poppocabba, effie, Ron Edwards, rpghost.

8/20/2001 effie: CyberCon II - Want to Expose Your Game?
For those of you who were not there, CyberCon I was an online RPG convention prepared and promoted by the RPGHost network. It was a rousing success for a first-time…
In Conventions
Participants: effie, Ian O'Rourke.

8/24/2001 rpghost: CyberCon 2 - Seminars and Demos
Greetings, Not sure this is the right place to post this, but hopefully you guys won't mind... CyberCon is the premier on-line role-playing convention! A weekend of gaming, tournaments, guest…
In Conventions
Participants: rpghost.

8/20/2003 abzu: Forge East
[b]Eastern Forges[/b] I was very much inspired by being a part of the Forge booth at GenCon. It was a tremendous sense of community -- of individuals come together to…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, Dev, iago, Rob Donoghue, Andy Kitkowski, M. J. Young, Mike Holmes, Valamir, eruditus.

8/22/2003 abzu: Shorecon
I figured if I Clinton is going to go ahead and make me a Moderator, I might as well start off on the right foot. Herein discuss plans for Shorecon.…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, M. J. Young.

8/23/2003 GamerGuru: St. Louis Area Conventions
I was told by Ron Edwards of Adept Press, I think this is who I talked to, to post the St.louis area conventions. If anyone is interested in attending any…
In Conventions
Participants: GamerGuru, peteramthor.

8/25/2003 abzu: Vericon Sheesh, it's like this one is in my own back yard. I will definitely be there. Dev, can you give us some hard information? Attendance? Registration fees? Dealer's Table…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, Dev, lumpley.

8/26/2003 abzu: DragonCon
So, I'll be at DragonCon in Atlanta this weekend running Burning Wheel events. Are any other Forgies going to be there? A meet-up would be nice. Dragoncon, August 29th to…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, iago, Mike Holmes, drozdal, eruditus.

8/26/2003 rpghost: Store Grand Opening Support
Minion Development our parent company is planing to open a Brick & Mortar store in the Milwakee, WI area. We plan to have a kiosk for burn-on-demand of CD's bought…
In Conventions
Participants: rpghost.

8/26/2003 Ron Edwards: Adept Press and conventions
Hello, I think that Luke's proposal in the Forge East thread is being badly overlooked. I also want to emphasize that I agreed to this forum not because we needed…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Paul Czege, Matt Snyder, abzu, M. J. Young.

9/2/2003 abzu: Origins Forge Booth Hi all, So I've already talked with a few folks here about hitting Origins this year, and I wanted to invite everyone else. I just did some cursory…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, Michael S. Miller, Valamir, Mike Holmes, AdAstraGames.

9/4/2003 RaconteurX: U-Con -- Ann Arbor, Michigan
U-Con is Ann Arbor's annual game convention, held in the Michigan Union at the edge of the University of Michigan's central campus. In years past, U-Con has hosted guests who…
In Conventions
Participants: RaconteurX.

9/6/2003 RaconteurX: GloranthaCon
As HeroQuest is the recipient of a seemingly unparalleled degree of enthusiam on The Forge (indeed, the only place it appears to hold greater esteem is on the various Glorantha-specific…
In Conventions
Participants: RaconteurX.

9/6/2003 Loz: Continuum 2004
Announcing (fanfare) Continuum, 2004 23rd - 26th July, Digby Hall, Leicester. A convention celebrating all things HeroQuest, Gloranthan, Eternal Champion and Call of Cthulhu. Guests include the mighty Charlie…
In Conventions
Participants: Loz, Mark Galeotti.

9/7/2003 ross_winn: Necronomicon 2004
October 24-26 Crowne Plaza Sabal Park Tampa, Florida More Info Here! Guests of Honor: Gahan Wilson • Steve Jackson • Ellisa Mitchell
In Conventions
Participants: ross_winn, JamesDJIII, Ron Edwards, Dr O.

9/8/2003 kwill: representation at Imbolcon 2003 (October 4/5)
dear all, I will be selling books at Imbolcon, our local con, and am happy to promote Forgite games while I am there, you will need to send me the…
In Conventions
Participants: kwill.

9/16/2003 ZeOtter: Southern California GenCon
I am really interested in going to GenCon In Anaheim California. All the info is at the website: it runs from December 11th throught the 14th. I am wondering…
In Conventions
Participants: ZeOtter, JSDiamond.

9/17/2003 abzu: Ubercon: First One's Free
Hi folks, So I am still very interested in promoting the Forge and its attendant games at the conventions I am heading out to in the next couple of months.…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, ethan_greer, M. J. Young.

9/25/2003 pete_darby: AGSCON, UK, Canterbury 18/10/03
Just a quick pimping for the local one day convention, the web site for which will be found here I'll be running a HeroQuest game in the morning session: "Uzcape…
In Conventions
Participants: pete_darby.

9/30/2003 PeterAdkison: Gen Con So Cal -- Can I answer any questions?
Hi all! I just thought I'd post and offer to answer (or at least try!) any questions people might have about Gen Con So Cal. The show will take place…
In Conventions
Participants: PeterAdkison, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Matt Wilson, abzu, Gordon C. Landis, Christopher Weeks, Mike Holmes, Matt Snyder, RaconteurX, M. J. Young, Lxndr, Michael S. Miller, Jeffrey Miller, LordSmerf.

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