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In Conventions

7/6/2005 Andrew Morris: Indie games roster for GenCon?
Has anyone complied a list of the indie games running at GenCon, much as Tony has done for DexCon? I'm looking at registering for what few games are left, and…
In Conventions
Participants: Andrew Morris, Malcolm.

7/5/2005 Andrew Morris: DexCon flyer
I seem to remember someone discussing a flyer with the IGE games listed on it, but I can't seem to find anything. Is anyone putting something like this together? I…
In Conventions
Participants: Andrew Morris, TonyLB, Rob Donoghue, Michael S. Miller, Paka.

7/5/2005 jrs: [GenCon 2005] Retailer handout?
Hi all, Last month, I mentioned here that I wanted to create a retailer handout for GenCon. My idea is to produce a one-page consolodation of useful information about…
In Conventions
Participants: jrs, Michael S. Miller, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, lumpley, Bob Goat, Malcolm, daMoose_Neo.

7/5/2005 abzu: GenCon 2005 Booth and Credit Cards
My experience at Origins this year also led this observation: We must find a way to accept credit cards at the Forge booth this year. Must. To do this, we'll…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, Bob Goat, timfire, jrs, Paul Czege, Andrew Morris, Michael S. Miller, Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Technocrat13, Andy Kitkowski, Matt Wilson, Adam, daMoose_Neo, btrc, LordSmerf, Jasper the Mimbo, Lisa Padol, M Jason Parent.

7/4/2005 abzu: Origins After-Action
Origins, to my eye, is a pretty strange con. It's laid across a sprawling convention hall and lacks a sense of centrality. There appear to be an overwhelming number of…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, Mourglin, inthisstyle, Thor Olavsrud, Jake Richmond, Mike Holmes, PeterAdkison, GB Steve, M Jason Parent.

7/4/2005 TonyLB: [DexCon 8] Replacement GM
Due to unavoidable pressures, one of our volunteer GMs is unable to attend DexCon 8. Is there anyone planning to come who can jump in to run a saturday midnight…
In Conventions
Participants: TonyLB, gains.

7/4/2005 Lisa Padol: DexCon Larp
Josh and I continue to take courses in larp creation under Stephen Tihor. Last year, we worked with Stephen and with Beth Bartley, fine tuning Jamais Vu for DexCon. This…
In Conventions
Participants: Lisa Padol.

7/4/2005 Technocrat13: [Indy GenCon '05] Too slow chicken marango!
Too slow for this cat! Okies. Lisa and I just got back from Origins and we're looking to jump right onto planning for GenCon. Apparenlty planning for one after the…
In Conventions
Participants: Technocrat13, Matt Gwinn, Allan, Thor Olavsrud, Paka, Smithy, Blankshield, Andrew Morris, Malcolm, Dave Panchyk, Mike Holmes, urbanpagan, Ron Edwards.

6/30/2005 mister.ribbit: So Cal GenCon?
Is there going to be a Forge presence at the So Cal GenCon that runs in November or should I be looking to come to the one in Indianapolis to…
In Conventions
Participants: mister.ribbit, Clinton R. Nixon.

6/29/2005 timfire: Lodging for GenCon
Hi everyone, I know there was some talk earlier, but I still need to get my lodging worked out for GenCon. I would preferably like to keep things cheap, so…
In Conventions
Participants: timfire, Clinton R. Nixon, Gaerik, Andrew Morris, Bob Goat, Smithy, LordSmerf.

6/27/2005 Ben Lehman: YukiCon! (Sunday, July 3rd)
Hello everyone. Andy Kitkowski and I are putting on YukiCon at Andy's house (which I happen to co-habit) this upcoming Sunday, July 3rd. YukiCon will start at 10-11, and run…
In Conventions
Participants: Ben Lehman, Andy Kitkowski, Technocrat13, jasonm, Adam Dray, Jeph.

6/21/2005 Paul Czege: [GenCon 2005] sponsor a Forge Booth chair!
Okay, over the weekend I bought twenty steel folding chairs. They're beige-grey. They were $9.99 each, plus tax. Tom will bring them to GenCon. He'll also store them in his…
In Conventions
Participants: Paul Czege, abzu, Matt Wilson, Matt Gwinn, Andy Kitkowski, GB Steve.

6/20/2005 Zachary The First: [Gen Con 2005] RPG Blog Obtains Press Pass
Hey all, Just wanted to share the good news--my site, RPG Blog, was just granted press passes for Gen Con Indy 2005. I hope to see the regular crowd there…
In Conventions
Participants: Zachary The First.

6/20/2005 epweissengruber: Phantasm, September 2005
Once again, I will be running a few Indie RPGs at Phantasm, a 2 day convention in lovely Peterborough, Ontario. This year I will be doing the 2-hour demo thing,…
In Conventions
Participants: epweissengruber.

6/17/2005 daMoose_Neo: [GenCon] Previous customer counts & freebies
I must say this has to be the shortest span for developing something and figuring out how to print it- in less than three days, I have not only a…
In Conventions
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Michael S. Miller, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman.

6/14/2005 Technocrat13: I'll pay you to advertise your game at the cons.
So, my wife Lisa and I are actively planning our trips to GenCon and Origins this year. And we're contemplating what we wanna wear. We've pretty well settled on 'investing'…
In Conventions
Participants: Technocrat13, xenopulse, Andy Kitkowski, Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards, greyorm.

6/14/2005 Technocrat13: [Origins] What's for sale?
There's a slightly aged thread below about who's going to be at Origins, but with the event just two weeks away, I'm curious as to what indie games I'll be…
In Conventions
Participants: Technocrat13, Thor Olavsrud, MatrixGamer.

6/14/2005 epweissengruber: Canadian National Gaming Expo (August 26-28)
The Toronto Role Player's Association posted the address of a big gaming con in Toronto. There is interest among the players of Big Games like D&D or World of Darkness.…
In Conventions
Participants: epweissengruber, Blankshield, Brand_Robins, Allan.

6/13/2005 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2005] Current lineup
Hi everybody, Here is the current situation at the Forge booth, as of MY records. I am easily confused given all the stuff I have to keep juggling at all…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, jrs, Matt Gwinn, daMoose_Neo, Ben Lehman, Bob Goat, Allan, Zachary The First, Malcolm, nikola, Lisa Padol.

6/12/2005 TonyLB: [DexCon 8] You MUST register
[quote="Vinny"]Please have ANY GMs who are coming with you to run your game go ASAP to the [url=]registration page.[/url].[/quote] Okay, this is (despite the "please") a pretty serious command from…
In Conventions
Participants: TonyLB.

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In Conventions

7/10/2005 leonidas300: Can anyone represent Cursed Empire at Gencon Indy?
Dear gamers, is anyone intetested in running Cursed Empire demos at Gencon Indy 05? We cannot make this one sadly from the UK so any support would be more than…
In Conventions
Participants: leonidas300.

7/13/2005 smokewolf: Seeking local Con support
Hello everyone, long time no hear from me. Hope those from GenCon 04 remember me. Thought I would see if anyone is interested here. Just seeing if anyone wants their…
In Conventions
Participants: smokewolf, TonyLB.

7/14/2005 Malcolm: Booth Advive for a First Timer
Hi, I realise that Ron and others are probably still hard at work forumulating plans for the Forge booth at GenCon, but as I'm in the throes of getting stuff…
In Conventions
Participants: Malcolm, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski.

7/14/2005 Malcolm: GenCon Convention Demos - Advice?
I've been working on my booth demo game for GenCon, but taking following on from Rons answer to some queries I had about the con in another thread, I've become…
In Conventions
Participants: Malcolm, Michael S. Miller, Emily Care, Andy Kitkowski, Ben Lehman, Allan, Ron Edwards, TonyLB.

7/15/2005 Jasper the Mimbo: Selling Ice to Eskimos (Gen Con exibitors, read this.)
Since I've been conscripted to be a sales rep for the booth, I'm going to need some info on the games I'm not familiar with. If you've got a product…
In Conventions
Participants: Jasper the Mimbo, Malcolm, Andy Kitkowski, daMoose_Neo.

7/16/2005 Andy Kitkowski: [GENCON] Booth Monkeys sign-in: What Can You Run?
Hi all, it's time to start getting prepared for the con- It's only a month away, so if we start now we'll have a killer crack team of Elite Booth…
In Conventions
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Malcolm, Ben Lehman, Jasper the Mimbo, Matt Wilson, johnmarron, Allan, Emily Care, daMoose_Neo, Bob Goat, Clinton R. Nixon, Thor Olavsrud, timfire, Nev the Deranged, TonyLB, Michael S. Miller, Matt Snyder, Lisa Padol, Ron Edwards, apeiron, btrc, nikola.

7/16/2005 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2005] Booth roster (final)
Hello, A couple of current threads are working with incomplete booth information. Here is the final list. Primaries Adept Press - Ron Edwards - Sorcerer, Elfs, Trollbabe Burning Wheel -…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Blankshield.

7/17/2005 Denise: ENnies Fan's Choice for Best Publisher Nomination Thread
Hi All! As you may or may not be aware, the ENnies (The 2005 Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards) are rapidly approaching, and are the current de facto…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise, Andy Kitkowski, Clinton R. Nixon, jblittlefield, M Jason Parent, Ron Edwards.

7/18/2005 abzu: Dexcon After Action Report
Hart, Dro and Thor and I are just back from Dexcon. We were there from Friday morning until Sunday afternoon. When we arrived, IPR Brennan, Tony LB and Ben Lehman…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, TonyLB, Ben Lehman, Rob Donoghue, Andrew Morris, RobNJ, Michael S. Miller, Andy Kitkowski, Paka, Bill_White, Thor Olavsrud, Kat Miller, Dregg, gains, inthisstyle, Lisa Padol, Shawn De Arment, Sydney Freedberg, elgorade.

7/20/2005 TonyLB: [GENCON] Demo-Folk: What would help you most?
In the Booth Monkeys Sign-in thread, we've had a good number of people who want to demonstrate game systems for other people, but who want some preparation and (at least…
In Conventions
Participants: TonyLB, Malcolm, Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards, daMoose_Neo, Ben Lehman.

7/20/2005 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2005] Second laws
Hi folks, This is a followup to GenCon 2005 - first laws. I hope everyone who's participating at the booth reads that one and this one carefully. Here are some…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Malcolm, Nev the Deranged, Jared A. Sorensen, btrc, Jürgen Mayer.

7/23/2005 daMoose_Neo: [GenCon] Booth Monkey Demo Resources
I was at a little bit of a loss after drawing up an Introduction/Summary sheet for my Imp Game, and seeing as how others, such as Ben w/ Polaris, have…
In Conventions
Participants: daMoose_Neo, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Malcolm.

7/24/2005 btrc: GenCon booth opening
Just thought I'd post this here in case someone didn't see it on the WHEEZ-L mailing list: Message: 1 Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 12:27:39 -0500 From: "Ken Burnside" <>…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc.

7/30/2005 timfire: [GenCon] How many demos should I plan for?
I'll probably print up charsheets to use for my Mountain Witch demos, so I will need to know how many demos I should plan for. What would be a safe…
In Conventions
Participants: timfire, Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards.

8/1/2005 Lisa Padol: Shopping List
I'm heading off to Scotland tomorrow, flying in the Wednesday of GenCon, then heading out for GenCon on Thursday. Having polled my friends, here is the Forge portion of my…
In Conventions
Participants: Lisa Padol, Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards.

8/2/2005 btrc: Forge booth: Posters, etc.
A few questions regarding booth organization, etc. 1) How much space (dimensions, please) do we have for posters and other self-promotion? 2) Should we each start saving up our grocery…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc, Ron Edwards, LordSmerf, Bob Goat, TonyLB, Matt Gwinn, Jasper the Mimbo, Allan, Paul Czege, abzu, daMoose_Neo, nikola, Andrew Morris.

8/2/2005 TonyLB: Forge Booth: Price List
I've taken the price-list from IGE2 at DEXCON, and butchered it around a bit to make a starting price list for GenCon. You can see the evolving list here. I'll…
In Conventions
Participants: TonyLB, Bob Goat, daMoose_Neo, Paul Czege, Matt Gwinn, Ben Lehman, Clinton R. Nixon, timfire, Allan, Blankshield, Malcolm, Emily Care, Matt Wilson, Matt Snyder, jrs, Valamir, abzu, ShawnHel.

8/3/2005 Matt Wilson: be a billboard at GenCon
If anyone who's attending the show and working at the booth wants to be a walking billboard (a stylish walking billboard) for Primetime Adventures, let me know via PM. I'm…
In Conventions
Participants: Matt Wilson.

8/3/2005 Ben Lehman: [GenCon 2005] Auxiliary Gaming Zone
Hi, everyone. So, last year, we had the combined problems of: 1) Too many people at the booth.  We love it when our good friends come and hang out with…
In Conventions
Participants: Ben Lehman, Ron Edwards, Matt Gwinn, TonyLB.

8/3/2005 Ben Lehman: [GenCon 2005] Monkey Feeding
This is split from my <a href="">Auxiliary Gaming Zone</a> thread, which I managed to drive off topic by my own hand with a PS comment. In short -- the GenCon…
In Conventions
Participants: Ben Lehman, TonyLB, LordSmerf, btrc, Blankshield, Ron Edwards, Gaerik, daMoose_Neo, Paul Czege, Matt Wilson, Bob Goat, Clinton R. Nixon, timfire, abzu, Jasper the Mimbo.

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