Previous Topics In lumpley games 5/9/2005 lin swimmer: Just finished my first session Hey all. Long time listener, first time caller.
My mind is still swimming. My group just finished a marathon session. I felt really lucky to get the chance to GM… In lumpley games Participants: lin swimmer, jasonm.
5/8/2005 sirogit: [DitV] Town creation - White Stone Here's my next DitV town: White Stone.
The most notable feature of the town is the steward, Arim, a converted mountain person, charismatic and utterly devoted to the Faith, and… In lumpley games Participants: sirogit, Simon Kamber.
5/7/2005 Technocrat13: [DitV] Dry Canyon Crossing Hiya fellow Dogs-addicts. At the last minute, two of my fellow players decided to call me on my bragging that Dogs was easy and quick to set up. We're getting… In lumpley games Participants: Technocrat13, TonyLB.
5/7/2005 Blankshield: [DITV] When Stewards go bad... ...their town looks like this one.
(Harlequin, stop reading.)
Complications arising from a wedding rehersal and work and children meant a much abbreviated evening for Dogs today, so I whipped… In lumpley games Participants: Blankshield.
5/7/2005 ptikachu: [DitV] Tribulation Branch This is a town I created for a game I ran recently at the FLGS, for two new players and one of my longtime players. It turned out quite well;… In lumpley games Participants: ptikachu.
5/6/2005 Paka: Using the Proto-NPC's I haven't re-read the DitV rules in a while, so forgive me if this is spelled out
Alright, when an NPC makes an appearance I roll and get a blank… In lumpley games Participants: Paka, nikola, demiurgeastaroth.
5/5/2005 immlass: [DitV] Too-effective Dogs? In this thread ( Vincent said: There's this thing that happens sometimes when people see Dogs. They go "holy FUCK, the characters are effective! I gotta put a stop to… In lumpley games Participants: immlass, Bankuei, xenopulse, lumpley, Harlequin, ptikachu, demiurgeastaroth, nikola.
5/5/2005 demiurgeastaroth: [DitV] Relationship Dice In this old thread:
Vincent suggests a rule for replenishing Relationship Dice over time.
Between towns, choose 3 dice, roll 'em, 1-3 you get it, as above. To be… In lumpley games Participants: demiurgeastaroth, lumpley, Valamir, cdr, nikola, Technocrat13, TonyLB, ptikachu, Ben Lehman.
5/4/2005 demiurgeastaroth: [DitV] Raw Deal for Complicated History Look at the Strong History and Strong Community backgrounds:
Background:--- Str. Comm.---|Str. Hist.
Traits:------------1d4 3d6 2d8 |3d6 4d8 3d10
Relationships:--4d6 4d8 3d10|1d4 3d6 2d8
Notice how similar they are -… In lumpley games Participants: demiurgeastaroth, lumpley.
5/4/2005 demiurgeastaroth: [DitV] The Deluge continues - Healing So there we were at the end of the session - after the last conflict, one player had minor fallout, another had 6d10+4d6+about 8d4, and the last had 4d6+9d10 fallout.… In lumpley games Participants: demiurgeastaroth, lumpley, nikola, Wolfen.
5/4/2005 demiurgeastaroth: [DitV] Long Term Games: Experience After playing one session of DitV, and seeing each player get Experience at least three times, plus Reflection, plus all the actual Fallout, I was a little shocked. They say… In lumpley games Participants: demiurgeastaroth, lumpley, Simon Kamber, Chris Goodwin, sirogit, Eero Tuovinen, nikola, ptikachu, cdr.
5/4/2005 demiurgeastaroth: [DitV] Town of Wellcome I designed this town for my first session, played last night. I wasn't able to post it here for advice, as I finished it just before we played (after 3… In lumpley games Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Wolfen, jasonm.
5/4/2005 demiurgeastaroth: Question about Social Conflicts I had a problem with handling raises and sees in Social Conflict last night. Fighting was easy enough.
Let's say you have a mob demanding that the criminal they have… In lumpley games Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Trevis Martin, Wolfen, immlass, lumpley.
5/4/2005 demiurgeastaroth: [DitV] Question about Escalation From another thread, I understand this is okay.
Dog is talking down Evil Gunslinger (EG). EG escalates to gunfighting. Dog doesn't, still trying to talk, so EG gets extra dice… In lumpley games Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Wolfen, lumpley, Technocrat13, TonyLB, Brand_Robins, xenopulse, cdr, Simon Kamber, ironick, nikola, mister.ribbit, James Holloway, sirogit.
5/3/2005 Valamir: Achievement Question I finally brow beat Seth into running some Dogs and we had our character creation session last week.
My question involves the difference between simple achievements where I play what… In lumpley games Participants: Valamir, Wolfen, lumpley, GreatWolf, Trevis Martin.
5/3/2005 nikola: Yay! Rules question (about reversing the blow in multi-way) Joshua is the GM (playing Farmer Fub and his hands). Max (playing Mao), Jim (playing Osric), and Becky (playing Aviva) are players.
Osric: I shoot Farmer Fub. (raise 4)
Joshua:… In lumpley games Participants: nikola, bcook1971, lumpley, immlass, jasonm.
5/2/2005 immlass: [DitV] Actual Play: Using PCs in initiation conflicts We tried using PCs in each others' initiation conflicts this weekend and it worked out pretty well.
My character, Sister Hepzibah, ended up by traits as kind of a ladylike… In lumpley games Participants: immlass, lumpley, Technocrat13, MichaelCurry.
5/1/2005 THowell: [DitV] More Questions We played our first game this weekend (read about it here
and some questions came up:
(a) If the Dog wants to escalate during an Initiation, and you want the… In lumpley games Participants: THowell, Wolfen, demiurgeastaroth, Simon Kamber, lumpley.
5/1/2005 cdr: [DitV] Plague Dogs (If my players are seeing this it's fine for you to read, it doesn't have spoilers.)
I have a mechanics question (eventually)! First some context. Brother Jabez, Brother Thomas and… In lumpley games Participants: cdr, Simon Kamber, Wolfen, lumpley, eah.
4/30/2005 sirogit: [DitV] Homosexuality and perceived heavy-handedness Me and my brother were having a little arguement about the setting of Dogs in the Vineyard as it stands effected by the events of the last town I ran,… In lumpley games Participants: sirogit, TonyLB, Bankuei, Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman, ravenx99, Lxndr, Paka, Wolfen, Brendan, Danny_K, nikola, demiurgeastaroth, Simon Kamber.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In lumpley games 5/15/2005 mister.ribbit: Etiquette in this forum I read through the Forge etiquette post, but I have a question more specific to this forum. A fairly large number of posts are simply descriptions of DitV branches, and… In lumpley games Participants: mister.ribbit, Technocrat13, lumpley, hix, Brendan, Mike Holmes.
5/15/2005 Dev: Rotating Dogs - does it work? I'm lucky enough to have a few really good players that I'm itching to introduce to Dogs. Sweet! I also have quite a few friends who would be great for… In lumpley games Participants: Dev, Technocrat13, lumpley, ptikachu, nikola, urbanpagan, Simon Kamber.
5/16/2005 ravenx99: [DitV] Finally got started on our game... We finally got started, but we only got through character creation. (I finished the details of my town at the last minute, so I didn't post it for review. I'll… In lumpley games Participants: ravenx99, Simon Kamber, lumpley.
5/17/2005 sirogit: Misclleanous DitV questions. 1. If character's are in a group conflict, can they choose not to Raise when its their turn, without giving?
Here's the situation I'm thinking of:
Dog A wants to… In lumpley games Participants: sirogit, Simon Kamber, lumpley, cdr, Eero Tuovinen, Technocrat13, Brand_Robins, Ul.
5/17/2005 neelk: [DitV] Dogs using Sorcery Through a somewhat complicated path, three of the five Dogs in my game have decided that using sorcery, while in general bad, is really okay in this particular situation. They… In lumpley games Participants: neelk, jasonm, lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, Sydney Freedberg, Simon Kamber, ravenx99, nikola, Wolfen.
5/19/2005 Matt Wilson: Dogs and advancement and its impact on play Sadly, I can only ask about Dogs stuff from the outside, since I haven't got the chance to play it yet. Did I mention how sad that is?
But this… In lumpley games Participants: Matt Wilson, lumpley, Technocrat13, Clinton R. Nixon, Matt Snyder, Ron Edwards, neelk, nikola, Wolfen, Bankuei.
5/20/2005 Simon Kamber: [DitV]Life and death conflicts This is one of those theoretical threads that aren't based in something I've actually experienced in play. In the Dogs rulebook, there's an example conflict on page 51-52 that describes… In lumpley games Participants: Simon Kamber, Technocrat13, TonyLB, neelk, xenopulse, Wolfen, lumpley, Blankshield, lazarus, Brand_Robins, cdr, Sydney Freedberg.
5/21/2005 lazarus: [DitV] IRC dicebot I've been writing, over the past few days, an IRC dicebot to use for Dogs in the Vineyard.
Currently: it'll roll dice and keep track of them, allow you to… In lumpley games Participants: lazarus.
5/25/2005 joshua neff: anyway is anywhere? Vincent, what's going on with your website and blog? I haven't been able to get to it all day, and Andy K. apparently hasn't either, since he made a post… In lumpley games Participants: joshua neff, Matt Wilson, lumpley.
5/25/2005 rrr: Dust Creek:Quick Town I made for first proper game with DitV Hello, well finally last night I got to run a full (if a little short) session of Dogs. It was an impromptu thing when one member of the regular game… In lumpley games Participants: rrr, Wolfen, Simon Kamber, nikola.
5/27/2005 ptikachu: [DitV] Fort Lemon Ate My Dogs! Total Party Kill. And the players all pushed for it. They never Gave. It was awesome.
This was a couple of weeks ago. I was actually short for time, and… In lumpley games Participants: ptikachu, sirogit, jasonm.
5/27/2005 Simon Kamber: Monotonous conflicts Started this thread because of an issue that arose when I ran Fall Valley Branch.
The problem is that the conflicts sometimes get monotonous. Especially the ones that are about… In lumpley games Participants: Simon Kamber, sirogit, Technocrat13, Valamir.
5/28/2005 Wolfen: Having trouble sorting out the progression... So okay. I got this town idea, one I wanted to be downright vicious. I tried to start with the progression of sin, but everything feels all disjointed and out… In lumpley games Participants: Wolfen, TonyLB, nikola, sirogit.
6/1/2005 mtiru: [DiTV] Questions from Actual Play I'm posting these questions at the urging of my co-player and GM, who posts here as lin swimmer.
Since he created the town, he can probably fill in the Town… In lumpley games Participants: mtiru, lumpley, Wolfen.
6/1/2005 Solamasa: [Otherkind] Moonlight value In anticipation of a potential up-coming Otherkind game:
Does the numerical value of a person's Moonlight have a use outside of determining if that person will be unhappy in an… In lumpley games Participants: Solamasa, lumpley.
6/1/2005 Sean: Dogs Prep Questions Well, it appears that I'm going to be running this game by the end of the month! My players all come to the Forge, so I don't want to post… In lumpley games Participants: Sean, lumpley, cdr, Danny_K.
6/2/2005 Ul: [DiTY] The Waterfall branch So this will be my second town in dogs, with Simon as one of the players (so don’t read this Simon) and the groupd that he has been GM’ing the… In lumpley games Participants: Ul.
6/2/2005 Warren: Bows Just a quick question, and I think I've got an answer to it, but I'm not sure. How are Bows handled?
1) Do they Escalate as Fighting (Body+Will) or Gunfighting… In lumpley games Participants: Warren, Technocrat13, nikola, sirogit.
6/3/2005 mtiru: [DiTV] Monument Creek Branch This is the first town I've created. (Don't read it, Ryan T.) Any feedback y'all have would be much appreciated. It is inspired by Ken Russell's "the Devils"
What's going… In lumpley games Participants: mtiru, Simon Kamber, Brendan.
6/6/2005 demiurgeastaroth: [DitV] What The Demons Want... One thing I'm about shaky about. Hopefully there's a simple answer.
Several Towns on the net have something like:
"The Demons want the Dogs to acknowledge and confirm..."
But if… In lumpley games Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Wolfen, Technocrat13, lumpley, sirogit, Ron Edwards, Blankshield, Mike Holmes, Eero Tuovinen, Simon Kamber, TonyLB, Brand_Robins.
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