Previous Topics In lumpley games 3/9/2006 coffeestain: Raven's Bluff Branch, Suggestions Wanted Hello. I'm working on a town that's pretty low-key (no sorcerers, etc) and I'm just not sure it has the punch I'd like it to have. It feels a little… In lumpley games Participants: coffeestain, Doug Ruff, Ben Lehman, lumpley.
3/7/2006 Dev: [Dogs] On The Ethical Nature of Kneecapping I have a player who is great at gunplay, and does raises like "Raise 12: I shoot Mob NPC in the knees/legs." He's specifically trying to avoid killing wounds, when… In lumpley games Participants: Dev, coffeestain, Vaxalon, Warren, Wolfen, ffilz, jlarke, lumpley, demiurgeastaroth, dunlaing.
3/6/2006 Vaxalon: Banthas in the Vineyard, preparing for play Our game group will be switching from vanilla Dogs to Banthas in the Vineyard in a few weeks, and I'd like to see what people have done, out there, to… In lumpley games Participants: Vaxalon, Danny_K, DanielT, dunlaing, Brendan, CCW, Transit, TheHappyAnarchist, nikola, Miskatonic.
3/3/2006 DanielT: [DitV] Another way of making up conflicts| what do you think? Ok, first, I think I should introduce me a bit (not so much, don' worry) M'name is Daniel, im innocent 17 years and from the land of beer and brezels,… In lumpley games Participants: DanielT, Vaxalon.
3/3/2006 lumpley: Dogs at IPR I've signed up with IPR! This is happy and exciting.
lumpley games at IPR
-Vincent In lumpley games Participants: lumpley, coffeestain, TonyLB, inthisstyle.
3/3/2006 HOT: [DitV]Where's the town with "Brother Jeffs and his Harem?" Over a year ago I got to play (up to now) my only game of Dogs (look here: for the result). Before this years HolmCon, Matthijs had ordered some games… In lumpley games Participants: HOT, lumpley.
3/2/2006 Adam Biltcliffe: character drama versus passing judgement So I walked in on an interesting conversation between two of my Dogs players a while back in which one of them was saying that she'd rather maneuver to get… In lumpley games Participants: Adam Biltcliffe, Valamir, Vaxalon, jburneko, IMAGinES.
3/1/2006 Particle_Man: [Humor] Game Ninjae in the Vineyard [I wonder if this counts as a metagame?]
The players are each a Ninja sent to go from Gamer Group to Gamer Group, fixing whatever dysfunctions they find.
Here is… In lumpley games Participants: Particle_Man.
3/1/2006 Judaicdiablo: How to highlight what DitV is really about Hello All,
I was speaking with John Harper and Philaros last night about a number of topics. One of them was about whether DitV was basically Narrativist or… In lumpley games Participants: Judaicdiablo, Brand_Robins, lumpley, agony, Frank T, Sydney Freedberg, John Harper.
2/25/2006 Emily Care: Group Conflicts Hello there,
It seems like the issue of how to deal with group conflicts is a common question. My friend Charles is running a game right now and ran into… In lumpley games Participants: Emily Care, Warren, Alephnul, Levi Kornelsen, Valamir, jlarke, lumpley, jburneko, coffeestain, ffilz, dunlaing.
2/25/2006 Everspinner: Best online Dogs roller? Hello
One of the players in our group lives away and can rarely make it to the city. Still, we like to have him playing with us and thus use… In lumpley games Participants: Everspinner, Vaxalon.
2/25/2006 Supplanter: Crowds and Power Say I have a gang of four armed men. I get the group stat, trait and relationship dice rules in the NPC chapter, no problem. But how many gun dice… In lumpley games Participants: Supplanter, ffilz, cdr, lumpley, Vaxalon.
2/24/2006 ffilz: [DitV] A few questions Looking back over my one play session, I have some questions:
First, in that session, we had a conflict on the way to town. The conflict was cool and all… In lumpley games Participants: ffilz, Vaxalon, Joe Zeutenhorst, Eero Tuovinen, lumpley.
2/24/2006 jburneko: Multiple Named NPCs in a Conflict I was reading a thread about Dogs today on and I noticed that someone mentioned that the GM only ever rolls one single die pool in a conflict even… In lumpley games Participants: jburneko, Vaxalon, coffeestain.
2/24/2006 inky: [DitV] Why do the players lose conflicts? Sorry if this has been covered in the past, but I looked back a few pages and couldn't find anything.
I've played in/GMed two short games of Dogs now (three… In lumpley games Participants: inky, Vaxalon, Andrew Morris, coffeestain, dunlaing, ffilz, Valamir.
2/24/2006 Levi Kornelsen: Demo on Sunday... Need Characters So. Sunday, myself and and one of my players will be running demo games of Dogs at the grand opening of our newest FLGS. We're expecting about 12-30 players over… In lumpley games Participants: Levi Kornelsen, Andrew Morris, cdr, ffilz.
2/24/2006 ffilz: [DitV] I'm gonna run Dogs tommorow - need suggestion for a short town I'm going to run Dogs tommorow for a couple of my players. I'm hoping to be able to get through chargen, initiation, and run a small town. Any suggestions (the… In lumpley games Participants: ffilz, jasonm, cdr, Andrew Morris, Supplanter, fmac.
2/23/2006 Emily Care: sin hierachy in pump up the volume Okay, this may be a pretty frivolous thread, I admit it.
I watched the 1990 movie Pump Up the Volume the other night. Unexpectedly, it didn't suck. Christian Slater et… In lumpley games Participants: Emily Care, TonyLB, Vaxalon, Blankshield, Everspinner, lumpley.
2/22/2006 jburneko: The Supernatural Dial Hello,
I'm very interested in how the supernatural dial generally gets set, in your game, and once set, how it ultimately affects your game. This weekend I had the opportunity… In lumpley games Participants: jburneko, ffilz, cdr, Iskander, Vaxalon, coffeestain, Levi Kornelsen, Supplanter, Ben Lehman, Alephnul, Wolfen, lumpley, ironick.
2/21/2006 cdr: [DitV] Why I like Tower Creek so much [quote author=lumpley link=topic=18813.msg197855#msg197855 date=1140536860]
Why Tower Creek? I think it's awesome that you've played the town so many times [...] what do you dig about that one in particular?
[/quote]… In lumpley games Participants: cdr, pedyo, lumpley, Technocrat13, ffilz, IMAGinES.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In lumpley games 3/10/2006 lumpley: Co-interviewing Hey, anyone who's here who doesn't do the blog crawl: Clinton R. Nixon and I are interviewing one another at <a href="">Fair Game</a>. Check it out, it's a blast.
-Vincent In lumpley games Participants: lumpley.
3/10/2006 lumpley: A new contest To go with the Iron Game Chef, the Ronnies, the Bennies, the Matties, the Murkies, the Monkies...
The Gamie-Gamies!
Discussion welcome here or there.
-Vincent In lumpley games Participants: lumpley, inthisstyle, Ben Lehman, Frank T.
3/13/2006 Everspinner: Balanced stakes or what´s at stake? Hello
Once again this might be some kind of a FAQ. If so, I would be much obliged if you could point me to the appropriate threads.
A few games… In lumpley games Participants: Everspinner, Warren.
3/13/2006 caramida: Baileyfield Branch - Looking for a critical eye Ok. This is my first attempt at creating a Branch of my own. Is this grabby enough for an first Branch for a new group? Should I instead use one… In lumpley games Participants: caramida, lumpley.
3/14/2006 Superstar: A humble beginning and then some questions I’ve been reading about DitV for some time and when a guy at my local gaming store mentioned that he owned it, played and didn’t like it I asked him… In lumpley games Participants: Superstar, TragicHeroBC, Danny_K, Pol Jackson.
3/15/2006 Anna B: My First Town I recived Dogs by mail about a week ago. This my frist attempt at creating a town. I wanted to create something dealt with gender roles but wouldn't push my… In lumpley games Participants: Anna B.
3/17/2006 TheHappyAnarchist: Reverse Dog Style (Not like that!!!) Courtesy of jhkim here.
Anyone ever considered doing dogs with the players creating a town and the GM creating the dogs and trying to fix the town with his… In lumpley games Participants: TheHappyAnarchist, Vaxalon, coffeestain, BollaertN.
3/21/2006 ElliottBelser MKII: [Demo] Games of Berkeley will demo Dogs in the Vinyard next month. Games of Berkeley on Shattuck is hosting an Indie Press RPG night on Saturdays at 5pm, kicking off with demos of Dogs in the Vinyard on the 1st and 22nd… In lumpley games Participants: ElliottBelser MKII, cdr, caramida.
3/24/2006 ElliottBelser MKII: Also running Dogs demos at Eudemonia on Mondays. On the 3rd, 17th, and 31st, I will present demos of Dogs in the Vineyard at Eudemonia, an internet cafe in Berkeley, California, on University near Shattuck.
Come all ye… In lumpley games Participants: ElliottBelser MKII.
3/28/2006 Vaxalon: Jedi - Space conflicts Okay, so let's say that a conflict is being played out in space.
How does escalation go?
"Just Talking" is easy, that's conversation and confrontation over communicators. No big deal.… In lumpley games Participants: Vaxalon, Mark D. Eddy, dunlaing, Sydney Freedberg.
3/30/2006 agony: Campaign Length? It's been stated Dogs works best lasting between 6-10 sessions. Quite simply, how long have your campaigns lasted? Why/how they ended would be nice as well. In lumpley games Participants: agony, Vaxalon.
3/30/2006 dunlaing: Dogs actual play So, we're playing Dogs and my character, Br. Samson, is being fawned over by a hot young Mountain Person woman. I initiated a conflict with the Stakes that I would… In lumpley games Participants: dunlaing, Vaxalon, Ben Lehman, Supplanter, Brian Newman, Brand_Robins, lumpley, Paka, TheHappyAnarchist, neelk.
3/30/2006 Supplanter: "Help" Help There was one aspect of the Helping Die rules our group found ambiguous in the text. I'd appreciate being straightened out on it.
If I help another Dog with a… In lumpley games Participants: Supplanter, dunlaing, Brand_Robins, cdr.
4/1/2006 cdr: [DitV] Character Gen 1-page summary I wanted a one-page summary of character generation as a handout for intro games of DitV and I've seen a few floating around in hardcopy, but those wheels weren't exactly… In lumpley games Participants: cdr, caramida.
4/1/2006 oreso: [Dogs] Notes for 3 Alternate Settings Some notes for alternate settings that I'm thinking of that I didnt find in the stickied list. DitV is currently in the post, so I dont actually know anything at… In lumpley games Participants: oreso, Everspinner, cpeterso, ffilz.
4/4/2006 Willow: [DitV Town] New Prosperity If you know me and you think there's any chance I might run this for you, DON'T READ THIS!
That means YOU, Daniel!
Anyway, everyone else, go ahead and read… In lumpley games Participants: Willow, ffilz, Alex Fradera.
4/6/2006 dunlaing: New Character Brother Solomon retired last night.
He retired at the end of the session, so we didn't do character creation. Should I follow the "don't think about your character before the… In lumpley games Participants: dunlaing, lumpley, TheHappyAnarchist.
4/6/2006 Brother Seth: A good point about DitV... It's been said that a role-playing game lives or dies by it's combat system. Every system out there has a more-or-less detailed system to deal with combat, with varying levels… In lumpley games Participants: Brother Seth, Vaxalon, Wolfen, lumpley, jasonm.
4/6/2006 Alex Fradera: [Dogs Town] King's Garden I took a stab at writing a town, based in a verdant stretch of the territory. Here it is.
Bro Matthew and Bro Enoch are lifelong friends, and share an… In lumpley games Participants: Alex Fradera.
4/10/2006 Lagnath: [DitV] My first attempt to make a town. Alright, below is a description of a town I have written up using the outline in the DitV book. Before I get into the details of the town I wanted… In lumpley games Participants: Lagnath, Andrew Morris, ffilz, TheHappyAnarchist, lumpley, Rustin.
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