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In lumpley games

10/17/2006 bebbstar: [Alternate Setting] Gods in the Vineyard
Hello all... This is my first post on this forum and my introduction to all things DitV. First (off-topic) - Vincent what an amazing thing you've created in DitV. I've…
In lumpley games
Participants: bebbstar, lumpley, demiurgeastaroth, Ramidel.

10/13/2006 charlesperez: Have Gun, Will Travel - Wire Paladin, San Francisco
The 50s western, "Have Gun, Will Travel" features the gunslinger Paladin, who appears to be a Dog in all but name. He begs for a Dogs writeup, provided below. Obviously,…
In lumpley games
Participants: charlesperez.

10/13/2006 James_Nostack: [Mechaton] Do sensors completely ignore armor?
Hi Vincent, I finally got a chance to play Mechaton the other night!  Hooray for me!  I had a question, though: when you paint someone with a sensor tag, does…
In lumpley games
Participants: James_Nostack, lumpley.

10/13/2006 tj333: Dog in a Black Coat
I've started a series of 9 Dog's town where a man who used to be a Dog but has become a sorcerer. His coat is now black and he travels…
In lumpley games
Participants: tj333, ironick, Ramidel.

10/11/2006 memolith: How do demons get what they want?
I'm confused about how Demons can exert their influence outside of Sorcery and conflicts where there is no obvious opposition. Let's use the Whitechurch Branch for example: -The Demons want…
In lumpley games
Participants: memolith, museleading, Thomas Lawrence, lumpley.

10/8/2006 Brian Newman: [DITV] Embers in the Void
I've been working on an alternate setting to use with Dogs in the Vineyard.  I wanted to incorporate elements of Dogs, Lost, and Firefly, and I finally hit upon something…
In lumpley games
Participants: Brian Newman, Lagnath.

10/7/2006 museleading: [DitV] First time GMing for new players - critque town?
I've played a few games now and am getting ready to GM my first session on Sunday.  The group consists of three players who have never played before and one…
In lumpley games
Participants: museleading, Call Me Curly.

10/6/2006 museleading: Dying in Dogs
I'm reading the chapter on Resolution in Action (pg 89-90 in the new version) and I was hoping someone could explain something to me. For instance, I have a possessed…
In lumpley games
Participants: museleading, lumpley, nikola.

10/5/2006 chriscrouch: [DitV] Actual Play: Little Bison Lake @ Vorpalcon
[b]An Actual Play report for Dogs in the Vineyard at Vorpalcon 2006 (October 2006)[/b] ( [hr] This was my second time GMing DitV (never been a player), and my first…
In lumpley games
Participants: chriscrouch, Charles Nicholls, carnival, Warwick.

10/4/2006 Brian Newman: [DITV] Having a point to make but no dice to back it up
My players are concerned about something in play -- a situation where they still have a great point to make or something they know is a winning argument, but they…
In lumpley games
Participants: Brian Newman, Valamir, Bankuei, Thomas Lawrence, James Holloway, lumpley, Elysium, Ron Edwards, jburneko, nikola.

10/4/2006 zornwil: As Dogs get more powerful...
I have looked around but haven't seen a topic on this...apologies if I missed it... With the NPC generation method, it seems to me that inevitably the PCs will be…
In lumpley games
Participants: zornwil, cdr, jburneko, Gugliandalf, ffilz, demiurgeastaroth, museleading, Vaxalon, nikola.

10/4/2006 Everspinner: Online Dogs dice roller
Hello Daniel (coffeestain) is now kindly hosting the online Dogs dice roller at Thanks, Daniel! Main features: No installations necessary Remote, real-time viewing of other player's dice Optimized…
In lumpley games
Participants: Everspinner, zornwil.

9/30/2006 uberxael: [DitV] Euthanatos in the Final Days
So, I’ve just wrapped up my Dogs game, and am a huge fan of the system. I love the way the narrative control shifts from player to player, and the…
In lumpley games
Participants: uberxael, opsneakie, Ramidel.

9/30/2006 Call Me Curly: Another Dogs In Iraq try
The team of Dogs find themselves teleported-- coats, sixguns, olde-tyme religion, and all-- to present day Iraq. They meet US troops who speak english and hail from the Dogs' side…
In lumpley games
Participants: Call Me Curly.

9/25/2006 Copperhead: SS Dogs breaking the game - split
[quote author=Spooky Fanboy link=topic=16895.msg179525#msg179525 date=1127258894] [quote author=Sydney Freedberg link=topic=16895.msg179519#msg179519 date=1127254126] The SS game wouldn't work because the SS aren't heroes: they ARE the hostile elements from Outside dressed up in…
In lumpley games
Participants: Copperhead, nikola.

9/25/2006 Ramidel: [DitV] 82nd Airborne in Iraq
Well, I was looking over the necromanced SSitV thread, and I was struck on the head with this post: American megachurch fascism?  Yes, just as revolting.…
In lumpley games
Participants: Ramidel, demiurgeastaroth, Dev, Vaxalon, oreso, Call Me Curly, Taltos.

9/24/2006 David Coulter: [DitV] Actual Play: Still River
Last night was our first DitV session. It fucking rocked. I was a little nervous at first, as I haven't run anything quite like it before, but it really seemed…
In lumpley games
Participants: David Coulter, Copperhead.

9/22/2006 Doyce: [DitV] Need you input on the town of Virtue
Okay, so I'm (re) starting a Dogs game tomorrow, and while digging through my old notes, I found the town I did up the first time I was going to…
In lumpley games
Participants: Doyce, Thomas Lawrence, Glendower.

9/21/2006 Thomas Lawrence: [DitV] IIEE and Giving
When you Give in a conflict as a response to a Raise, what happens to the narrated input in the raise? If I Reverse the Blow, the Intent and Initiation…
In lumpley games
Participants: Thomas Lawrence, Eliarhiman6, lumpley.

9/18/2006 Thomas Lawrence: [DitV] Stat Dice and when you get them
So, in the book there's a conflict example where an axe-weilding murder comes in while you're sleeping and hits you in the head with an axe. In the example given…
In lumpley games
Participants: Thomas Lawrence, lumpley, Bankuei, oliof, ffilz.

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Subsequent Topics
In lumpley games

10/25/2006 two_fishes: [DitV] Alternate Setting: Jedi Knights: Mos Alam
Hi! I am going to be running a DitV game on Friday, refitted for Jedi Knights. I thought I would post the town here for everyone's entertainment/comments (any constructive criticism…
In lumpley games
Participants: two_fishes, Vaxalon, LostSoul.

10/30/2006 museleading: Helping dice
Ran a conflict last night and a rule question came up.  Someone wanted to raise by shooting (and killing) a demon with a bullet soaked in the blood of a…
In lumpley games
Participants: museleading, demiurgeastaroth, lumpley, Yokiboy.

11/1/2006 Supplanter: [DitV] We Need a Montage!
I was recently struck with a hazy notion of a Dogs variant where you can run accomplishment conflicts as part of play. Maybe this would replace fallout-based advancement, maybe it…
In lumpley games
Participants: Supplanter, Ramidel, demiurgeastaroth, Web_Weaver.

11/2/2006 Filip Luszczyk: [DitV] King of Life does not throw dice
So, I've been thinking about a diceless resource bidding mechanic for my planned Mage: the Ascension game, and checking stuff like Sorcerer Diceless - and an idea occured to me…
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Danny_K, Vaxalon, demiurgeastaroth.

11/2/2006 Filip Luszczyk: [DitV] Spiritual opposition only game
(Sorry for flooding the forum with two new topics one after another, but I preferred to keep the ideas separate, for the eventual feedback not to be mixed.) During the…
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk.

11/6/2006 Transit: DITV - Which NPC gets to speak first?
I've noticed that the order in which a town is presented to the Dogs can have a big effect on how they react to it  Often, the first person that…
In lumpley games
Participants: Transit, Vaxalon, lumpley, jburneko, Yokiboy, Gugliandalf.

11/7/2006 Yokiboy: [DitV] Bookmarked Version of the PDF
Hello Vincent, I have created a bookmarked version of Dogs in the Vineyard 2nd Edition for my own use. If you are interested I'll gladly share it with you. I…
In lumpley games
Participants: Yokiboy.

11/7/2006 Gugliandalf: To Lumpley: Translations
I'm thinking about translating DitV in italian, how about it? Would you like to have an italian version to PDF and put it online on the Forge with the original…
In lumpley games
Participants: Gugliandalf.

11/7/2006 cdtatro: [DitV] Dogpile
I'm starting a Supers game using Dogs in the Vineyard soon and before I begin, I'm having trouble getting my brain around how conflicts where all the players dogpile on…
In lumpley games
Participants: cdtatro, Vaxalon, demiurgeastaroth, ffilz, Gugliandalf, Gaerik.

11/9/2006 Ludanto: [Afraid] First Aid Conflicts
Hey, I've just encountered a First Aid Conflict.  The problem is, the first aid provider is an NPC.  So I figure there are two ways I can go with this. …
In lumpley games
Participants: Ludanto, lumpley, ffilz.

11/10/2006 sirogit: Starting up an Afraid game
Hi, I'm starting up a game of Afraid, and I'm a little confused - Is there anything written on it besdies the playtest docs on anyway? Also, I'm planning on…
In lumpley games
Participants: sirogit, Ludanto.

11/13/2006 Yokiboy: [DitV] Singe Stakes or Orthagonal and Oppositional Stakes?
Hello, In preparing an DitV Actual Play post in Swedish, I talked about some of the reflections we had following our most recent session. It struck me that I had…
In lumpley games
Participants: Yokiboy, lumpley, claes.

11/15/2006 epweissengruber: DitV -- applicable quote from Georges Bataille
These quotes come from the "Chance" section of the French post-surrealist's book Guilty: "  If Good didn't question itself it would be the judge's power of execution.   Take Good…
In lumpley games
Participants: epweissengruber.

11/15/2006 Yokiboy: [DitV] Swedish Translation and Actual Play
Hello, I've posted a Swedish Actual Play report and translation of the most commonly used terms in DitV. Along with the AP, I have created a character gallery, where you…
In lumpley games
Participants: Yokiboy.

11/16/2006 Steven Stewart: [DITV] Some questions from an old dog trying to learn new tricks
Dogs in the Vineyard Questions Part I I just got through reading the GenCon ’05 edition of Dogs in the Vineyard rulebook in preparation of maybe running it with my…
In lumpley games
Participants: Steven Stewart, oliof, Warren, lumpley, ffilz, Web_Weaver, Thomas Lawrence, Ludanto, Copperhead, cydmab.

11/17/2006 JamesDJIII: [Dogs in the Vineyard] Entering a conflict after it's started
While playing our first game of Dogs last night, a player wanted to know if he could enter a conflict after it's begun. As an example: Dog 1 starts a…
In lumpley games
Participants: JamesDJIII, Vaxalon, lumpley, Ludanto, Neil the Wimp.

11/19/2006 Ludanto: Fallout Types
I just realized that I had a question regarding fallout die sizes. Let's say an NPC shoots another NPC that I care about in the face, and I'm too stupid…
In lumpley games
Participants: Ludanto, lumpley.

11/21/2006 Gaerik: Dogs on RPOL
Just for general consumption, I'm running a 3 player Dogs game over on RPOL.  RPOL is a bulletin board system developed to expedite Play by Post.  If you'd like to…
In lumpley games
Participants: Gaerik, womble, claes.

11/22/2006 Neil the Wimp: Stony Creek Branch
(MK-RPG people, I'm intending to run this at the club, so think twice before reading it.) This is my first attempt at a Dogs town.  I'm intending it to be…
In lumpley games
Participants: Neil the Wimp, Tim M Ralphs.

11/22/2006 Gugliandalf: [DitV] Star Trek: spaceship conflicts
Stardate 200611.22 We just started a new campaign based on Star Trek, and it arose some intriguing topics about character agendas, but more on this later. What is worrying us…
In lumpley games
Participants: Gugliandalf, Thomas Lawrence, Vaxalon.

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